Christmas Eve 2009

During Advent I was given much physical suffering our Lord kept appearing to me often. He said, very gently, “Valentina, My child, everyone wants to be in Heaven for Christmas.” (The souls in Purgatory were becoming anxious, wondering who would be released into Heaven).

The suffering was given to me to assist these souls to be accepted.

Before Christmas, I had a fever, first hot and then cold and shivering, accompanied with vomiting and diahorrea.

Our Lord appeared to me during Christmas Eve and said, “These last three and a half hours, with the intense suffering I give you, you release the souls from the deepest, darkness place into a higher level of purgatory.”

I felt that these particular souls were those who died in the Twin Towers disaster in New York. I had been praying for them for some time.

Our Lord then told me, “Heaven opened up, and many souls were received into Heaven, but still a lot remain in Purgatory.”

“Many people are dying daily during these times.”