12 March 2019

People don’t want to carry their Crosses


During my morning prayers, God the Father spoke, “Valentina, My daughter, how many people wish they could see Me the way you do. My daughter, you have many who envy you. People like to have everything in their lives, good fortune, material possessions, but most of all they don’t want to carry crosses or suffering which I send them. They want everything good in their lives and they want to see Me as you do.”


“The beautiful teachings I give you, through you, is for all My children so that they can learn from your writings and experiences with Me. How we are united in sharing intimate love and how we love to be together as one. That is why I told you many times, be careful, don’t trust people, only Me. Remain always humble that pleases Me very much. But woe to those who wish and do bad to you. They will be judged severely.”


“When they call you all kinds of names and ridicule you, reject you for the sake of My Name, be happy, sing canticles and praise Me. I am always with you and protect you.” Our Lord was in tears when He was telling me this message.


My Beloved Father, cover me with your Precious Blood and be with me always.

12 March 2019

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

God the Father Speaks


During Holy Mass, God the Father said, “My beloved daughter, I like to express Myself and tell you that the time in the world where you all live, is not a good time. There is so much evil that corrupts My people. How sad I Am to watch all that is in the world.”


“People are becoming very selfish. They should love one another and help one another, but everyone is so greedy and selfish. Many of My children die of starvation. It should not be like this. If only their hearts of stone would soften and have compassion for one another, it would change the world in which you all live. It would transform into paradise overnight, but there is too much pride in all of you to do anything. How can I change men’s hearts? They are so selfish and greedy, all for themselves. It doesn’t please Me.”


“Pray My children that the world will change.”

10 March 2019

My Adorable Jesus, I love You


This morning while I was praying I was taken by an angel to visit many Souls in many parts of Purgatory. How much they want for us to help them and to get them out of torment and suffering.


Suddenly the angel, who was my guide, took me to a different place. I knew right away that this was a heavenly place. Everybody was very busy here, they were all doing something. I became part of their group and began helping them too.


I asked the saintly people, “What are you doing?”


They replied, “This is a delivery and distribution place.”


Suddenly, a gentleman came, and brought three bags of flour on his shoulder and placed them on the floor a few metres from where we were standing. He pointed towards me and said, “Come here!” I obeyed and went to where the bags were, and then the gentleman left.


I then approached the saintly ladies and asked them, “Where is this flour going to go? I don’t know what to do with it.”


The ladies were questioning one another, “Do you know where the flour is going to go?” Nobody knew.


Suddenly, one of the angels appeared and said, “It is for you Valentina. You have to distribute this flour among churches and people. It is a very fine and pure flour. This flour was given to you from Adorable Jesus. He wants you to distribute it among people. You have to offer for the Holy Souls, for so many that you encounter. They wait on you during Mass and Holy Communion. Tell our Lord, that you will do all of that for Him. In that way you will console Him.”


The angel continued, “The Lord is so much offended throughout the whole world. So sinful and wretched are the people in every part of the world. Tell our Lord, ‘I will do all of that for You Lord’. In that way you will console Him and tell people to love the Lord and God.”


I said, “Oh, that is not something I usually say. It is something new for me.” I was referring to the words Adorable Jesus.


Our Lord said, “I love to hear when you say that, when you repeat the words ‘My Adorable Jesus, I love You.’ It will turn into a prayer when you keep repeating it.”


At the same time we console our Lord.


Jesus explained that the flour represents the Holy Communion, the Word of God, that we speak to people. From the wheat flour you make bread. The bread is shared among people. It represents the Word of God being shared with one another.


My Adorable Jesus, we love You and we thank You. Have Mercy on us.


7 March 2019

Rebellious Souls in Purgatory


In the early morning during my prayers, the angel appeared and said, “Come! I will take you to a place that you’ve never seen before. It will be a big surprise.”


When we arrived there, the angel said, “This is a place of screams, anger, and rebellion. The souls here rebel against the penance that they have to do. Most of them don’t accept that they are dead and they feel that they are still part of the world.  They are still attached to the world.”


I saw many people in a group. In particular, I saw a man dressed very poorly in a brown coloured garment. He appeared crippled in his movements.


The angel said, “Watch this!”


The man moved towards me in a very awkward manner as if his body was twisted and deformed. Pointing his finger at me, he said, “I know you are very poor!”


I thought to myself, ‘What’s that to do with you.’


He continued, “But I am rich! I am a millionaire! Ha, ha to you! You are poor. You are poor, and I am a millionaire.”


I responded, “Ha, ha to you. You didn’t bring anything with you!” The angel smiled with amusement when I said this to the man. I then asked him, “Did you help anybody or did you share your wealth with others?”


He said, “No! Why should I? It was all mine. I am going back. I totally refuse to stay here!”


The angel then turned to me and said, “Do you see what I mean? It is very hard to control these people. They refuse to accept their penance.”


All of a sudden another person appeared before me. I could see that he was a priest.


The angel said, “He was very hard to control, and it took a long time for him to accept where he is and to change. Now he is alright. He has calmed down.” I was made to understand that immediately after the priest died, he went into a state of uncontrollable anger and endless screaming.


The priest said to me, “I am working on a big project here.” I could see he was very busy moving in different directions and doing things.


The angel then beckoned me and said, “Come, there is something else I need to show you.”


We came to a place that was a vast open space. It appeared we were inside of a building, in which there was a very long, high wall. There were many pictures and artworks of portraits of people covering the wall. Extensive scribble lines covered all the images.


I was watching as two women were toiling away cleaning the scribble lines from all of the pictures. As soon as I saw the two ladies, I recognised them as Australian actresses while they were alive. One of the women was Cornelia Francis.


As the pictures were situated quite high up, the women had to extend themselves to try and reach them. I could see that this was very exhausting for them to the point where they used rage to wipe-off the marks. No sooner would they remove the scribble, it would then reappear. This action would go on and on, repeating itself over and over again.


The ladies were both screaming as they were wiping the pictures. One of them said, “I totally refuse to do it! I don’t want to do it anymore!” As she was saying this, she was screaming at the top of her lungs.


I said to the angel, “I can’t watch this anymore, this is horrible. This is torture.”


I will do anything to help them to get them out of there. These ladies had a very harsh penance. I could feel it, and I knew I had to help them.


The angel said, “They were too busy looking after their careers, and they had no time for God.”


The images on the wall were of many actors and actresses. The women were full of pride for their profession without giving any credit to God. The scribble over the pictures symbolised that in God’s Eyes, what they did on earth means nothing. It is literally, scribble.


When we are prideful and take credit for success in our careers and our achievements, without acknowledging God our Creator, then all of it is meaningless in God’s Eyes.


Lord have mercy on these souls.


5 March 2019

I will powerfully intercede for this Injustice


During the night I endured a lot of physical suffering to the point where I hardly slept. I kept tossing and turning all night. Like most nights, my room was full of Holy Souls.


About five o’clock in the morning our Lord Jesus appeared, and He was smiling. He said, “My child, the pain that you are going through and have endured all night, will you permit Me to use it for Cardinal Pell?”


I answered, “Yes, my Lord.”


Then our Lord explained to me, “That will help and contribute for the injustice. I will powerfully intercede for this injustice. My Child, I know everything, their deeds, and their lies.”


Jesus was happy and looking at me. I said, “Lord, I saw Your power that You showed me. Who can go against You? No-one!”


Our Lord said, “I work silently and deep into the spirit of people, and I bring out that which is Just and Truth.”


I said, “You are the only One, my Lord who can free him.”


Thank you my Lord Jesus. I love You for Your invisible and powerful graces.


Jesus said, “I ask that you go to Holy Mass and offer Me all that I have told you and shown you today.”


Later that day I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. After receiving Holy Communion, I said to the Lord, “Thank you Lord for coming to me in the Holy Eucharist. I offer what you asked of me for Cardinal Pell.”


After I made this prayer to our Lord, I received a vision. In this vision, I could see many people, not from this congregation, walking towards the Altar to receive Holy Communion. Suddenly, I noticed Cardinal Pell was also amongst these people. He was fully dressed as a Cardinal and wore a beautiful Mitre on his head.”


Our Lord showed me how He spiritually nourished Cardinal Pell with the Holy Eucharist to give him strength to go through his suffering.


I thank you Lord, for all Your powerful graces and intercession.

3 March 2019

The Faithful will be reduced to a small Remnant


During Holy Mass, before the Elevation of the Eucharist and Precious Blood, our Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “Appreciate while I Am still present on the Altar, this will not last for long. I tell you it is coming, it is coming! All that has been prophesied must be fulfilled. The devil is now trying to destroy My Churches. All the scandals and false accusations against My Church will reduce the number of faithful to a very small remnant. People have a very weak faith. They will find any excuse not to go to church. But be strong and have faith. You must trust Me.”


As Jesus was telling me all of this, just before the Elevation of the Eucharist and the Precious Blood, I experienced an immense heat throughout my body. I felt like I was on fire. The burning was so powerful that I said to the Lord, “Oh Lord, I cannot take this anymore!”


Jesus said, “See, the Spirit of Power, when I manifest in you, no-one can extinguish, no matter what they try. My Power is so powerful. When the time comes of the prophesied dryness in the Church, do not lose faith. I will manifest with all My Power. Tell people to remain strong in their faith, no matter what comes. Pray that I will give you strength for the coming times of suffering.”


The burning in my body lasted for about five minutes. I felt His Light and His Power and I knew it was from Jesus. He demonstrated His Power through me. It is so powerful beyond our understanding. You cannot stop it.


I said to the Lord, “But Lord, you can stop all of this.”


Jesus responded, “I can, but what is prophesied must be fulfilled. My Church is ruined from the inside. What I ask of you My children is that you have faith, that you have strong faith in Me. Ask Me to help you, to give you extra strength.”


Lord Jesus give us strength for the times that are coming.

3 March 2019

Pray for Cardinal Pell


Last night I said to our Lord, “Lord I surrender Cardinal Pell and the whole situation into Your Almighty Holy Hands. Please be merciful.”


This morning while I was making my offerings and saying my prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared to me as a little Infant about two to three years old. He said, “I come as an Infant because I know how much you love Me, but I will reveal the Truth as a grown-up.”


Our Lord knows how much He consoles me when He comes to me as an Infant.


Jesus said, “I know you are troubled about what happened to Cardinal Pell, all the accusations and the trial. I will show you in a vision what he had to go through during that trial.”


As Jesus was showing me the vision, He was also speaking to me. Suddenly I could see Cardinal Pell in a courtroom surrounded by many people, including the media. I was shocked to see the clothes of these people smeared all over with thick layers of black grease.


Jesus explained, “It is as if you would dip your hands into a dish of black grease and wipe it all over yourself. So many smears, so many accusations!


The black smears spiritually represent the evil that was present in that courtroom.


Jesus then showed me a little block of black grease, about a square inch in size, and said, “Touch it.”


I touched the little black block, it felt very thick and greasy.


Jesus said, “That piece of grease was specially preserved for Cardinal Pell to really smear him.” In a vision, I could see a hand place the black block on the back of Cardinal Pell’s right shoulder.


The evil that was in the hearts of these people landed on Cardinal Pell’s shoulder, but it did not enter his soul. There was no smear on his chest or his heart. By falling on the shoulder, this can be shaken off.


Let us pray for Cardinal Pell that the Truth will prevail.


Our Lord asked that we pray for him.

3 March 2019

Holy Souls desperately need our prayers


Today, when I received Holy Communion, our Lord appeared to me and said, “Offer Me Kerri-Anne’s husband, here at the Mass and offer Holy Communion for him. Nobody offers any prayers for him.”


Kerri-Anne is an Australian TV personality. Her husband, John died during this last week.


When a person dies, please pray for their soul or ask someone to pray for them. They desperately need our prayers.

1 March 2019

Australian Journalist Dies


In the evening, between eight-thirty and nine o’clock, I was praying a decade of the Rosary for the Holy Souls, when suddenly a soul walks into my lounge room, coming from the front door of my house.


I immediately recognised the soul of Michael Willesee who had died earlier today. He was wearing an off-white t-shirt and grey tracksuit pants. He came in and stood in front of me and looked at me long enough so that I would recognise him.


Michael Willesee was a prominent Australian television journalist who converted back to the Catholic faith about two decades ago.


I said, “O Michael, you came to visit me. Now you know where I live. You didn’t come when you were alive.” Michael did not respond. I understood that he needs to be guided to our Lord Jesus. When souls die they wander around waiting for someone to guide them to our Lord.


I said, “Lord I offer you Mike Willesee, please be merciful to his Holy Soul and may he rest in peace.”


As he started to move, a mist like a fog, appeared over his face and part of his head. He then left my room through the back of the house. I thought to myself ‘That’s strange, that the mist covered his face.’


Two days later, the angel explained the meaning of the mist. He smiled as he said, “Michael felt uncomfortable to come and seek your help as he did not contact you while he was alive even though he knew about you. That is why his face is covered by the mist.”


Spiritually the mist represents embarrassment.


The angel said, “After the soul passes from this life into the next the Truth is revealed to them, and many are directed to you to help them because they need your help.”


No matter how important we are here on earth, we still need help to by guided by God.

26 February 2019

St Patrick’s Church, Sydney

Pray, pray my children


This morning I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Church in Sydney.


During the offering of the Holy Mass, I offered Cardinal Pell. This week there has been a lot of media coverage on the conviction of Cardinal Pell. This has caused much distress to many of the faithful.


Our Blessed Mother appeared and said, “My children, I know you are very sad when you hear what is happening in the Church, but do not lose hope. Remember, everything passes by quickly. Nothing lasts forever. God remains forever, and He is a Just Judge.


All these rumours and scandals affect my Son deeply. His Sacred Heart grieves deeply for all of this. Pray, pray my children!


After this message, I felt very peaceful.

24 February 2019

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Pray for the Pope and the Synod in Rome


Today our Bishop celebrated Holy Mass along with five other priests and five new seminarians were in attendance.


During Holy Mass, our Lord asked me to offer the Pope and the whole congregation of Bishops in the Vatican, especially concerning the Synod about the abuses in the Church.


Jesus said, “Pope Francis is finding it very hard to deal with all of this. So much shamefulness he has to swallow and so much hurt is deep within him. He wants to speak the Truth and teach the Bishops and to tell them that what is going on is very wrong and very sinful. He suffers. All that I see pains My Heart very deeply.”


Our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, you are part of all of this too. Pray for the Pope and offer him at the High Mass for everything he must endure, for all the suffering.”


Our Lord was trying to explain that I am part of this because I am part of the revelation of the prophecies given to me by our Lord, and which are now being fulfilled. That is why He asked me today to offer at the High Mass (in the presence) of our Bishop, especially our Pope and the whole congregation gathered in the Vatican.


During the Mass, I was crying tears of sadness when our Lord was telling me all of this, that I felt so sorry for Pope Francis. He has an enormous responsibility. We all should pray for Him and not condemn him. Our Lord said, “The more prayers that are offered for the Pope the better it will be for him and the whole Church.”

23 February 2019

Soon I will Purify My Churches


Today, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus said to me that we are going through very difficult times.


He said, “My daughter, I want you to pray for Pope Francis especially. Right now he is going through a very difficult time in the Church. He has gathered all the Bishops of the world together, to try to resolve the problems of abuse in the Church. It is very shameful what has happened, both in the past and in the present time.”


“It is still happening today. It affects the whole Church. The devil is trying to destroy everything that I have established from the very beginning, but he will not succeed. I will not permit him.”


“Soon, I will purify My Churches, and they will shine and glow all the way to Heaven. I suffered, so the Church must also go through suffering.”


“My child, I spoke to you about all of this in previous messages. Now it is being revealed. All the Truth, through your prophetic words, that I have been teaching you, telling you and repeating to you over these years, is now being fulfilled.”


“In all that is happening now, you and I are in this together. I suffer, and you suffer, to see everything happening in the world. But there is much more to be revealed to the world. People remain blind and deaf to all of this. Tell them to convert and repent.”


Our Lord then, as He was looking at me, said, “Tell Me, how long are they going to stay so stubborn and prideful? Valentina, wherever you go, repeat this message to people. Hear no-one! I Am always with you, and I protect you. We are one. Tell people to come to My Refuge before it is too late. Tell them that I have so much love and compassion towards everyone.”


Yesterday during Holy Mass, at the distribution of Holy Communion, our Lord Jesus said, “My child, what is happening in the world now, you are part of all of this.”


Our Lord was sad as He was giving me this message. Seeing people so disobedient, especially those continuing to live in sin, causes much suffering to our Lord.

17 February 2019

Attendance at Prayer Group


In the afternoon I was invited to a friend’s house to attend a prayer group. Together we prayed the Holy Rosary, and I spoke to them about the messages that I receive from Heaven. It was a beautiful gathering of very prayerful people who love the Catholic Faith.


While we were praying the Holy Rosary, our Lord Jesus appeared and, with a most beautiful smile on His Face, He said, “Today you are all gathered around Me, My children, around Me and My beloved Mother Mary Most Holy, and you all receive a very special blessing. You come, and you sacrifice yourselves on this very hot day. My children, if you only knew how this pleases Me. You console Me greatly, and you share in My work that Valentina My daughter reveals to you. Wherever you gather in prayer, We listen to you and We are present among you. You have a great faith. But what I ask of you My children, is to pray for the world which is so sinful. Pray for the world to change.”


Our Lord listened to all the petitions presented by the people in the prayer group. Sooner or later Jesus will grant what you ask of Him, but most of all, at this moment, He wants us to pray for the world which is so sinful and needs conversion.


We thank you Lord, and we love You.

10 February 2019

Revival of Faith in Russia


Last night I watched a DVD about Russia and the revival of the Christian faith in that country. It was a beautiful documentary showing the rebuilding of churches that were once in ruins and how people are renewing their faith. The Russian people were rediscovering religious devotions.


As I was watching this documentary, I was so joyous that I said to our Blessed Mother, “O Blessed Mother, your Immaculate Heart triumphed in Russia! It was all your doing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so happy for the people of Russia.”


This morning I attended Holy Mass and offered Russia to our Lord Jesus. I said, “Lord, I thank You for the renewal of faith in Russia.”


Suddenly, our Lord came, and He smiled and said, “Valentina, it is good. Russia suffered for many, many years; its people were not free in their religion, they were persecuted for their faith. Small numbers still kept their faith, but in secret.”


“Valentina, with the revival of their strong faith, the devil was kicked right out of Russia! Guess where the devil went? He went into western countries. In western countries today, people lack faith. It is so sad how they do not believe in God anymore nor practice their faith anymore. They have a golden opportunity to practice their faith; they have peace, there is no war, and being blessed with having everything, but they neglect that which is most important, that is their faith.”


“What is the use to have everything in your life but to have no faith, then you are alive, but you are dead spiritually. How sad that makes Me. Pray that western countries of the world will wake up again to practice their faith.”


Lord Jesus have mercy on us. I pray that the western world will wake up soon.

4 February 2019

A visit from a Soul who had died suddenly


It was about eight thirty to nine o’clock in the evening when I was saying my prayers. I was praying a decade of the Holy Rosary for the Holy Souls.


While I was gazing at the Rosa Mystica, suddenly a lady appeared before me. She had walked through the door of the room. Behind her, I could see other ladies, but they did not come forward. This lady stood and watched me, and she started to cry. Uncontrollable tears were running down her cheeks. As I was watching her, she moved slightly to the side, and then she turned back again to look at me. I was so shocked. Her face instantly became distorted and unrecognisable. Just as you would twist rubber, that is how her face became twisted. It was quite horrible.


I felt that this lady had died suddenly, at this very moment as I was praying, and that her appearing to me immediately after dying, had some connection with our Blessed Mother. She was guilty of something, and whatever it was, it cost her: her life. I understood that she will go to deep suffering because part of the reason for her death was also her fault.


The next day, as I was watching the six o’clock evening news, they reported a story about a woman who had been murdered in Sydney the night before. They also showed a photo of the unfortunate woman. When I saw the face in the photo, I was so surprised as it was the same woman who came to visit me last night in my living room.


Lord, have mercy on her soul and may she rest in peace.