28 June 2019

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


During the Holy Mass celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Lord Jesus lamented, “Today, you celebrate the Feast of My Sacred Heart. My Sacred Heart should be joyful, but instead, it is full of thorns and pain. It saddens Me to see humanity sink into the deepest of deepest sin, which causes Me to be so offended and for which I endure so much pain. My faithful remnant that I see in front of Me, they are My consolation.”

“My child, everything passes quickly. Things are happening in the world, and they will continue to happen. The hot weather that is hitting some countries, and here, in this country, you can experience milder weather during winter, and then you can experience colder weather. These are all signs given to humanity to repent and convert. I guide everything; these weather changes have nothing to do with climate change. It is the sin that causes all the changes in the weather. Humanity must realise that they really need to come before Me and humble themselves, repent and ask Me for My Mercy.

“This cycle of changes in the world – in the climate, the world economy, will continue until humanity realises the Truth, and fall on their knees and ask Me for forgiveness and mercy. The cycle will continue until humanity comes to the point where they realise there is no other way except to come to Me.”

When people realise that they are to repent of their sins, only then will the world change for the better. I will renew the earth, and there will be a new era of happiness and holiness. My Heart is not happy and it is not content for the world. My Heart is very offended.”

Our Lord finds consolation in little groups – prayer groups, people that love Him and make small sacrifices for Him. We can offer our Lord many daily sacrifices to console Him, to console His Sacred Heart. These can include our domestic chores such as cleaning and washing dishes. He is present with us and watches and waits for us to offer these sacrifices. He waits for sacrifices that we do with love and without complaining.