13 April 2022

Chrism Mass

For the Shepherds, My beloved Sons Priests and Bishops who serve Me

During the Chrism Mass, our Lord Jesus came, and He asked me to offer everyone present in the church, especially His priests and bishops. He said, “They are My biggest worry. Not all of them present here at this Chrism Mass are truthful to Me. Some yes and some not. Some please Me, and some don’t please Me.”

“Valentina, “I want you to think of My priests and bishops, in all the many places and churches throughout the world. It is a very essential thing that I brought you here tonight so that you can intercede for them and ask Me, for the day that they will stand in front of Me, when I will show them and judge them, so that I can still be a merciful and forgiving God to each one of them.”

I said, “Lord, but I am the least important to these people, these priests. They don’t even know Me.”

Our Lord Jesus smiled and said, “Valentina, what is most important are the hidden secrets between you and Me. That is all that matters. But one day, all will be revealed to them; each one of them will benefit from your offerings and prayers. They will be very grateful that you helped them.”

I said, “Lord Jesus be merciful to all your priests and bishops, give them Your special Grace to love You and to serve You and to be truthful to You.”

Earlier today, I wasn’t sure whether I would be going to the Chrism Mass because of bad weather. So, I decided that I would do my prayers at home instead.

Suddenly, our Lord appeared while I was praying the Divine Mercy prayers. With deep concern in His voice, He said, “You mean you are not going?”

“I want you to go because it is very important to offer all My priests and bishops at this Chrism Mass.”

I said, “Wow, Lord, if it is your Holy Will that I go, I will do what You ask of me.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Graces and Your Mercy.