7 February 2021

St Patricks Cathedral, Parramatta

Coronavirus used as excuse not to go to Confession


During the Holy Mass today, our Lord came and said, “You see, Valentina, when you enter this Church, nothing seems to have changed; it is still very down. You do not see this, nor understand, but you bring the light into this Church.”


He said, “You know, My child, you are the intermediary between Heaven and Earth. I choose you to intercede for souls. Without realising it, you directly intercede between Heaven and Earth, without the people noticing that you do this. But, right now, I Am very offended in the Holy Eucharist. People come and receive Me without Confession. People are afraid to go to Confession because they are afraid to catch the Coronavirus.”


“I wish My Sons, the Priests and Bishops, would talk more about confession, reconciliation and repentance, during their homilies. Because people are not encouraged to go to Confession, they are living more relaxed lives, thinking it is not necessary and they are using the Coronavirus as an excuse.”


Lord, please have mercy on your people and protect them.