Pray without Ceasing – St. John of the Cross

Pray without Ceasing

– St. John of the Cross

Pray, My children, have hope in Me. I and My beloved Mother Mary, most Holy will protect you. We love you so much, TRUST, Trust daily in Us.’

Message given to Valentina on the 30th Dec, 2003

‘Your prayers are strongest at the consecration in Holy Mass (raising of host and chalice)’.

Pieta publication

Each time we look at the Most Blessed Sacrament our place in Heaven is raised forever.

Revealed by Our Lord, to St. Gertrude the Great

Pray for priests that they may offer the mass with holy love and reverence.

‘Take time to pray … It is the greatest power on earth!’

Pieta publication

When you pray … Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

St. Pio said, ‘ the rosary is the weapon’

St. Pio, said that ‘the world could exist more easily without the sun than without the Mass’.

St. Jean Viianney said, that ‘if we knew the value of the Mass we would die of joy”.

‘The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!’

Pope Paul VI

‘Will you give 1% of 144O minutes in each day to God? If so, pray the daily rosary in 15 minutes –1% of 24 hours’.

Pieta publication

‘Each time we receive Holy Communion our venial sins are forgiven and our place in heaven is raised forever and our stay is purgatory shortened’.

Pieta publication

‘The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer’

Pope Paul VI

A message from Our Virgin Mary, as dictated by a holy angel to Valentina. A good recipe for our daily lives:

Live in love today.
Live humbly – today.
Live in holiness – today.
Help or do some good to someone, if you can, today.
Give glory to God and LIVE ONLY FOR TODAY.


Pieta publication

The Holy name of JESUS is, first of all, an all-powerful prayer. End prayers with ‘through Jesus Christ’ and St. Paul tells us that ‘All whatsoever you do in word or work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ’ (Col 3:17).
Each time we say the name of, ‘Jesus’:
* we give God infinite joy and glory,
* we gain 300 days indulgence that can apply to souls in Purgatory,
* it saves us from innumerable evils and delivers us especially from the power of the devil,
* it gradually fills our souls with peace and a joy we never had before.
The Wonder of the Holy Name by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan, O.P