The Mystery of the Upper Room During Holy Mass
During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, I invite you to come to My Upper Room—I love to have you with Me because you console Me.”
“Did you see how much of My energy I give to the world during the Holy Mass? I give the ultimate of My suffering for the atonement of sin and for the salvation of the soul! But do they know? People don’t know about this.”
“You know, and you witness My Suffering. That is the ultimate of My suffering that I give—I give all of Myself with all My power, that nothing remains in Me.”
“But what else can I offer? Do the priests know about this? They don’t want to know Me because they don’t go deep into the mystery of the Holy Mass.”
While in the Upper Room with our Lord, I could still hear the Holy Mass being offered below. The living water is pouring from the Sacred Heart of Jesus in atonement for our sins. Once the Holy Mass ended, the flowing water also stopped, and our Lord expended all His energy.
I cried and cried for our Lord as I watched Him give Himself completely during the Holy Mass.
Then, I watched as our Lord regained all His power; the energy slowly returned to Him, and He did this all by Himself. And once He had all His energy back, He would even joke with me.
He said, “Valentina, thank you for being present with Me in the Upper Room and for your sorrow.”
I said, “Oh Lord, if only people would know—I feel so sad for You.”
Our Lord said, “Not many know about this. Priests that serve Me at Holy Mass—they just say the words that they learned, but they don’t know that the Upper Room is My Crucifixion and suffering repeated over and over again at every Mass. Otherwise, the world would be in terrible darkness if I didn’t do that.”
I said, “Lord Jesus, I thank You from my heart, and I know I am not worthy to be in Your Holy Presence, but I thank You for giving me the grace so that I can tell people. I wish I could tell priests and bishops, who I know You love, how much You suffer for them when they celebrate the Holy Mass.”
Lord Jesus, we thank You and we are deeply grateful for the Sacrificial Mass You give us to redeem us and to save us.