25 August 2018


Every night my room is full of Holy Souls. Tonight, especially, there were more than usual. There were thousands of them, so packed they were, that you could not even squeeze a needle between them. I could hear them crying and begging for help.


I was saying my evening prayers including the Litany of Loreto. The moment I finished my prayers and switched off my bedside lamp, there was a very loud bang on my bedroom window. In the darkness of the night, I could see the outline of a huge creature, completely black, as if of charcoal. I immediately knew that this was a demon.


He said to me, “I come to destroy you and to choke you to death.” As he was saying this, his big, muscly arm moved towards me to grab me. In shock, and sinking further into my bed to avoid the demon, I screamed and called out to our Lord, “Lord Jesus, come quick!”


Suddenly, a flash of golden light appeared, and I knew it was our Lord. The demon just vanished instantly. Our Lord then appeared from that flash of light. With a smile on His Face, He said to me, “Fear not, My daughter, the devil hates you. You are his worst enemy because you take all the souls away from him. Say a prayer to feel peace. The devil cannot touch you because I will not permit it.”


At that moment when our Lord spoke to me, I appreciated the souls coming to me to seek my help and that the devil could not take them with him.


I prayed throughout the night and was then able to find peace.


In the morning, I went to Holy Mass, and I offered all the Souls in my room at the foot of the Altar.


Thank you, Lord Jesus. Have mercy on the Holy Souls. I hope You receive them and take them to Your Heavenly Kingdom.