4 August 2019

Each Child is God’s Creation


A few years ago, a lady asked me to pray for her daughter, who was expecting a baby. The baby was in a breech position, and the doctors were worried that the baby could die.


After hearing the mother cry and plead to our Lord Jesus for a miracle to happen, I started praying for her daughter and the baby in the womb.


Our Lord appeared to me and said, “Valentina, I heard your prayer and your plea, and because you prayed so deeply from your heart, I will show you what I can do.”


He said, “Now watch what I can do!”


In a vision, our Lord showed me the lady who was expecting the baby. I could see the child inside her womb. The child was in a breech position. Then our Lord’s beautiful right Hand appeared and gently touched the baby and moved the body into the correct position so that the baby will be born in the normal way.


As I watched, I was so amazed at what our Lord can do. I praised Him for what He had just done.


Jesus said, “Valentina, do you believe that I communicate with babies while they are in their mother’s wombs? They know Me as their Creator, and they love Me and praise Me as babies.”


As our Lord was telling me this, I could see a tiny baby, a little boy, holding his hands in grace, looking up and smiling at our Lord. It was such a joy to experience. As the babies are growing and developing in the wombs of their mothers, our Lord is communicating with them.


He said, “Valentina after they are born to this world, I remove all of this from their memory for them not to remember.”


Our Lord said, “When the mother is in trouble, through prayer, I help them.”


A few weeks later, the lady I prayed for gave birth, and the baby was born in the normal way, with no complications. Praise be to God.


Today, with what is happening with abortion in the world, our Lord is so, so sad. When the little children are ripped out of their mother’s wombs and killed, our Lord is crying for them. Each child is His Creation, and they are part of God’s plan for the future of the world.


By committing this crime, the killing of Holy Innocents, the blood will be on their hands, and the judgement will be so severe. Where governments permit this to happen, then their country will also suffer.