27 December 2023

Souls Desperate for Help

Throughout the day, and the two previous days, I could hear a constant buzzing sound outside my door—this is the sound of souls asking for help. There were so many of them. They want to go to Heaven for Christmas.

They are saying through the buzzing, “Me, me, me. Help, help, help.”

I have heard this many times before. They were buzzing and buzzing outside the door as they want to go to heaven.

Even in the church on Christmas Night, something touched me on my back, and I looked around, and suddenly I felt coldness. This means that there are souls among us, so desperate for help. They think if they touch me, I will automatically know who they are.

Lord Jesus have mercy on the poor souls in Purgatory.

25 December 2023

Midnight Mass – A Very Hopeful Message

On Christmas night, at the Midnight Mass, after the distribution of Holy Communion, while the Bishop and priests were still sitting down, and just before the Final Blessing, our Lord Jesus appeared all grown up. He wore a beautiful burgundy red tunic, representing His Royalty. Tonight, He was looking so beautiful and majestic and very happy.

Each Christmas, our Lord comes as a Newborn Baby, but this year, He comes as an adult, representing His strength, His majesty and His divinity.

As I was still kneeling after receiving Holy Communion, He said, “Don’t stand up. Remain on your knees.”

I said, “Lord, I thank You for this Christmas, which we still celebrate. It is beautiful, and may the peace descend all over the world.”

He said, “Yes, some parts are peaceful, but in other parts, there is still killing going on. As usual!”

“Before I say anything else to you, treasure these special moments that I Am going to reveal to you and tell you. They are very precious—treasure them and cherish them!”

Our Lord was very happy when He said, “Now I Am going to give you really joyful news.”

“But first, I want to tell you, next year, it will be very tough, so you have to be strong and pray. The year after will be even tougher. But the third year will be a New Era of Peace that you will enter into it.”

“And guess what! You and Me, like a bride and groom, hand in hand, we will walk into the New Era.”

Surprised, I said, “Lord, me?”

“We are in this plan of change, and you are in it,” He said.

“It is a New Era of Peace, such as has never been before on earth. Never! It will be so peaceful, so beautiful that you will be so joyful—you will be ecstatic. It will be such a beautiful joy. I will create all new—a new peace, a new era. I will come to renew all the earth, and it will be a new spring, a new creation that I Am preparing, and I have already shown you before, and I have already revealed to you what is coming, and it’s here.”

“The Evil will be defeated. It will be so beautiful.”

“Wow,” I said. “Lord, I wish that we could walk into it now and forget about what is coming.”

Lord Jesus smiled and said, “What is prophesied has to come to fulfilment.”

“My Second Coming will not be as I came to earth as a little Baby, to be born again. I Am coming as a King to rule the world and to renew the world; that will be for My people, for whoever will enter into My New Era.”

“So now, you have to pray a lot and tell people this. Tell them they have to pray and be very strong to go through all of what is coming.”

“That is the good news that I give you.”

He said, “As the time comes closer, I will inform you in preparation to warn others.”

Lord Jesus is full of surprises. He waited till the last minute to give me a message of hope, something beautiful.

When our Lord told me to treasure these special moments, it was afterwards that I understood what He meant by this.

Wow!’ I thought, ‘They are indeed precious moments.’

I understood that I am part of these changes because I do and offer Him whatever He asks of me. He wants me to be a witness to them. Not only the suffering I have on earth, but He wants me to witness the joy of His Creation and the wonders of His Creation that have never been before.

He wants us to be courageous and have faith because He will not abandon us. People have had enough of this suffering. Our Lord knows because people cry out to Him. That is why in a very short time there will be such beautiful changes and rewards planned for the world.

Lord, we praise You, and love You, and thank You for revealing such a beautiful message of hope.

25 December 2023

Priests who left the Priesthood and Married now in Purgatory

After I came home from Midnight Mass, I was reading from the Gospel of St Luke when I suddenly found myself with an angel in Purgatory.

Many souls had gathered there, and one of them I noticed was a tall gentleman who was a priest.

I said to the souls, “If you don’t mind, I want to talk to this Father, the priest, privately .”

I asked the priest, “What happened? Why are you here?”

He said, “I married. I went out of the priesthood. I thought it was good. I thought that it was a blessing. I thought that it would please God.”

I said to him, “No, you should never have married. You were chosen to follow our Lord and to serve Him only.”

He thought that his marriage, in God’s eyes, was good. It is good for others but not for priests.

He said, “I have to stay here for a long time.”

He was lying down on something. He kept coming to me to talk to me. I felt like I was talking to him as if he were alive.

I said, “I will pray for you and do my best, but I don’t know how long you will have to stay here to do your penance because you offended our Lord very much by doing that.”

He wasn’t really in the darkness. There were a lot of groups of souls, and he was among them.

He said, “There are many like me here.”

Sadly, it is the woman who deceives the man, and he steps out of the priesthood. He thought God would still be happy about this, but He is not.

He was lamenting when he said, “Now I am very sick. I am really sick.”

The sickness is the suffering that the soul must endure as penance.

The souls come forward now because they become so desperate for help. It looks like God gives them the strength to come forward and to ask for help. I do pray for priests both alive and dead.

25 December 2023

Souls Released to Heaven between Christmas and New Year

I was hardly able to get any sleep this morning as I was taken to Purgatory.

I said to the Lord, “But there are still a lot of souls in Purgatory.”

He said, “Between Christmas and New Year, a lot of them will go to Heaven.”

Thank you Lord Jesus for being so merciful to the Holy Souls.

25 December 2023

Midnight Mass – Offer Me Everyone

During the Holy Mass, Lord Jesus said, “Offer Me everyone you can think of. Offer Me everyone in the world. Everywhere, there is suffering and killings. I don’t want to even mention the countries one by one—you already know.”

As our Lord was asking me to make these offerings, I could see Him, and with His Holy Finger spinning a line right around the globe.

20 December 2023

My Church is Now Really Persecuted

This morning, when I prayed the Angelus, the Holy Family suddenly appeared and came to visit me. I was utterly shocked to see Blessed Mother and St Joseph all in black.

The Blessed Mother wore a black dress—totally black; she even wore a black scarf tied around her head. The black attire made our Blessed Mother look pale, slight and thin.

St Joseph, also dressed all in black, was with Blessed Mother, holding Baby Jesus in his holy arms. Baby Jesus was beautiful and all in white.

I asked the Blessed Mother, “Blessed Mother, what happened to you? Why are you all dressed in black?”

She answered very sadly, “That is how humanity sees us now in the world.”

She said, “My children, this is the joyous time of the year. It should be the most joyous time in the world—that my Son came to live among you and to redeem you, but you reach, with your sin, to the highest peak. Everything is dark in the souls of my children. There is no remorse or repentance. Sadly, they compare us to that.”

“Now, my children, you offend God so much. Just look around and see how many disasters and catastrophes are happening and that people are experiencing, and that will continue to happen until humanity changes.”

Then she looked ever so sad and sorrowful again, saying, “Your sins now cover the entire world, and the world is totally in darkness.”

She repeated, “I am so sorrowful a Mother—I should be so joyous, but I am so sorrowful, full of sorrow. I cannot express my sorrow. Valentina, my daughter, please console us. Tell our children to pray and to console us.”

Later that day, I attended Holy Mass. During the Holy Mass, before going to receive Holy Communion, I usually offer Holy Communion for many other people and holy souls, but this time our Lord stopped me.

He said, “I don’t want you to offer Me anybody else, only for the Pope. Offer Me the whole Eucharist that you receive for the Pope. After that, go to the Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament and do reparation and pray for him, for what is happening in Rome.”

“Valentina, what I was telling you all this year, how My Church will be persecuted—now My Church is really persecuted, and it is going to get worse.”

17 December 2023

Today Blessed Mother is Joyful

Today, the Blessed Mother was very joyful and happy. She said, “Share the message (about the Holy Birth of my Son Jesus) to people and to priests. Whenever you go to speak to people, speak the truth and explain to them how my Son came to the world. Keep repeating this, and don’t ever get tired of repeating.”

He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in my womb, the same way He was born by the Holy Spirit.”

“People in the church do not all recognize that He was born in a different way (to humanity). Even if they would know this, they would dismiss it because they think that humanity would not understand this.”

“How sad it makes me when people accuse me of being as low as an ordinary woman. They don’t recognize that my Son is divine and so holy. They forget that He is our Creator, and He can do anything He wants, and He will not ask humanity for permission.”

“Oh, my children, you have so much to learn about my Son Jesus. Pray that the blindfolds will be removed so that the Light will come forth to diminish the darkness. The world is in so much darkness.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for teaching us.

(As I was dictating these words, a white gold light appeared, circling above this message)

17 December 2023

The Sugar Appears Miraculously on the Table

Today, I had lunch with my friends. A paper lunch bag lay in the middle of the table, with the edge closest to me slightly raised. Catching my attention, I saw some sugar in the shape of some writing underneath the raised edge of the paper bag. It just appeared there.

As I lifted the paper bag to take a closer look, I saw a pattern made from the sugar.

When I saw it, I felt in my heart it was something mysterious, beautifully formed. I thought to myself, ‘This is writing!’

Sugar represents sweetness. Something beautiful.

Our Lord made me understand from this that the first, very thin line represents the year 2023, which is almost over. Part of the world is already in turmoil.

Then, the next two thicker lines represent the following two years, which will be very difficult years. There will be changes that will happen gradually, but we know that our Lord is with us, and we have to endure and be close to Him. He will embrace us and protect us. We should be in a State of Grace, and we must always pray so that the devil will not have so much power over us.

After the third year, the extended curved ‘sugar line’ represents entering the New Era, when our Lord will reign on earth. There will be no more evil.

At the table, there were only two sachets of sugar—one was unused and still sealed, and the other was used entirely by me in my coffee. The sugar on the table miraculously appeared in the form of writing.

Later, my friend had her laptop on the table as I was dictating a message to her for typing. The ‘sugar writing’ on the table was between the two of us. As she was typing the message, her laptop slowly slid to the right, edging closer to the ‘sugar’ that had miraculously appeared on the table.

Lord Jesus smiled and jokingly said to me, “Tell her, a little more, and she will push the computer too far, and she will dismiss My writing!”

Lord Jesus confirms that this is from Him and is His writing. He was between myself and my friend.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your holy revelation.

15 December 2023

The Birth Of Our Lord Jesus

I experienced the following vision some time ago, and it has not previously been published.

In the very early morning hours, I was kneeling in my bedroom, praying, when suddenly, Blessed Mother Mary came accompanied by an angel.

She said, “Today, you receive a very special grace to see how my Son was born and came to the world.”

“People think that my Son was born the way humanity is born. No, my daughter—what you and I will experience now and see in this vision from Heaven, you will experience the reality of how my Son was born.”

All of a sudden, a beautiful vision appeared, and it was a grotto. Blessed Mother was preparing, walking here and there, cleaning and removing any dust. St Joseph was assisting Blessed Mother. He was preparing a little manger for the Baby to be born, finding and placing some straw and hay in the crib. I could also see some animals.

Many, many beautiful little angels filled the cave. They were helping Blessed Mother while she was cleaning the cave in preparation for the Birth of our Lord Jesus. Some were flying to her, helping her, and then returning to the side after they had finished.

Blessed Mother took a little square, pure white linen cloth and placed it on the crib, covering the straw so it would not harm the soft and delicate skin of the Newborn Baby.

The time was now close for the Birth of our Lord Jesus. The night was still and quiet. St Joseph was resting a little behind Blessed Mother.

Suddenly, a beautiful aura of light, in the form of a brilliant white thick mist, appeared around our Blessed Mother’s womb, covering her all around. The aura of the mist of light was so thick that you couldn’t see anything. Our Blessed Mother was so radiant and so beautiful.

At that moment, two little angels flew to Blessed Mother as the Baby Jesus appeared from her side, and with the greatest of reverence, they received Him in their hands.

Blessed Mother then took a little linen cloth, folded it, and with great reverence, humility and joy, took the little Baby Jesus from the hands of the angels and ever so gently and tenderly wrapped Him in it. She was holding Him so close, hugging Him and hugging Him. She was so joyous and happy that she was crying tears of joy.

So many angels were present, prostrating themselves before the New Born King. They then raised their heads and began singing in Latin with very high voices :

Glory, Glory to God in the Highest.

They kept repeating this canticle:

“Gloria Gloria Gloria”

“Gloria in Excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis”

Everything in the cave was illuminated; it was so beautiful. St Joseph then came from behind Blessed Mother, and suddenly, he saw the most beautiful vision of the newborn Baby Jesus being held in the arms of Blessed Mother.

She then gently placed Little Baby Jesus down in the manger, and she and St Joseph kneeled next to Him, one on one side and one on the other side of the manger. Blessed Mother was holding her hands in prayer, together with St Joseph admiring, adoring and praising the Newborn King.

Such a brilliant and pure light surrounded our Lord Baby Jesus, who was already smiling. He was so beautiful and clean, and no blemishes. The whole cave was all in light, with the angels continuously singing and praising Him with enchanting music that was going all the way to Heaven.

I was so taken in by the vision before me that I sang along with the angels. It was such a joy when our Lord Jesus was born.

Blessed Mother said to me, “See, on earth, they think my Son was born like humanity. I am totally pure and a virgin because my Son never touched my virginity.”

That is why our Blessed Mother showed me how Jesus came—just like the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, and she was filled with the Holy Spirit, Baby Jesus came into the world in a miraculous manner. Our Blessed Mother did not experience any labour pains.

Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus are so offended that people do not understand that His Holy Birth was supernatural and miraculous.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, and all praise, all glory and honour to our Newborn King.

Comment: Today, while I was dictating this message, I was suddenly surrounded by a most beautiful Heavenly perfume—a gift from Heaven.

8 December 2023

Immaculate Conception of Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy

During the prayers of the Cenacle Rosary, the Blessed Mother came. She said, “Today, my children, you come to console me on the Feast of My Immaculate Conception. In Heaven, they honour me as the Mother of My Son Jesus and love me. On earth, they should honour me even more, but instead, they talk so shamefully about my Immaculate Conception. They degrade me and compare me to the sinners of the world and even lower. How that offends my Son Jesus.”

“People question and wonder why there are many catastrophes happening all over the world. My Son Jesus permits this to happen. He wants people to repent of their sins.”

“Valentina, my daughter, be courageous and spread the Holy Word of God. The hot weather is not very pleasant, but trust my Son that it will change. Through prayer, offer your sacrifices to Him. He needs your consolation and to save souls.”

“We are always with you to protect you.”

Blessed Mother was with me all through the night while I was suffering. She told me many souls went to Heaven on the Feast of Her Immaculate Conception, but many still remain in Purgatory suffering. They need prayer and offerings.

3 December 2023

Trust and Love Our Lord – He Will Always Protect You

After coming home from a prayer gathering at Bridget’s house, I thanked our Lord for the beautiful afternoon of prayers and devotions and sharing the Holy Word of our Lord.

At the prayer gathering, some people also mentioned how we are now being more and more controlled.

Then, Lord Jesus appeared, saying, “Valentina, tell my people that there are more than 150 rules and revelations given to humanity on earth to control them.”

He smiled and said, “Mine are only 10! And they are easy to follow and remember. There is so much control and confusion now in the world—a real Babylon.”

“Tell My people to trust Me and to love Me. I shall always protect you and help you. My angels are always ready to follow you, to guide you on a daily basis, and to defend you from all evil snares. Be grateful and thankful to them.”

“Now more than ever, you need heavenly guidance and protection. These are the times that you must be alert. Pray very much so that the evil will not have power over you.”

“Pray for your brothers, the non-believers, for their salvation. Be kind to all and gentle and tell them, ‘Lord Jesus loves you very much.’ Give them hope in their life, and I will bless you for that. And your reward in Heaven will be great.”

“Make very simple preparations for My Coming in this Holy Advent.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your protection and for warning us.

1 December 2023

You Have a Holy Shrine in Your Heart

This morning, I had been visiting the Holy Souls in Purgatory with the Angel. The Souls were asking me to help them and to console them. They keep asking for food to eat.

They would say, “We are hungry.”

They keep saying, “Valentina, offer us to our Lord and help us.”

As I was coming out of this depressing place, all of a sudden, I had pieces of meat and bread in my hands, and I was tasting them. They tasted sour and bitter—so horrible. I said, “Poor people. The bitterness is the sin they carry.”

Outside, I could see more people—a group of ladies, and they were sitting down. One of them spoke to me. She said, “While I was alive, I was sick.”

I said to her, “Why didn’t you ask our Lord to help you?”

She said, “I never thought of asking Him.”

I said, “I will pray for you.”

Maybe she has to stay longer in Purgatory because she never offered her sickness to our Lord. It is important to offer all your suffering to our Lord, as it benefits your soul and can help others.

While talking to this group of ladies about prayer and how I would help them, I was looking up to talk to our Lord, to offer Him these souls, when, suddenly, a very saintly young lady in white appeared. She approached me and wanted to embrace me, but I didn’t want her to do that because she was sniffling.

I said, “No, no! I don’t want to get the cold.”

She smiled and said, “No, no. I don’t have a cold. I am just sniffling.”

She said, “Valentina, I come to tell you beautiful news. You have a holy shrine in your heart. You have our Lord and Holy Mary in you, and you carry them everywhere. They live in there. Wherever you go, they are with you. Be very happy—they love you, and no one can harm you. “

So surprised at this news, I said to the saintly lady, “I wouldn’t know this!”

“I appreciate this, and I thank the Lord Jesus and my Holy Mother Mary for this grace,” I said.

She said, “Believe it. It is true. I was sent by our Lord Jesus.”

26 November 2023

Solemnity of Christ the King

During the Holy Mass for the Feast of Christ the King, our Lord said, “Today I Am honoured so beautifully in Heaven and in many churches throughout the world.”

Suddenly, I felt an immense joy in my heart.

Our Lord smiled and said, “Valentina, My child, I put the biggest joy in your heart to tell you of My Coming to Earth to reign as King. There will be no more evil. I will defeat all the evil-doers and liberate you from the slavery of the devil. I will establish peace, love and joy among My people, such as has never been before.”

“But for now, it is still hidden from all of you. Be patient for a little bit more, for I Am coming. What I promised—it will be fulfilled. I promise you that it is coming. Rejoice and be glad.”

I said, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for encouraging us, and we love You and praise You and Your Kingship.”

Comment: We wait for Christmas for our Lord to come as a little Baby, but when He comes in His Second Coming, it will not be as a little Baby but as a King to reign on earth.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your Graces and Blessings.

23 November 2023

Blessed Mother Asks  “Why Am I Not Acknowledged?”

When I prayed the Angelus at seven o’clock this morning, the Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, came dressed in the most beautiful pink outfit. She said, “I come to tell you, my daughter, how sad I am for the little acknowledgement they give you for my messages and teachings that I give to my children. I was pushed aside. The evil tried to destroy all my work that I established in this Church.”

Our Blessed Mother then gently turned her hands towards her heart, and said, “Am I not the same Mother that I speak to many of my children guiding everything, the same way I speak and teach my daughter Valentina for many years, but that you still don’t understand my teachings? She has been crucified so badly, and she suffers, but always she remains humble.”

“My children, don’t judge because you will be judged severely. The Messages are direct from Heaven and given to people for them to change, to convert, to repent and to make them a better person, and for them to come to know God and to come closer to Him.”

“It is very beneficial for your soul—to grow more spiritually, but woe to those who judge and condemn and ridicule, for you have already put judgement on yourselves, my children.”

“My children, be courageous and continue to pray. Don’t be discouraged. Because you are guided by Heaven, not by the world.”

“Valentina, my daughter, be courageous. No one can harm you. We are always with you. Spread the Holy Word to people to save a soul.

Comment: Some people are very quick to dismiss and condemn the messages from our Blessed Mother, but for other people, they are such a treasure—for them to convert and to find God—and are beneficial for their souls.

Thank you, Blessed Mother. Please guide us and protect us.

19 November 2023

Peace Can Only Come From Heaven, Not From the World

This morning, when I prayed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the protection of everyone, I said, “Today is a new day—Blessed Mother, guide us and lead us.”

Then the Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy came. She smiled and said, “Be at peace, my daughter Valentina. The peace can only come from Heaven, not from the world. I come to tell you what you and all my children experienced on Friday, the fear and confusion—that should not have happened.”

“The person who came to your prayers and was spying on your prayer group, it would be better for him never to have come and to have interfered. For this is my prayer group, that me and my Son Jesus established for the Parramatta Church. With my plans, that me and my Son Jesus chose, for many good fruits that are produced from your beautiful devotions and prayers, that you, my children, offer to me, and they are so pleasing, and they bring joy and consolation to my Immaculate Heart, for so many offences that I receive from the world.”

“Don’t give up your regular prayers that you’ve been attending for many years. Continue to pray and fear not, for I am among you very strongly present, and I love you very much. Fear not. Be at peace, my children.”

Comment: When Blessed Mother was telling me this message, she was very sad. She showed me how the devil entered among the group and wanted to destroy everything. But we have to be strong and to not give up.