14 April 2019

Palm Sunday

Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest


In the morning while I was praying, Lord Jesus came and said, “Today, My child contemplate on My Passion that I suffer so much for humanity, to redeem them and to save them. But they didn’t understand.”


I was taken in spirit to the time of Jesus. I could see the ancient people cheering Him and placing their palm branches on the ground for our Lord to walk over. I could see the Pharisees standing on an upper level in a building and looking at what was happening. They were displeased.


Jesus said, “When the time comes for Me to enter the city of Jerusalem, they cheer Me and make a lot of noise for the King, riding on a donkey. I could see the crowd laying the palm branches on the ground, like a carpet. People were singing ‘Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest.’ Even the Pharisees and the important people took notice, more due to their curiosity to see why people were paying so much attention to Me. They (the Pharisees) didn’t like it.”


“I know of all the evil they were carrying in their hearts and the evil spread quickly round, and they knew how to get rid of Me. All the crowd that cheered Me, in a very short time, very bitterly, they turned against Me. I was so deeply sad. How much I had done for them; healing them, teaching them about repentance, and telling them about the Heavenly Kingdom, giving them hope in life and in eternity.”


Jesus was looking at me and said, “Valentina, history repeats!”


“What happened then, it is happening now in the present time in the world. They (humanity) hate Me, and they deny Me, and they crucify Me all over again, daily. Humanity wants to live godless, without Me. They don’t understand. Without God, no-one can survive.


“But, it is coming! It is coming! The changes in the world, for everyone to see. There is no other way that humanity can survive without God. I keep coming back to all of you with My compassionate Heart and Love, and beg like a beggar for humanity to return to Me!”


“Console Me in this Holiest time and pray for poor sinners.”


Our Lord’s deep desire is that we read and contemplate this message.  He desires that we live the message and think about it. Jesus especially wants us to pray for poor sinners.


Many people read a message quickly without contemplation. When finished they put it aside and then wait for the latest message again without contemplating what our Lord is trying to teach us.

11 April 2019

Feast Day of St Stanislaus

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta


During Holy Mass I had a vision revealed to me through an Angel. The angel said, “You have the privilege to see the Saint whose feast day it is today, and how much he loved Jesus, while he was alive.”


In a vision, I saw a beautiful Church in Heaven. In the Church, I could see a Saint with both arms, raised high, holding Baby Jesus. He was Saint Stanislaus, and he was levitating high above the Altar holding our Lord. He was worthy of holding Baby Jesus because he loved Him so much when he lived on earth.


Baby Jesus was so alive! He had the most beautiful smile. In His right Hand, He held a small incense dish, and with the movement of His Hand from left to right, the incense spread throughout the Church over all those present.


I said to the Angel in absolute awe, “What a beautiful vision this is!”


The angel responded, “It is a Wedding Feast. It is for the souls who have arrived here today. This Church was chosen by our Lady, the Mother of Jesus.”


I said, “It is beautiful.”


The angel continued, “Our Lord is very joyful as these souls have chosen to come to Him. That is why it is called a Wedding Feast. Heaven rejoices because these souls chose to come to Jesus. It is a big celebration. Little Jesus is overwhelmed by this joy. These souls were on the borderline, deciding yes or no for God. They chose yes and made the right decision.”


I could see the souls were both men and women, and they were so beautifully dressed.


The angel said, “These are new arrivals. Valentina, you witness this because you are part of all this, through your prayers and your sufferings for these souls, you are here now to witness the joy of these souls.”


It was such a joy to be a part of all of this. Jesus was glowing and smiling, beautiful beyond words. I waved to Baby Jesus, and as I did this, the angel joyfully laughed.


We can see how our Lord Jesus is rejoicing in Heaven when people choose Him and want to come to Heaven, His Heavenly Home.


Jesus is the sacrificial little Lamb of God, who is present in every Mass celebrated on earth. In the Heavenly Church, it would not be a Mass, but Jesus would still be present to welcome His people to His Heavenly Home.

6 April 2019

Jesus carries our Bag of Burden


Last night, as I was saying my prayers, I lamented to our Lord how some priests give Holy Communion without any reverence whatsoever.


This morning, the angel of the Lord appeared and asked me to come with him. He said, “Our Lord wants to reveal to you the truth about what is happening in His Churches.”


Suddenly, we found ourselves in Heaven in front of the most beautiful white double-storey building. I could see saintly people coming out of the building and forming a procession, which continued down a road for a few kilometres and would then come back and the people would re-enter the building. Repeatedly people would come out and go back into the building in procession. I don’t know if they were the same people going in and out.


In the meantime, on the right side of the entrance to the building, I could see a rail attached to the wall on which coats were hanging. I came close to the people coming in and out of the building and asked them, “Who do these coats belong to?”


They answered, “We don’t know.”


The angel accompanying me, directed me to touch the coats and to feel them. As I reached out with my hand, I could feel they were of light texture and oh so beautiful to touch. They were long coats, and all different colours from grey shades to orange, white and darker tones.


The angel explained to me, “They are of the finest wool; first-class wool.”


I asked, “But who do they belong to?”


The angel just smiled and did not answer. At that moment, our Lord Jesus appeared through the door of the building. He looked at me and then went to the rack of coats, beneath which sat an oversized brown coloured bag made of fabric. The bag had shoulder straps made from the same material.


Jesus grabbed the bag and put it on His Shoulder. He then joined the procession of people. The angel and I followed Him. Jesus turned around to look at me. He removed the bag from His Shoulder and proceeded to hand it over to me.


I thought to myself that it is only proper that I carry the bag and not Jesus. As I extended my hand to take the bag, Jesus all of a sudden, pulled it back. He repeated this several times as if teasing me. We both smiled at each other. He then eventually put the bag back on His Shoulder.


Suddenly, we stopped and left the Procession. Our Lord Jesus said to me, “See, last night when you lamented to Me about what is happening in My Churches, you offered me your burden, but you continued to worry. See, in that bag is the burden that you offered Me, but then you still worried, and you wanted to take the bag back. That is why I called you here to show you and to explain to you, once you offer Me your burden, don’t worry anymore. Do not keep carrying your burden. Just trust Me and leave it with Me.”


Jesus continued, “The coats that you were touching and feeling with the first class wool, the finest wool, they represent Priests and Bishops on earth who are wearing these coats. They are beautiful on the outside, but on the inside they are wolves. They make themselves beautiful on the outside but inside what I see is totally different.”


Our Lord Jesus asks that we pray for our Priests and Bishops, never condemn them. There is a lot of temptation around them, and they need our prayers.


Lord, how beautifully you explain everything.

20 March 2019

Jesus Needs Consolation


In the morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared as a young Man of about fifteen to sixteen years of age. An angel accompanied him. Our Lord was crying and crying, shedding many tears. They were like a stream of running water.


The angel said, “See, nothing can please Him anymore. Nothing can console Him because people do not want to listen to Him anymore.”


Jesus was holding some sheets of paper in His Hand. He then started to tear them into pieces, letting the pieces fall onto the floor.


The angel said, “These are real tears that He cries for humanity. No matter what He tries to do, they ignore Him. Pray for conversion of the world. Pray that our Lord Jesus will be consoled.”


Lord have mercy.

19 March 2019

Feast of St Joseph


During my morning prayers, I had a visitation from the Holy Family. Blessed Mary, Jesus, and Saint Joseph. An Angel accompanied them.


Blessed Mother said, “We come to you with our Son Jesus, as a little Boy. He knows how much you love Him.”


Little Jesus, our Lord, was looking very sad. He was wearing a little nightie, and His hair was a shade of yellow. The fringe of His hair was completely straight and falling over His beautiful Eyes.


Suddenly, a large blue coloured dish appeared in front of all of us. The dish was quite deep.


Jesus, as a Boy, came up to the dish and stirred the glass bottle which was at the bottom. It was as though He was playing with the bottle.


Blessed Mother said, “My Son Jesus, is very restless and upset by humanity in the world. He is not happy. The world offends Him so much. My child, maybe you can console my Son, by talking to people and telling them to love Him and to convert to Him.”


I came up to the Child Jesus and embraced Him. I said, “O My Lord Jesus, I love You. Don’t be sad.” I tried to comfort Him and was telling Him that I love Him. As I was holding and talking to Him, I asked, “Would you like me to cut Your hair so You can see better.” I was trying to cheer Him up.


Sadly, but sternly, He answered, “No!” He then walked away.


Blessed Mother and St Joseph remained. The angel that accompanied the Holy Family spoke. He said, “You see how our Lord is sad and restless. The whole of Heaven is restless and feels sorry for our Lord Who is so unhappy. Right now in the world humanity is so sinful. Very peculiar people are living in the world. They act very strangely, and their behaviour is horrible. Some are good, but not many.”


The angel continued, “There is also a lot of evil. There are people that want to cause harm and are planning to kill and destroy humanity. They are constantly planning to do evil. Tell people to pray, to change and to convert so that they will not offend God.”


Later Jesus explained to me, “I come to you as a little Child, because I know how much tender love you give Me, and you console Me. I then come as a grown up to you, and I still cry because I am offended, so much offended, so I need consolation.”


The best consolation we give our Lord is to tell Him constantly that we love Him and tell others to love Him.


Lord, be merciful to us.

13 March 2019

Those with Jesus are Safe


During my morning prayers, Jesus appeared and said, “Do you know they are building the rocket and bomb again? This is not a good sign, and it is very dangerous. My children, pray, pray.”


The angel who accompanied our Lord said, “Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Only He is Life and Love. Outside of that, is all evil. Tell people that only those who believe in Him are safe. The times are fast approaching, and you won’t be free anymore. The times will be evil. They will spy on you and persecute you for your faith.”


In a vision, I saw a huge circle of people, like the size of a sports oval. In the centre was our Lord Jesus. He was very joyful as He was talking to people. Jesus was dressed all in red. The people standing in the circle were happy and joyful to be with our Lord. They were safe.


The angel then showed me, other people, outside of the circle, and they were all dressed in dark clothing. These people were expressing rage and anger towards those in the circle and wished harm and evil upon them. These are people from the media, reporters, government officials, those in high places and those who do not believe in Jesus. They will spy on and persecute and attack those in the circle. They will do anything to stop hem believing in Jesus.


We must be strong and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.

13 March 2019

Underground Caves in Purgatory

During my morning prayers, an angel appeared and said, “Come with me. I will reveal to you souls in Purgatory which you never encountered before.”


Suddenly we found ourselves in a very remote place that looked like a park. It was quite dark, like dusk. The angel said, “Just wait here, and there will be somebody who will desperately seek your help.”


As I waited, a lady suddenly appeared. She looked about fifty years old. She wore a sleeveless black dress. Overall she was poorly dressed and looking quite raggedy. She stood in front of me and was leaning back on what looked like a rock. Her face appeared normal, and her head was turned to the side, not facing me directly.


She said to me, “I know I am not worthy of looking at you, but I need your help.” She then turned her head to face me.


I asked her, “Why are you dressed so poorly and raggedy? You look like a beggar.”


She answered, “Sometimes we have no choice.” She again turned her head to the side, to look away from me.


I said, “I promise you I will help you bit by bit, not all at once, and I will dress you very elegantly and beautifully. You will see, you will see, little by little.”


I then asked her, “What about your husband, is he here with you?”


She answered, “He is here, but not with me. He is further away.”


I asked, “Do you have any children?”


She replied, “Yes, two girls.”


I said, “How old are they?”


She said, “One is nine and one is seven.”


I asked, “Where are they?”


As I asked this last question, a shawl suddenly appeared around my neck and shoulders. It was a pure white woollen shawl.


I could see the lady was shivering and shaking. She said, “I am so cold.”


I asked, “Would you like to have my shawl?”


She replied, “Yes, I would like to, but I don’t think I can have it.”


I said, “Yes you can.”


I removed the shawl from my shoulders and gently placed it around her neck and over her head. Her shoulders remained uncovered.


She said, “Thank you very much. I already feel better.” She then walked away with the shawl.


The angel then explained to me, “She was too embarrassed for you to see where she lives. The souls here are all underground, that is why she came out herself to talk to you. There are many souls here in underground caves, waiting for somebody to help them.”


The angel then said, “Let us get out of here before they all start to come out.”


I felt cold and creepy in this part of Purgatory. I offered a three-day novena of prayers and Holy Communion for this particular soul and offered her up to our Lord at Holy Mass.


I pray that our Lord will be merciful to her and others too.

12 March 2019

People don’t want to carry their Crosses


During my morning prayers, God the Father spoke, “Valentina, My daughter, how many people wish they could see Me the way you do. My daughter, you have many who envy you. People like to have everything in their lives, good fortune, material possessions, but most of all they don’t want to carry crosses or suffering which I send them. They want everything good in their lives and they want to see Me as you do.”


“The beautiful teachings I give you, through you, is for all My children so that they can learn from your writings and experiences with Me. How we are united in sharing intimate love and how we love to be together as one. That is why I told you many times, be careful, don’t trust people, only Me. Remain always humble that pleases Me very much. But woe to those who wish and do bad to you. They will be judged severely.”


“When they call you all kinds of names and ridicule you, reject you for the sake of My Name, be happy, sing canticles and praise Me. I am always with you and protect you.” Our Lord was in tears when He was telling me this message.


My Beloved Father, cover me with your Precious Blood and be with me always.

12 March 2019

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

God the Father Speaks


During Holy Mass, God the Father said, “My beloved daughter, I like to express Myself and tell you that the time in the world where you all live, is not a good time. There is so much evil that corrupts My people. How sad I Am to watch all that is in the world.”


“People are becoming very selfish. They should love one another and help one another, but everyone is so greedy and selfish. Many of My children die of starvation. It should not be like this. If only their hearts of stone would soften and have compassion for one another, it would change the world in which you all live. It would transform into paradise overnight, but there is too much pride in all of you to do anything. How can I change men’s hearts? They are so selfish and greedy, all for themselves. It doesn’t please Me.”


“Pray My children that the world will change.”

10 March 2019

My Adorable Jesus, I love You


This morning while I was praying I was taken by an angel to visit many Souls in many parts of Purgatory. How much they want for us to help them and to get them out of torment and suffering.


Suddenly the angel, who was my guide, took me to a different place. I knew right away that this was a heavenly place. Everybody was very busy here, they were all doing something. I became part of their group and began helping them too.


I asked the saintly people, “What are you doing?”


They replied, “This is a delivery and distribution place.”


Suddenly, a gentleman came, and brought three bags of flour on his shoulder and placed them on the floor a few metres from where we were standing. He pointed towards me and said, “Come here!” I obeyed and went to where the bags were, and then the gentleman left.


I then approached the saintly ladies and asked them, “Where is this flour going to go? I don’t know what to do with it.”


The ladies were questioning one another, “Do you know where the flour is going to go?” Nobody knew.


Suddenly, one of the angels appeared and said, “It is for you Valentina. You have to distribute this flour among churches and people. It is a very fine and pure flour. This flour was given to you from Adorable Jesus. He wants you to distribute it among people. You have to offer for the Holy Souls, for so many that you encounter. They wait on you during Mass and Holy Communion. Tell our Lord, that you will do all of that for Him. In that way you will console Him.”


The angel continued, “The Lord is so much offended throughout the whole world. So sinful and wretched are the people in every part of the world. Tell our Lord, ‘I will do all of that for You Lord’. In that way you will console Him and tell people to love the Lord and God.”


I said, “Oh, that is not something I usually say. It is something new for me.” I was referring to the words Adorable Jesus.


Our Lord said, “I love to hear when you say that, when you repeat the words ‘My Adorable Jesus, I love You.’ It will turn into a prayer when you keep repeating it.”


At the same time we console our Lord.


Jesus explained that the flour represents the Holy Communion, the Word of God, that we speak to people. From the wheat flour you make bread. The bread is shared among people. It represents the Word of God being shared with one another.


My Adorable Jesus, we love You and we thank You. Have Mercy on us.


7 March 2019

Rebellious Souls in Purgatory


In the early morning during my prayers, the angel appeared and said, “Come! I will take you to a place that you’ve never seen before. It will be a big surprise.”


When we arrived there, the angel said, “This is a place of screams, anger, and rebellion. The souls here rebel against the penance that they have to do. Most of them don’t accept that they are dead and they feel that they are still part of the world.  They are still attached to the world.”


I saw many people in a group. In particular, I saw a man dressed very poorly in a brown coloured garment. He appeared crippled in his movements.


The angel said, “Watch this!”


The man moved towards me in a very awkward manner as if his body was twisted and deformed. Pointing his finger at me, he said, “I know you are very poor!”


I thought to myself, ‘What’s that to do with you.’


He continued, “But I am rich! I am a millionaire! Ha, ha to you! You are poor. You are poor, and I am a millionaire.”


I responded, “Ha, ha to you. You didn’t bring anything with you!” The angel smiled with amusement when I said this to the man. I then asked him, “Did you help anybody or did you share your wealth with others?”


He said, “No! Why should I? It was all mine. I am going back. I totally refuse to stay here!”


The angel then turned to me and said, “Do you see what I mean? It is very hard to control these people. They refuse to accept their penance.”


All of a sudden another person appeared before me. I could see that he was a priest.


The angel said, “He was very hard to control, and it took a long time for him to accept where he is and to change. Now he is alright. He has calmed down.” I was made to understand that immediately after the priest died, he went into a state of uncontrollable anger and endless screaming.


The priest said to me, “I am working on a big project here.” I could see he was very busy moving in different directions and doing things.


The angel then beckoned me and said, “Come, there is something else I need to show you.”


We came to a place that was a vast open space. It appeared we were inside of a building, in which there was a very long, high wall. There were many pictures and artworks of portraits of people covering the wall. Extensive scribble lines covered all the images.


I was watching as two women were toiling away cleaning the scribble lines from all of the pictures. As soon as I saw the two ladies, I recognised them as Australian actresses while they were alive. One of the women was Cornelia Francis.


As the pictures were situated quite high up, the women had to extend themselves to try and reach them. I could see that this was very exhausting for them to the point where they used rage to wipe-off the marks. No sooner would they remove the scribble, it would then reappear. This action would go on and on, repeating itself over and over again.


The ladies were both screaming as they were wiping the pictures. One of them said, “I totally refuse to do it! I don’t want to do it anymore!” As she was saying this, she was screaming at the top of her lungs.


I said to the angel, “I can’t watch this anymore, this is horrible. This is torture.”


I will do anything to help them to get them out of there. These ladies had a very harsh penance. I could feel it, and I knew I had to help them.


The angel said, “They were too busy looking after their careers, and they had no time for God.”


The images on the wall were of many actors and actresses. The women were full of pride for their profession without giving any credit to God. The scribble over the pictures symbolised that in God’s Eyes, what they did on earth means nothing. It is literally, scribble.


When we are prideful and take credit for success in our careers and our achievements, without acknowledging God our Creator, then all of it is meaningless in God’s Eyes.


Lord have mercy on these souls.


5 March 2019

I will powerfully intercede for this Injustice


During the night I endured a lot of physical suffering to the point where I hardly slept. I kept tossing and turning all night. Like most nights, my room was full of Holy Souls.


About five o’clock in the morning our Lord Jesus appeared, and He was smiling. He said, “My child, the pain that you are going through and have endured all night, will you permit Me to use it for Cardinal Pell?”


I answered, “Yes, my Lord.”


Then our Lord explained to me, “That will help and contribute for the injustice. I will powerfully intercede for this injustice. My Child, I know everything, their deeds, and their lies.”


Jesus was happy and looking at me. I said, “Lord, I saw Your power that You showed me. Who can go against You? No-one!”


Our Lord said, “I work silently and deep into the spirit of people, and I bring out that which is Just and Truth.”


I said, “You are the only One, my Lord who can free him.”


Thank you my Lord Jesus. I love You for Your invisible and powerful graces.


Jesus said, “I ask that you go to Holy Mass and offer Me all that I have told you and shown you today.”


Later that day I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. After receiving Holy Communion, I said to the Lord, “Thank you Lord for coming to me in the Holy Eucharist. I offer what you asked of me for Cardinal Pell.”


After I made this prayer to our Lord, I received a vision. In this vision, I could see many people, not from this congregation, walking towards the Altar to receive Holy Communion. Suddenly, I noticed Cardinal Pell was also amongst these people. He was fully dressed as a Cardinal and wore a beautiful Mitre on his head.”


Our Lord showed me how He spiritually nourished Cardinal Pell with the Holy Eucharist to give him strength to go through his suffering.


I thank you Lord, for all Your powerful graces and intercession.

3 March 2019

The Faithful will be reduced to a small Remnant


During Holy Mass, before the Elevation of the Eucharist and Precious Blood, our Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “Appreciate while I Am still present on the Altar, this will not last for long. I tell you it is coming, it is coming! All that has been prophesied must be fulfilled. The devil is now trying to destroy My Churches. All the scandals and false accusations against My Church will reduce the number of faithful to a very small remnant. People have a very weak faith. They will find any excuse not to go to church. But be strong and have faith. You must trust Me.”


As Jesus was telling me all of this, just before the Elevation of the Eucharist and the Precious Blood, I experienced an immense heat throughout my body. I felt like I was on fire. The burning was so powerful that I said to the Lord, “Oh Lord, I cannot take this anymore!”


Jesus said, “See, the Spirit of Power, when I manifest in you, no-one can extinguish, no matter what they try. My Power is so powerful. When the time comes of the prophesied dryness in the Church, do not lose faith. I will manifest with all My Power. Tell people to remain strong in their faith, no matter what comes. Pray that I will give you strength for the coming times of suffering.”


The burning in my body lasted for about five minutes. I felt His Light and His Power and I knew it was from Jesus. He demonstrated His Power through me. It is so powerful beyond our understanding. You cannot stop it.


I said to the Lord, “But Lord, you can stop all of this.”


Jesus responded, “I can, but what is prophesied must be fulfilled. My Church is ruined from the inside. What I ask of you My children is that you have faith, that you have strong faith in Me. Ask Me to help you, to give you extra strength.”


Lord Jesus give us strength for the times that are coming.

3 March 2019

Pray for Cardinal Pell


Last night I said to our Lord, “Lord I surrender Cardinal Pell and the whole situation into Your Almighty Holy Hands. Please be merciful.”


This morning while I was making my offerings and saying my prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared to me as a little Infant about two to three years old. He said, “I come as an Infant because I know how much you love Me, but I will reveal the Truth as a grown-up.”


Our Lord knows how much He consoles me when He comes to me as an Infant.


Jesus said, “I know you are troubled about what happened to Cardinal Pell, all the accusations and the trial. I will show you in a vision what he had to go through during that trial.”


As Jesus was showing me the vision, He was also speaking to me. Suddenly I could see Cardinal Pell in a courtroom surrounded by many people, including the media. I was shocked to see the clothes of these people smeared all over with thick layers of black grease.


Jesus explained, “It is as if you would dip your hands into a dish of black grease and wipe it all over yourself. So many smears, so many accusations!


The black smears spiritually represent the evil that was present in that courtroom.


Jesus then showed me a little block of black grease, about a square inch in size, and said, “Touch it.”


I touched the little black block, it felt very thick and greasy.


Jesus said, “That piece of grease was specially preserved for Cardinal Pell to really smear him.” In a vision, I could see a hand place the black block on the back of Cardinal Pell’s right shoulder.


The evil that was in the hearts of these people landed on Cardinal Pell’s shoulder, but it did not enter his soul. There was no smear on his chest or his heart. By falling on the shoulder, this can be shaken off.


Let us pray for Cardinal Pell that the Truth will prevail.


Our Lord asked that we pray for him.

3 March 2019

Holy Souls desperately need our prayers


Today, when I received Holy Communion, our Lord appeared to me and said, “Offer Me Kerri-Anne’s husband, here at the Mass and offer Holy Communion for him. Nobody offers any prayers for him.”


Kerri-Anne is an Australian TV personality. Her husband, John died during this last week.


When a person dies, please pray for their soul or ask someone to pray for them. They desperately need our prayers.