29 November 2024

Peace in the Middle East is Very Fragile

Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus said, “Pray for Lebanon, pray for the Middle East because the peace they offer now is very fragile. It is only temporary, and when they say peace will reign, that is false because they can start the war again at any time.”

“So pray for that intention so the peace will last, at least for Christmas.”

He said, “So much blood, so much hunger, so much devastation is there that it breaks My Heart.”

Our Lord desires that there will be peace in the Middle East, at least for Christmas.

Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus are so upset for their suffering children. They want us to pray for peace in the world.

24 Nov 2024

There Will Be Another Assassination Attempt on Trump

In a vision, I could see Donald Trump kneeling with his hands held in prayer and praying. A blue light surrounded him. Our Lord is protecting him but we have to pray for him.

Our Lord said, “There will be another attempt on Trump’s life, but they won’t succeed.”

24 November 2024

Hungry Children in the Middle East

Today, during the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus spoke to me and showed me an image of starving children. The vision of the suffering children so distressed me, it was horrible, that I was in tears.

Our Lord said, “Pray for the children in the Middle East—they are starving, they are dying of starvation. They are hungry; they have nothing to eat and no nourishment. People have an abundance of everything, but they do not share, and there is an evil leader who doesn’t allow food to come through as well.”

Our Lord is very sad for the world. He said, “The world is really sinful and does not share with the needy.”


24 November 2024

Feast of Christ the King

This morning, the Angel came and took me to a Church in Heaven.

He said, “Come and adore our Lord Jesus.”

The Church was magnificent, and everyone was preparing for the King of Heaven. Amongst the Heavenly Court, I could also see present High Priests.

Today, on the Feast of Christ the King, they beautifully celebrate our Lord Jesus in Heaven.

As I entered this beautiful Church, I immediately looked for the Tabernacle. As soon as I noticed the Tabernacle, immediately I slid on my knees to kneel, and as I did so, I saw three different images of our Lord Jesus appearing slightly lower than the Altar.

The first image showed our Lord Jesus looking very sad. He was very serious in the following image, but in the third image, our Lord was young-looking, smiling, cheerful, and so beautiful. He looked so happy and majestic. This third image really appealed to me.

I said, “How beautiful are all the images of our Lord.”

The Saintly people that were present asked me, “Which image of Lord Jesus do you like?”

I replied, “Oh, they are all beautiful. Each one is different; one image is sad, one is serious, but I like the last one where our Lord is happy.”

Pointing to the last image, I said, “This one I like.”

The Angel said, “Console the Lord. As you can see, He is very sad. He is suffering, but He needs your consolation—that is why I brought you here to witness this.”

Later that morning, as I dressed to attend Holy Mass, I asked our Lord, “What am I going to wear today in this hot weather?”

He said, “Wear something purple because I was crucified as a King.”

During Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, you should see how they honour Me in Heaven as King, and there wouldn’t be a King without His Queen, so My Mother is always present with Me, as Queen, the title she received from Me. She represents My Kingship.”

Blessed Mother was dressed so richly in white and changing colours with hues of soft pale blue. Our Lord Jesus wore a majestic purple-red robe and white underneath. They each wore a Crown on their head, surrounded by the Heavenly Court of Angels and Saints adoring and praising Christ the King.

24 November 2024

Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus Upset That Miracle is Ignored

Blessed Mother spoke to me about the Eucharistic Miracle described in the Message from 17 October 2024.

She said, “Me and my Son, we are very upset for this St Patrick’s Church. Such a beautiful grace and miracle with the Holy Eucharist occurred, yet they completely ignore it—that upsets my Son very much. Absolutely, they do not want to know—they just close their eyes and do nothing.”

“What are they going to do without God? They should appreciate this gift.”

“This miracle will encourage people to know that God is with them—that this Church has been specially selected, especially through all your prayers to which you all have been so devoted for many years.”

“It is a reward—how can they ignore this gift?”


15 November 2024

Pray for Pope Francis

During the Holy Mass, the Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus appeared accompanied by the Holy Angels. Blessed Mother said, “This prophetic message that we give you comes directly from Heaven.”

“Valentina, my daughter, what I want to tell you is to pray for Pope Francis. Offer him today at the Holy Mass. I have to announce to you and tell you that Pope Francis will soon have to flee into exile because his enemy wants to put evil upon him. His life will be in danger.”

“And you know what will then happen in the Vatican?”

“Things will change. After he has fled, a false person will sit on the Chair of St Peter.”

“These things are bound to happen. Pray very much for Pope Francis, for his safety, while he is still in the Vatican.”

Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus, we thank you, have mercy on Pope Francis, and protect him.

14 November 2024

Dove Appears Adorned with Precious Jewels

When I was praying this morning, all of a sudden, I heard the sound of flapping wings. To my astonishment, a beautiful Dove appeared, adorned with the most magnificent large diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other precious jewels all over the wings and body. I was awestruck by the many brilliant colours.

I thought to myself, ‘Where is this Dove coming from?’

Then our Lord Jesus appeared and smiled. He said, “This is your reward. Today, you are rewarded with the Holy Spirit coming to you—the spiritual fruits you produced from what you have done so highly for the souls, and you merit all the Heavenly Jewels.”

In awe, I said, “Lord Jesus, I have never seen anything so beautiful.”

Thank You and praise You, Lord Jesus.

8 November 2024

United States Of America Election

During my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus said, “Trump’s victory was enormous, more than people expected. At the last minute, people changed their minds to swing the election towards him.”

In a vision our Lord showed me how people were waiting in line to vote. Many were still undecided about who to vote for, and I could see how, with a sweeping motion of His Arm over them, He changed their hearts at the last minute to swing their vote towards Trump.

“It was always My Hand that I hold over him, and I permitted him to win the election. It is better for the United States—it will be better for the world.”

“Through him, nations that are at war now and killing people—they may lay down their weapons.”

“Pray for him to be protected because he has a lot of enemies.”

3 November 2024

My Friend Appears During Holy Mass

During the Holy Mass, after receiving Holy Communion, I kneeled in my pew, thanking our Lord for the grace to receive Him and asking Him to be merciful to me, a sinner, when, suddenly, A…, my friend, appeared before me. Although I had not seen her for many years, we stayed in touch. However, it had been a while since I heard from her.

She said, “Valentina, it is I, A…, here. Please don’t send me away; please help me.”

I said, “Oh, A…, what are you doing here? Where are you?”

She replied, “Valentina, I am no longer on earth. I had a fall and hurt myself, and then I found myself in the other world.”

“Valentina, today I received the biggest grace to talk to you. Our Lord Jesus is good—He sent me to talk to you because He knew we were friends and what I had done in my life. I had done so much wrong in my life, and they were no good in God’s Eyes.”

“I am not in Heaven; I am in Purgatory, in expiation, which is not too bad, but yet I think I am going to spend a long time there because of the wrong things I was doing on earth, meeting my partner which I should never have gotten involved with him, because it was not God’s Will and I have to suffer now very much.”

“That was the biggest mistake in my life. It is a big mistake when people get involved with other married people. I should have listened to you. We were best friends. Valentina, I love you so much—you are the only one who can help me.”

She was begging me for help. I said, “A…, I will help you.”

She said, “Valentina, Jesus loves you so much. You are number one with Him. Everybody loves you, and you help a lot of people. Please help me too. They showed me how poor you are, and I wish I could have helped you because I had a lot of opportunity to do so, but I didn’t, and now it is too late for me.”

Pleading, she said, “But please don’t abandon me—please think of me and help me.”

I was so shocked and touched to see my friend that I was crying as I listened to her since I did not know that she had died. She said, “Remember how many times we got together, and I should have listened to you and followed you, but I went on the wrong road, and I am very, very sorry now, but I can’t help myself. I have to pay my dues. Our Lord Jesus judges completely differently.”

Immediately, I said to our Lord, “Lord, I offer up my Holy Communion for A…, my friend.”

3 November 2024

My Coming is Closer and Closer

During the Holy Mass, our Lord was very cheerful when He said, “Valentina, My child, did you notice that I gave you a little break from the Holy Souls—I did not give you so much pain like I usually give you.”

“But, still unite yourself to Me because, during the Sacrificial Mass, we are united as one, so you are witness to My Suffering, how I suffer to redeem humanity—the sinners of the world—otherwise, no one would be saved.”

“Today, so many people should repent of their sins, but they don’t want to. Sin is spread so deeply in the world that it is very hard to get rid of. But I also want to tell you that I already have started judging the world with the disasters that are happening around you.”

“I have to tell you that with the severe weather and the severe judgement that is already coming to the world, so is My Redemption and My beautiful peace and happiness that will descend on Earth. I Am getting closer and closer to renewing the world, and, in a very short time, it will be such a peace and such a joy.”

“Today, you are here because it is a High Mass, and I want you to offer Me all the people that you can think of—the young people, the sick, the dying, the depressed, the ones that no one prays for them. Offer them all to Me, because My Sacrifice of dying on the Cross is for all of them, and you are witness to that.”

“But there is another thing I want to tell you: the more the disasters are happening in the world, the more there is a purification, and My Judgement is already here, so is My Coming, which is closer is closer.”

In a vision, I could see how our Lord suffers during the Holy Mass, and as I am kneeling, that is when the offerings are washed with the living water—purified with the living water. That is why our Lord said that I am very united to His Suffering and Redemption, and together, we will make the world better. The whole experience was very touching.

2 November 2024

All Souls Day

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, My child, it was My doing that you are here today. I organised everything that you should be here today for the Holy Souls. I know you had other plans, but I want you to be here and witness how many souls have been redeemed and went to Heaven through your suffering—you will be more than happy. They all love you because you helped them, you prayed, and suffered for them.”

After the Holy Mass, I went to the Chapel to light candles for the Holy Souls when the Blessed Mother appeared. She said, “Put a little bit of money in the poor box—you are going to pay some debts for some souls.” Blessed Mother has never asked me to do this before.

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Do you know there is the Church of Purgatory, Church on Earth and Church in Heaven—they are all united into one today. And it is also special for the Holy Souls as many of them are already in Heaven and many are on their way to Heaven—they are coming now.”

“And another nice thing I will tell you: Today the Holy Souls are free to come and visit their relatives—to visit their loved ones on earth. It is a very special day for them—pray for them and give them encouragement, as many souls remain in purification because they are not ready to ascend to Heaven yet. Tell others to pray for the Holy Souls, for their loved ones and for the forgotten souls for whom people do not pray.”

“The Holy Souls rejoice and are very happy in Heaven—they all live in My Spirit. These souls no longer think of worldly things because they are now united to Me in Heaven. The suffering they had and went through during their life—that is all forgotten and wiped away from them. That is why they rejoice now and gather together with friends and relatives, and they adore Me and praise Me. The main thing they do is they praise Me that I was so merciful to them.”

31 October 2024

Taken to Heaven to Meet Family and Friends

In the morning, the Angel came and took me to Heaven. In a beautiful garden, I met saintly people, about four hundred ladies all dressed in white. I knew many of these ladies while they were alive here on earth.

Amongst this group, I saw my sister Angela, my cousin Antonia, who used to live in New York, who I had not seen since we all left Slovenia in our youth, and other relatives and many friends I knew from childhood. This group was mainly new arrivals to Heaven. These ladies all died in their older age, but here in Heaven, they were all young-looking.

They were so happy and joyful, but what amazed me was their laughter and giggling.

Curious, I asked them, “What are you all doing? Why are you all laughing?”

They answered, “Because we are all happy that we are gathering together, walking and talking and laughing, praising our Lord and thanking Him. We are praying for all of you on earth.”

None of these ladies asked me about anybody here on earth, including their loved ones. They did not miss anyone on earth—they are full of love. They are giggling because they all know each other. Our Lord knew how they loved each other and were friends while alive on earth, so He allowed them to be together to share.

I asked them, “Do you go to sleep now if you are tired?”

They answered, “Oh, if we want, we can lie down, but we are not tired.”

I said to them, “Gee, I would get used to that.”

The ladies said, “Valentina, can you stay with us? You are the one that helped us to come here.”

I would have loved to stay with them, but the Angel interrupted and said, “Come, we cannot stay any longer. You have to go across the road. A lady is waiting for you—she wants to explain something to you.”

I said to the ladies, “I’ll come back.”

The Angel and I crossed the road between lush greenery and a double-storey building. High up on the exterior of the building, I noticed very large statues of the Holy Family—Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus. I had never seen this before on my visits to Heaven.

We entered the building, and a mature, beautiful, and holy lady greeted us, dressed all in white with hues of blue—this represents that she is higher up in Heaven and merits more. She held a piece of paper in her hand. There were a few other people present as well.

I thought, ‘I know this lady—I met her in Heaven once before’.

The lady did not tell me her name. She said, “I am in charge of the groups. I am the one who arranges the groups, but our Lord puts them together. I guide them and direct them. It is like school—I tell them what to do, when to pray, when to praise God, but they are free. They have freedom.” She then told me how they pray for people on earth.

This lady wanted to explain that when souls first reach Heaven, they need help acquainting themselves with Heaven to know where to go and what to do. She is in charge of these groups and guides them. There are many groups of people in Heaven.

The Angel said, “You now have to go back to the group.”

I turned around, going towards the door to leave the building and return to the group of ladies I had just met. As I came to the door, four Angels blocked the doorway. They were not very tall Angels, and they lay prostrated on the ground, blocking my exit. Two other Angels were standing just in front of me, on either side.

I said to the Angels, “I have to go back to the other group. How am I going to get through the door if you’re here? Could you please stand up?”

They answered, “We cannot. You have no permission to go there anymore.”

I said, “Why not? I just came from there, and I want to go back. How am I going to get out of here?” Confused, I looked back to see if the saintly lady could help me leave the building, but she seemed occupied with other people.

At that moment, in a rush like the wind, our Lord Jesus appeared on His knees, sliding towards me, grabbing me by my legs, and hugging me to Himself. I noticed that I was wearing a long skirt while I was in Heaven. I was so shocked and embarrassed. And then our Lord laughed joyously, and I laughed, and we laughed together.

He said, “You see, you worry for nothing—I Am the only One Who can give you permission to leave, no one else!”

I then realised that was why the angels lay prostrated on the ground; they were awaiting our Lord.

He said, “You see My Teaching? In everything, I give permission—nothing is done without Me. I can do anything I like. They all obey Me, but I Am not severe with them—I love everyone.”

“You know why I did that [grabbing my legs]? You were very sad and depressed, and you had a lot of suffering, and I came to cheer you up—this is your little reward. You see how joyful we are. We are now both happy.”

Our Lord placed such a joy in me that as He laughed, so did I. We just laughed and laughed.

Lord Jesus asked, “Did you see how friendly and happy everyone is in Heaven?”

I said, “Lord, you are full of surprises!”

Our Lord and I were joyously laughing, as were the ladies across the street—all joy and happiness. The Angels remained prostrated the whole time I was there with our Lord.

When I returned home, I thought, ‘Gee, I don’t believe it—why would our Lord grab me by the legs—I felt a little bit embarrassed’.

While making a cup of coffee in my kitchen, I said to our Lady, “Oh, Blessed Mother, I feel a little embarrassed by what our Lord has done.”

She said, “My Son loves you so much—He likes to have a little joke with His children. He comes to cheer you up because you have a lot of suffering.”

I felt so touched by our Lord’s actions. He is so beautiful. He knows everything: how you are, how you feel, and what you are going through. He knows every little fibre of our being.

Blessed Mother said, “You see how many beautiful friends you met—they are all happy in Heaven. Nothing is missing. But it is very hard to convince people on earth what is in the Afterlife.”

Through suffering, you get to rejoice in Heaven, and it is all through the Spirit of God that we breathe.

27 October 2024

God the Father Speaks to Leaders and People of the United States of America

This morning, when praying the Angelus, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “I want you to very much start to meditate on the message I gave you about America not long ago about the broken glass—study that message very much, that is what is going on with America right now.”

Then Our Lord Jesus departed.

Our Lord is referring to the message from 28 May 2023, titled ‘Pray for America’, which has been reproduced below.

Then God the Father suddenly appeared, looking very sad.

Speaking in a firm voice, God the Father said, “My daughter, I come to give you a message for My children in America.”

“Listen to Me, I, your Father Almighty of Love and Mercy, is speaking to you, My children of America:

“Why do you hate one another?”

“Why do you not support one another?”

“Why do you separate from one another?”

“By doing this, you divide the nation. Hate and evil is ruling among you.”

“Stop being childish. Stop lying to people and telling them what you can do for them. You have a great responsibility to take care of the whole nation.”

“There are so many poor people on your doorstep, but you turn a blind eye to them. You ignore them.”

“America, America, turn to your God, the Father Almighty, who sees everything, and I can solve your problems. Why do you reject Me? I tell you, if you do not listen and change, you will experience the worst revolution in your nation—it will be trouble after trouble.”

Now, God the Father speaks to Kamala and Trump. He said, “My daughter Kamala and My son Trump support one another. It doesn’t matter who the leader is, as long as you make the right decisions and I, your Father, will help you. I Am full of love and compassion for all My children on earth, and I have compassion for this nation, America.”

“This is My Warning to you. Pray and turn to your God Almighty before it is too late.”

God the Father, be merciful to the people of America.

Message from 28 May 2023 – Pray for America

When I started to pray The Angelus this morning, the Angel appeared and said, “Valentina come with me. Our Lord Jesus wants to reveal to you not-so-very good news.”

Suddenly we found ourselves in an area where there were many houses. We began to pass through these houses, visiting many people. These people were very friendly, and we met even more people as we passed the houses. The Angel said, “These are all good people and prayerful.”

Suddenly another Angel appeared. He said, “Valentina, come with me. I want to show you some writings that our Lord Jesus wants you to see and to be revealed to you.”

We entered a house, and there I noticed a small table. The Angel then brought what looked like a bundle of folded, light bronze-coloured newspapers and placed them on the table.

He said to me, “This is all bad, bad, bad news, nothing good!” The Angel said this to me as he leafed through the newspapers showing me all the headlines.

I could see a very thick underline at the end of many of the messages in these papers, emphasising their importance. Between these messages, I could see a beautiful image of our Lord Jesus dressed in an all-red tunic. Our Lord looked sad. I tried to read what the messages were about, but I could not as the Angel quickly flicked through them.

The Angel said, “Every Commandment of God is broken, like a broken glass.” In a vision, the Angel showed me a broken glass and said, “See this glass, it is broken, and it goes into many pieces, and it cannot be mended any more. This place is doomed. People disobey God and offend Him so much.”

I started to worry, and I asked the Angel, “Where am I? What is the name of this place?”

The Angel answered, “This is America! America!”

I asked him, ‘What am I doing in this place?’

The Angel answered, “This is very serious and sad news. Pray for this nation.”

As we walked out of this house, out in the open, I noticed a beautiful old church to my right, not far from where we were standing. It was very old and made of stone.

I said to the Angel, “These are very nice and friendly people. Before I leave, I will come and say goodbye to these people.”

I asked the Angel, “Are these people alive, or are they souls?”

The Angel answered, “They are real people. They are alive.”

Suddenly a group of angels appeared, about six or seven of them. They were very friendly and said, “Valentina, we are going to teach you how we communicate with people using our hands and not by talking.”

The angels then happily taught me the hand signals they use to communicate with the souls.

After the teaching, I asked the angels, “All is good, but what is the name of this town?”

In one voice, they all answered, “Milwaukee! We are the Angels that protect this place and the people. Pray for them.”

Thank you, Holy Angels. Lord Jesus, have mercy on America.

I am only the messenger of our Lord and delivering this message. Please pray for this nation.



20 October 2024

Humanity will Go Through a lot of Suffering

This morning, while I was praying, the angel came. He said, “A lot of changes are happening quickly in the world, and also very dangerous ones. I come to tell you that before you enter into the wonder and beauty of the New Era of Peace, humanity will have to go through a lot of suffering before that will happen. But have great hope, pray and repent because our Lord never abandons anybody. He is always near to you to give you strength and trust.”

Comment: Our Lord is sending His angels to give us hope and not to be anxious and worry too much about the changes coming to the world. It is important to be in a State of Grace and to pray.

17 October 2024

Eucharistic Miracle above St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Today, after the 12.30 pm Holy Mass, and after we stepped outside, my friend George was looking at the statue of Blessed Mother on the ledge of the building across the road from the Church.

Just as he was about to leave the Church, he was suddenly inspired to take a photo of the statue of Blessed Mother. While taking the photos, he noticed that the sun appeared to grow larger and descend lower. Later, looking at the images on his phone, he was amazed at what he saw. He hurried back to the Church to share the photos with others.

Some people thought it was the sun above our Blessed Mother.

I said, “No, this is the Holy Eucharist!”

As I walked into the Chapel to pray, Blessed Mother appeared, and she was smiling.

She said, “Tell George it is not the sun—it is a miracle of the Holy Eucharist. Today, a miracle is given to this Church, and it is not only for some of our children, but it is for all of our children to witness.”

Then Blessed Mother said, “No matter how they will try to deny it and try to change things, they cannot. God is above all. I would like you to share this miracle that happened in October.”

We thank you, Blessed Mother, and we love you.