Our Lord Jesus came to me and said, “My daughter, write down what I am about to tell you. Before the chastisement comes, humanity will suffer much. There will be less and less water. There will be very changeable weather. It will get hotter and hotter. There will droughts. The land will be all parched and brown. A lot of people will even die because of this. But the worst will be when the famine will spread throughout the world. People will suffer greatly before the chastisement. Pray, pray, pray to My Divine Mercy, so that I will be merciful towards all humanity.
My daughter, why are you afraid of people. Speak about what I am telling you. Do not be afraid. I put you together like a jigsaw puzzle. I know every part of your body. I am your God and Your Creator and I am always with you to protect you. Do not be afraid of people. You must speak and tell them the truth.”