1st November 2013

I have been sick all over my body especially my left foot, it came to a point where I was unable to walk.

But on the first and second of November I felt so good. I could walk and went to mass.

During the Mass I praised the Lord and thanked Him for the grace He gave me to be able to attend Mass. Our Lord Jesus came to me during Holy Communion with a smile on His face. Jesus said, “I know you had a lot of pain in your left foot. I permit that, I need your help. If you only could see how many souls went to Heaven, you would be very happy and you console Me. You also console me very much when you offer Me all you pain daily. Today is a very special reunion with all the Saints and Souls, they rejoice in Heaven and they constantly praise Me for what I have done for them. The Angels are constantly singing and chanting songs of thanksgiving and all the glory goes to Me.”

This is a song that He allowed me to hear. Glory to our God for He is our Lord and our God that we love the most and there is no one like Him for He is our Creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in it. He can see from under the sea, from the sides and from above and everything is visible to Him and nothing hidden from Him.

Everyone should call Him, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord and God almighty. He is good and merciful and just and that is why we love Him the most.

Our Lord smiled again and said, “My child, I permit you to see and hear that praising song from Heaven but how sad I am for My children on earth. They are too preoccupied with worldly material goods even to think of Me”. Then He said, “Console Me for all that I am offended and praise me and love Me”.

Have Mercy my Lord Jesus on all of us.