20 February 2025

I Will Turn The World Upside Down

In the evening, when saying my thanksgiving prayers, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I come to talk to you as I watch the world sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of Hell—watching the leaders obey the evil that tells them to lie to people. The leaders of many nations actually deny the war and crimes they commit—they blame somebody else.”

“There is no more truth in anything they do. I, your Lord and God, can no longer watch this evil-doing. My Anger is great! And in a very short time, I will turn the world upside down, and I will get rid of all these cheaters and liars.”

He repeated, “It will happen! I will do it in the same way I overturned the tables of the moneychangers and drove out of God’s Temple those who were selling and buying and making a mockery out of a place of worship and prayer.” (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; John 2:13-16); Luke 19:45-46)

“But this will not only happen in one place—I will cleanse all over the world—get rid of all My enemies, and create all-new for My people.”

“Warn people to change and repent. My people are treated very unjustly, and they suffer, especially in Gaza and in the Middle East. They cry to Me and beg Me to help them.”

Our Lord paused for a minute as He was very emotional and could hardly speak. Then, looking at me and pointing His finger at me, He said firmly, “Valentina, My child, don’t you stop Me! If you ask Me to be merciful, you interfere with My Plan.”

I have never seen our Lord so angry and so sad—He was so emotional and teary-eyed, pressing His hands into His chest, indicating the suffering of deep pain in His Sacred Heart.

Lord Jesus, let Your Holy Will be done.

May the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus be praised, adored and glorified throughout the whole world.