14 February 2020

Pray for Souls in Purgatory

While I was saying my morning prayers, the angel appeared and said, “Come with Me!”

He said, “I want you to meet some people that you have never experienced before.”

We entered a building where there were a lot of souls needing help. The souls were saying, “Nobody thinks of us. We are forgotten.” These souls were mainly men.

I said, “I will try to help you.”

We then left these people, and we came out into the open, which looked like a grey sky. The angel said, “There are more people that would like to meet you.”

As we approached this big group of only men, I said to the angel, “Are these all priests?”

He said, “No! These are high society people.”

I asked the angel, “What does high society people mean?”

The angel smiled and laughed, “I will explain to you what high society means. They were wealthy people who lived a good life and had all the very best in life. They would not even look at or turn to a poor person because that would bring shame to them.”

While I was looking at this group of men, I could see that each one had a huge bundle which they were struggling to carry. It was a big burden for them, a burden they had to carry wherever they walked. These bundles represented the penance they had to do. I could see these souls felt very hot as they were continually trying to remove their clothes. One of the men that stood out was dressed in a black suit and had a white patch covering his right eye.

The angel said, “I will introduce you to them, Valentina.”

As the angel moved forward to introduce me to them, they kept stepping back.

The angel then said, “Valentina, I only show them to you. It is up to you to help them, to release them, and to bring them to the Light.”

Lord, have mercy on these people.

People do not realise how many souls are in Purgatory and what reality this is, no-one escapes. Only a rare person goes directly to Heaven.