20 April 2017

Later, our Blessed Mother and Queen came and said to me, “My daughter, how sad is my Son Jesus for all offences He receives from His children of the world. His Sacred Heart is pierced and wounded over and over again.”

She said, “To obtain peace, that is so fragile now, we need lots of prayers and penance to be offered up to God.”

“Console the Lord and tell Him you love Him. Love Him for those who rebel against God and deny Him. Fear not my daughter We are always with you, and bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

“Write down what We tell you, and don’t listen to others.”

Thank you my Mother and Queen, pray for us.


At my prayer group on the First Saturday praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Rosary.

During the praying of the Chaplet, our Lord Jesus said, “My Children, when you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet you pray for the whole world, especially for the most needy and poor.”

Suddenly, a very unusual vision appeared. At first, I could see Africa, with suffering and hunger and no water. The children were crying. The land was dry and there was nothing to eat. The children were dying of starvation.

Our Lord Jesus said, “My Heart aches to see what is in front of Me, yet there are so many rich and selfish people who will not share. They close their eyes so as not to see.”

Next, I could see Syria and all the ruins and terrible destruction from the war. More suffering, persecution and hunger. People are displaced from their country and scattered everywhere. Nothing but misery!

The vision continued with China and North Korea.

Concerning North Korea, our Lord said, “This is the most threatening and dangerous in the world. My children, pray because My Hand is held over North Korea to sustain it and protect it from danger that can come and destroy it from all parts of the globe. My Mercy and Love keeps Me away from My Just Hand, not to allow punishment. It is through your prayer, My faithful children that sustains Me to be compassionate and merciful to all humanity. Continue to pray and pray. You also console Me your Lord and your God.”

Jesus speaks, “Valentina, now that you see the place that I show you, offer Me everything and beg Me to be merciful to all the places in the world. Offer Me this intention at Holy Mass. You will console Me.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, I place every part of the world in Your Love and Mercy and I trust in You.”

When our Lord was speaking I saw a tear coming from His right Eye and spreading over His cheek (appeared to be golden-like tears).