
24th March 2018

Warning from our Blessed Mother to take Messages Seriously


Today, Lord Jesus said, “My child, learn about this present time, that you are living in. Learn from this present life.  Nothing lasts forever, and you gain nothing out of it. Only through your ups and downs, and through your sufferings and your crosses, do you possess Eternal Life, which lasts forever. Amen!”

Today I also greeted Blessed Mother saying, “My dearest Mother and Queen!”

She said, “My Dear children, listen to my warnings and to my messages that I have been giving you, for a long time now. The times are approaching very fast, and you will experience all kinds of calamities, and you will be very sorry that you did not listen to me.”

Very seriously, Blessed Mother continued, “You take the messages with ease, very lightly. You should think about them and take them more seriously, because they could be my last messages and my last warnings to you.”

17 January 2025

Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Today, as our Prayer Group gathered to pray the Cenacle Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Blessed Mother appeared and said, “You know, my children, my Son is so offended by the sin of the world and how the world rejects Him. When you gather together and pray, especially when you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, you console my Son greatly because you are begging for mercy for the world, and at the same time, you console Him.”

14 January 2025

Lord Jesus will Purify the Waters of the World

This morning, when I was praying the Angelus, Lord Jesus appeared with a gentle smile and said, “Peace be with you, My child Valentina. I want you to be in peace all of the time, no matter what comes.”

“You see many disasters happening, but this is only the beginning. The time is short. Tell people to repent of their sins. This year alone, you will experience many, many changes and many things you will experience weatherwise. This has nothing to do with climate change. What is prophesied has to come to fulfilment.”

“Many disasters are still coming. This tells you that I have already started to purify the world before My Coming. My Coming is ever so close.”

I said, “Lord, you always say that, but when is Your Coming?”

He just smiled and replied, “Be patient a little bit longer.”

He said, “For what you see and experience, let it not worry you. This has to happen. The world is so sinful and corrupted that I can no longer watch.”

“After the purification of sin, I will make a New World. You can say all NEW!”

He gestured with His right Hand, turning it out and upwards. “It will be new, like a new spring. People cannot imagine what it will be like—beautiful.”

“I will purify your waters that you all drink and consume for your daily use. They are so toxic and poisonous now. That is why you carry so many diseases in your bodies.”

“I will make the rock burst, and the earth will open, and the new Living Water will gush out and fill every river, lake and sea, and it will be crystal clear: pure and no longer toxic and poisonous.”

“For this, I promise, I, your Lord God, Jesus, will do for My people. Be patient a little bit longer. Pray and repent. Repentance is very essential for the world now. Trust in Me, your Lord Jesus.”

12 January 2025

California Fires

This morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus came to talk to me about the fires in California.

He said, “People are wondering why it happened. For a long time, this was bound to happen. Their sins offend Me very much. They blame the environment for the fires. The fires did not come from the environment. They came direct from Heaven.”

“I Am very sorry for the people. I kept delaying and delaying to give them another chance, but the filth accumulated so badly—there was no other way but to punish them.”

“Through this punishment, is My Holy Love and Mercy too, hoping people will convert and see that there is no other way but to turn to God.”

“Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? They were warned about the horrible things they were doing, but they disobeyed and disobeyed until God sent fire from Heaven and burned everything, and this is similar to what is happening in California.”

“I know there were some good people among them, but when the catastrophe happens, it happens wherever it happens.”

“No good fruits were coming out of there, but only filth,” said Lord Jesus.

The Angel commanded, “California, go on your knees and beg God for mercy for what you have done to Him—you offend Him too much. God is in charge of Creation and everything. It has nothing to do with the environment that the fire happened. It was sent directly by God.”

I was in tears watching the fires and was very sad for the people suffering, but our Lord many times said to me, “They don’t accept Me because they worship material things and goods, but one day I will destroy all of it—maybe then they will accept Me.”

Even yesterday (11 January 2025), I said, “Lord Jesus, my goodness me, I still pray for the American people.”

He said, “Hopefully, the people will open their eyes, and they will change and convert and stop offending Me so much.”

12 January 2025

The Death of Former US President Jimmy Carter

On the evening of 8 January 2025, around 9 pm, when I was saying my prayers and meditations, all of a sudden, I felt disturbed in my lounge room. As I prayed the rosary, announcing the Mystery I was about to pray, all of a sudden, Jimmy Carter, who had recently died, appeared in front of me. I was so shocked that I jumped up.

As I jumped in shock, he withdrew and disappeared. He did not say anything. He then appeared a second time while I continued with my prayers. He stood there for about a minute just looking at me and then left and reappeared for a third time.

After this third appearance, I gently placed all my prayers on the little table next to me and went into the kitchen, thinking, ‘Oh, I better get holy water. How did he get in? All my doors are closed. Wow, a hundred years of life—didn’t he pray? How can he come to me—a nothing here in Australia, so far away.’ I also felt a little afraid.

While in the kitchen, I prayed, “Blessed Mother, I am really shocked that President Carter came all the way from America into my home and into my presence.”

Blessed Mother smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid. He’s harmless. He won’t harm you—he only needs your direction, that you offer him to my Son. See, the soul is confused. No prayers are said for him, so he came to you. Any souls that come to you are harmless. They won’t harm you, but they need your direction.”

I said, “But that is a long way. Blessed Mother, didn’t he pray? A hundred years of life on earth without prayer?”

Blessed Mother didn’t comment on his prayer life but smiled and said, “Their life gets interfered too much with worldly things, especially being President. That takes away their spiritual life. Don’t be afraid—offer him up at Holy Mass when you go tomorrow and also pray for him.”

Today at Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Don’t forget Jimmy Carter—offer him to Me. He wasn’t a bad person. He was a nice person, but spiritually, he was very poor.”

10 January 2025

My Churches Are Very Much Down

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “I want you to offer Me all the Churches of the world and pray for them.”

“Valentina, My child, My Churches are very much persecuted right now, and it will only get worse. This Church, the one you attend, is right down to the ground, very much down. Many things are changing—being removed and being shifted around—and that offends Me very much. When things happen inside the Church, and they are no good, they don’t produce good fruits, and the graces are not coming in. Tell people to pray very much for this Church so that it will be raised up again and become strong again.”

5 January 2025

Father Bray Celebrates Holy Mass in Heaven

When Father Bray passed away many years ago, I saw him walking with the Angel. The Angel said, “Pray for Father Bray.” I did as the Angel asked and have been praying for him ever since and offering Holy Masses for him.

I said, “Lord Jesus, is Father Bray in a good place or not yet?”

It was not our Lord Jesus who would answer, but Father Bray would came and say, “Valentina, I am still creeping through Purgatory. Don’t forget to pray for me.” So, I continued praying for him and offering him up to our Lord.

Then, today, while I was praying, to my surprise, Father Bray appeared. He said, “Valentina, I am so grateful to you for helping me along my way. But now, our Lord sends me to you—since you have family visiting you and therefore you can’t attend Church for Holy Mass as usual, I will celebrate Holy Mass for you. A special Mass just for you because I am so grateful that you helped me and prayed for me.”

All of a sudden, we found ourselves in this little church with other people present. In the centre of this church, I could see a beautiful glowing Box, and I knew that it was the Holy Tabernacle.

Father Bray said, “You kneel while they prepare the Altar for me so I can celebrate Holy Mass for you—just for you.”

Father Bray celebrated the Holy Mass, and I received our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion.

I was on top of the world and so grateful that Father Bray is in Heaven now. He had quite a lot of suffering before he reached Heaven.

1 January 2025

Key Word for the New Year

I asked, “Lord Jesus, what is the key word for the New Year? Is it good or bad?”

Our Lord answered, “Nothing good! There will be a lot of trouble—many things will happen. A lot of catastrophes will happen and a lot of changes. A year of plenty of things happening. But be strong, don’t worry too much. Stay close to My Presence. All I ask for is for repentance and prayer.”

26 December 2024

Gift of Heavenly Flowers for My Mother

My dear Mother passed away on Christmas Day many years ago. I always offer Holy Masses for the repose of her soul, and I pray for her. This year, while praying my Morning Prayers, a very saintly lady appeared—very young and beautiful. At first, I thought it was Blessed Mother, but this lady looked different. She wore a white gown and a beautiful pale pink scarf loosely wrapped around her head.

Smiling, she said, “Valentina, our Lord Jesus sent me to take you with me today. Come, you have to come and look at something beautiful.”

Suddenly, we found ourselves before what looked like a little Chapel or a little room in a building. We both entered the room, and there were a few people inside. On the side was a relatively high wooden stand on which sat the most beautiful arrangement of flowers.

The lady said, “I want you to see this beautiful arrangement of flowers. It was given to you to see by our Lord Jesus for your Mum’s anniversary because your Mum died on a very special day, Christmas Day. This year, she received a reward from our Lord Jesus.”

I gazed at the flowers and said, “Oh, this is beautiful. I have never seen anything like that, such unusual flowers, so beautifully made.”

“Are you happy for your Mum?” asked the saintly lady.

I replied, “Yes, I am very happy, and I thank the Lord for them.”

She said, “And not because our Lord gave her the flowers, but because she is also your Mother because you are a Prophet.”

Our Lord recognised her as my Mother, and I was happy for the flowers. They were very unusual flowers—white and soft pale pink but something you don’t see here on earth. They had two beautiful stems on either side that reached high and tied together at the top. Along the stems were beautiful pink and white flowers.

The saintly lady kept asking me whether I was happy and if I liked the flowers.

I said, “They are beautiful, but they should be given to our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother because it is for them very special.”

She said, “Yes, but this is for your Mother—this year, our Lord rewarded her with this arrangement of flowers.”

These flowers were for my Mother, but I was invited to have a look at them to see if I liked them.

25 December 2024

Christmas Midnight Mass

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Being a full Church does not mean the people are alright. Today, look at the Church, look around—the Church is full, but only a very minimum number of people come to Confession to repent of sin. People receive Me unconfessed and some with mortal sins—they live in a de facto relationship and they come to My Holy Table.”

“In the very near future, when I will change things, it will be a completely different story. Everyone who comes to My Altar to receive Me will have to be repentant and kneel to receive Me on the tongue. There will be no women around My Altar, only the Priest and those who serve Me, but for now, I Am so offended that most receive Me unrepentant.”

After Midnight Mass, I visited the Chapel to adore Baby Jesus in the Nativity.

I said, “Glory to You, my Lord and my Mother,”

Blessed Mother came alive and, in a very firm voice, said, “Valentina! Look at my Son! Look how poorly they treat Him and how lonely He is. The world rejects Him. He is so gravely offended that He cries in Heaven, and I cry for Him. Speak up—don’t keep silent. Introduce Him to people. Don’t be afraid to tell people the Truth. People have to repent. They have to come back to God.”

“In a moment like this—a very, very special time, a joyous time when the whole world should celebrate my Son because He came down from Heaven and redeemed the world and yet they reject Him. People only think about entertainment and partying—they offend my Son with so much sin.”

“Even here in this Church, He is just abandoned. Nobody comes to visit Him.” Blessed Mother was so very upset.

22 December 2024

Christmas Wishes from Valentina

We wish you all a very merry and holy Christmas. May our Little Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother—the Holy Family, bless you, protect you, and give you peace in the coming year.

The key Holy Word that comes from our Lord is Love—a reminder that we love one another and love our Lord with all our hearts. Our Lord urges us to convert and to repent—to return to God in the Faith. Let us hope that in the coming year we will prosper more in the spiritual ways instead of material ways.

May God bless you all. Stay strong in your faith, don’t despair, keep praying and be happy. Our Lord loves everyone and He will help you if you ask Him. I will continue pray for all of you.

22 December 2024

Humanity Only Worries for Material Goods

Today, during the Holy Mass, Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “Offer Me all the souls, for you have no idea how anxiously they wait to come to Me. Valentina, be very grateful that you help the souls. They benefit through your help and your reward will be great.”

I said, “Oh no, Lord, I am not looking for that. I am happy to help even if I suffer.”

Lord Jesus said, “Right now, as I Am looking down on earth and seeing what is happening, My Sacred  Heart is suffering. I Am in tears, looking at humanity, running and rushing as though it is the end of the world. They only worry for material goods, entertainment and other things, but their souls are completely dry, like a leaf falling from a tree and crumbling. I cannot force them if they don’t want to come to Me, and that pains My Heart so deeply that I Am in tears watching all of this.”

“How sad I Am, especially now around Christmas, when it should be the humblest and the most joyous time to prepare your way, spiritually, to receive Me as I come as a Saviour to save you all.”

“But don’t let all that worry you. For now, it is My Coming that I Am to be born here on earth, but the real coming is that I Am preparing the New Era of Peace, which is ever so near. My Second Coming is ever so close. I will make all new and peaceful, and it will be beautiful as never before.”

I said, “Oh Lord, I’m looking forward to that. It is the most beautiful news.”

He said, “But of course, in the meantime, you still have to go through suffering and the persecution of My churches. But always have faith and trust in Me.”

“Pray for sinners. Pray for their conversion and tell them to repent. Repentance is the most important—it is the keyword. Give people hope, but tell them to convert, to come to God.”

“Be at peace. Things are bound to happen, and they have to happen before the Era of Peace comes. Events must unfold. Be courageous, keep praying, and keep moving forward with My help. Stay close to Me.”

I said to myself, “Oh, I wish it could come now, and we can slide into the New Era.”

“Be patient a little longer,” He answered.

13 December 2024

Soul Suffers in Purgatory for Centuries

This morning, while I was praying, the Angel came and took me to Purgatory. I saw a man very poorly dressed in raggedy brown clothing with a cap on his head, walking along a road.

I stood there with the Angel, observing this man to see where he would go. He went in front of one of the houses and sat on a little bench next to another person. I kept watching him.

I said, “That must be his friend.”

The man kept going to the same little bench, sit there and then goes on the road and walks again. He kept repeating this same action.

Suddenly, the Angel took me to him and said, “You have to talk to him.”

I don’t know if this person was a priest or a lay person. I was a bit fearful of this little man, but I did as the Angel asked.

As I approached him, I asked him, “Are you looking for somebody? Do you need help?”

He replied, “This is a grace given to me today. Today, my salvation came when you came and asked me. Lady, do you know how long I have been walking this road? For centuries! Up and down, up and down. And nobody ever asked me if I needed help.”

“People were passing by, but everybody ignored me.”

“Because they don’t see you,” I said.

He said, “But you come as my salvation. You don’t know how blessed I am.”

I asked him, “But are you sorry that you offended our Lord while you were alive? It must be a great offence you committed to have to be in Purgatory for so long.”

He said, “I am very, very sorry, and I really regret it, and I am really, really grateful to go to God.”

I made the Sign of the Cross over this man and said, “May you enjoy peace in Heaven in the presence of our Lord—that He is so merciful and kind to you, to forgive you everything.”

I asked our Lord, “How did I do that?”

He replied, “Because I give you the power to do that.”

I offered both men at Holy Mass and asked our Lord to be merciful to them.

11 December 2024

Souls Thank God For Their Country of Birth

This morning, the Angel appeared and said, “Come with me to witness how many people you helped save.”
Suddenly, I found myself with the Angel in front of a building in the presence of thousands and thousands of people—all races singing in all languages. Their singing voices produced the most beautiful melodies.
As I looked down, I saw I was dressed in a most beautiful white dress with a hint of pale blue. The dress fell right down to the ground, and I could see my bare feet as I wore no shoes. I felt so good and so lovely. I thought to myself, ‘I never had this dress before.’
The souls said to me, “Come with us.”
I then found myself moving around them, and as I did so, they turned their gaze towards me, and I waved to them. I was so joyous, running and running around these souls, listening to their singing.
These singing souls were thanking and praising God for the country of their birth—they were singing in every language. Some of the languages I recognised were French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Slovenian, and many more.
As I continued moving around them, I saw them entering the building, thousands of men and women singing together, praising God.
Suddenly, when I returned to where the Angel stood, the singing stopped, and the souls vanished. I asked the Angel, “Where did they go?”
The Angel replied, “They moved into the building. Now they are accepted into Heaven.”
These souls were singing and praising God for bringing them into His Holy presence—they were singing on their way to Heaven. Never before have I heard souls thanking our Lord God for the nations where they were born.
When I came home, I meditated on the beautiful singing I had just heard. We should all give thanks to God for the nation of our birth.


7 December 2024

Vision of the Image of the Beast

During the night, as usual, I was in deep suffering for the Holy Souls when, in the early morning hours, all of a sudden, the image of a huge, horrible, evil, greyish creature seemed to appear from the ground. He was the size of an elephant with two horns not pointing upwards but forwards. I screamed when I saw him.

The Angel said, “Don’t worry, he can’t harm you.”

In shock, I asked the Angel, “What is this?”

The Angel replied, “This is the beast that will soon be placed everywhere, in every city to be worshipped by people. People will easily honour him. They will say: ‘He is good. He is a god. We have to honour him. He is here on earth, and he will help us. He will make us rich and prosperous, and he will save us.’ All kinds of ugly lies will be told to people.”

“The beast is already placed on earth, even if he is not visible, because many of the rich and powerful already honour the beast, but most of humanity is not aware of his presence.”

“When the time comes, people will be forced to honour the beast—to bow to him.”

In a vision, I saw the image of the beast placed in Martin Place, Sydney, and people walking up to him, touching him, and bowing to him. Those who do not bow to the beast will be punished.

Later, I asked our Lord, “Will that really happen?”

Lord Jesus said, “Yes, it will happen. That is why you must tell people to repent, to be in a State of Grace so that when the time comes, they will be strong, and I will give them the grace to say ‘No’ and to resist.”

7 December 2024

Infant Jesus Seeks Our Consolation

After experiencing the horrible vision of the image of the beast, the Angel came and took me with him to calm me down. Suddenly, I found myself in this room, in a building. To my joy, a little Toddler comes running to me. I grab and lift Him in my arms, holding Him to myself.

At first, I didn’t see that the Toddler was our Lord Jesus, but then He said, “I love to come to you. Nurse Me, hug Me, hold Me.”

I sat Little Lord Jesus on a nearby small bench and said to Him, “Now sit here, and don’t fall down.”

Noticing that our Lord was not dressed properly, I said to Him, “But You need to be dressed.”

Looking at me beautifully and nodding His Head, He said, “Yes—I want you to dress Me. That is why I come to you.”

I said, “But what are we going to put on You? I think it is pretty cold.”

Our Lord Jesus replied, “Look around the corner.”

As I did so, I noticed a little gap between a shelf and door, and a pair of baby-knitted tights hung in that gap. I showed the tights to our Lord, saying, “This is all I could find. Do you like to wear this?”

He slowly responded, nodding His Head in slow-motion, “Yeah.”

I asked, “Is that a pyjama?”

“I think so,” He answered so casually.

He said, “I love when you hug Me and dress Me.”

Comment: Hugging and dressing our Lord Jesus means that when I talk to people about Him, spreading His Holy Word that He teaches me, I am putting extra clothing on Him. When our Lord appears as a little child, He is so lovable. We converse, and I hug Him, and at the same time, I console Him, and He consoles me.