21 April 2024

Angels with Trumpets Announce the Coming of our Lord

As we left the souls in the run-down warehouse in Purgatory, the Angel said, “You have to come now with me as our Lord is preparing a beautiful surprise for you.”

When the Angel brought me back home, I was really surprised and stunned by what I saw.

The front yard between my house and my sister’s house was full of angels—beautiful tall angels. They were special angels. They all had beautiful shoulder-length hair and wore white gowns with gold trimming, which glittered not only on their white gowns but also on the tips of their beautiful white wings.

So much gleaming light emanated from them as they stood in a row, their wings pointed up towards heaven.

To the right of each Angel was a huge, beautiful green palm branch. With both their hands, each Angel held a long golden trumpet, more than a metre long. They had them to their mouths, ready to blow them.

I was so amazed at the vision that I thought they had come to take me and my brother-in-law.

Then one of the angels spoke and said, “We are sent by our Lord Jesus to tell you that we are the angels who go to all the continents of the world to announce the Coming of our Lord Jesus. Wherever we go, a sign will be given to each continent to repent and to make clean the road for the Lord to come. Repentance is now the most important that our Lord wants for all humanity in the world.”

While they were talking to me, I observed everything and listened intently to what they were saying, as I knew that as soon as they would sound their trumpets, terrible things would happen in the world.

Later, I returned to my room, switched on the light and sat down. I said, “Oh, my goodness, me. Lord, I panicked so much, I thought the angels came to get me and my brother-in-law.”

I know that when the Angels announce the Coming of Jesus, they have to purify the world.

As I said my prayers, our Lord said, “Fear not and write down what you saw. What the angels announced to you is all reality. You should be very joyful for My Coming.”

Later, during the Holy Mass, our Lord came again and said, “All that was shown to you is reality. My angels are now going all around the world to announce My Coming.”

“Write down what I tell you and what you experience. You know, My child Valentina, there is so much confusion in the world today. People who receive messages from Me are very few. The real, true messages that I speak through people—not much notice is being taken of them. They are being pushed aside.”

Lord Jesus, come quickly and have mercy on the whole world.

21 April 2024

Visiting Souls in Purgatory

This morning, while I was praying, the Angel came and took me to Purgatory. We arrived at a run-down building, similar in appearance to a factory warehouse. It was very old and grey and generally a very depressing place. Inside were many souls waiting to be helped. I could see greasy oil stains on the building floor, representing the sins of the souls. The Angel instructed me to clean the stubborn stains from the floor.

As I was sweeping and cleaning the greasy oil stains, a saintly lady from Heaven appeared. She brought with her three gleaming silver pots. One pot was sealed in a box, and she held the other two. The empty pots meant these souls did not offer our Lord anything. They brought nothing of goodness with them—they did not do good deeds while alive on earth.

She said, “Valentina, I have brought you a gift. I brought you three pots.”

I said, Oh Yes? Thank you.”

Then she said, “You know these pots, you have to fill them.”

I said, “Yes, I know.”

I told Angel, “I sweep a lot, but these oil marks won’t come off.”

He said, “Yes, they are a bit stubborn—they will take longer to clean.”

There are some souls there that need longer purification. I understood that the souls in this warehouse were all men, and some would need more prayers and sacrifices before they could progress.

All of a sudden, the Angel said, “Now we have to move on. This will need longer to clean.”

Later, at Holy Mass, I offered these souls to our Lord.

14 April 2024

Vision of Jerusalem

This morning, at 5 a.m., as I was saying my prayers, suddenly, our Lord Jesus showed me a vision of Himself. In this vision, I saw our Lord dressed in a white tunic and walking very fast. It appeared that He was walking on the earth, rubbing His Hands together in deep concern.

Our Lord looked like He was descending steps, and as He was coming down, down, down, a valley appeared to the left side of Him. A very strong light illuminated the valley.

Our Lord pointed towards a city in the valley, and I immediately recognised Jerusalem. The Lord then pointed to me but did not say anything.

I understood that I have to pray for this Holy City.

13 April 2024

The Evil Wants War

At 3 pm today, while praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, My child, I can no longer hold back peace, the peace that is flowing from Me. The evil forces are very strong in the world now. They are about to start a war between Iran and Israel. The evil wants the war, but this war is not normal—it can escalate. There are not enough prayers reaching Heaven. People forget to pray for peace in the world.”

“Forget for a moment about the souls you offer Me, but pray for the living ones that will be involved in the war.”

Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Comment: For now, our Lord is keeping peace in the world, but He is telling us that He can no longer do so.

7 April 2024

Humanity is Blind to All Our Lord’s Warnings

During the morning Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, our Lord Jesus appeared. Looking sad, He said, “Valentina, My child, the message I gave you on the 3rd of March (2024) was a warning for the world. It was not very well accepted by humanity—for humanity to return back to God and of conversion and repentance. My warning was almost ignored. How sad and painful that is for Me, for humanity to refuse My Mercy!”

“Let Me warn you: My justice has already started and is reaching many parts of the earth, with natural catastrophes, deluge of rain, floods, and earthquakes. At your door is war and famine, and you are still blind to all the warnings I Am sending you.”

“You should go on your knees and beg Me not to send you such an awful punishment that is hanging above the world.”

7 April 2024

During the Holy Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday at 3pm

During the Holy Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday, our Lord Jesus appeared wearing a beautiful white tunic and exquisite red mantle. He said, “Valentina, My child, today, all churches celebrate My Divine Mercy. It is a very special devotion after My Passion and Resurrection that I offer for humanity—that I care and love to save all souls who venerate Me.”

At that point, our Lord smiled and said, “But I will tell you a little secret. The celebration of the Divine Mercy, in all My churches throughout the world, are preparing for My Second Coming. But they don’t know about this. You still have to go through trials and tribulations a little longer, but then a New Spring will be sent from Heaven, such as you have never experienced before. It will be nothing but joy and happiness. Valentina, give hope to people and tell them of My Coming that will soon reign on earth. It will be all New Creation that I Am preparing. Tell them to be courageous and to pray and to trust in Me.”

Usually, our Lord talks about His mercy and encouraging people to repent, but now He is speaking of His Coming, which is very close.

Our Lord Jesus was filled with immense joy and love when He was telling Me this Good News. He wants people to have hope and trust in Him.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this encouraging news You give us. We love You.

5 April 2024

There Are Many Antichrists in My Churches

After Holy Mass, during the Cenacle Prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “Pray for this Church and other churches that are very much down. My churches are already persecuted. My good shepherds are not allowed to speak the truth about My Commandments and Teachings. If they speak the truth, they are dismissed from their priestly duties and are no longer allowed to celebrate the Holy Mass at My Holy Sacred Altar.”

“But woe to those who permit all of this, for they will be severely punished. I tell you, there are many antichrists already in My churches. Pray for all this to change soon.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.”

27 Mar 2024

Chrism Mass

During the Chrism Mass, our Lord asked me to offer Him all the priests and the congregation present in the Church and in all the churches throughout the world.

Our Lord said, “Offer Me everyone. Today is a special celebration because they renew their priestly vows.”

I said, “Lord, I do offer You all that You ask of me—this congregation and those in all the churches throughout the world.”

He said, “My shepherds—they are My chosen ones, and I need them. One day, they will benefit from all this here on earth and in the next life.”

After I received Holy Communion and by offering this to our Lord He said, “Now that you received Me, offer Me specifically for this intention and not for any other. Many good fruits have been produced from this Chrism Mass.”

As our Lord was telling me this, in a vision, I saw beautiful white grapes representing the fruits produced from this offering.

Usually, before each Holy Mass, I make my offering to our Lord for the Holy Souls, for the sick and the dying, but for this Mass, our Lord asked me to specifically offer the Holy Mass for the priests and bishop present.

Lord, we thank You and bless all the priests and bishops.

20 March 2024

Teaching On Doing Good Deeds for Others

During my prayers at home, Lord Jesus came and said, “My children, do not ever be weary and tired of helping others or giving alms for those less fortunate and poorer than you are. Whatever you do and whatever help you give to others, it is like you are giving it to Me, and your reward in Heaven will be great.”

“My children, just think how much I give back to you already here on earth. I died for all of you so that you can have life in fullness. I consumed Myself to the point of being crucified.”

Then He pointed to His Sacred Heart and said, “But don’t blame Me for it, that I didn’t do enough for you.”

“Still, I never abandon you. Daily, I protect you from the invisible attacks of the evil that tries to harm you, but I receive so little gratitude in return. If you only understood God’s love, you would never stop thanking Me.”

Then, in a very emotional tone, He said, “You always think that you do too much for Me. How many times I Am in tears to see My children so ungrateful. There is so much misery in the world that shouldn’t be. But sinful pride does not allow people to do good deeds to one another.”

“Indeed, don’t be like the Pharisees, who tell everybody of the good deeds they had done for others. In their vanity, they like to praise themselves and to be praised by others, and they are very proud of that. Nothing has changed in the world.”

“But your good deeds, you don’t do for others but for Me alone, and they follow you to Heaven.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for teaching us that by doing good deeds for others, we are doing them for You alone.

19 March 2024

Women Around Our Lord’s Sacred Altar

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “My churches have been persecuted since a long time ago because of women being around My Sacred Altar, serving and distributing Holy Communion. If they only knew how much they offend Me, they would never touch It [the Host].”

“Valentina, My child, after the Holy Mass, go to the Chapel and do reparation for all the sacrileges I receive daily. Pray for those intentions so that soon My churches will change.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on the churches.

15 March 2024

There Is No Way Out for the World

Today, our Cenacle Prayer Group prayed the Stations of the Cross after praying the Cenacle Rosary.

Later in the evening, our Lord Jesus said, “My children, I appreciate that you console Me so beautifully and think of My Passion—most of the people in the world do not think of Me and how much I suffered for all humanity. They reject Me and completely rebel against Me.”

“The message that I gave you and you put out—the warning for the world (Message from 3 March 2024)—tell people that it is a serious message and not to ignore it. It is coming. It is coming. There is no way out—I have to purify the world. The world is in a terrible state and has never been as bad in history as it is now.”

“Encourage people to repent and change. You have no idea how beautiful it is going to be to enter the New Era of Peace. You are now going through these difficult times, but the prophecy I have told you must be fulfilled. Whatever comes your way, bear it with patience and love. Don’t be afraid—I Am always with you to protect you and guide you through all that is coming, and that is upon you.”

I asked, “Lord Jesus, how is this going to affect our world? Will it affect the buildings? Will they all be ruined and completely destroyed?”

Our Lord answered, “Not so much the buildings; some will be ruined, but mostly it will affect the person because there will be a great transformation that has never happened before. Those who are spiritually prepared will be affected less, but those who are not, who are far away from Me, will suffer great consequences. Fear and confusion will overcome them; they don’t like to change; they would rather live like they used to, rolling in the mud! So you have to pray very hard, My children, for these people to let go of their worldliness. Pray for their salvation.”

4 March 2024

Blessed Mother Confirms the Serious Message from Our Lord

This morning, the Blessed Mother came and appeared very sad. She said, “Did you hear the serious message My Son gave you yesterday? Warn people to pray and to repent and to amend the awful punishment which is hanging over all of you right now, the whole world, and it will happen if people don’t convert and pray.”

3 March 2024

The Punishment Hanging Right Above the World

This morning, the angel came and said, “His Majesty our Lord Jesus wishes to speak to you.”

Suddenly, the angel brought me into the presence of our Lord Jesus in Heaven. In awe, I gazed upon our Lord, who was so young and beautiful, with a neatly groomed brown beard and passionate eyes, standing as a King in the presence of angels and a group of Saints.

He was wearing His majestic burgundy and wine-coloured mantle decorated with exquisitely detailed shimmering gold embroidery and on His Holy Head a tall golden Crown encrusted with the finest jewels. So much Light emanated from our Lord, enveloping all those present.

I do not know if the group of Saints were apostles, but they were very tall gentlemen who stood next to our Lord. Their faces were completely covered in the mist of Light coming from our Lord, so much Light that their spiritual bodies were transformed in the Light. In this intimate gathering with our Lord, the Holy Men were present to witness what our Lord was about to tell me. They did not speak.

As I stood before our Lord and King, surrounded by a mist of Light and gazing upon His Majesty, I felt I was truly in the presence of God. I did not take notice of the Holy Men next to our Lord, nor the angels who were further away and obscured by the Light. I only looked at our Lord, who spoke in a very gentle voice.

He said, “Valentina, My child, I brought you here to warn you of what is coming to the world. First of all—tell people to read the Book of Esther and how she pleaded to the King to save her people.”

Gesturing with His right Hand and pointing towards Himself, He said, “And that King is Me! She was pleading to Me to save her people from punishment.”

“But,” He said, “The punishment now can no longer be delayed. The punishment is ominously hanging over the world, as people do not change and do not listen or take any notice of this warning, especially the leaders of all the nations of the world. The leaders have to come before Me and repent. Most of the punishment is through them because they are leading people astray, teaching them wrong and giving them wrong commandments that are not Mine but their own. They are leading people into total darkness, and they agree with all the evil. The world is in horrible sin and total darkness.”

“But the punishment, greater than ever before, is hanging right above the world.”

In a vision, I saw that the punishment was not high above the world but hanging low, just above it.

“So warn people of this,” He said. “This is a serious warning that I give to you.”

“I plead with you—please warn the people of this so they can convert and change.”

Our Lord is seriously warning us. He repeated, “I really, really want you to warn people because this will happen. People take no notice of it, especially the leaders.”

From this special place in Heaven, I felt that our Lord allows Justice to come to the world. This group of Holy Men, standing next to our Lord, were like His guardians and are very close to our Lord. There were no women present. I didn’t see Blessed Mother and yet she knows all about this. The good people in the world need to plead to our Lord, the King, just like Esther did. People must change and REPENT now.

After our Lord finished talking and warning us of all these dangers, the angel took me back home. On the way back, the angel said, “Did you see how Lord Jesus, our Majesty and King, how sad He was?”

“And I tell you, this is serious—this is something that you cannot get out of. The world is too far gone.”

I felt so sorry for what our Lord was telling me, and I felt sorry for humanity. Our Lord’s warning for the world was so severe that the shock of hearing it pierced my heart. I became worried and nauseous, and my whole stomach was upset when the angel returned me home.

I thought, ‘How am I going to go to church today—O Lord, please help me.’

Later that morning, during Holy Mass, our Lord smiled, and trying to cheer me up, He said, “If they only knew who is here? Do you know you are full of prophecy inside out? Your whole body and soul are full of prophecy. That is why you have an upset stomach.”

29 February 2024

How Sweet is My Holy Word

In the morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I will tell you what makes your messages and teachings so unique—it is because they come directly from Me, and that I reveal them to you.”

“And I also want to tell you that in a very short time, the whole of Creation will be renewed, and humanity will experience all that is coming to the world. Speak My Holy Word and spread it among people.”

“Do not listen to anyone else, only to Me. Right?” He said, “Because they only confuse you.”

“Encourage people to repent and to change—that is the most important in anyone’s life. The most important is to seek God first and to come into the Light, and not to live in the darkness of sin, for that is the devil who leads them into that.”

“Praise Me and love Me for all that I share with you.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, I love You.

In this vision, while our Lord Jesus was speaking to me, I was sitting on the grass, and scattered all around me were all the written messages given to me by our Lord. As people were passing by, I was handing them the messages. But before giving them the messages, I would sprinkle each one with chocolate. Everybody wanted them, and as they would take the messages and walk away, they would smile.

So surprised with myself at what I was doing, I said to our Lord, “Lord, I have never done this before!”—sprinkling chocolate on the messages.

He smiled and said, “You did this because My Holy Word is very sweet.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all the graces and blessings.

27 February 2024

Angels and Demons in Battle

Today, after Holy Mass, I went to the Chapel to pray the Holy Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament. As I was praying the Sorrowful Mysteries, suddenly, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My child, Valentina, console Me. The world is now in the total darkness of sin that reaches all the way to Heaven. Right now, My angels are fighting with demons, especially Holy Michael the Archangel. He is pushing them down constantly. The battle now is great between angels and demons—so sinful is humanity that the stench of sin reaches all the way to Heaven.”

I said, “Holy Angel, St. Michael, please pray for us and protect us from all evil.”

In a vision, I could see many horrible black creatures forcing themselves upwards and St. Michael, with such speed, striking them back down with his sword.