11th April

Feast of the Divine Mercy

Our Lord Jesus appeared to me during the prayer of Divine Mercy. He was smiling gently and He said, “My children, you were called here today to celebrate my Divine Mercy.” Then He added, “My daughter, I want you to immerse everyone in my Divine Mercy and beg on their behalf. Especially for those who offend Me greatly and who refuse my mercy and love.” He repeated, “Beg my child, so they can return to the Father, for they live but they are dead, because they refuse my love and mercy.”

Then He spoke about the faithful ones, those who love Him by saying, “My faithful little remnant, my devoted children who console Me and love Me, you are in the midst of all this evil. You are my consolation and through you, I pour my mercy on all. Your prayers shine all the way to heaven. My little children, pray, pray for others so that my mercy will reach out to all, I tell you my children, I pour abundant mercy to all on earth and I am waiting for my poor unfortunate children to return to the Father who is full of mercy and love and who expects you to turn away from your sins and the evil which deceives you. My children the day is near, very near when I will judge you in the miniature. Swiftly my just hand will reach all humanity. I will give you a last chance to return to Me. But for those of you who refuse my mercy and infinite love my just hand will soon fall on you in the chastisement.”

He continued, “I love you my children and I suffered for all to save you and to redeem you. How sad I am when you offend Me and you turn your back on Me, your loving and merciful Lord. Please do not wait, just think and decide now my children before my just hand reaches you. Amen.” I answered, “Jesus we love you and beg You to have mercy on us. Merciful Jesus we trust in You.”