15 May 2016

Pentecost Sunday

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

This morning while I was praying, God the Father spoke to me. He said, “Today, it would not be right, if I did not speak to My daughter, Valentina.”

He said, “I want you write this down:  I am allergic to every Church in the world today. My Churches are full of dust and that is why I am allergic to them.”

In a vision God the Father showed me the interior of a church. I could see that the skirting boards and corners were full of dust and I could see the layers of dust building up. I thought to myself how the churches are not cleaned properly.

God the Father explained, “Look, how the centre of the church is clean.”

He then showed me, in a vision, a group of Priests and Bishops speaking to one another. He said, “They speak amongst one another, but they do not obey the Commandments of My Church. They cover up the Truth. They do not speak the Truth to lay people. They should teach My people and speak to them about Reconciliation and the True Faith.”

I understood they do not teach reverence for the Holy Eucharist nor do they teach about the requirement of being worthy to receive Holy Communion. In the Eyes of God receiving Holy Communion unworthily is a big sacrilege.

The vision that God the Father showed me of the build up of increasing layers of dust in the churches refers to the build up of ‘spiritual’ dust. The Truth is skimmed over just like in the vision where the centre of the Church is cleaned whilst the rest of the Church is left to collect dust.

God the Father then said, “My daughter, let Me show you something else that is going on in My Churches.”

Suddenly I could see a very high pedestal (podium), a couple metres in height. Standing on top of this podium I could see a woman. The woman was speaking to the people saying, “Finally, as women we are very high up, finally they recognise us in the Church. We can help. We can do a lot of things. We are raised up high.” She was so proud standing there making this announcement.

I said, “How can I tell Pope Francis ‘please don’t allow women into the churches to run them. God is not happy, this should never be permitted’.”

God the Father said, “See, My daughter, they are so prideful, they are pushing to come to the Altar. They think they please Me. They should remain humble and stay where they are. They do not have to prove anything. I love them without them having to do any of this, pushing their way to the Altar.”

He said, “They don’t please Me at all. They offend Me greatly. Tell them that I chose men as My disciples first. These are My priests and bishops and they should remain so forever.”

God the Father was so offended and so sad that I cried while I was shown this vision.

He asked me to tell all people to pray for the churches, priests and bishops, and for Pope Francis so that they will make the right decisions.