21 March 2021

Soon, There will Appear in the World, the biggest Sign, says Padre Pio

Today, during Holy Mass, when I was offering people to our Lord, I asked our Lord for the conversion of my family because I know there are quite a few of them that do not practice their faith anymore. I also asked for the conversion of many people so that our Lord would touch them.

Suddenly, Padre Pio appeared in front of me, very young looking and so radiant, wearing his brown Capuchin habit.

Smiling, in Italian, he said, “Valentina, Jesus sent me to console you because you worry too much. Don’t worry! You are chosen by our Lord, and He loves you so much, you have no idea! He sent me to tell you not to worry so much. Soon, there will appear in the world, the biggest sign that was prophesied and has never been before. It is not far away. It will come to the world, to humanity, and everyone will know that they are in the presence of God, and a lot of conversions will happen. So, don’t worry too much about who is converted and who is not converted. Everyone will be touched very strongly by this event. Just proclaim the Word of God, and be happy. He chose you, so spread His Holy Word when you can, and tell people to repent and to be ready for this big event that is coming. It is not far away; it is very, very near. The whole world will experience this, the biggest event to happen in the world, never before.”

I said, “Santo Padre Pio, you are so holy, your hands had the stigmata, the wounds of Jesus Christ.”

He said, “Valentina, we both work for our Lord. We are all His chosen children, and we are all His little servants, that we have to do and fulfil His Holy Will. Be courageous and do what He asks of you! Don’t be upset. Trust Him. Continue to pray because this sign, the biggest sign that is coming, approaching this world; nobody will refuse it. People will convert, you will see.”

Padre Pio then left. St Padre Pio, pray for us.