
24th March 2018

Warning from our Blessed Mother to take Messages Seriously


Today, Lord Jesus said, “My child, learn about this present time, that you are living in. Learn from this present life.  Nothing lasts forever, and you gain nothing out of it. Only through your ups and downs, and through your sufferings and your crosses, do you possess Eternal Life, which lasts forever. Amen!”

Today I also greeted Blessed Mother saying, “My dearest Mother and Queen!”

She said, “My Dear children, listen to my warnings and to my messages that I have been giving you, for a long time now. The times are approaching very fast, and you will experience all kinds of calamities, and you will be very sorry that you did not listen to me.”

Very seriously, Blessed Mother continued, “You take the messages with ease, very lightly. You should think about them and take them more seriously, because they could be my last messages and my last warnings to you.”

7 March 2025

Cyclone in Queensland and Northern New South Wales

Early this morning, the Angel came and took me to Heaven to meet a saintly person.

The Angel said, “You will meet a lady who wants to talk to you.”

Immediately, I thought I would meet Blessed Mother, but instead, it was a saintly lady whom I had never met before. She was tall, blonde, and dressed all in white.

I felt a little disappointed when I didn’t see Blessed Mother—it is always a beautiful feeling when I meet our Lady.

The saintly lady said, “Valentina, I was sent to you to meet you with a very serious message.”

In her right hand, she held a piece of white paper with a lot of writing on it.

She said, “What is written in this message is for you and it is all about the severe cyclone and storm that will hit part of the Australian coast.”

I said, “I know about it, and I am very worried about the people it will affect.’

At that very moment, another saintly lady passed us by. I was so worried about the impending bad weather that I said, “Maybe we should ask her to help us with this.”

The saintly lady replied, “No! That doesn’t concern her at all. This message is only for you. You live in Australia, and it is your duty to warn people and to pray. You have to spread the message to the people and tell them they must pray and repent because God is very offended. That is why this punishment is coming to them.”

And then she said, “Let us go inside and pray in this building.” It was all for this intention.

We entered a building that looked like a church with pews inside. As we entered, I sat on one side, and the saintly lady sat opposite me. She placed the paper with the writing next to her on the pew.

I kept gazing at the paper, which had a lot of black spots and writing, the spots representing the locations where the disasters were to happen. At that moment, the lady called me to come to her. As I began to approach her, I sensed the Tabernacle was near me and felt I needed to genuflect, but as I rushed to the lady, I forgot to do so.

When I came to her, she stood up, holding the paper. At that very moment, God the Father appeared. I was totally surprised to see Him, but I could see that the saintly lady was not surprised.

He embraced both of us, holding us tightly to Himself. As soon as God the Father embraced me, all the fear left me, and I felt so good.

God the Father said, “You have nothing to fear. You are in My care, and I embrace you, and nothing can harm you.”

At that very moment, I felt God the Father already reduced the punishment for the Australian coast. Not only was He embracing me, but He was embracing all His people on earth.

Suddenly, I thought, ‘Gee, I am going to be squashed between the two of them.’

As God the Father held us in His embrace, with me in the middle, I looked up at Him and noted how tall He was. Then, I looked up at the saintly lady and noticed she was also quite tall.

I said to them, “You are both so tall and I am so little!”

They both smiled when I said this.

God the Father said, “Small? You might be small physically, but this is a big message you have to give to people. You have to let them know of the very important message I give you. I want you to tell them to take notice of My warnings—to change and to repent and pray.”

“Valentina, My daughter, I give you a big responsibility to warn My people. If they don’t listen, worse is to come. They better take notice of this.”

Thank You, my Father. I love You.

This morning (9-Mar-2025), our Lord Jesus said, “Offer Me the message that I may sanctify it. Let them still read it!”

“The people should be thankful and grateful that it (the cyclone) did not hit harder than that.”

2 March 2025

The Mardi Gras Offends our Lord Deeply

During the Holy Mass, our Lord spoke to me about how greatly offended He is by the Sydney Mardi Gras Festival celebrated last night.

He said, “Do you think that I Am very pleased for a city or nation that permits such filth to be paraded through a city? It does not please Me.”

“I Am God of mercy and forgiveness, but I do not like such horrible things performed in public, the way they move, the way they act and expose themselves. Do you think I Am going to bless the city for that? No!”

“And people are praying that I would punish these people. I don’t do that, but the city of Sydney will have its own judgement very soon. Right now, it is so polluted from the sin of that filth that I would like priests to make a procession, bless the streets with prayers and incense, and ask God to be merciful. The sin of the evil that passed through the city remains there.”

During the distribution of Holy Communion, our Lord said, “So many offend Me because the truth of repentance is not spoken of in the church. You saw My Agony when I sacrificed Myself during the Mass. I Am willing to do it over and over again. It will be a pleasure to do it, but the sin of sacrilege I receive during the distribution of Holy Communion so offends Me.”

“First, Communion in the hand is so sacrilegious that nobody should touch Me. Then, people come to receive Me with mortal sin, and some they never Confess. Imagine My Body goes into that soul—you don’t know the Agony I suffer. Oh, how I suffer! Speak to My Bishops and Priests and explain to them that I Am not happy about that. They need to tell people to repent and to go to Confession.”

After Holy Mass, I went to pray in the Chapel before the Statue of Our Lady Help of Christians. Blessed Mother said, “My Son is so offended by the sin committed in the city of Sydney, and the world is watching and supporting this (the Mardi Gras). Oh, how that offends my Son!”

“The thick black smoke of sin is reaching right up to Heaven, reaching the Majesty of the Throne of God. Console my Son, He is so gravely offended.”

1 March 2025

First Saturday Prayer Group

During the prayers at my First Saturday Prayer Group, the Blessed Mother appeared.

She smiled and said, “My children, usually in the Cenacle Rosary, they only offer me one Rosary, but you, my children, offer me all four Mysteries! And that is something very beautiful. It is from your will that you do that, and you greatly console my Son and me because you are so dear to my Immaculate heart.

“One day, my Immaculate Heart will triumph—you will see, and the glory of God is coming very, very close.”

“Be at peace and don’t give in—continue to pray and console my Son who is so offended by the world.”

Blessed Mother blessed us all, and she is very, very happy.

28 February 2025

Three Volumes of Messages

This morning, while I was praying, the Angel came and took me to Purgatory to console and help the Holy Souls. As we were coming out of Purgatory, suddenly, three saintly ladies appeared. They were wearing very light-coloured tunics, and, to my surprise, in their hands, they held the three volumes of the messages I received from Heaven. These volumes are my copies that I read from every day.

Joyfully, they said, “Valentina, the three volumes of Messages that you have—they are beautiful. We love them, we adore them! They are truly blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. You should be very happy.”

“You have to promote the Messages to people and tell them to read them. They are a good teaching for people. Even if the messages were written years ago, not all the prophecies have yet been fulfilled.”

I said, “But how do you know?”

They answered, “We know everything. We know what will happen on earth. The world will suffer a lot because people are disobedient to our Lord Jesus. They take it very easy and don’t worry much about things.”

“We pray for all of you.”

The saintly ladies asked, “Can we keep them? We love them so much.”

I said, “No, they don’t belong to me.”

28 February 2025

Cenacle Prayer Group

During the Cenacle Prayers, Blessed Mother spoke to me about how sad and concerned she is by the inconsistent attendance at the Cenacle Prayers. She was not very content or happy.

She said, “Valentina, my daughter, tell my children (Cenacle prayer group) that my Son consecrated this group to Himself—this is very important. But definitely, not everyone understands the Consecration. When you commit to something, you have to fulfill it.”

“I see numerous people that don’t attend anymore—they come for a while, then disappear. When you commit to something, you have to fulfill it.”

“It offends my Son because the time now in the world is very, very bad, and the devil is really trying hard to distract you. I understand the difficulty, but you have to be stronger than that—you must fulfill your duty. It is not that you have to attend the prayers every day—just once a week. So try to participate as much as you can.”

Blessed Mother explained, “When you come and pray regularly and adore God, you move forward in your faith. But all of a sudden, when you withdraw yourself, deciding whether to attend or not, and slowly neglecting the prayers, the devil steps forward and has more power. The faith goes backwards, but the evil progresses forward. That is why we pray to be strong and to defeat the evil spirits.”

“My Son is so offended by the world, and at the same time, when you attend the prayers, you console Him very much. Try to participate regularly.”

27 February 2025

Vision of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI

In the evening news, they reported on the progress of Pope Francis’s health who has been hospitalised for a number of weeks. They said that he was still ill and very fragile. I was very touched hearing about his suffering. I lit a candle and offered prayers for him.

After I finished praying the Holy Rosary and the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I went into my bedroom. Before going to sleep, I usually read a passage from the Holy Bible as our Lord taught me to do and I say a few other prayers.

After finishing my prayers, I switched off my bedside light, but I wasn’t sleepy when, all of a sudden, lights appeared, gathering in my room. In these lights appeared a vision of Pope Francis lying in bed. Surrounding the Pope, I could see many saintly people, but the one who came closest to him was Pope Benedict XVI.

I gasped in surprise and said, “Oh, Pope Benedict!”

Pope Benedict was all aglow, wearing a golden tunic with a mitre on his head. He was standing very close to Pope Francis, speaking to him and praying, but I could not hear what he was saying.

Our Lord said, “Pope Francis and his predecessor, Pope Benedict, were very much together while Pope Benedict was alive, so he came down to see him and talk to him.”

I asked, “Did he come to get him?”

Our Lord replied, “No, not yet. He will still be here for a little while, but he is very fragile. Pray for him. They are all praying for him in heaven.”

23 February 2025

The Mystery of the Upper Room During Holy Mass

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, I invite you to come to My Upper Room—I love to have you with Me because you console Me.”

“Did you see how much of My energy I give to the world during the Holy Mass? I give the ultimate of My suffering for the atonement of sin and for the salvation of the soul! But do they know? People don’t know about this.”

You know, and you witness My Suffering. That is the ultimate of My suffering that I give—I give all of Myself with all My power, that nothing remains in Me.”

“But what else can I offer? Do the priests know about this? They don’t want to know Me because they don’t go deep into the mystery of the Holy Mass.”

While in the Upper Room with our Lord, I could still hear the Holy Mass being offered below. The living water is pouring from the Sacred Heart of Jesus in atonement for our sins. Once the Holy Mass ended, the flowing water also stopped, and our Lord expended all His energy.

I cried and cried for our Lord as I watched Him give Himself completely during the Holy Mass.

Then, I watched as our Lord regained all His power; the energy slowly returned to Him, and He did this all by Himself. And once He had all His energy back, He would even joke with me.

He said, “Valentina, thank you for being present with Me in the Upper Room and for your sorrow.”

I said, “Oh Lord, if only people would know—I feel so sad for You.”

Our Lord said, “Not many know about this. Priests that serve Me at Holy Mass—they just say the words that they learned, but they don’t know that the Upper Room is My Crucifixion and suffering repeated over and over again at every Mass. Otherwise, the world would be in terrible darkness if I didn’t do that.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, I thank You from my heart, and I know I am not worthy to be in Your Holy Presence, but I thank You for giving me the grace so that I can tell people. I wish I could tell priests and bishops, who I know You love, how much You suffer for them when they celebrate the Holy Mass.”

Lord Jesus, we thank You and we are deeply grateful for the Sacrificial Mass You give us to redeem us and to save us.

22 February 2025

Prayer Gathering at Paula’s House

My friend Paula invited me to her house for a prayer gathering, and to share the Holy Word of our Lord Jesus and Holy Mother Mary.

During the sharing of the Holy Word of our Lord, Jesus spoke. He said, “Valentina, My child, today I want to tell you how happy you make Me when you praise Me to the group so beautifully.”

Smiling, He said, “I want to tell you, you dress Me and cover Me with a beautiful Mantle, and people love to hear what you are telling them, and they ask you many questions. They would like more because they are hungry for what you teach them of Heaven.”

“All of you here today receive a very special blessing from Me,” He said.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your blessings we receive. We love You, too.

20 February 2025

I Will Turn The World Upside Down

In the evening, when saying my thanksgiving prayers, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I come to talk to you as I watch the world sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of Hell—watching the leaders obey the evil that tells them to lie to people. The leaders of many nations actually deny the war and crimes they commit—they blame somebody else.”

“There is no more truth in anything they do. I, your Lord and God, can no longer watch this evil-doing. My Anger is great! And in a very short time, I will turn the world upside down, and I will get rid of all these cheaters and liars.”

He repeated, “It will happen! I will do it in the same way I overturned the tables of the moneychangers and drove out of God’s Temple those who were selling and buying and making a mockery out of a place of worship and prayer.” (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; John 2:13-16); Luke 19:45-46)

“But this will not only happen in one place—I will cleanse all over the world—get rid of all My enemies, and create all-new for My people.”

“Warn people to change and repent. My people are treated very unjustly, and they suffer, especially in Gaza and in the Middle East. They cry to Me and beg Me to help them.”

Our Lord paused for a minute as He was very emotional and could hardly speak. Then, looking at me and pointing His finger at me, He said firmly, “Valentina, My child, don’t you stop Me! If you ask Me to be merciful, you interfere with My Plan.”

I have never seen our Lord so angry and so sad—He was so emotional and teary-eyed, pressing His hands into His chest, indicating the suffering of deep pain in His Sacred Heart.

Lord Jesus, let Your Holy Will be done.

May the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus be praised, adored and glorified throughout the whole world.

9 February 2025

Good Fruits Produced Through Suffering

After the singing, the Angel and I stood up and left the bench. He said, “Now, the Holy Family wants to meet you. They wait for you, and they want to see you.”

We came to a gate. The Angel opened the gate, and St Joseph stood there waiting for us. He smiled and said, “Valentina, come see our garden and the apples—you have to taste them.”

As I greeted St Joseph, he started to speak to me in Italian. He said, “It has been a while since we talked to one another.” Many times in the past, I have seen St Joseph with Blessed Mother, but he was quiet.

St Joseph, the Angel and I then walked into the garden, where we met Blessed Mother and little Boy Jesus, who looked about eight years old. They came out of a building to meet us. Both of them wore beautiful long garments of the same royal colours of burgundy, pink and gold. Blessed Mother did not wear a mantilla.

I said to little Lord Jesus, “Oh, how You grew up since I last saw You. You are much taller.” The last time I saw Lord Jesus with Blessed Mother, He was a toddler.

Our Lord Jesus looked at me and smiled as He moved around Blessed Mother, acting as a child usually would.

The Holy Mother Mary said, “Come. Come and see our beautiful apples.”

As Blessed Mother showed me the apples, I said, “Oh, how colourful and healthy and  beautiful they are.” These were the most ripe, golden, luminous bunch of apples I have ever seen.

Blessed Mother smiled and said, “This is the best quality fruit that you produced with your suffering. You go through a lot of suffering, but be courageous. We love you very much. Don’t listen to anyone, only to us in Heaven.”

Our Lady knows there is much confusion on earth now, so she reminds me to listen only to them.

“Valentina, tell people my Son is very offended by the world. The world is becoming more and more sinful—greedy, corrupt and selfish, and the poor people are being more and more suppressed. Many catastrophes are predicted and are coming, if people don’t change. As a Mother, I can no longer hold back my Son. Soon, He will judge the world severely.”

“Valentina, my daughter, speak to people, don’t be afraid. Tell people to repent of their sins and to stop offending My Son. He is already offended too much.”

9 February 2025

Our Lord Asks That We Make Monthly Confession

This morning the Angel came and took me to Purgatory. We visited many souls, especially priests.

These priests were poorly dressed in light grey-coloured monks’ robes with their heads covered. Some also had their faces covered because they were ashamed of the wrong things they did in the church while alive on earth.

While the Angel and I were amongst these priests talking to them, a beautiful young priest suddenly appeared wearing a long black cassock with a white surplice.

He came directly to me and hugged me. He said, “Valentina, I was sent to you by our Lord Jesus to tell you to pray very much for Cardinal Pell and offer Holy Mass for him.”

I said, “But he is in Heaven.”

“I know he is in Heaven,” He said, “But people still say bad things about him on earth, and he is very much not in peace.”

I said, “I know about that when people in Heaven are not at peace, because of what is said about them on earth.”

This young priest was very friendly and lively. He kept hugging me and hugging me. He did not reveal his name to me. While the other priests in this part of Purgatory were gathering around, he discreetly pointed towards them and quietly said, “Pray for them and help them.”

He said, “Do you know? Our Lord is now selecting and grouping people, and He wants them to make a monthly Confession. It is very important and urgent for this to be done, and only our Lord knows the reason why He is doing this.”

The Angel and I then went out of Purgatory and sat on a little bench. We sat there talking when a young boy came and stood behind us, holding a very unusual guitar similar to a mandolin but with no neck.

The young boy, who looked about sixteen years of age, was playing the instrument slowly and singing. The heavenly singing and music were so melodic and soothing to listen to, ever so beautiful—it brought me such joy and peace.

He smiled while singing, and I really enjoyed listening to him.

I turned around to watch the boy and said to the Angel, “Wow, this is so beautiful. It is so nice of that boy to sing.”

“He is not a boy—he is an angel,” said the Angel sitting next to me. “That is why we sat here because our Lord Jesus sent him to console you Valentina. Our Lord sent him for you.”

As he was singing, all of a sudden, a most beautiful perfume surrounded me.

I was so grateful and said to the singing angel, “Thank you very much. I am going to give you a little donation for doing that.”

The singing Angel immediately said, “No, no, don’t give me a donation. If you want to give a little donation, give it to the poor people, but I come to sing for you for nothing.”

3 February 2025

I Am Now Ready to Chastise the World

While praying the Angelus this morning, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “In the olden days, I used to send a great punishment to people because they didn’t listen to Me and they offended Me too much, but then I felt sorry for My poor, weak, sinful people so I sent My Mercy to the world hoping they would change. I gave them an abundance of My Mercy to come back and to repent.”

“But now, you have come to the point that nobody looks anymore at My Mercy, so I Am now ready to chastise the world.”

2 February 2025

Suffering for Priests and Bishops

During the last two nights, many demons came into my room, chasing me continuously. They were men demons with black hats. They kept chasing me and chasing me and taunting me by repeatedly saying, “We hate you! We hate you! Stop spreading the messages. Stop talking about the messages.”

It was such a horrific experience for me. Also present were two angels defending me with what looked like pink-coloured glowing rods. I was getting so very exhausted because the demons just constantly kept running after me.

I couldn’t take it anymore and said, “Lord Jesus, I have had enough of this! Who are these people?”

During Holy Mass today, our Lord answered. He said, “I know it was a great suffering for you. I will reveal to you today for whom you suffered.”

“Would you like to know? You’ll be happy when I reveal to you. You suffered for Bishops and Priests on the brink of falling into Perdition, but I used your suffering to save their souls.”

“See, they do wrong in the churches, and after they die, they have nothing to show Me but their misery and their disobedience while they were in the Church, but I use your suffering in My Compassion. I still save their soul. So pray for them and offer them to Me.”

I said, “Thank You, Lord, for saving them—the suffering was worth it.”

2 February 2025

I Am Crushed Right Down

Today, during Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, I want you to remain on your knees, as long as you can, to console Me. Do you know how much I Am crushed right down when Holy Communion is distributed? Not only do they come to Me as a casual number, but they come unrepentant. Only some people are repentant in their hearts, but others come ever so casually full of unconfessed sin. They crush Me right down. You don’t know how I suffer in that. Pray for them, and do reparation for them because they really offend Me so much.”

“I blame My Bishops and My Priests for not speaking the truth to people, not telling them and teaching them of repentance and reverence in the Church. There is no value anymore in My Eucharist. They completely crush Me—this is in every Church.”

“It is very casual. They no longer honour and value My Holy Body.”

Our Lord was very, very upset, and He asked me to kneel and do reparation for all the offences.

2 February 2025

Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord

At the beginning of the Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop, Blessed Mother said, “Do you know when I offered my Son and took Him to the Temple, I offered with Him the whole human race, till the end of the world. I offered all my children to God. You were all with me, especially those who remained faithful to us.”

Our Blessed Mother’s suffering was a big test when Simeon told her she would experience sorrow like a sword piercing her heart. She said, “But I also experienced sorrow for humanity because I knew they were all around me, and I had to offer all of you to our Lord in the Temple.”