25 September 2024

The Sacrilege and Abuse of the Holy Eucharist

While saying my morning prayers, the Angel appeared. He said, “Today, our Lord wants you to witness what happens to the Holy Eucharist.”

Suddenly, the Angel and I found ourselves in a building. In the centre of this building stood a big square box, about a metre wide and half a metre high. The Angel then led me towards the box for me to see what was inside.

I was amazed when I looked inside the box. It was full of Holy Hosts that we receive during the distribution of Holy Communion at Holy Mass.

I said to the Angel, “Wow, I have never seen so many Holy Hosts. They would feed almost the whole world!”

He said, “Now, watch carefully and see what they do to It.”

Suddenly, a priest appeared holding a round metal container. Without any reverence, he then started grabbing the Hosts and filling the container.

Following the priest came another person who was also holding a dish. He then started to fill his dish with the Holy Hosts in the same irreverent manner as the priest.

As the Angel and I stood there watching, behind me to my right, a door suddenly opened. A man came through the door holding a brown paper bag filled with Holy Eucharists. He went directly to the box and tipped the brown paper bag, emptying all the Hosts into the box.

The Angel said, “So much sacrilege in the Holy Body of our Lord Jesus.”

The Angel then explained the meaning of the action of the man who emptied the Hosts from the brown paper bag. He said, “These are the people who refuse and mock the Holy Eucharist, and the graces are returned to the box. These people are unrepentant.”

“See how much abuse and sacrilege is given to our Lord Jesus now in the Holy Eucharist in the Churches. That offends our Lord Jesus very much.”

“Valentina, console our Lord Jesus for all the abuse and sacrilege that He receives during the distribution of Holy Communion. Tell people to repent.”

Our Lord laments much that Bishops and Priests do not teach about the Holiness of receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Lord, have mercy on us.