19 March 2019

Feast of St Joseph


During my morning prayers, I had a visitation from the Holy Family. Blessed Mary, Jesus, and Saint Joseph. An Angel accompanied them.


Blessed Mother said, “We come to you with our Son Jesus, as a little Boy. He knows how much you love Him.”


Little Jesus, our Lord, was looking very sad. He was wearing a little nightie, and His hair was a shade of yellow. The fringe of His hair was completely straight and falling over His beautiful Eyes.


Suddenly, a large blue coloured dish appeared in front of all of us. The dish was quite deep.


Jesus, as a Boy, came up to the dish and stirred the glass bottle which was at the bottom. It was as though He was playing with the bottle.


Blessed Mother said, “My Son Jesus, is very restless and upset by humanity in the world. He is not happy. The world offends Him so much. My child, maybe you can console my Son, by talking to people and telling them to love Him and to convert to Him.”


I came up to the Child Jesus and embraced Him. I said, “O My Lord Jesus, I love You. Don’t be sad.” I tried to comfort Him and was telling Him that I love Him. As I was holding and talking to Him, I asked, “Would you like me to cut Your hair so You can see better.” I was trying to cheer Him up.


Sadly, but sternly, He answered, “No!” He then walked away.


Blessed Mother and St Joseph remained. The angel that accompanied the Holy Family spoke. He said, “You see how our Lord is sad and restless. The whole of Heaven is restless and feels sorry for our Lord Who is so unhappy. Right now in the world humanity is so sinful. Very peculiar people are living in the world. They act very strangely, and their behaviour is horrible. Some are good, but not many.”


The angel continued, “There is also a lot of evil. There are people that want to cause harm and are planning to kill and destroy humanity. They are constantly planning to do evil. Tell people to pray, to change and to convert so that they will not offend God.”


Later Jesus explained to me, “I come to you as a little Child, because I know how much tender love you give Me, and you console Me. I then come as a grown up to you, and I still cry because I am offended, so much offended, so I need consolation.”


The best consolation we give our Lord is to tell Him constantly that we love Him and tell others to love Him.


Lord, be merciful to us.