Lord Jesus gives many Signs in the Weather
This afternoon while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, My child, did I not say in My Scripture, in My Writings [Bible] that many false prophets will come at the end of times. They will claim that they see Me and that I speak to them, and that I appear to them, but do not believe everything you hear.”
“Do not run here and there to them because they will deceive you. They will confuse you and tell you all kinds of lies to take away all your peace.”
“All this must come to pass. I tell you, My Coming is very near, so remain very strong in Me and in your faith.”
“Now, all over the world, I give many signs in the weather. The seasons are very changeable, and the weather patterns have become disordered, as I have permitted this to happen because the sin in the world is so bad.”
“For instance, Australia is usually very hot at this time of the year, but this year the weather patterns are very changeable, where you are experiencing colder weather, wet weather and hot weather, all mixed into one season. People are saying, ‘This is unusual for our weather pattern. What is happening?’”
“This indicates that My Coming is near. I Am making all the changes in the weather because people’s lives must change. I Am patiently waiting for people to turn back to Me. Sadly only a few recognise My Signs.”
“Now, I want you to believe very strongly in Me, listen only to Me, trust Me as these times are very confusing times. That is why I want you to remain steadfast in Me.”
Lord, give us strength and be merciful to the world.