5 January 2025

Father Bray Celebrates Holy Mass in Heaven

When Father Bray passed away many years ago, I saw him walking with the Angel. The Angel said, “Pray for Father Bray.” I did as the Angel asked and have been praying for him ever since and offering Holy Masses for him.

I said, “Lord Jesus, is Father Bray in a good place or not yet?”

It was not our Lord Jesus who would answer, but Father Bray would came and say, “Valentina, I am still creeping through Purgatory. Don’t forget to pray for me.” So, I continued praying for him and offering him up to our Lord.

Then, today, while I was praying, to my surprise, Father Bray appeared. He said, “Valentina, I am so grateful to you for helping me along my way. But now, our Lord sends me to you—since you have family visiting you and therefore you can’t attend Church for Holy Mass as usual, I will celebrate Holy Mass for you. A special Mass just for you because I am so grateful that you helped me and prayed for me.”

All of a sudden, we found ourselves in this little church with other people present. In the centre of this church, I could see a beautiful glowing Box, and I knew that it was the Holy Tabernacle.

Father Bray said, “You kneel while they prepare the Altar for me so I can celebrate Holy Mass for you—just for you.”

Father Bray celebrated the Holy Mass, and I received our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion.

I was on top of the world and so grateful that Father Bray is in Heaven now. He had quite a lot of suffering before he reached Heaven.