5 May 2018

The World will be Entirely Mine


While I was saying my morning prayers our Lord Jesus appeared to me. He was dressed in a red tunic. I was told the red symbolises victory. He said, “Peace be with you, My child. Try to concentrate and pray for peace always. Peace can only come from Heaven that is given by God, but the peace that the world offers does not last.”


Jesus continued, “Valentina, My child, come with Me, I want to reveal to you and show you what will happen soon in the world.”


Suddenly, our Lord Jesus, and I, in His presence, were both standing in outer space. We stood parallel to the earth watching it in orbit. I could see countries, their greenery, deserts and the oceans of the world. Everything was very clear as there was no cloud cover.


Our Lord Jesus said, “I can no longer watch this world continue to be so sinful and so corrupt. I have had enough of watching all this evil.”


With His right Hand, He pointed towards earth and said, “So much misery for My poor children, they are suffering in wars, they are being persecuted and they are crying to Heaven, pleading to Me to help them.”


“Valentina, when you go to church and you see poor people begging on the footpath on your way to Mass, it is not only where you are that there are poor people but it is all over the world. It should not be like that. This all happened because people are too proud and too greedy. It is just ‘me, me, me and I, I, I!’ Greed, the more they see, the more they want. So many rich people not helping the poor.”


Then He said, “But do not lose hope as I am already working on this, to place My Justice on earth.”


At that moment, a large roll of ribbon appeared at our Lord’s Feet. The ribbon was a dusty blue colour and the roll was about half a metre in diameter.


Our Lord then bent down and picked up the roll of ribbon. He tossed it towards the earth. As He tossed the ribbon it unrolled and covered part of the earth. Our Lord then turned towards me and smiled. He was very happy. Speaking with a firm tone, He said, “The world belongs to Me, only to Me. I will put a ribbon all around the world and I will tie it together like a gift packet and I will get rid of all the evil that is now in the world. I really mean it! The world will belong entirely to Me, and only to Me and no evil will ever get in again.”


I watched our Lord bring together all the ribbons from each part of the world and then in the centre, He tied them together ever so tightly. He said, “See, no evil can ever enter again.”   The ribbons completely covered the earth, not even a pin could enter. There was not even a little crevice that would allow evil to enter.”


I noticed that as our Lord was tightening the ribbons, the earth became smaller. He said, “I will make the earth pure and holy. People will live in My Will. There will be no hunger and no thirst. People will be living in harmony and peace. One will not have more than the other. Instead, they will be sharing with others. If someone has less, they will be helped by others who have a little bit more. Love will be flowing on earth. Finally, the world will be entirely Mine, living in peace and justice, the way it should be.”


Our Lord kept repeating, “The world will be entirely Mine, and will only belong to Me.” As Jesus kept repeating these words I could hear them echoing throughout the universe.


I said to our Lord, “But the world is Yours. You created it.”


Jesus responded, “But there is also evil in the world, that corrupts the world.”


I cannot express how beautiful it was being in the presence of our Lord while He was explaining all this to me. I can only tell you that He is so unique, no words can describe His holiness, His love. He wants to make the world beautiful again for all His children.