19 October 2019

Two Angels and St Luke the Evangelist

This morning while I was praying, I received a surprise visitation. Suddenly, there appeared two angels, accompanied by a saintly person from Heaven. They introduced me to St Luke the Evangelist.

The two angels said, “Valentina, we were sent to you by our Lord Jesus Christ to reveal what our Lord wants us to tell you.”

“Our Lord Jesus is offended by humanity in the world, more and more than in any previous ages. The behaviour of humanity is so evil. It is uncontrollable and most sinful.”

“How long will our Lord permit this to carry on? You, yourself, must console our Lord and tell Him that you love Him. Speak to people. Tell them to change, to convert, and to repent.”

St Luke then came up very close to me. He has dark hair and an olive complexion. He was wearing a long, dark brown robe.

St Luke said, “The people of the world are not mature. They don’t pray for wisdom, so they never mature.”

“For instance, mothers don’t raise their children properly. They do not teach them anything spiritual that will benefit their souls. From an early age, they only teach them about modern technology, and they give them little objects with push buttons, to amuse themselves.”

“As the children are amused by these objects, the mothers are then free, so they do not need to talk to their children. They don’t have much to do with their children.”

“God wants the mothers to teach their children about the spiritual life, to teach them about the faith, and to teach them about what is right and what is wrong. It is important in their young lives. That is why so many young people end up going in the wrong direction. Many marriages break down because the husband and wife do not have much faith. God is not the centre of their lives. They do not have much unity in order to communicate with one another, to forgive one another, and help one another.”

He said, “Valentina, that is why so many young people and men are falling into Hell.”

St Luke spoke in a scholarly and very serious manner.

In stern tone, he said, “And I tell you Hell is real! How many are heading on that road and falling into the trap of the devil?”

“I blame priests in the churches because they don’t speak the truth about Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Tell people they really exist, and it is the Truth.”

St Luke was so upset when he said, “I tell you there are so many godless people living on earth today!”

“Valentina, speak the Truth, even if you are condemned for this. Jesus is on your side. He is protecting you. Nobody can harm you.”

“We keep coming to you because our Lord is so offended. It is only a few in the world that really listen. Most people do not believe in God but believe in nothing, so they continue to live in sin.”

St Luke, please pray for us.

17 October 2019

Urgent Message from Blessed Mother

This morning while I was praying, the Blessed Mother Mary most Holy came as our Lady of Fatima. She was dressed in the purest white with a beautiful long mantle covering her head.

She said, “My daughter, I come to ask you and all my children to pray the Holy Rosary. I need many Rosaries, especially in this month of October, to be offered to console My Son Jesus, for the many offences that He receives. His Heart is deeply wounded to watch the world be so sinful.”

“In this present moment, you need to pray for peace, which is threatened by so much evil in the world. There are many places where there are wars, persecution, and the killing of innocent children. I tell you, my children, nothing is certain and stable in this world anymore. Only God is! Everything else is changing for the worse.”

“I come to ask you to offer many, many Rosaries so I can present them to the Most Holy Trinity.”

At that moment, in front of Blessed Mother appeared a large roll of the silkiest and most shiny white fabric. I watched as the roll of material, started unrolling in front of me, and moving towards me.

Imprinted on this fabric were the most beautiful red and white roses. They looked so real, so alive. I was so amazed at the beauty of it all.

I asked Blessed Mother, “What does all of this mean? The beautiful material with the roses on it?”

She smiled and answered, “The roses represent the many Rosaries to be said and prayed. The material symbolises my Maternal Mantle that I can cover all my children with and to protect them.”

“My daughter Valentina, I want you to spread this message everywhere. It is very urgent to pray many Rosaries, in these times that you live. They are dangerous times.”

“My child, console my Son and me. In return, I ask you for one white rose, that you can place in front of my statue in the church. That will make me feel better.”

Thank you, my beautiful Mother and Queen. Please protect us.

14 October 2019

Our Lord would like us to reflect on this past message for today.

Our Lord appeared to me while I was saying the Angelus and said, “Valentina, my child, pray very much for My successor, the Pope John Paul, that I placed on the seat of St. Peter. Soon I will take him away. He is getting very tired and weak, but I still prolong and extend the graces for a very good reason and purpose. While he is in charge, you are all safe in your faith. I tell you, his enemies want him to go. My children, the seat of St. Peter will change for the worse. Many things will change in your doctrines within the church. You will all be surprised to see the difference between now and after. They will tell you to accept and go along with all the modem changes. Modernists can hardly wait for this to happen. Pray, pray for him, and remember to stay the way you were taught about your true faith. Trust in your True and One God, the Most Holy Trinity. I bless you, fear not. My children. I will pour many graces on My faithful children, those who listen to My Holy Word. Don’t change. Remain steadfast in your True Faith and Lord Jesus Christ.”

I answered, “Lord, please protect us and strengthen our faith. May Your blessing and peace be upon Pope John Paul”.

6 October 2019

My Churches are becoming like a Warehouse
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Today at Holy Mass, during the distribution of Holy Communion, our Lord lamented how much He is offended each time people approach Him at the Holy Altar to receive Him in Holy Communion.

He said, “They come to receive Me unrepentant, full of sin and very casually. It is like a habit; one sees from the other, and then the whole church comes to receive Me.”

“My churches everywhere are becoming like a warehouse. They try to entertain people, and in response, people clap their hands. Their behaviour is indescribable! My beloved priests are silent to all of this. They do not teach people about reverence in the church, and they do not teach them about the need for silence in the church.”

“In the olden days, people would tip-toe as they would enter a church, not to disturb others while they are in prayer.”

Jesus then lamented to me about how people these days dress immodestly in His Church.

He said, “Today, the fashion offends Me greatly. People dress provocatively, almost half-naked. All of this must change.”

“Pray that I will soon touch the world so that people will come to know that all of this behaviour is wrong. Pray, that they will change. The whole world needs repentance.”

Our Lord Jesus was very upset today at what He sees in His Church.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us all. We pray that people will repent and will respect the sacred silence of the church, that they will dress with modesty and receive You worthily, and that they will always show reverence in Your Holy Presence.

4 October 2019

Feast of St Francis of Assisi
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During the Holy Mass, just before the Consecration, a young person appeared in front of me. He was tall and slim, with beautiful dark hair and dressed in a long, dark brown habit like a priest or a monk. A handsome gentleman.

He smiled and said, “Valentina, you have the privilege for me to come to speak to you.”

Smiling, he said, “Let me introduce myself. My name is St Francis of Assisi. I come to tell you that Jesus loves you so much. Don’t be sad about the things that you experience, for the hardships and struggles in your life. Be happy for the great reward that awaits you in Heaven, for all your fatigue from the pain that He gives you to save other souls. I tell you, all of that, produces good fruits.”

“It is hard for you to understand because you don’t see this. We of Heaven pray for you so that you can endure all that the Lord sends to you.”

St Francis then began to speak of himself, “I, too, suffered much on earth, and was very poor sometimes. I even lacked a piece of bread, was ridiculed and not wanted among people, but I endured all and offered it all to our Lord Jesus, everything to console Him.”

“Valentina, we all fulfil His Holy Will, all for His glory.”

St Francis reminds us to pray to him by saying, “Valentina, tell people to intercede to me for their intentions. I will pray for whoever asks me. Tell them to especially intercede to me for tolerance and peace, which most of the people need these days. People are very restless, and they have no peace.”

Thank you, St Francis, for all your teachings. Pray for us.

3 October 2019

Visit from St Jacinta and St Francisco

In the evening, while I was praying the Holy Rosary, a light appeared above me, and then it expanded and opened up, and to my great surprise, I saw Blessed Mother accompanied with two young children. She came dressed as our Lady of Fatima.

Blessed Mother smiled and said, “Today, I bring with me the two Fatima children, Jacinta and Francisco, so that you can meet them. I want to tell you how brave they were, they offered their young lives to the Lord and had a lot of suffering while living on earth, but now they are very happy and joyful in Heaven.”

“They pray for people on earth. You too can ask them to intercede for you to our Lord in Heaven.”

The children did not speak. They looked so beautiful standing on either side of our Blessed Mother. The little girl was all in white, with a beautiful crown of flowers around her head. Little Francisco wore long, dark pants and a white shirt.

I said to the children, “O Jacinta and Francisco, please pray for us.” They both smiled.

2 October 2019

Revelation by the Angel of the Lord of the Coming Illumination

While I was saying my morning prayers at home, I once again was given the privilege of a visit by St Therese of the Child Jesus. She came accompanied by an Angel.

She said, “I come to thank you for always praying to me so that I can intercede for you and for the people that you offer in prayer. Pray to our Lord Jesus.”

With a beautiful smile on her face, she said, “I know that you have a lot of suffering here on earth, but our Lord knows everything, and He loves you very much. Through all your suffering, you save many souls, and at the same time, you console our Lord.”

“I tell you, that never before has He been so offended as now, and in a most shameful way. Humanity behaves so badly and rejects God on earth.”

St Therese continued, “Be courageous, speak the Word that Jesus teaches you, and reveals to you. I, too, suffered greatly, when I lived on earth, but my life was all for my Lord, to please Him and to console Him. It is all for His glory.”

I then lamented to St Therese, and she listened while standing there with the Holy Angel.

St Therese said, “Valentina, how bad are the new laws, on abortion and euthanasia, that the governments are permitting these days, to lull the people. All of this makes me very sad and depressed.”

The angel accompanying St Therese then spoke, “With all that is permitted and happening in the world, do not lose hope. Have faith in our Lord Jesus. Pray and tell all those you meet, because soon He will send a sign to the world. It will illuminate the whole sky, and it will flash in such a way, right across the whole world, and everyone will know that God exists. It will be supernatural, not from a comet or any other planet, but it will be directly from God. It is coming very soon. Pray, and tell everyone to pray and to repent.”

As the angel was revealing me about the coming Illumination that would be visible in the entire sky, I could see in a vision the whole sky covered in a most unusual light, nothing that we here on earth have ever seen before.

In the vision, it was daylight, and the whole sky appeared covered in a yellow-gold colour which was constantly pulsating and moving. There was no other spec of colour seen. I understood at that moment that the sky in the entire world would be covered in the same yellow-gold light. It was extremely bright.

In my heart, I was given to understand that this supernatural event would be given to the world as the Warning, that is, that the Illumination will be of the soul, and God will let all people know that He exists.

St Therese was listening and smiling while the angel was telling me all the good news.

1 October 2019

Feast of St Therese of the Child Jesus
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During the Holy Mass, I had a vision of St Therese of the Child Jesus. While I was kneeling, she suddenly appeared and stood in front of me.

She smiled and said, “Valentina, our Lord gives me permission to speak to you. I want to tell you how sad we all are in Heaven for our Lord Jesus. Try to speak to people to change their way of life and to repent of their sins. People don’t believe in Him, and they do not love Him any longer. He suffers too much to see all of what is happening in the world.”

“Tell Him that you love Him, and that will console Him.”

During Holy Mass, after I received the Holy Eucharist, I went on my knees, and I offered it up for the intention to console or Lord, who is very sad.”

Lord Jesus have mercy on us.

22 September 2019

We are One

Lord Jesus said, “Do you know I still walk in the world?”

He continued, “I take you to the wasteland of Purgatory, and there you see how enormous it is.
I place you there so that you can help the Holy Souls and give them encouragement. Then I go around the world, I look at the misery of the world, and that is where we meet. You come from one direction, and I come from the other, and we meet in this open area. Finally, we meet face to face.”

Jesus and I met in a vast open space, in a most beautiful garden. He looked about nineteen to twenty years of age.

He said, “For doing all of that which you are doing (helping the Holy Souls) and doing that which I direct you to do, I love you so much. You are obedient to Me. You offer Me everything, and you accept all that I tell you.”

Jesus then came up very close to me and embraced me. He looked directly into my eyes and then kissed me right on the mouth. His Eyes were so beautiful, a pure crystal blue colour. He released me, and then He hugged me again. He said, “See, how intimate we are. We are one. We are doing the same work – to save souls.”

“You are worthy of that because you obey Me,” He said.

I feel like I am part of His family. I could only go to places where He would direct me to go, to help the poor souls, and to give them encouragement.

The kiss of Jesus is a blessing from Him, for speaking His Holy Word. I was so surprised.

29 August 2019

Blessing from Jesus to a dying Man

We had arranged to meet the mother of a seriously ill man named Angelo on Wednesday 4 September at St Patricks Church in Sydney. Angelo was forty-nine years old.

In the morning, while I was saying my morning prayers, and as I was praying the Angelus, the angel suddenly appeared and said, “I am sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. He said to me to give you a message, that you are to take His blessing to the sick person, whose mother you are supposed to meet next week.”

The angel said, “Do not wait until next Wednesday, you must go tomorrow, or otherwise it will be too late. You must pass on the blessing that our Lord Jesus sends him. You must bless him in the Name of Jesus, the Lord Who sends you. Our Lord recommends this because there is not much time for him. You must do it right away. Bless his mother as well.”

The angel stood in front of me while he was telling me this vital message. At the same time, to my left appeared the devil, who appeared as a normal human being dressed in conventional clothing. In a very casual voice, the devil said, “You don’t have to listen to him. You can take your time. You can go anytime. Relax, don’t worry about it too much. You don’t need to do it right away.”

I turned to the devil and, with a stern voice, said, “I will do and obey my Lord Jesus Christ and do what He wants me to do, not you!” After I said these words, the devil vanished.

I took this message seriously. I thought to myself, how am I going to get this message to the mother of the dying man? I called my friend Maria and asked her to contact the mother. She did so and told her of the urgency of the message.

The next day, Friday, was quite a cold and rainy and windy day. No matter how unpleasant the weather was, I caught the bus to the train station and travelled to Strathfield. My friend Maria picked me up from the station and immediately drove me to the hospital to see the dying man. As we arrived at the main entrance of the hospital, we called the mother on the mobile phone, and she came down to greet us and take us to her dying son.

We came to his room his family surrounded him; his wife, son, and his mother. Rest of his family and relatives were in the waiting room. I could see Angelo lying in bed with a mask over his mouth. He appeared lifeless. His mother approached him and in a gentle voice said, “Valentina is here!”

As he heard these words, and to our complete surprise, he suddenly responded and removed the mask that was covering his mouth and sat up in bed just for a few seconds. His lifeless body momentarily filled with strength.

Smiling, he greeted me and said, “Hello Valentina.”

After that, he just laid back in bed. I was so amazed how in one moment he looked so lifeless in bed, and the next moment he sat up. In that brief time, I sensed in my heart he forgot all his suffering.

Then someone in the room said, “Let us start with a prayer.” I think it was his son. All of us present prayed a decade of the Holy Rosary. When we finished the prayers, I heard our Lord say: “Now, pass My blessing to him and offer his soul to Me. Speak to him a little about the other world, so that he won’t be afraid to come to Me. Tell him of My Goodness and Love and the beautiful Heavenly home awaiting him and everyone.”

I did as our Lord asked. I passed our Lord’s blessing to Angelo. With my right thumb, I made the Sign of the Cross, on his forehead, and then on his chest and each of his hands. As I did so, I said, “Lord, bless Angelo in this life, and in the next, for all eternity.”
We then sprinkled the room, and everyone present with Holy Water. I noticed two angels at the foot of the bed, one on each corner. After we sprinkled the Holy Water, the wife of Angelo, said to me, “Good on you for doing this, I could see black shadows hovering in the room.”

I started to tell Angelo all that our Lord asked me to tell him and said, “You shouldn’t be afraid to die. You just come into another world. It is a beautiful world, so peaceful and full of love. Jesus is there with us. Many times, I have been there. It is so beautiful. It is real! I cannot explain in words the peace, happiness, and joy God gives us.”

We all need to go through a little purification because we all need to be pure before God. We are all sinners. We are aware that we are sinners.

Maria and I then said goodbye to Angelo and the family, and left the hospital room, as more people were coming in to see him.

Our Lord showed me how there is a big spiritual battle for the soul of a dying person, and we must fight for that soul, as they are departing this world. The family and friends surrounding a dying person must pray for that person unceasingly. It is very important as the prayer releases protection over the soul and allows them to depart peacefully.

The next day, at about a quarter to four in the afternoon, Angelo passed away.

May he rest in peace.

18 August 2019

Her Real Tears for Humanity

This morning, while I was praying, Blessed Mary most Holy appeared as our Lady of Fatima. She said, “Come and witness my tears my daughter! They are real! They are real tears that I cry for my disobedient children.”

“Never before, has the human race distanced itself away from the true God as now in this time, and they break all the Laws the He gives them. They disobey His Commandments.”

“They make their own laws of possession of goods and they are never satisfied. The more they have, the more they want. So much greed! ”

“I cry for my innocent children. They abort them by the thousands and thousands. These children cry to their Creator. I tell you, if humanity does not change, it is closer and closer to the Chastisement.”

“I can no longer hold my hand to protect you. Take seriously this message that I give you. This sin people commit on earth smells so bad, like petrol when you spill it on the ground. The same sin reaches all the way to Heaven. God can no longer watch humanity, so disobedient to His love and mercy. “My daughter, tell people to repent and change and not to delay, for now is the time to decide.”

As Blessed Mother was giving me this message, I watched huge tears plunging down her face. Never before have I seen such huge tears cried by Her.

During the week I was feeling quite sad because my long time neighbours, a young family with children, were vacating their home. I only found out after seeing the removalist truck pull up in front of their home. They were moving to a larger house in new neighbourhood. I thought we were quite close, as we would always talk to each other when we would see each other outside. However, without warning, and to my great surprise they were moving, with barely saying goodbye.

Today Blessed Mother consoled me. She said, “Valentina my daughter, do not be disappointed at what you experienced with your neighbour. They choose wrong, and they like to have the best of material wealth. They are of the world.”

‘Be happy and remain humble and poor, because you do not belong to this world. You belong to us in Heaven, where you will have all happiness.”

18 August 2019

I will not Beg you Forever
St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta

During the Holy Mass, and during the Consecration, our Lord Jesus appeared standing in front of me.

He said, “What My Mother tells you in her message today, you must take seriously.”

“Tell people to convert and to come back to God. The times are short. People no longer take the messages seriously. They are even ignoring them.”

He said, “I will not beg you forever!”

15 August 2019

Feast of the Assumption

During the night Blessed Mother appeared and took me to Purgatory.

She said, ‘See all the pain and suffering that we give you, from it you produced a lot of fruits.”

I could see a huge gathering of Holy Souls and they were waiting to enter Heaven.

They said, “Today we are very blessed. We are going home to Heaven.”

Blessed Mother said, “You had to go through the intense pain and suffering in order for these souls to be released to go to Heaven. They are so joyful and happy.”

I said. “Blessed Mother today is a very special feast day, your Assumption into Heaven. You should be rejoicing in Heaven.”

She responded, “See, I really care for my children. I want to help them and take them to Heaven, because they have endured long suffering to be purified.”

11 August 2019

Collapse of the Economy

This morning, while I was praying, an angel appeared. He took me to a deserted place. I saw buildings, half-constructed and abandoned, and slowly decaying. As we walked, I saw tall unfinished buildings, even derelict cement mixers, left and abandoned.

The angel said, “The economy will collapse, and there will be no money to continue the work. This collapse is coming. Tell people repent and come back to God. See what sin permits. The sin reaches all the way to Heaven, and because mankind does not want to repent and does not want to acknowledge God, they will suffer the consequences.”

During the Holy Mass, Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, when a nation permits such a horrible sin and it is accepted by the public, not only the people who permit such a horrible sin, but the whole nation will suffer. The sin leaves consequences for everyone”

10 August 2019

Father Valerijan: Messages from Heaven work in four stages

During my morning prayers, I received a special visit from Father Valerijan, who used to be my Spiritual director while he was alive. He looked like a young man, and he was wearing a priestly habit with a stole around his neck. He came accompanied by two angels.

He said, “Valentina, I come to explain to you how the messages you receive from Heaven work and what you must do.”

Father Valerijan was very serious as he was speaking to me.

He said, “I will explain to you. The messages you receive from Heaven work in four stages. First, you receive the messages from our Lord and from Heaven, that is stage one. Next, stage two, you write down the messages. At the third stage, you type the messages and distribute them to be read by others. The fourth stage is that you go to people to explain the messages to them. Speak to them about what our Lord desires for humanity.”

“You have to take this task seriously; do not neglect anything that comes from God. What comes from God is very precious.”

The angels were smiling while Father Valerijan was speaking to me.