18 August 2018

Father Valerijan Jenko


Father Valerijan Jenko had recently passed away. His funeral was last June. During the mass, I had a vision about him.


I saw the bed in which he was lying before he died. Priests surrounded him. In the next moment, I could see our Blessed Mother at the foot of his bed. She stretched out her hands towards him and smiled at him. She then turned to me and said, “Now, I do not want you to be upset but be happy for him because he finished his journey on earth and I am taking him home to Heaven. Pray for him.”


Our Lord has always asked me to pray for our priests and bishops and clergy, for all those still living as well as for those who have died.


Today, especially, I prayed for the soul of Father Valerijan. While praying for him, I suddenly had a vision of him. In the vision, I could see another person with him. I presume it was his guardian angel.


Father Valerijan smiled at me and said, “Thank you for the prayers you offered for me. You know, Valentina, while I was alive, I was always afraid to die, but I was wrong. When I took my last breath on earth, a door opened in front of me. On the other side of the door, the most beautiful Heavenly beings appeared to welcome me. They were all waiting for me.”


In the vision, I could see the door opening. On the other side, there were priests and bishops, and they were all wearing white robes embellished with an embroidered band down each sleeve. The embroidery was in the most brilliant heavenly colours. The scapular down the front of the robe was also in similar embroidery.

Father Valerijan was wearing a brown habit, the robe of the Franciscan Order. Once he passes through the door, he also will be dressed in the beautiful robes like those of the priests and bishops greeting him.


He said, “I was happy on earth many times, but nothing compared to here. I cannot express how happy and joyful I am here.”


Thank You, Lord for Father Valerijan, that You gave him such a grace to be with You.