30 November 2022

Feast of St Andrew the Apostle

Father Chris celebrated Holy Mass today and offered thanksgiving for the fourth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Two other priests concelebrated Mass with Father Chris. It was a beautiful Holy Mass, so reverent.

Our Lord Jesus was present, and He was very joyful. He wore a beautiful white tunic with a red mantle.

He said, “See My Anointed Ones around My Altar. It makes Me very happy to see all three of them concelebrating the Holy Mass, which is how it should always be. Pray for them so that they will always be protected.”

Today, on the Feast of St Andrew the Apostle, our Lord said, “When I lived on earth among my Apostles, I taught them to go out, and I said to them, “I will make you fishers of men.”

“Go out, I said to them, proclaim My Holy Word, of repentance, to be baptised, and to know God.”

“I said to them, Tell them (the people at that time) that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Those who believe and change will be saved. Those who reject and refuse will be lost.”

“My teachings, I give them, and they received a special grace from Me so that they would understand My teachings and pass them on to others.”

“My chosen Apostles love Me so much, and they always obeyed Me. They did everything to please Me. I gave them authority to do everything in My Holy Name, and the Holy Spirit was with them, leading them everywhere.”

“They had their suffering too, you know; rejection from people, abuse from people because they (the people) did not want to accept My teachings. At that time, the world was very sinful. They disobeyed God very much and offended Him, but nothing like today.”

Today, the world is one hundred per cent worse than it was in the past. So sinful is the world that it is frightening to watch humanity acting worse than animals. How sad it makes Me to watch all of this that is before Me. I have to intervene soon. Pray very much that this will happen soon.”

“Console Me, My child Valentina. Tell people to repent of the sin they carry in them. I Am merciful. Tell people not to be afraid to come to Me and to repent, and I will forgive everything when they come and ask Me sincerely from their hearts.”

Our Lord was praising His Apostles because He loved them so much while they were together on earth. At that time, it was very beautiful. Our Lord had a very intimate relationship with His Apostles.

Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world.