12th May 2015

Today Blessed Mother Mary appeared and she greeted me, “Praise be Jesus.” I answered her, “Praise be Jesus forever.”
Blessed Mother said to me, “My daughter, when people ask you to pray for them tell them that I am more than happy to answer their petition, especially petitions concerning marriage.”
“My child, I want to explain to you today that in the world all the laws and commandments regarding marriage are broken and people live in sin. To live in holy matrimony is a gift from God, as only God unites and blesses the couple. They must live their marital life in chastity and holiness and always give thanks to God.”
“Sadly, today all over the world marriages break down and couples are split. They break all of God’s commandments and they have no shame in doing so. Couples live together outside of marriage, or remarry, but even then they are not happy because there are no blessings from God. Today people make their own rules and commandments, whatever suits them. They live in sin and this can have a terrible effect on their life, such that they can lose their soul forever. The way humanity carries on between individuals is an abomination. How sad I am to tell you this message. I am your mother and I want you to tell my children to change their lives, not to live in sin but to live a holy and good life and to obey the Holy Law that pleases God. You should worry more about your souls than to please each other in the flesh, so that you will be worthy of eternal life and heavenly paradise already here on earth.”
Our Blessed Mother was very sad when she was dictating this message to me. It is very serious to lose your life in eternity, to never see God.