24th June, 2006


This morning, while praying, our Blessed Mother appeared and spoke to me, “May Jesus be praised and adored in His Most Sacred Heart. My daughter, console and love Jesus.”

“Jesus is very much sad and offended in nearly everything that exists in this world. People lose their sense of respect toward God and themselves.”

“God is love, My children, and wishes that you all love and respect His law which He gave to you, but people make their own law to suit them better and to live in pleasure, sin and material goods and greed.”

Our Holy Mother then said, “How I beg you, My children, to change, to pray and to convert, but you don’t listen.”

She then became sad, and said, “I have to tell you very sad news. Russia is infected with terrible disease and incurable sickness with aids and prostate cancer. So much it is spreading very quickly. It is an epidemic, but Russia tries to keep it secret from the rest of the world.”
“See, My daughter, why I cry for My poor and sinful children, because they offend God terribly and deny Him.”

“This is a plague that falls on the nation and is worse than a natural disaster, like earthquake and floods which sweeps thousands of people away. Many will die and be killed from these diseases. Even little children.”

“Every nation receives its own punishment according to the sin they commit that offends God. This can spread throughout Europe and other parts.”

“Pray, pray, My children, console Our Hearts. They are continuously and shamefully offended. I bless you, My child, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.”