24 January 2019

No money in the world that can buy this house


Today I received a letter in the mail from a local real estate agent. In the letter, they stated that they have four buyers interested in buying my property and that they will even provide me with another house to live in. In the past few years, there has been a lot of building activity in my street and the surrounding area. Builders have been knocking down older houses and building, double the size of housing on the same land size, all for profit.


I said to Lord Jesus, “Lord, I surrender all to You.”


After I said that and during my prayers, our Lord came to me smiling. He said, “Valentina, My child you don’t have to sell this house. Tell the agent there is no money in the world that can buy this house! Tell them that Jesus and Mary live in this house and it is a very holy house. That will make them think. Don’t worry you will remain here. We of Heaven will take care of you and your house.”


Then our Lord stated, “Valentina when people are greedy, they try to possess as much as they can on earth. When they die, that is a different reality. Everything crumbles in front of them. They have to suffer in Purgatory by continuously building, demolishing and rebuilding.”


Jesus is referring to the punishment these souls will have to suffer in Purgatory if they go to Purgatory: repetitive, continuous punishment.


Jesus said, “They don’t realise how much they have to suffer in the other world. They have to suffer and suffer for many years. Instead of being in, and having just one place, they want to accumulate more and more, and that is so harmful for their soul.


“So be at peace. Trust in Me. You will have nothing to lose. I will take care of you, Me and My Mother.”


I said, “Thank you, Lord Jesus. Be merciful to all the greedy people, and I hope they wake up to the Truth.”