27th APRIL, 2005

Parramatta, St Patrick’s Cathedral. I was thanking and praising Our Lord for the graces given to me to be in His Holy Presence. He said, “My child, all good things come from Me. Offer Me your

I answered, “How can I ever repay you, my Lord?” He replied, “Remember, My child, not a single step you do without My permission and help. Ask Me to pardon you for the times you neglect or miss Mass. I can make up for it and My compassion will make Me forget.”

“My children, learn from Me to trust Me more. I am always ready to forgive when you sincerely ask Me. I press you to My Sacred Heart.” I was in tears, and answered, “Sweet Jesus, I love You and thank You.”

He said, “By loving Me, lead others to love Me and to know Me better. Tell them I am waiting to embrace each one individually – “What a love from a Father to His children.” – “sharing.”

Thankyou, sweet Father, for loving us so much. We must never be afraid to come to Him and also realise we are nothing without Him. The more we humble ourselves, the more He loves us.