13 September 2018 (b)

Visit to Purgatory with the Holy Angel


This morning while I was praying, the angel of the Lord appeared and said, “Come with me! I will take you to visit some souls in Purgatory.”


Suddenly we found ourselves in front of what looked like a building. As we stepped inside the building, which looked like an empty warehouse, we saw many souls, men, women, and grown-up children.


The angel explained to me, “Some people are here for a long time because they do not receive much prayer from their loved ones on earth.”


We were mingling and talking to some of these souls, and the angel was consoling them. I believe the angel was Holy Michael because he always comes with Blessed Mother to visit the souls. They love him very much. The souls still suffer when in the presence of Holy Michael but not when in the presence of our Blessed Mother.


After we finished meeting with this group of Holy Souls, the angel said, “I have to take you to another place, to meet some souls that you have never met before.”


We stepped into what looked like a ruined building. It was very dim inside. The only light was that which emanated from the Angel. The reason for the lack of light is because the people here are not yet purified so the effects of their sins are still present and there cannot be any light.


The Angel said, “They need your help!”


I understood that I need to offer them to our Lord at Holy Mass, which is very powerful and greatly assists the poor souls. Amongst this group, I could see two souls who seemed very familiar to me. Even though I never knew them personally, I immediately recognised them. They were the two brothers from the group the Bee Gees. As they saw us, they hesitantly stepped forward and then stepped back again.


I said to the Angel, “I know these boys. They are the Bee Gees’ brothers.”


The angel said, “That is why I brought you to them so that you can help them.”


The first thing that came to me when I saw the two brothers was, ‘but don’t their families pray for them?’ In my heart, I felt that no prayers were offered for their souls.


The Angel said, “They are a little bit shy and embarrassed to ask you for help because they did not know you during their lifetime.”


The two brothers then stepped forward again. As I smiled at them, they came up and stood very close to me.


They said, “Valentina, we are a little embarrassed to ask you for your help. Please remember us in your prayers and in whichever way you can help us.”


I was happy to see that they were in Purgatory. I had never thought of them before. They came up close to me, and I could see their beautiful shoulder-length, ash blonde, wavy hair.


I said, “Don’t be afraid! I will help you and lead you to the Light, to the Lord Jesus.”


They said, “Valentina, do you know why we are still here?”

They continued, “We didn’t honour and worship our Lord Jesus, the way we should have, while we were still alive. We were preoccupied with worldly work and our careers. So we neglected what was most important, our Faith. That is why we have to stay here in this place and make reparation.”


As they were saying all of this to me, I could see a long, oblong-shaped TV screen appear in front of them. On the screen, I could see the Cross on which our Lord Jesus was crucified and died.


They said, “We have to learn about the life of Jesus Christ now.”


The image on the screen would fade away and then reappear, repeatedly. This repetitive action was part of their penance for not practicing their Faith during their life on earth. They are now being reminded continuously of how Jesus suffered for them.


They said, “We tried to be in our Faith, but we were committed to other things and were so preoccupied with work that we dismissed our Faith.”


As we became more acquainted, they became more courageous to speak to me, so I promised them that I would pray for them and offer them up to our Lord in Holy Mass.


In this place in Purgatory, they were learning about the life of Jesus. They were not in deep Purgatory, but somewhere in the middle. Generally with the souls in Purgatory, whatever they did not do right, or if they did not practice their Christian Faith while on earth, they must learn and repeat this as their penance in Purgatory, over and over again, thousands and thousands of times. It is monotonous, but they have to do it. This repetitive action is part of their purification.


Lord have mercy on their souls, and I pray they get to Heaven soon.