23 December 2018

We Must Pray for the Forgotten Souls in Purgatory


Each time the angel takes me to see Souls, he takes me to a different place. The place can be anywhere, and it is always full of Holy Souls begging me to help them. It is never-ending.


Today, I met many souls who were butchers during their life on earth. They were all standing in one very long line, extending for a few hundred metres. All were dressed the same, wearing short white jackets. Each one of them was cutting meat with a large meat cleaver. I was watching them as they were continuously repeating this same action over and over again.


As we approached the souls and came up very close to them, I asked them, “Why are you still working and cutting meat as a butcher?”


They answered in unison, “Because we cheated on the scales and we overcharged people, and now we are punished and have to do a very heavy penance, attributed to not being honest while we were on earth. Lady, please help us and get us out of here.”


I said to them, “It doesn’t pay to be greedy. See how you have to suffer now!”


The angel who was standing beside me spoke in a serious tone, he said to me, “Humanity never learns while they live on earth. They cheat the poor, and they lie. They don’t realise that God sees everything. When they come before God, He judges severely and justly.”


Lord have mercy on these poor souls. When I attend Holy Mass, I will offer them to our Lord.


As we finished visiting these souls, the angel reminded me about the two Bee Gee brothers whom I visited in Purgatory not long ago. He said, “I have to remind you that you have neglected the Bee Gee brothers. You started, and then you stopped. They are waiting for you to help them. You must continue to help them until they are lifted to our Lord.”


The angel then took me to another place to visit more poor souls. Suddenly I found myself standing in front of a group of about two hundred souls. They were sitting in three tiered rows, similar to seating in a sports arena, very tightly packed, shoulder to shoulder, unable to move as if glued to their seats. All were poorly dressed, wearing dark brown, raggedy looking clothing, looking very much like beggars.


The angel said to me, “Please help them and offer them at the High Mass to our Lord Jesus because nobody prays for them. They were all musicians. While they were on earth, they were performing for the public. Among them is Jimmy Hendrix, the finest guitarist. Please help them, if not, they can stay here for a thousand years, forgotten. People on earth only like to listen to their songs and music, but nobody remembers them in prayer. They are completely forgotten.”


Jimmy Hendrix stood up when he heard his name mentioned by the angel. He stood briefly, without speaking and then sat down. In whichever way these souls were committing sin, while living on earth, they must now do penance and suffer in a similar way.


Lord Jesus, have mercy on all musicians. I offer them to You, grant them pardon and mercy soon so that they can rejoice with You in Heaven.