28 October 2018

Famous professor who denied God

(Message received on 15 March 2018 not previously published)


While I was praying my morning prayers, I said to the Lord, ‘I offer you all my petitions and especially today, I offer you the soul of Stephen Hawkins.” I knew that during his life he had denied the existence of God, but he also may have done some good in his life, so I offered him up to the Lord.


I said, ‘Lord, please have mercy on him.


The next morning, while I was praying my morning prayers, the angel of the Lord appeared.


He said, “I was sent to you by the Lord, to explain and show you something for the prayers that you offered for Professor Stephen. He was judged by our Lord, and I have to tell you he is at the very bottom in the darkness. He has to wait there until the End of Time to be judged at Final Judgement.”


Then the angel asked me, “Do you know what this means?”


I just listened.


“By writing his book and distributing it around the world, he was telling people that God does not exist. He polluted the whole world by denying God, and this is the worst thing that anybody could do,” said the angel.


I understood that I was not to pray for him, since he offended God so much, no prayer could touch him. He will have to wait until the end of the world, at the Universal Judgement, to be judged by God. He now knows that God does exist.


As the angel was explaining all of this to me, in a vision he was showing me, where Stephen was now. I could see him all curled up and lying in total darkness and confined to a very small space, enough for him to fit in.


He now realises that God Almighty exists, but there is nothing he can do to change things.


Looking at him, I felt very sorry for him, but there was nothing that could be done for him.


The angel repeated, quite a few times, “He will have to wait there until the End of Time for the Final Judgement.”





28 October 2018

Millions of Souls waiting to enter the Gates of Heaven


As we now come close to the month of November, which is dedicated to the Holy Souls, it is also a time when I experience much deeper and more severe physical suffering all over my body.


This morning I was in so much pain, but I still persevered with my morning prayers and petitions. Then our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Come with Me! I will show you for whom you have been suffering.”


We suddenly found ourselves in a place where there were so many souls. I was amazed. It was enormous. It felt like the whole world was there. I could see millions and millions of souls. I have never seen anything like this before. There was a mixture of people, including many children of school age.


I asked, “Lord, how many people are here? It looks like the whole world is here.”


Our Lord smiled and said, “See Valentina! I want to show you all of this. Coming into November, they are all waiting to be redeemed and waiting to go to Heaven.”


With curiosity I asked, “Lord, can all these souls see You?


He said, “They can see Me, but they think I am one of them.”


Then our Lord came up closer and gently whispered, “I disguise Myself so they can’t recognise Me.”


Oh!” I said, “I see,” still a little puzzled. Lord Jesus was dressed in conventional clothing, in trousers and a shirt, with a trimmed beard and short brown hair, so of course they could not recognise Him.


He Said, “Valentina, for all your offerings for these souls that I am showing you, just think of all the good fruits that you produce when you suffer with pain on your body. Nothing is wasted. You save so many of them and they are delivered through your pain.”


Then He came up really close to me and said, ‘Valentina! Do you know that I am your brother?”


I said, Oh yes!  Looking at Him a little confused I was thinking to myself; I have a brother Tony and a brother Alojs, and I have another brother who is My Lord.


He said, “I love you.” Then He kissed me on the cheek.


In gratitude to our Lord, I kissed Him back on His cheek.


I really felt that He is my Brother.


I felt such an intimate appreciation of what He just said.


I said, “Lord, You are my Brother, but You are more than that, You are my Lord and my God, and I appreciate You and love You so much.


He said, “Don’t forget what I have shown you. Take all these people that I show you today to church”

“Offer them to me during the Mass, so that I can sanctify them, and take them home to Heaven. They are all waiting for that!”


Never before, have I seen so many souls in one place. It felt like the whole world was there.


While we were looking at all the Holy Souls He said, “Don’t worry! No one can harm you or do anything to you. These souls are all purified and ready to go to Heaven. They need one final blessing and one final Sacrifice of the Holy Mass for the Gates of Heaven to be opened for them.”


Our Lord Jesus loves each individual person, so deeply and so intimately. When He embraces you in His Holy presence, you really know and feel that you belong entirely to Him. He loves you so deeply that you think you are the only person in the world, but this is for every person that He loves and that He embraces.


Amongst the multitude of souls that were present, I recognised quite a few souls there, whom I knew while they were alive on earth.


Some of them told me, “We are all waiting here for the Holy Mass to be offered.”


Lord I thank you for all the Graces and explanations. Have Mercy on us and on all the Holy Souls.



28th October 2018

Helicopter Crash


I was watching the Sunday evening news when a report came on about a helicopter crash in England in which five people died. As I listened to the report, I felt a sense of sadness for those that died as they died suddenly and unprepared to meet our Lord.


I prayed, “Lord Jesus, be merciful to them, to those who died in the helicopter crash.”


Immediately, after I said the prayer, I heard three loud knocks in my living room which made me jump a little.


Instantly I felt the presence of the souls, I just prayed for, in my living room. I thought to myself, ‘England is so far away.’


I said, “Lord Jesus, how do they know? Instantly they came into my living room, so far away from England.”


I offered the souls in my evening prayers. I know how a soul needs deliverance, it does not matter what religion or who they are, I know they all need to go to the Light to our Lord Jesus.


The next morning, at five o’clock, while I was saying my prayers, a gentleman suddenly appeared in my room.


The man looked young and beautiful, and he was smiling. He was wearing a formal black suit and white shirt.


He said, “Valentina, I come to thank you personally, that you think of me and that you pray for me. I was guided to come to you and to talk to you. I know all about your life. They showed me and told me all about your life and how you help people to go to God. They also showed me and told me how poor you are and how you struggle in your life.”


He continued, “I wish I knew you while I was alive, I would have helped you so much.”


Smiling, I responded, “Oh, everybody knows about me, it is embarrassing.” He smiled back as I said this.


Very graciously, he said, “Valentina, I really appreciate your help. Please pray for me and keep me in your prayers.”


I had such a good feeling about him. He was such a serene person. I felt that he did not go to a deep Purgatory. He must be somewhere in the middle.


It was only later that I heard in the news that the man that visited me was the owner of the Leicester City Football Club. They said he was a very charitable man and did many good deeds.


People mean well when a tragedy occurs, and they offer flowers and light candles for the deceased. However, the most important thing to do is to guide the soul to our Lord. Candles and flowers are not enough. We need to offer prayers and Holy Masses for the deceased and in this way guide the souls to our Lord Jesus. The souls are waiting for this from us.



The man stayed a while and talked to me and then he just vanished.


When I went to Holy Mass, I offered all five of the crash victims to our Lord. I did not see the other four people. Each soul goes on a different path depending on the life they lead while on earth.


Lord Jesus, have mercy on them.





23 October 2018

Attendance at Prayer Group


I was invited to a friend’s house to share our Lord’s messages with the prayer group.


Our Lord Jesus said, “My child, Valentina, tell My child Mira that I the Lord, wish to establish in this house to be a House of Prayer and to be devoted to Me and My Beloved Mother.”


Later, at home, our Lord Jesus came with a very joyous and loving greeting.


He said, ‘I come to explain to you why I ask you to give this message to My loving daughter Mira. I choose her house to be a House of Prayer. When I take her father home to be with me in Heaven, she will be more free and devoted to Me.”


“Now, My children, I will explain to you why there are many places on this earth with prayer groups to be devoted to Me and My Mother, Mary Most Holy. I choose My obedient children who love Us very dearly. At the same time, you are preparing the way of My Second Coming.”


He smiled, “Yes, My children, without you realising that you do all of this. You are the ones who will save the world from all evil and sin. You are preparing the way of My Coming.”


“I love you all very much. Remain faithful to Me, and together We will reign together in a new world of happiness which you have never experienced before, a joy of peace and love. I the Lord, promise you this is coming.”


“I bless you in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen”


Our Lord told me that He depends on us to save the world. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

21 October 2018

St Patricks Cathedral Parramatta

The Presentation of Gifts at Holy Mass


Today, during the Offertory at Holy Mass, as the gifts of Bread and Wine were presented to the Priest by the faithful, our Lord Jesus appeared to me. Usually, I am not kneeling during the Offertory, but for some reason, I was inspired to kneel, and as I did so, our Lord appeared. At the same time, two ladies walked past me carrying the gifts for the Offertory.  Our Lord was deeply upset at seeing this. He said, “You know, My child, they should never touch Me and carry Me, they are not worthy to touch Me and hold Me.”


“What I want to tell you and show you, is that I want two innocent boys to carry Me to the Altar. I desire that in every church, two innocent boys carry Me to the Altar.”


“Two innocent boys should be selected and trained to do that at every Mass, in every church around the world. The boys should be at an age where they understand, and when they grow up, they can train other boys. That would please Me very much.”


“I Am so sacrileged, especially during the distribution of Holy Communion, when people receive Me, and they are not remorseful nor repentant for their sins.”


Lord, be merciful to them, and I pray that they will listen to You and that they will change

13 October 2018

Ancient Plugs at the bottom of the Sea


During my morning prayers, I was visited by five angels, one of which was Holy Michael.


They said, “We have been sent by our Lord to reveal something to you that you do not know about. You saw our Lord, and how sad He is for the world and all humanity, with their hearts so cold and unwilling to change.”


Today, we come to show you the deepest part of the world, in the deepest sea. Come closer, and we will show you.”


I moved closer and in front of me appeared a large glass screen, through which I could see the bottom of the sea. It was so real. The vision was crystal clear. Then one of the angels held a smaller transparent screen over the large one and instructed me to look through it. As I did so, I could see that it magnified every detail that was at the bottom of the sea. I could see how the wave motion of the water stirred the sediment on the seabed to create an underwater dust cloud.


The angel said, “No human eye has ever seen what I am about to show you.”


As the dust cloud settled, on the sea floor, I could clearly see what looked like a round cement slab, less than half a metre in diameter. The more I observed, I could see there were many of these round slabs on the sea floor. They were all identical.


The angel said, “See, these plugs that we are showing you, they are very ancient. They have been here since the beginning of Creation. There are many of them throughout the world. Soon, we will have permission to unplug them, because God will give us the commandment to do so. When we open them, the world will experience many volcanic eruptions, fires, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Soon there will be severe suffering in the world if people do not repent and convert.”


The angel was very stern with me and said, “You have to speak the Truth to people, do not feel sorry for them. If it is the will of God, it will happen. God has been warning people, and they do not listen.”


The angel’s manner was severe as he said, “Come and have a look at this again! This is serious, and this is real!”


I looked again, and it upset me very much because I knew what was beneath these plugs. I felt very uneasy in the presence of the angels as they admonished me and said, “You need to speak the Truth to people, and not just speak to them of beautiful things and cover up reality.”


Dear Lord, may the world listen to your Holy Word, and may they listen to your warnings and repent of their sins, may they stop offending You.




10 October 2018

Mist of Light from the Holy Tabernacle


This morning while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, I want to teach you and show you how each time when I speak to you in the Church, I always come to you out from the Tabernacle.”


Jesus then showed me a most beautiful mist of Light coming from the Holy Tabernacle. Suddenly, I see Baby Jesus, coming forward out of this mist. He appears as a little Infant of about two years old and dressed in a blue tunic. His little Hands are outstretched towards the people present in the Church, in a gesture seeking to be loved and adored by them.


Jesus said, “I then reveal Myself to you, and I talk to you. Now, My Churches are no longer pure. They are very dirty and polluted, only a very few of them have preserved their purity. As soon as people find out that a particular Church is good, they bring with them, into the church, dirt, and impurity. Slowly, even these churches become unclean and impure.”


“Valentina, in the New Era, when I will change the world, My Churches will be all pure and holy, and everyone will experience Me in the Tabernacle as a little Infant. They will have a much stronger devotion to Me in the Holy Tabernacle because I will manifest very powerfully among My people. They will experience My Holy Presence and My Love.”


Our Lord was showing me, how He wants to be with us like a little Child, whom we love and adore.


He said, “Come, Valentina, I want to reveal something else to you.”


I suddenly found myself standing next to Jesus, and in the palm of His Hand, He was holding a blue ball, slightly larger than a tennis ball, which He said represents the globe of the world.


Directing my attention to the globe, He said, “The world is very sinful and impure. It is very dirty and getting worse, and worse, and not better. I will show you something else.”


As I looked down at the ground, I could see a huge gutter grate which appeared before me. There was a massive basement beyond the grate, filled with mountains and mountains of dirty clothes.


Our Lord then pointed in another direction, guiding my gaze towards a slightly elevated area. There I could see clean clothes, all different types, drying in a gentle breeze. These clothes were all drying under a large shelter.


Our Lord said, “See those clothes, do you know why they are under the shelter? It is because I protect them. These are the children on earth that love Me, and they try to stay very close to Me. These clothes are clean because these people keep repenting of their sins.”


I understood the shelter represents the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus, Who dearly loves all those who try to stay very close to Him, and who are truly devoted to our Lord.


The mountains of dirty clothes represent those who continuously live in sin and refuse to repent of their sins.


I suddenly found myself, in a part of Heaven, walking with our Lord. We stopped, and our Lord sat down on a small, stone garden step, on the grassy ground. I remained standing. From the side approached a group of saintly women when at the same time a basket suddenly appeared, hanging from my left arm. It was in the shape of a deep, laundry basket with a few items of dirty clothing inside it.  Also tucked under my left arm, I was holding a few pieces of clean clothes. I was careful not to let the clean clothes fall into the basket with the dirty clothes.


As the Heavenly women arrived, they lamented to our Lord, “Lord, we pray so hard for the world to get better, but so far nothing has touched them or moved them. They continue to offend You.”


With the greatest of sadness, our Lord responded, “Yes, I know.”


Up until now, our Lord was holding the blue globe in His Hand. He now placed it in His side pocket and out of sight.


After the saintly women told Him, how much they prayed and tried to do everything they could for humanity to change, in a sad tone our Lord responded, “Nothing has changed! The world has remained filthy and dirty. No matter what I try, they do not take it seriously. They play with it as a child would play with a toy.”


Jesus was referring to the gift of repentance as the toy.


Deeply discouraged, He retrieved the blue globe from His pocket, and threw it straight into the laundry basket, still hanging from my arm.


He said to the saintly women, “There is not much hope for the world. Back to the filth!”


I asked, “Lord, do you want me to take those clothes that are drying under the shelter?

He said, “No! Leave those. They are under My protection.”


As the saintly women walked away, our Lord stood up, and we started to go back in the direction from which we came. Our Lord was visibly upset and deeply disappointed. I sensed the heaviness He was feeling from being rejected by humanity.


I tried to console Him by saying, “Lord, maybe I should help you wash these dirty clothes.”


He said, “Valentina, you cannot do it on your own.”


After this, our Lord brought me back to my home.

7 October 2018

Refreshed by The Living Water


Today I visited with the angel a very different place in Purgatory. In this place, there were only men. They were all dressed in brown uniforms, like that of prisoners. The angel told me that their penance was to repeatedly be digging ditches in an area that looked like a desert, there was no greenery.


The angel said, “See these men, they were wealthy while they were living on earth and did not care at all for poor people. While they were alive, they liked to have a good life, and they were very proud of themselves. That is why they now have a big penance and suffering. They have been here for a long, long time.”


While the angel and I were watching them, the men briefly stopped digging the ditches, and they stretched out their hands towards us, and they said to us, “Give us something from your hands, we are very hungry.”


Some of the men spoke to me in English, and some spoke in Italian. I felt very sorry for them. I am not concerned with what the souls did on earth, while they were alive. It is after, how much they have to suffer and cannot help themselves anymore which concerns me. I feel very sad for them. I promised them that I would pray and offer them to the Lord at Holy Mass.


The angel said to me, “Come with me. I will take you to the Higher Place, where you have never been to before.”


We suddenly found ourselves at the top of a very tall mountain. We were at its very peak. There I could see a silver metal tube, about ten to twelve centimetres in diameter protruding from the ground, about a metre high. From this tube, a gentle stream of water flowed out and flowed back into the tube. The water did not fall to the ground.


The angel said, “Go very close-up, wash and refresh yourself.”


He wanted me to refresh myself by splashing the water coming out from the spring, onto my face. The water was crystal clear. As I splashed it on my face, it felt cool and refreshing, especially since we had come out of Purgatory where it was very hot and stuffy. I then went back to the angel. As soon as I returned, the angel told me to go back to the spring and wash again.


I again splashed the water over myself as I was told to do so. Once I finished, I looked around to see how I would dry myself. The angel said, “Don’t worry, it will dry and evaporate by itself.”


We then proceeded to descend the mountain. As we did so, the angel turned around and looked towards the spring and said, “Do you know what that is?”


“It is the Living Water which surges out of the ground continually, eternally. You are privileged to have washed in the Living Water.”


As we came down the mountain, we found ourselves in the Heavenly Gardens. There I could see many saintly people, all dressed in white. They were sitting on the ground amongst an array of beautiful flowers. I looked at these people and thought to myself, ‘Look, how humble they are.’ I really admired them, at how they were praising Jesus and thanking Him.


I said to the angel, “What a privilege, they are all enjoying the Heavenly Gardens.”

The angel said, “These are the souls who have only recently arrived from Purgatory.”


They were enjoying the beauty of Heaven, and they were praising and thanking Jesus for His Mercy and Love that they are there in Heaven.


Later that morning, I went to church and attended Holy Mass. I offered all that I had experienced earlier that morning. I offered all the souls of the men that I saw digging ditches.


Our Lord then came and said, “What I showed you and what you experienced is another Chapter of the New Revelation.”


Jesus showed me that the “Living Water” is mercy for the souls in Purgatory. The Living Water washes you, purifies you and gives you Eternal Life.


29 September 2018

Saving a Soul from falling into Hell


About 2.30pm on Saturday afternoon, I was in my lounge room ready to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet when I realised I had not lit a candle, which I usually do before starting my prayers. I went into the kitchen to find a candle.


I was in my kitchen when, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, such an attack of pain came onto my body. I doubled over due to the excruciating nature of the pain. I called to our Lord to help me. The pain was so piercing that I could barely breathe. I thought I was going to die. This pain lasted for quite a few minutes, when, all of a sudden I could move again. I slowly stood upright, and I thought to myself, ‘What was that all about?’


At that moment, our Lord appeared and said, “Fear not My child, it is I who gave you the severe pain.”


Smiling, He said, “You just saved a soul to not fall into Hell.”


He then asked me, “Would you like to know who it was for?”

I just listened without responding when our Lord said, “It was for a priest, and you saved his soul. You should be very happy about doing that. Any sudden pain that people experience, it is for the reason that they save souls.”


On many occasions, when I would receive sudden severe pain, our Lord would reveal to me that the pain was to save many souls that were destined to go to Hell. However, this was the first time He told me that the suffering was to save the soul of a priest.

27 September 2018

Jesus as a boy comes to Comfort me


All night long I suffered from severe pain in my left leg. It was so severe that I got out of bed and put a sock on, thinking it would compress my leg and thereby ease the pain, but this did not help. I kept tossing and turning throughout the night.


In the early morning hours, I tried to pray, but the pain was too severe, that I could not pray.


Suddenly, beside my bed, the most beautiful smiling boy appeared. He was about eight to nine years of age. He was wearing a long white tunic. He had beautiful, shoulder-length, brown, wavy hair. I knew straight away that the Boy was our Lord Jesus.


He said, “You have pain in your leg, and you are wearing one sock. You think that by doing this, it will make it better and it will ease the pain.”


“Look at Me,” Jesus said, as He lifted His right Foot to show me He was wearing a brown sandal, but His other Foot was bare. He said, “You have one sock on your left foot, and I have one sandal on My right Foot.”


He said, “See, you suffer! I suffer! We are united in everything.” Then pointing His index Finger at me, in a friendly gesture, He said, “Right? We are one! Right?” Our Lord knew how much pain I was going through, so He was playful with me, trying to cheer me up and encourage me.


He said, “I know you have pain in your left leg, but you keep moving it. You have to keep still; otherwise, I cannot work on it. It is all to save a soul.”


He said, “Would you like to know a little bit about My life while I was on earth? There was not one day that went by without pain and suffering that I endured.”


“Would you like to know what I did when I was in pain?”


“I did not complain. I endured with love and happiness. I was still a happy Boy growing up. When I had really bad pain or suffering I would lay on the grass, and I would look up to Heaven, and I would sing and sing, and that way I would feel much better. I would forget about the pain. That is what you should do. You should be happy and sing.”


“Would you like Me to sing a song to make you feel better?” Jesus asked smiling.


This whole time, while I was listening and smiling at our Lord, I completely forgot about the pain.


All of a sudden our Lord started to sing. It was such a melodic, most beautiful voice, indescribably beautiful, clear and perfect. No voice compares. While He was singing, He was looking up to heaven. His Words were alive as they rose up to Heaven. I have heard our Lord sing before but only accompanied by the angels. This time is the first time I heard Him sing solo. Even though I could not see them, I sensed many angels were surrounding our Lord.


The whole time while our Lord was singing, I was praising Him and glorifying Him. I understood some of the words He sang, but I cannot remember them. I believe He was singing in Latin. Jesus sang for about ten minutes. Although His voice was that of a boy, it was still a very mature sounding voice. The whole time He was singing He kept looking up to Heaven.


When He finished, He turned and looked at me, smiling, He asked, “Did you like it?”


I said, “I loved it! I have never heard anyone sing so beautifully like You Lord. I love You, and I thank You, Lord Jesus, for the beautiful song you sang. I will treasure it in my heart forever.”


Smiling, our Lord blessed me and then He left.


13 September 2018 (b)

Visit to Purgatory with the Holy Angel


This morning while I was praying, the angel of the Lord appeared and said, “Come with me! I will take you to visit some souls in Purgatory.”


Suddenly we found ourselves in front of what looked like a building. As we stepped inside the building, which looked like an empty warehouse, we saw many souls, men, women, and grown-up children.


The angel explained to me, “Some people are here for a long time because they do not receive much prayer from their loved ones on earth.”


We were mingling and talking to some of these souls, and the angel was consoling them. I believe the angel was Holy Michael because he always comes with Blessed Mother to visit the souls. They love him very much. The souls still suffer when in the presence of Holy Michael but not when in the presence of our Blessed Mother.


After we finished meeting with this group of Holy Souls, the angel said, “I have to take you to another place, to meet some souls that you have never met before.”


We stepped into what looked like a ruined building. It was very dim inside. The only light was that which emanated from the Angel. The reason for the lack of light is because the people here are not yet purified so the effects of their sins are still present and there cannot be any light.


The Angel said, “They need your help!”


I understood that I need to offer them to our Lord at Holy Mass, which is very powerful and greatly assists the poor souls. Amongst this group, I could see two souls who seemed very familiar to me. Even though I never knew them personally, I immediately recognised them. They were the two brothers from the group the Bee Gees. As they saw us, they hesitantly stepped forward and then stepped back again.


I said to the Angel, “I know these boys. They are the Bee Gees’ brothers.”


The angel said, “That is why I brought you to them so that you can help them.”


The first thing that came to me when I saw the two brothers was, ‘but don’t their families pray for them?’ In my heart, I felt that no prayers were offered for their souls.


The Angel said, “They are a little bit shy and embarrassed to ask you for help because they did not know you during their lifetime.”


The two brothers then stepped forward again. As I smiled at them, they came up and stood very close to me.


They said, “Valentina, we are a little embarrassed to ask you for your help. Please remember us in your prayers and in whichever way you can help us.”


I was happy to see that they were in Purgatory. I had never thought of them before. They came up close to me, and I could see their beautiful shoulder-length, ash blonde, wavy hair.


I said, “Don’t be afraid! I will help you and lead you to the Light, to the Lord Jesus.”


They said, “Valentina, do you know why we are still here?”

They continued, “We didn’t honour and worship our Lord Jesus, the way we should have, while we were still alive. We were preoccupied with worldly work and our careers. So we neglected what was most important, our Faith. That is why we have to stay here in this place and make reparation.”


As they were saying all of this to me, I could see a long, oblong-shaped TV screen appear in front of them. On the screen, I could see the Cross on which our Lord Jesus was crucified and died.


They said, “We have to learn about the life of Jesus Christ now.”


The image on the screen would fade away and then reappear, repeatedly. This repetitive action was part of their penance for not practicing their Faith during their life on earth. They are now being reminded continuously of how Jesus suffered for them.


They said, “We tried to be in our Faith, but we were committed to other things and were so preoccupied with work that we dismissed our Faith.”


As we became more acquainted, they became more courageous to speak to me, so I promised them that I would pray for them and offer them up to our Lord in Holy Mass.


In this place in Purgatory, they were learning about the life of Jesus. They were not in deep Purgatory, but somewhere in the middle. Generally with the souls in Purgatory, whatever they did not do right, or if they did not practice their Christian Faith while on earth, they must learn and repeat this as their penance in Purgatory, over and over again, thousands and thousands of times. It is monotonous, but they have to do it. This repetitive action is part of their purification.


Lord have mercy on their souls, and I pray they get to Heaven soon.

13 September 2018

Events will unfold throughout the World


Today, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus said to me, “My child many events will happen. Catastrophic natural disasters will unfold throughout the world, but people do not open their eyes to see this.”


“I try to tell them to change and to repent of their sins. I do not want to punish this weak and sick humanity, but they do not give me a choice. I want them to change and to come to their God so that I can save everyone that I love.”


“I suffer for all My children. Why do you reject Me and why do you ignore Me?” He asked.


“Valentina, speak My Holy Word to people and do not be afraid. The world is not stable anymore. It needs conversion and change. Nature is showing you the need for this change.”


When our Lord refers to nature, He wants to tell us that He controls everything. He is very offended when people on earth refer to ‘nature’ as ‘mother nature’.


God the Father was angry when He said, “I Am in control of everything, not mother nature. What mother nature?”


Lord have mercy on the whole world.

12 September 2018

Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary


During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “My Child, honour My mother very much and love her and her holy name. Her name is above all other names. There is no name more beautiful than My mother’s name, Mary.”


“No one on earth or in heaven is more beautiful than My mother. She is above all other names on earth, and in Heaven. Would you like to know why?”


“She always remains humble. She does not like to be praised. The name of My mother is so powerful that when you call upon her name, the devil flees. She can defeat evil.”


Our Lord said, “She works very hard for all her children, to bring them back to the faith. Appreciate her and thank her because her Immaculate Heart will soon Triumph throughout the world. Today, the church celebrates the Name of My Holy Mother Mary.”


Blessed mother was too humble to talk about herself on her Feast day so her Son, our Lord Jesus came to honour His mother and to talk about her.


Lord, we love You, and we love Your mother, our Queen, and we thank You for sharing her with us.

8 September 2018

Nativity of Blessed Mother Mary


At about five o’clock in the morning, while I was praying my morning prayers, the angel appeared with our Blessed Mother. Suddenly, a most brilliant light filled my bedroom. It was so bright that it seemed to pierce my eyes and to penetrate my whole being.

Standing before me was Blessed Mother, dressed in the purest of white.

I said, “Oh Blessed Mother, my Mother, Happy Birthday!”


She said, “I came with my angel to take you to Purgatory to console the Holy Souls. They are waiting for you.”


I said, “Blessed Mother, you shouldn’t be working today. You should be honoured in Heaven, today on your birthday.”


She smiled and said, “Yes, but all the Souls need me to come to them and to console them. They are waiting for me to take them to their heavenly home.”


Suddenly we found ourselves in amongst a large group of souls. They were so happy to be in the presence of Blessed Mother. These souls were prepared and ready to go to Heaven.


Blessed Mother said, “You see how joyful they are when I come to see them. These souls have spent a long time in purification in Purgatory, but today they will be taken to Heaven. That is why I brought you here to witness this because you suffered for them. I can tell these souls that you are part of their redemption to get to Heaven.”


While the souls were standing all around us, Blessed Mother explained to them that I suffered for them, especially with my left leg that was in so much pain. One by one the souls ran towards me to touch my leg and then they would run back.


Blessed Mother asked, “Would you like to know why the souls are touching your leg? They call you, ‘Valentina, with the golden leg’. The souls believe that if they touch your leg, they will benefit from it. All the souls know of your leg.”


After I returned from my visit to Purgatory, the pain in my leg returned. It lasted all day long and caused me much discomfort. The pain was unbearable.


Later in the day, I went to Holy Mass, and as I was sitting in the church, I lamented to Blessed Mother, “Oh Blessed Mother, the pain I had in my leg, before I was taken with you to Purgatory, has returned and has remained with me all day long. It is such excruciating pain.” After Mass I found it very difficult to get home due to the pain.


The next day, the pain gradually subsided. In my heart, I understood that Blessed Mother needed that extra pain and suffering from me to redeem more souls. The pain is very uncomfortable and distressing, but at the same time, it makes me very happy to be able to help the souls. It is important especially for people who die suddenly and unexpectedly. They are usually not prepared, and in this way, by offering up your physical suffering, it gives these souls the chance of salvation.

25 August 2018


Every night my room is full of Holy Souls. Tonight, especially, there were more than usual. There were thousands of them, so packed they were, that you could not even squeeze a needle between them. I could hear them crying and begging for help.


I was saying my evening prayers including the Litany of Loreto. The moment I finished my prayers and switched off my bedside lamp, there was a very loud bang on my bedroom window. In the darkness of the night, I could see the outline of a huge creature, completely black, as if of charcoal. I immediately knew that this was a demon.


He said to me, “I come to destroy you and to choke you to death.” As he was saying this, his big, muscly arm moved towards me to grab me. In shock, and sinking further into my bed to avoid the demon, I screamed and called out to our Lord, “Lord Jesus, come quick!”


Suddenly, a flash of golden light appeared, and I knew it was our Lord. The demon just vanished instantly. Our Lord then appeared from that flash of light. With a smile on His Face, He said to me, “Fear not, My daughter, the devil hates you. You are his worst enemy because you take all the souls away from him. Say a prayer to feel peace. The devil cannot touch you because I will not permit it.”


At that moment when our Lord spoke to me, I appreciated the souls coming to me to seek my help and that the devil could not take them with him.


I prayed throughout the night and was then able to find peace.


In the morning, I went to Holy Mass, and I offered all the Souls in my room at the foot of the Altar.


Thank you, Lord Jesus. Have mercy on the Holy Souls. I hope You receive them and take them to Your Heavenly Kingdom.