21 March 2021

Bishop Bede

This morning I was praying my morning prayers when, all of a sudden, I could see many souls, both men and women, all begging me for help. This group was constantly moving, never still, as this is part of their penance for sins committed while they were alive.

Suddenly one of the souls from the group approached me. I felt that this particular soul was a priest. He came towards me and then just as quickly would run away, constantly moving. He would do the same thing a second time, and only when he approached me the third time did he stop.

He said, “Valentina, I am Bishop Bede. I was directed to you. Remember I was the Bishop of the Parramatta Diocese.”

While he was the Bishop of this Diocese, I met him on a few occasions, and I remember him quite well.

“I just want to tell you I wasn’t worthy to be dressed in the white garment. That is why I come to you for help,” said the Bishop.

Kindly and very politely, he asked me, “Will you help me?”

He was dressed very poorly in a suit made of sackcloth, of a brownish colour. He looked very sad and appeared middle-aged.

I answered, “Definitely, I will lead you to the Lord, to the Light, so that He will have mercy on you.”

The Bishop then left along with the other souls. It was our Lord who directed him to me.

I offered the Bishop and all the other souls present there to our Lord at Holy Mass that I attended later that morning. Lord have mercy on Bishop Bede and the other souls.