1 March 2019

Australian Journalist Dies


In the evening, between eight-thirty and nine o’clock, I was praying a decade of the Rosary for the Holy Souls, when suddenly a soul walks into my lounge room, coming from the front door of my house.


I immediately recognised the soul of Michael Willesee who had died earlier today. He was wearing an off-white t-shirt and grey tracksuit pants. He came in and stood in front of me and looked at me long enough so that I would recognise him.


Michael Willesee was a prominent Australian television journalist who converted back to the Catholic faith about two decades ago.


I said, “O Michael, you came to visit me. Now you know where I live. You didn’t come when you were alive.” Michael did not respond. I understood that he needs to be guided to our Lord Jesus. When souls die they wander around waiting for someone to guide them to our Lord.


I said, “Lord I offer you Mike Willesee, please be merciful to his Holy Soul and may he rest in peace.”


As he started to move, a mist like a fog, appeared over his face and part of his head. He then left my room through the back of the house. I thought to myself ‘That’s strange, that the mist covered his face.’


Two days later, the angel explained the meaning of the mist. He smiled as he said, “Michael felt uncomfortable to come and seek your help as he did not contact you while he was alive even though he knew about you. That is why his face is covered by the mist.”


Spiritually the mist represents embarrassment.


The angel said, “After the soul passes from this life into the next the Truth is revealed to them, and many are directed to you to help them because they need your help.”


No matter how important we are here on earth, we still need help to by guided by God.

26 February 2019

St Patrick’s Church, Sydney

Pray, pray my children


This morning I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Church in Sydney.


During the offering of the Holy Mass, I offered Cardinal Pell. This week there has been a lot of media coverage on the conviction of Cardinal Pell. This has caused much distress to many of the faithful.


Our Blessed Mother appeared and said, “My children, I know you are very sad when you hear what is happening in the Church, but do not lose hope. Remember, everything passes by quickly. Nothing lasts forever. God remains forever, and He is a Just Judge.


All these rumours and scandals affect my Son deeply. His Sacred Heart grieves deeply for all of this. Pray, pray my children!


After this message, I felt very peaceful.

24 February 2019

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Pray for the Pope and the Synod in Rome


Today our Bishop celebrated Holy Mass along with five other priests and five new seminarians were in attendance.


During Holy Mass, our Lord asked me to offer the Pope and the whole congregation of Bishops in the Vatican, especially concerning the Synod about the abuses in the Church.


Jesus said, “Pope Francis is finding it very hard to deal with all of this. So much shamefulness he has to swallow and so much hurt is deep within him. He wants to speak the Truth and teach the Bishops and to tell them that what is going on is very wrong and very sinful. He suffers. All that I see pains My Heart very deeply.”


Our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, you are part of all of this too. Pray for the Pope and offer him at the High Mass for everything he must endure, for all the suffering.”


Our Lord was trying to explain that I am part of this because I am part of the revelation of the prophecies given to me by our Lord, and which are now being fulfilled. That is why He asked me today to offer at the High Mass (in the presence) of our Bishop, especially our Pope and the whole congregation gathered in the Vatican.


During the Mass, I was crying tears of sadness when our Lord was telling me all of this, that I felt so sorry for Pope Francis. He has an enormous responsibility. We all should pray for Him and not condemn him. Our Lord said, “The more prayers that are offered for the Pope the better it will be for him and the whole Church.”

23 February 2019

Soon I will Purify My Churches


Today, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus said to me that we are going through very difficult times.


He said, “My daughter, I want you to pray for Pope Francis especially. Right now he is going through a very difficult time in the Church. He has gathered all the Bishops of the world together, to try to resolve the problems of abuse in the Church. It is very shameful what has happened, both in the past and in the present time.”


“It is still happening today. It affects the whole Church. The devil is trying to destroy everything that I have established from the very beginning, but he will not succeed. I will not permit him.”


“Soon, I will purify My Churches, and they will shine and glow all the way to Heaven. I suffered, so the Church must also go through suffering.”


“My child, I spoke to you about all of this in previous messages. Now it is being revealed. All the Truth, through your prophetic words, that I have been teaching you, telling you and repeating to you over these years, is now being fulfilled.”


“In all that is happening now, you and I are in this together. I suffer, and you suffer, to see everything happening in the world. But there is much more to be revealed to the world. People remain blind and deaf to all of this. Tell them to convert and repent.”


Our Lord then, as He was looking at me, said, “Tell Me, how long are they going to stay so stubborn and prideful? Valentina, wherever you go, repeat this message to people. Hear no-one! I Am always with you, and I protect you. We are one. Tell people to come to My Refuge before it is too late. Tell them that I have so much love and compassion towards everyone.”


Yesterday during Holy Mass, at the distribution of Holy Communion, our Lord Jesus said, “My child, what is happening in the world now, you are part of all of this.”


Our Lord was sad as He was giving me this message. Seeing people so disobedient, especially those continuing to live in sin, causes much suffering to our Lord.

17 February 2019

Attendance at Prayer Group


In the afternoon I was invited to a friend’s house to attend a prayer group. Together we prayed the Holy Rosary, and I spoke to them about the messages that I receive from Heaven. It was a beautiful gathering of very prayerful people who love the Catholic Faith.


While we were praying the Holy Rosary, our Lord Jesus appeared and, with a most beautiful smile on His Face, He said, “Today you are all gathered around Me, My children, around Me and My beloved Mother Mary Most Holy, and you all receive a very special blessing. You come, and you sacrifice yourselves on this very hot day. My children, if you only knew how this pleases Me. You console Me greatly, and you share in My work that Valentina My daughter reveals to you. Wherever you gather in prayer, We listen to you and We are present among you. You have a great faith. But what I ask of you My children, is to pray for the world which is so sinful. Pray for the world to change.”


Our Lord listened to all the petitions presented by the people in the prayer group. Sooner or later Jesus will grant what you ask of Him, but most of all, at this moment, He wants us to pray for the world which is so sinful and needs conversion.


We thank you Lord, and we love You.

10 February 2019

Revival of Faith in Russia


Last night I watched a DVD about Russia and the revival of the Christian faith in that country. It was a beautiful documentary showing the rebuilding of churches that were once in ruins and how people are renewing their faith. The Russian people were rediscovering religious devotions.


As I was watching this documentary, I was so joyous that I said to our Blessed Mother, “O Blessed Mother, your Immaculate Heart triumphed in Russia! It was all your doing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so happy for the people of Russia.”


This morning I attended Holy Mass and offered Russia to our Lord Jesus. I said, “Lord, I thank You for the renewal of faith in Russia.”


Suddenly, our Lord came, and He smiled and said, “Valentina, it is good. Russia suffered for many, many years; its people were not free in their religion, they were persecuted for their faith. Small numbers still kept their faith, but in secret.”


“Valentina, with the revival of their strong faith, the devil was kicked right out of Russia! Guess where the devil went? He went into western countries. In western countries today, people lack faith. It is so sad how they do not believe in God anymore nor practice their faith anymore. They have a golden opportunity to practice their faith; they have peace, there is no war, and being blessed with having everything, but they neglect that which is most important, that is their faith.”


“What is the use to have everything in your life but to have no faith, then you are alive, but you are dead spiritually. How sad that makes Me. Pray that western countries of the world will wake up again to practice their faith.”


Lord Jesus have mercy on us. I pray that the western world will wake up soon.

4 February 2019

A visit from a Soul who had died suddenly


It was about eight thirty to nine o’clock in the evening when I was saying my prayers. I was praying a decade of the Holy Rosary for the Holy Souls.


While I was gazing at the Rosa Mystica, suddenly a lady appeared before me. She had walked through the door of the room. Behind her, I could see other ladies, but they did not come forward. This lady stood and watched me, and she started to cry. Uncontrollable tears were running down her cheeks. As I was watching her, she moved slightly to the side, and then she turned back again to look at me. I was so shocked. Her face instantly became distorted and unrecognisable. Just as you would twist rubber, that is how her face became twisted. It was quite horrible.


I felt that this lady had died suddenly, at this very moment as I was praying, and that her appearing to me immediately after dying, had some connection with our Blessed Mother. She was guilty of something, and whatever it was, it cost her: her life. I understood that she will go to deep suffering because part of the reason for her death was also her fault.


The next day, as I was watching the six o’clock evening news, they reported a story about a woman who had been murdered in Sydney the night before. They also showed a photo of the unfortunate woman. When I saw the face in the photo, I was so surprised as it was the same woman who came to visit me last night in my living room.


Lord, have mercy on her soul and may she rest in peace.

3 February 2019

You will preach My Word


During my morning prayers, I said to our Lord Jesus, “Lord, whosoever will interview me one day, be it bishop or priest, I know they will condemn me. I will just shrink and withdraw myself from them all.”


Almost instantly, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Shrink not in front of any man! I will soon raise you to the most high, and you shall preach My Word from the mountaintop. Be courageous and trust in Me and fear not.


Our Lord Jesus was explaining to me that I am not to shrink in front of anyone, not just Bishop or priest.


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your Holy Words and encouragement.

3 February 2019

I Am truly present in every Holy Eucharist


I attended Mass today at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.


Before Mass started, I was saying my prayers when our Lord Jesus whispered to me, “Valentina, you will be happy today, Bishop Vincent will celebrate the Mass. You know, it is a very high Mass, and you can offer Me everyone you think of.”


I said, “O Thank you Lord, I appreciate that.”


Later, when I received Holy Communion, I thanked our Lord for the grace He gives for receiving Him.


He said, “Valentina, do you know that not everybody believes that I Am truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Only some people believe. That is why I give Miracle Signs here and there in the world so that people will truly see and believe that I Am truly present in every Holy Eucharist.”


While our Lord was telling me this, a vision appeared in which I was shown churches throughout the world where there have been Eucharistic Miracles.


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for receiving You in the Holy Eucharist. Be merciful to all of us, because we are not worthy to receive You because we are all sinners.

31 January 2019

Prophecy Must Be Fulfilled


While offering my morning prayers, I asked our Lord Jesus to have mercy on us and to send us some relief from the hot weather which we have been experiencing for a few weeks now.


Suddenly, three men appeared. They were of medium height, mature looking with smooth skin and slightly greying hair. All three were dressed the same, wearing the most beautiful long, silvery grey tunics. They were not angels, and even though I had never met them before, I knew right away that they were ancient Prophets.


They said, “We were sent to you to give you a message from the Lord to explain why things are happening in the world.”


“You were told by the angel already a while ago, and you have been informed previously, many years ago about the hot weather to come, and now you are going through the period of prophecy.”


They said, “When you asked our Lord now to change the weather, to relieve you all, to give you a cool change, you interfered with the course that has to be fulfilled.”


“You can’t do that!” they exclaimed.


“You have to accept, because you are linked to it, by being chosen to be a prophet. You pledged yourself into the Divine Will, and you cannot go out of this anymore. You remain there forever.”


As they were telling me this, I sensed they felt sadness for the world, but they knew that everything foretold must come to pass.


The three saintly men then, in unison, outstretched their left hands towards me. Their palms were facing downwards. They showed me their ring finger, on which each of them had a beautiful wide band silver ring. The rings all looked the same, with a most brilliant shine, with bright sparks coming off each of the rings.


Each of them then removed the ring from their finger and said to me, “Valentina, put out your left hand.”


As I did this, the saintly men, one by one placed their ring on my left ring finger.


All three of them then, at the same time, said, “This will remind you that you are of, and in everything, past and present prophecy.”


They continued, “Valentina, don’t be discouraged. Let no-one tell you and advise you of anything, only the Most Holy Trinity. They are the One you have to listen to. Pray and trust.”


“Many events are foretold for humanity. For instance, now it is hot, then you will experience icy cold weather. All that is prophesied has to be fulfilled. Tell people to pray. God will give you strength.”


They repeated, “What is foretold must run its course!”


In a vision, I could see the globe of the world. A black line was moving across it just slightly north of the equator. Then I saw a second line also moving across the world, just below the first line. This second black line was reaching the end of the globe when, all of a sudden, it stopped moving and then retreated, like an elastic band, halfway back to the centre of the world.


I was made to understand that the moving black line represents the fulfilling of prophecy foretold for the world. When I, however, asked for relief from the hot weather, I interfered with the course of prophecy. The retreating black line represents this interference.


They repeated, “Valentina, you cannot do that! You interfered with the course of prophecy which was to be fulfilled.”


I understood that I was not to interfere with prophecy, as what is foretold must be fulfilled.

30 January 2019

Grandmother and Mother Prepared by Jesus


In the morning while saying my prayers, our Lord appeared. With a smile, He said, “I have to tell you why I choose you. First, I prepared your grandmother, then I prepared your mother and then I prepared you.”


Smiling, Jesus then disappeared.


29 January 2019

Do Not Mock Holy Devotions


This morning I was taken by the angel to visit souls in Purgatory. We entered a building and came to a place that looked like a waiting room similar to a doctor’s surgery. The room had about three doors of a blue/grey colour. There was a group of people sitting on either side of the room. They all looked extremely anxious and unsettled. One by one they would be called, they would go through one of the doors, and I never saw them come back out.


I was standing near a lady that was one of the people sitting and waiting. The angel said I could talk to her.


I asked her, “What are you waiting for?”


She answered, “I am really worried about what they are going to tell me and how they will judge me. This is a serious situation. They are going to tell me where I am going to go and what they want me to do.”


The lady was very anxious and was not at peace.


I asked, “But what did you do?”


She said, “I went to a club and met a lady. I told her I was praying the rosary. She laughed at me and made fun of me for praying the rosary. She said to me why pray the rosary. You would be better off to believe in garlic and onion instead. I then joined in and laughed about it with her too.”


I said to her, “I have never heard of garlic and onion mixed with the Rosary.”


As the lady was telling me this, I could see in a vision a blonde lady who was laughing at her and condemning her.


The lady then continued, “I am very nervous and worried. I shouldn’t have listened to her”


Trying to console her, I said, “You look alright, you will be okay. Be courageous.”


She said, “I might look alright, but I am not. No, no I am really worried about what they are going to say to me.”


Soon after, one of the doors opened, and a lady dressed in pale blue walked out and called the lady to come in. She entered, and the door closed behind her. I didn’t see inside. That was for her private judgement.


The angel and I waited a little bit longer but did not see the lady come back out.


I offered her up today at Mass.


We should not listen to, nor join in with people who make a mockery of Holy Devotions as we will be judged severely. Pray for courage to remain faithful when being mocked by others for your faith.

26 January 2019

Australia Day


In the morning while I was praying, I asked the Lord Jesus, “Please bless this country Australia, especially now that there is such hot weather. Maybe by Your blessing, we will have some relief from this hot weather.”


Our Lord Jesus appeared to me and, almost whispering, He said, “Do you know My child, today they are celebrating this nation of Australia, by partying and doing all kinds of things. Today I will be very much offended by the sins of the flesh. You must understand why I permit this heat to happen. This is part of the chastisement for this country.”


“This country is very sinful. The people disobey Me. I Am ignored completely by most of the people. They make their own gods, especially with the upcoming Mardi Gras, an abomination that offends Me very much. The young people are lead to terrible entertainments which lead them to the road of perdition. The parents permit everything and society does not worry about them either. They will be responsible one day when I judge them.”


“Pray for young people so that they will wake up and return to the right path, to the road of salvation so that they will see the truth and seek salvation for themselves. They are My biggest worry. This society really leads them to terrible sins.”


“Pray for young people so that they will obtain at least a little bit of grace from God, especially if they die suddenly.”


“I Am very sorry for the hot weather that you are going through, but it is all part of being so sinful.”


I said to the Lord, “You ask people to change and convert but Lord they don’t listen anymore.”


Have mercy on us Lord.

25 January 2019

Souls Ask for Blessing


In the morning while I was praying, suddenly three gentlemen and three ladies appeared in front of me. They were all very nice looking, and the men were quite tall. The three ladies were standing right behind each of the three gentlemen. I sensed they were husband and wife while they were here on earth.


The men said, “Valentina, we were lead to you to help us. They told us that even if you just touch us or bless us, we will feel much better.”


As the men said this they each extended their hands towards me with their palms upturned. As they held out their palms, I was instantly inspired to place my hands on their hands and slide them off in a quick motion, almost in a gentle slapping motion. The men were very happy and grateful and said, “Valentina, we already feel much better. We really thank you.”


These gentlemen committed some offences towards God with their hands. That is why they came to me with their hands outstretched.


I think they held high positions while they were alive. They were very tall and distinguished looking gentlemen. I sensed the wives standing behind them did not need the same blessing as they did not commit the same sin as their husbands.

24 January 2019

No money in the world that can buy this house


Today I received a letter in the mail from a local real estate agent. In the letter, they stated that they have four buyers interested in buying my property and that they will even provide me with another house to live in. In the past few years, there has been a lot of building activity in my street and the surrounding area. Builders have been knocking down older houses and building, double the size of housing on the same land size, all for profit.


I said to Lord Jesus, “Lord, I surrender all to You.”


After I said that and during my prayers, our Lord came to me smiling. He said, “Valentina, My child you don’t have to sell this house. Tell the agent there is no money in the world that can buy this house! Tell them that Jesus and Mary live in this house and it is a very holy house. That will make them think. Don’t worry you will remain here. We of Heaven will take care of you and your house.”


Then our Lord stated, “Valentina when people are greedy, they try to possess as much as they can on earth. When they die, that is a different reality. Everything crumbles in front of them. They have to suffer in Purgatory by continuously building, demolishing and rebuilding.”


Jesus is referring to the punishment these souls will have to suffer in Purgatory if they go to Purgatory: repetitive, continuous punishment.


Jesus said, “They don’t realise how much they have to suffer in the other world. They have to suffer and suffer for many years. Instead of being in, and having just one place, they want to accumulate more and more, and that is so harmful for their soul.


“So be at peace. Trust in Me. You will have nothing to lose. I will take care of you, Me and My Mother.”


I said, “Thank you, Lord Jesus. Be merciful to all the greedy people, and I hope they wake up to the Truth.”