27th OCTOBER, 2011

Our Lord Jesus spoke to me when we were at a gathering in Ingrid’s
house, for a talk about the messages given to me and also prayer.

“Valentina, My child, tell Ingrid I thank her very much for inviting us to
her home. She really welcomed us with a pure love. A spiritual gathering
is always pleasing to Me and My beloved Mother, when children pray
and share My word amongst one another. There is so much prayer
needed for the world in order to change for the better.”

“Tell Ingrid wherever you go to share Our word, We are truly present and
We listen to what you tell the people. You don’t know the joy that comes
to My Sacred Heart. I cannot tell you how much you console Me and My
beloved Mother. We grieve so badly for so much sin committed
throughout the world.”

“Today you all receive a very special blessing.” Our Lord Jesus raised
His holy hand in a gesture, “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy

“Go in peace and spread our Holy word to all who will listen. I love you,
My children.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother for all the graces you give us.

Our Lord smiled again.