1 August 2024

God the Father is Concerned for His People

Lately I have had a lot of suffering for the Holy Souls. It was towards the morning when I was physically suffering a lot for the holy souls, when the angel came and took me away.

We came to a simple place with a dirt floor and some puddles of water on the ground. The angel directed me to an object resembling a white stovetop with legs. It was beautiful and clean, but as I looked down on the side, I could see that there were some stains on the leg. So, I kneeled to clean the stains.

While I was cleaning, all of a sudden, God the Father came.

He said, “I have come to see you, My daughter—to cheer you up. Don’t be so upset and negative because of the things you hear every day about what is happening in the world.”

When God the Father started talking to me, immediately I felt in my heart, ‘Stand up! You are in the presence of Almighty God the Father.’ Instantly I stood up.

Suddenly, everything was so peaceful and intimate—just the three of us—God the Father, myself and the angel. I felt so happy in His Holy presence. I was able to talk to Him and ask Him questions.

He said, “Now, My daughter, don’t worry about anything that is happening in the world. Everything depends on Me. If I permit—it will happen. If I do not permit—it will not happen.”

“The main concern for the world right now is unemployment. There is too much unemployment. And you know what this brings? This brings big trouble—robberies, killings and even rampages. All misery, nothing good. And I Am worried and concerned about that,” He said.

The way He made me understand was that previously there was a lot more industry all over the world and this provided for people for their livelyhoods.

I said, “Father, what can I do to help?”

He smiled and said, “You have done your share more than anyone else. Don’t ask for more.”

“Well, My children, all that you can do for now, is to pray,” He said.

I was thinking to myself, ‘But what about the Antichrist and all of the things to come to the world?’

Reading my thoughts, immediatley God the Father responded, “Oh him, don’t worry about him.”

As God the Father was speaking, I watched as He gestured with His right hand, pushing away the antichrist and saying, “He is nothing! He will be of very short duration.”

He said, “I Am above everything and everyone, no matter how powerful they think they are.”

God the Father looked very distinguished and beautiful. His hair was mostly grey, short, and very neat. He wore a white shirt and a grey-brown casual jacket and pants.

I felt completely wrapped in His peace and holiness.

I want to stay in His Holy presence all the time. God is my Father, and I love Him so much, and I always talk to Him.


28 July 2024

My Coming is at Hand

This morning, while I was praying the Angelus, our Lord Jesus appeared and, in a serious tone, said, “Valentina, I want you to spread My Message throughout the World! Announce My Coming!”

“My Coming is at hand. It is not far away. Tell people to be serious about that—they have to repent and prepare themselves.”

“Look around at how many disasters are happening. They are not happening by chance. They are signs given from Heaven for people to repent and to convert.”

27 July 2024

Blessed Mother Teaches Me a Powerful Exorcism Prayer

When something happens in our families, our workplace, or anywhere where we are attacked by people—we are usually attacked by bad spirits.

Today, Blessed Mother appeared ever so beautiful, dressed all in white and with a beautiful blue sash around her waist, as our Lady of Lourdes.

Blessed Mother said, “Come let us pray. I will teach you this powerful Exorcism Prayer.”

“We will bless ourselves: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

We both blessed ourselves.

Then she said, “We will start with the Creed, followed by one Our Father and one Hail Mary.”

We then prayed together.

She said, “Now raise your right hand high up, and looking up to Heaven, make the Sign of the Cross with your raised hand in the air, saying: +In the Name of the Father,+ and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

“Repeat this five times, but on the last one (the Creed, Our Father and Haily Mary), do not raise your right hand anymore to make the Sign of the Cross in the air, but just continue to pray the the first decade of the Holy Rosary.”

We say these prayers five times in honour of the five Holy Wounds of our Lord Jesus.

Blessed Mother said, “You can pray any of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary you choose.”

“My children, there is so much evil present among the people on earth, and it is pressing on humanity. So you need a powerful exorcism prayer to defend and to protect yourselves.”

Blessed Mother was with me while we prayed the complete Exorcism Prayer and recited the whole Rosary. As we were praying, everything was so peaceful, and everywhere I looked, on my ceiling, I could see little white wings of the angels. In the presence of the Blessed Mother, the room was full of angels.

As long as you truly meditate on the Mysteries, the Blessed Mother will be present as you recite the Rosary.

Meditate well on this message and follow Blessed Mother’s instructions, and in no time, you will learn the prayer.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your teaching and helping your children.

21 July 2024

Our Lord Delays Messages for the World

Throughout the night, I could not sleep from the severe pain in my leg, which I offered for the Holy Souls. As consolation for my suffering, I saw a large, beautiful, bright light approaching me, expanding and becoming much wider. In the centre of this light, I could see the Holy Family—Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, and little Baby Jesus lying in a manger.

Blessed Mother said, “We come to console you and also to tell you—prepare yourself for Christmas, for the Saviour to be born to the World.”

This beautiful vision stayed for a while and then went away.

Towards the morning, our Lord Jesus appeared as an adult.

He said, “Tell your friends I Am delaying the Messages to be written for the world because the world offends Me so much. They don’t take any notice of My warnings for conversion and repentance.”

Then He said to me, “What the world experienced on Friday with the crash of the computer systems, when things were at a standstill and paralyzed, and you could not do anything, it can happen again. It would be very wise for all of you to withdraw some cash and keep it at home for your use.”

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your warning. Be merciful to us and protect all Your people.

Today, while kneeling during the Elevation at the Holy Mass, I said to our Lord, “Thank You for this grace to be able to come to this Holy Mass. Yesterday was so cold, and today You have prepared a beautiful sunny day.”

Then Lord Jesus appeared, wearing a beautiful red mantle over a white tunic because July is the month of the Precious Blood of our Lord. He was smiling and very cheerful.

He said, “Did you notice that lately, I have been giving you a lot more suffering than usual? It is always to save a soul.”

“You have also been rejected and crucified by the public, but don’t let that worry you. I know everything. As we are both together, united in suffering, we will both be united in joy.”

“I will tell you something beautiful. Together, we are walking slowly towards the New Era of Peace, which is almost here. You should be very happy.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your encouragement.

14 July 2024

Blessed Mother Reminds Me to Speak the Truth

Today, during the Holy Mass, our Blessed Mother appeared and said, “Did you see my Son how upset He is and offended.”

“Write down and tell people what you experienced yesterday. Do not let anything stop you. We are with you all the time. Speak the Truth to people.”

“Tell them to pray for the conversion of sinners and to repent. Repentance is the most important now in the world.”

“Encourage people to go often to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Be courageous, my daughter Valentina, and do not let anyone confuse you. Only listen to us.”

Comment: We will experience many events to come, and they will affect us. We will not understand them nor be able to cope with what is coming unless we are in a State of Grace.

13 July 2024

Baby Jesus Crying Because the World Rejects Him

Today, while I was praying the Angelus, the Angel came and said, “Come with me. Our Lord Jesus would like to see you.”

The Angel took me directly to Heaven. We found ourselves in the heavenly gardens, standing in front of a magnificent building. The Angel said, “Come and console our Lord Jesus because He is so offended by the world. More and more they deny Him.”

As we entered the very spacious building to my left, I could see stairs with angels moving along them. I started to follow these angels, and the Angel accompanying me said, “No, no, not that way. Come this way.”

We walked straight ahead, approaching a white column shrouded in a beautiful bright mist of light. As the Angel and I came before the column, which stood against a wall, I noticed its beautiful intricate detailing. As I looked up, I could see a ledge protruding from the column, and to my surprise, I saw a child sitting on the ledge, dressed all in white and holding onto the column. The child was crying and crying. At first, I thought he was a little angel, but the Angel next to me said, “No, he is not an angel, that is our Lord Jesus.”

Overwhelmed with emotion for the crying Lord Jesus, I outstretched my arms and said to Him, “Oh, my Little Infant Lord Jesus, come down, and I will rescue You because You might hurt Yourself.”

He answered, “No, I don’t want to come down because nobody wants Me. The world denies Me.”

Our Lord was crying and crying and was so unhappy. He stayed there because nobody wants Him—He is so rejected by the world.

I said, “But I love You. Come, and I will help You.”

He said, “I know you love Me. But the rest of the world hates Me and denies Me. They don’t want to know Me. There is so much falsehood and evil in the world, and they try to deny the True God.”

Little Lord Jesus eventually came down into my arms, and as I held Him close to me, He said, “I had to come to you as a little baby—that represents that My love is Truth. I get hurt so badly because humanity does not want to know Me—they deny Me completely.”

“I believe that you love Me—that is why I want you to be here to console Me. The world is so confused now and so evil, and it will only get worse because of the denial of God. They think they will win, but they will not, but even the true people that believe in God will deny Me out of fear and for their own sake.”

“Those who will resist to the end—they will receive their reward and will be safe with Me.”

“Neither in My Churches nor anywhere do they speak of repentance anymore, but that is the most important now in the world, to repent.”

Lord Jesus, be merciful to us all.

7 July 2024

Prayer Gathering at Bridget’s House

Today, we gathered at Bridget’s house to pray the Cenacle Rosary and to share the Messages given to me by our Lord and Blessed Mother.

Bridget created a most beautiful altar upon which the statue of Our Lady, holding Baby Jesus, stood, surrounded by lovely fresh flowers and candles. Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus love that Bridget welcomes them so beautifully into her home.

While we were praying the last decade of the Holy Rosary, a very bright flash of light appeared at this altar. The flash of light represents the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, I watched as white steps appeared before this altar, leading from the statue down to the floor. I watched as Blessed Mother descended these steps so graciously. She was so radiant as she smiled, dressed all in beautiful white, standing among us.

At that moment, she spoke. She said, “Valentina, my daughter, tell Bridget that each time she invites a group to her house, I come among you, my children, to guide you in prayer. I come to give you courage and consolation that you need. Also, tell Bridget that each time I come to her house, not only do I myself come, but I bring her daughter, Veronique—to bring her some consolation because I know how much she misses her.”

She said, “I bless you especially, my children, but don’t forget to pray for the world, which is so sinful now, especially to save a soul. Pray for the non-believers because they can still be saved by the grace of God.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for being among us and giving us encouragement.

28 June 2024

Germany Offends Our Lord Very Much

During the night, I endured much pain and suffering for the Holy Souls. Then the Angel came and said, “Come with me. The Holy Family would like to see you.”

Suddenly, I found myself in Heaven with the Angel and before us stood a beautiful building. As we entered the building, I was greeted by Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and little Boy Jesus. Other angels and saintly people were also present.

They were all looking at a very large map hanging on the wall. As I looked closer at the map, I could see the country of Germany.

I said, “Very interesting.”

I heard the saintly people speaking to our Lord, the little Boy Jesus. They said, “Lord Jesus, You must go to Germany. It is Your duty to go to Germany and to protect it.”

As they said this, little Boy Jesus became very restless and, almost screaming, said, “No! I will not go to Germany!”

They asked, “Lord, but why do you not want to go there?”

“Because they offend Me too much. I will not go!” He said in a determined voice, feeling very emotional.

Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, and little Boy Jesus, and all of us present, stepped out of the building and entered the heavenly garden. Blessed Mother was dressed in a very pale blue, almost off-white gown. She looked so beautiful and so young. She did not wear a mantilla to cover her beautiful flowing hair, which looked so natural.

Then, Blessed Mother entered another building while we waited outside for her. She came back carrying four small objects, all white and resembling combs. I noticed clear water droplets on all four of the items.

Turning to me, Blessed Mother handed me the white objects, saying, “Valentina, these are for you.”

I took them from Blessed Mother, saying to her, “They are all wet. They have water on them.”

She said, “This is not water—these are my tears that I shed for my children on earth. I always fear for my children. I want them to repent and to pray and to come back to my Son.”

“My children pray for the conversion of sinners.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother, Lord Jesus, and St Joseph, and holy angels and saints. Let us all pray for the country of Germany.

Whenever I receive a serious message about the world, Lord Jesus always comes as a little Boy to console me as He knows I worry.

During this experience, He came with a little water pistol similar to what little children play with. He was very playful, squirting water with it.

Suddenly, He squirted water directly on my face. I knew it was coming because He was looking directly at me, and I thought, ‘Ahh, Ahh, He is going to do something.’

Lord Jesus continued squirting water at me in a playful manner.

While our Lord was looking at me with His beautiful eyes, I could feel how His look pierced right through me, through to my soul.

Afterwards, God the Father came and began speaking to me in Italian. In a loving but concerned voice, He asked, “Did My Son bother you?”

I said, “No, Father. He was good.”

He said, “You know, He tried to cheer you up because we gave you a message that is serious for the world (Message from 26 June 2024). But don’t worry because you trust in Heaven.”

Thank You, God the Father, that all goodness and kindness comes from You.

We thank You, and we love You.

26 June 2024

You are Now Living the Last Page of the Holy Scripture

This morning, while I was praying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus came.

He said, “Go to Mass! There are not many more available. They will abolish the Holy Mass soon, and it will be very bad after that.”

“Then they will introduce microchips to people. In everything, there will be much suffering, trouble and confusion in the world.”

“But it will all be of short duration. I will make sure that My people will not lose hope. I shall intervene with all My power.”

“Learn from the animals—when this starts happening, the animals will start gathering together. They will sense that things are not good in the world.”

“What is prophesied has to come to fulfilment. You are now living the last page of the Holy Scripture. Tell people not to be fearful. Tell them to pray and repent, and I will lead you to a New Era of Peace, that has never been before—an Era of wonders and beauty. There is something to look forward to.”

In a vision, I could see, sitting upon what looked like a long board many different kinds of animals, mainly smaller animals. I saw marsupials, such as smaller kangaroos and little possums. I saw farm animals such as sheep and many domestic animals such as cats and dogs. There were all kinds of animals sitting in a long line, all together.  Our Lord showed me the animals because they are obedient to Him. They will be confused and not at ease because they know something is coming to the world.

Looking at the beautiful animals, I said to our Lord, “Oh, how cute they are.”

He said, “Learn from the animals. They obey Me more than humans.”

23 June 2024

Our Lord Urgently Needs Our Prayers to Stop War

During the Holy Mass today, our Lord Jesus appeared to me. He said, “My child Valentina, the reason we manifested around you yesterday is to remind you to pray more and that you have to tell our children in the world to pray and to offer many, many rosaries and prayers to ascend to Heaven. I will tell you the reason why. You are now on the brink of war, and it is such a dangerous war. If that would happen, it would be catastrophic and horrific, with so much death and suffering. For now, I Am still holding it (the war) back, but I need a lot of prayers to sustain peace on earth, at least for the time being.”

Our Lord repeated, “You live in very dangerous times, and people take it very lightly. Tell people to take My messages seriously. A lot of things can happen, especially war—that would be the most dangerous thing. I need many, many rosaries and prayers to stop this from happening.”

“The world leaders are very evil, and they want war, but only I can stop them through your prayers. My children, pray for peace. Pray for the leaders of the world.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for protecting us. Have mercy on us and on the whole world.

22 June 2024

Our Lord and Blessed Mother Ask For More Prayers

Today, I prayed the Angelus at 6 p.m., when all of a sudden, my house was filled with Heavenly visitors—our Blessed Mother, our Lord Jesus, St Joseph, accompanied by Angels. They said, “We like to come and visit you. This house is very warm to us, and we also come to remind you to offer us your prayers. We really wait for your prayers.”

My Heavenly visitors continued to manifest around me. I understood that they urgently awaited my prayers

17 June 2024

God the Father  Can No Longer Watch This Sinful World

While praying the Holy Rosary, I had a vision of God the Father. I saw Him very sad and very down.

He said, “My daughter Valentina, I Am your Heavenly Father. Look at Me and at how sad I Am. I Am very concerned for humanity. I personally come to the world and beg My children to return back to Me, that they would plead to Me for My Mercy. My child, I personally want to tell you how much I Am dishonoured and blasphemed all over the world by My children. The world has become so sinful—there is no more love among nations, among people. Hatred, killing and evil is spreading everywhere, even among My Holy Churches, which is causing division and grave sin.”

“How sad I Am that I can no longer watch this sinful world. I can no longer forgive this humanity. I, your God and Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all of you, have to humble Myself to come to you and to beg you to return to Me. But tell people because of all of this evil and sin, the whole world has to suffer. I, your God and Creator of Heaven and Earth speak.”

Then, for a brief moment, our Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory because they suffer so much. Those who do not drink My Living Water—they will never have life.”

I said, “Thank You, Lord Jesus and God the Father, for warning us and helping us.”

16 June 2024

Soon, All Planes Will Be Grounded

This morning, as I prayed the Angelus, the Angel appeared and said, “I come to tell you not very good news. I announce that soon, there will be no planes flying anywhere in the world. They will all be grounded.”

I was shown in a vision how silent it would be without any planes flying.

I said, “Wow, how quiet it is. It is so peaceful.”

The Angel said, “This is very serious because people depend on the flights—they have jobs to go to, but there will be no travelling anywhere. Everything will be paralysed, and that will affect the economies.”

I asked, “For how long will this last?”

The Angel did not answer but said, “The world will be in chaos—people need to repent and to change, and to turn to God.”

He said, “Tell people to repent. It is all to do with repentance. The evil is always planning disasters in the world.”

Later that morning, our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, write down what the Angel told you. Didn’t I tell you that it is not safe to travel? People may go to distant places but then will not be able to come back.”

15 June 2024

I Will Make You Strong in the New Era of Peace

Our Lord gave me much suffering during the night. It was very intense suffering that our Lord came to me three times during the night.

Eventually, He alleviated my suffering in the early morning hours. Our Lord did not leave but remained there and, with a smile, started talking to me. He said, “Valentina, My gentle child, you are always gentle and soft-spoken to people. They ask you for prayers, and you never say no. You quickly offer everyone to Me to help them. I love you for that.”

“I love you for all your suffering and for the prayers you do. But would you like to know something beautiful? In the New Era of Peace, I will make you very strong.”

I asked, “Lord, when will this happen?”

He answered, “Sooner than you think! This is coming. Be patient a little bit longer.”

I said, “Lord, I praise You and thank You for all that is to come. I wish it would come now.”

14 June 2024

Lead Everyone Under My Holy Cross

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Honour My Sacred Heart, full of love and mercy, that I have for all humanity. Every day, My Sacred Heart is pierced and agonised by all that I see in the world—so much injustice and misery and suffering of My poor children. They are dying of starvation and being killed around the world—that should not happen. There is enough food for everyone. If only the rich would help, but they are only for themselves and greedy.”

“The leaders in the governments are all corrupt and lying to the people. Even if a good person steps into government, they soon train that person to be unjust and to lie. That person may have a good idea to improve things, but they are soon trained not to do that. They have to obey them (the corrupt leaders) if they want to keep their job.”

“Where will all this end? Tell Me,” He said.

I said, “Lord Jesus, we trust that You are the only One who can help and change the world.”

Our Lord said, “Well, they will be severely judged. They think they can get away with everything, but they forget that I see everything. I Am merciful, but I Am also very Just.”

He smiled and said, “Valentina, lead everyone under My Holy Cross and offer Me the poor, the oppressed, the dying, the sick, the abandoned, everyone you can think of, and in that way I can still save their souls.”

Lord, have mercy on us.