5 May 2020

I Create Everything for Everyone

This morning when I was praying and dwelling on the sadness of our Lord, the angel appeared and said, “Because you are sad, I have some surprise for you. Come with me.”

Suddenly we came to this huge, beautiful building. We entered a room which looked like a large assembly hall. I noticed there were many people present, about two hundred or so, all sitting around a table. They were all very happy and joyfully chatting to each other.

Through a door entered three ladies, and they were each carrying flowers. The bunches of flowers were a mixture of all different colours and oh so beautiful.

I went to them and said, “What beautiful flowers! May I have some, it is my birthday.”

Immediately, all three answered in unison, “No, it’s not!”

I laughed but they were quite serious and of course it was not my birthday.

As the angel and I proceeded into the room he handed me an open packet of pink drinking straws. I think I was supposed to take one, but I left the whole packet on a nearby stand. I thought to myself, ‘I will take them on the way out.’

In the middle of the room I noticed a group of about four or five men, all very joyful and very happy, standing and talking to our Lord. (At the time I did not know that the Man they were speaking to was our Lord, it was only later when our Lord spoke to me that I knew who He was.)

Our Lord Jesus was wearing light cream pants and a brilliant white shirt. He appeared to be about thirty years of age with short hair. Very smart looking. The other men were wearing grey pants and white shirts.

All of a sudden I heard the sound of the ding of a bell. Immediately our Lord left the men and went towards what looked like a commercial sized, silver fridge. He opened the door of the fridge and took out a very tall glass of what looked like chocolate brimming to the top.

Our Lord then moved in another direction towards a huge microwave. He left the tall glass he was carrying in the microwave. He then went back to the men and continued conversing with them. I did not know what they were talking about but they appeared to be in a very deep, but friendly conversation.

Suddenly, I again heard the sound of a ding of a bell. Our Lord again left the men and quickly went to the microwave to remove the chocolate that was now melting. He took the chocolate and served it to one of the seated people. As He did this He would turn to me to see if I was watching Him, to ensure that I was observing what He is doing. He then returned to the group of men.

Our Lord did this repeatedly, back and forth, carrying melted chocolate to each of the seated people. This went on for quite a while, with our Lord looking at me each time to see that I was watching.

I thought to myself, ‘Are these people chocoholics? No wonder the angel gave me the straws.’

As I watched this repetitive action, our Lord all of a sudden said to me, “See, I Am the one who creates everything for the people, and I Am the one that serves everyone. You are sad because you cannot go church like you used to, that is why I take you into My Holy Presence. What more do you want, you are in my Holy Presence, that is the fulfillment of everything. I want you to see that I Am always the One who serves everyone and creates everything for everyone.”

The angel and I started walking towards the door to leave. I noticed the packet of straws were still on the little stand where I left them.

I thought to myself, ‘What do I want with those straws?’ I left them there and walked out the door. At the door were the three ladies I had met earlier with the bunches of flowers. They were arranging the flowers into vases.

Lord Jesus, Creator of all goodness and love, I thank you and I praise you for taking me into your Holy Presence.