15 December 2018

Furious Storm Clouds


Before the storm hit Sydney, I was given a vision by the angel. I was shown menacing, dark storm clouds raging across the sky. The clouds were rolling and exploding at fast speed. I was shocked at the fury of the clouds. It felt like the end of the world.


The angel said, “The clouds you see are the fury of Heaven. Heaven is so offended by the sins of the world, that everything is disturbed, including Heaven.”


“Heaven is not in peace now because so much sin is committed in the world, so Heaven is sad for the Lord seeing Him suffer.”


Lord, be merciful to the world.


14 December 2018

Lord Jesus looking for people to love Him


This morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared. Two angels, who looked identical, accompanied Him. They were both tall and wearing long, silvery tunics.


Our Lord Jesus didn’t speak; however the two angels did speak and said, “Tell people to prepare well spiritually, for the coming and celebrating of the most holy of all holiest times for the Saviour to be born for all of humanity. He is coming to be born on this earth, the blue planet, given to Him by God the Father.”


Then both angels said, “Do you know that right now, He is going around the world to find people to love Him. But He only finds a few who truly love Him. Most of humanity deny Him and don’t believe in Him. Console the Lord and proclaim His Holy Word to people. He wants to love and to bless everyone this Christmas.”


Our Lord was listening to what the angels were telling me. He was standing beside me, and then three times gently caressed my cheek.


I was so peaceful and happy, but at the same time sad in my heart for the Lord Jesus that He has to come to the world, to beg people to believe in Him and to love Him. How many graces we lose, for not accepting Him and for not believing in Him?


9 December 2018

Attendance at Prayer Group


Today I was invited to attend a prayer group.


During the Rosary Prayer, Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus both kept appearing to me.


They smiled and said, “We are very pleased when you, dear children gather in prayer groups and you share in a lot of prayers for others who don’t pray and who don’t believe. You console us. These people are of very good faith and they please us very much.”


Thank You, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother for all the graces received today.

8 December 2018

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception


It was late in the evening, and I had just finished praying. In addition to my usual evening prayers, I also repeated the special prayers for the Hour of Grace for the World, which I had prayed today between noon and one o’clock. This devotion requires that during this hour we begin by praying Psalm 51, three times followed by other prayers of choice. Many divine and bodily graces are received when praying this devotion on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.


Suddenly, I could hear many footsteps in the house. At first, I thought it was my grandson, as he would sometimes go to the kitchen for an evening snack. I called out to him, but he did not answer. So I assumed that he was asleep.


Worried and anxious, I immediately sat up in bed and listened to determine from which direction the footsteps were coming. They came very close, coming from just outside my bedroom, in the hallway.


I then became frightened and started to panic. I began to wonder, who are all those people walking around in my house?


Suddenly, a most brilliant golden light swept through my entire room. I watched in amazement as my room instantly became full of people and angels. They were all very cheerful. I had received a heavenly visitation.


Amongst the visitors, I could see our Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother, St Joseph, St Padre Pio, St Therese of the Child Jesus and many other saints and angels. I would say there were about twenty saints, and many, many angels. Blessed Mother looked so beautiful, dressed in pure white, as today was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Her spouse St Joseph was quite tall with short hair. He was clothed in a blue-brown coloured garment on which was woven a most decorative golden embroidery, signifying royalty.



Slightly nervous, I asked the visitors, “Did you come to get me?” I was sure that this was the reason they were in my room.


They were all smiling and said, “No, we didn’t come to get you. We have just come to visit you. In Heaven we all agreed and said, let us go and visit Valentina and give her a surprise and cheer her up. We love you, and we are your best friends, and that is why we have come.”


As soon as they all came into my room, Lord Jesus, dressed in a beautiful red garment, walked right up to me and stood beside my bed. In my heart, I sensed Him saying, “Fear not!”


Our Lord then picked up the Holy Bible, which was lying on my bedside table, and started turning the pages to read some passages. In the meantime, St Padre Pio, who is a very powerful Saint in Heaven, came up close to me. He was so happy. He was wearing a beautiful white and gold chasuble over his brown habit.


St Padre Pio said, “Valentina, we know you have a lot of suffering, and that is why we have come to visit you, to give you encouragement. You have many enemies, but fear not, nobody can harm you. We all pray for you in Heaven. Proclaim the Word of God to people. Tell them to repent and to believe in God. It is good for their soul and their salvation. You must tell them that.”


Everybody in the room was happily talking. I felt immense joy at having so many special Heavenly guests.


Our Lord Jesus, holding the open Bible turned to me and showed me what He would like me to read. He started to read a passage from Holy Scripture which was about Himself, while He was here on Earth preaching to people. He specifically said that I should read from St Peter, St Matthew, St Luke, and St John. Our Lord said, “You will learn a lot from these readings, they are good teachings for this time.” I was like a little student next to our Lord.


Thank you, my Lord, Mother Mary, St Joseph, and all the angels and saints, for coming to visit me, little nothing.


Our Lord said, “Each time you put yourself down, you humble yourself.”

7 December 2018

My Child, Be Generous


I was making a sandwich to take to a friend when suddenly our Lord Jesus was present. He was watching me as I was selecting the sandwich fillings and carefully started placing them on the slices of bread.


I had lettuce, tomato, some cheese, and some ham and I was thinking, how am I going to layer these fillings without them falling out all over the place? So I thought, maybe I should put fewer fillings in the sandwich.


As I was doing this our Lord was watching me and said, “My child, be generous! If you are generous to others, I will be generous to you.”


Our Lord is teaching us not to be stingy with what we give to others, and in what we do for others. Our Lord rewards and watches everything we do.

5 December 2018

The Nativity of the Holy Family

After I had just finished my evening prayers, I had a most beautiful vision of the Nativity of the Holy Family.


In the darkness of the night a most brilliant light, and radiance surrounded the stable, which was a large open cave. The silvery brightness from the light of the star was so intense that it was as though the star from the heavens had descended and shone directly above the cave. Everything was so bright.


Sitting in the middle of the stable was Mary the Mother of Baby Jesus, holding Baby Jesus on her lap. She was dressed in a most beautiful red tunic with a white mantilla that extended to her elbows. I could see how her hair was beautifully twisted around her head. Baby Jesus was all in white. I could see St Joseph kneeling beside them. Multitudes of shining bright angels surrounded them, praising and adoring the newly born King. Around the stable, facing Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus, I could also see many shepherds, kneeling in adoration. The holy shepherds were wearing garments of a combination of white and brown shades.


In front of the stable, I could see many lambs and sheep. The little lambs came up close to Baby Jesus. They were sleeping peacefully and gently resting their little heads on top of each other, as though they were resting their heads on the softest pillow. Their wool was so long and beautiful.


On the other side, behind blessed Mother, I could see lying on the ground an ox and also a donkey. This donkey was the one that carried Blessed Mother and accompanied St Joseph to Bethlehem.


As it was so cold in the stable, the animals surrounded the Holy Family to keep them warm.  Everything looked so beautiful and colourful and real.


So many angels were present, and I could see them prostrating before our Lord Jesus. Then they raised their heads to Heaven and, all in harmony, started to sing the divine canticle:


“Gloria Gloria Gloria”

“Gloria in Excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis”


So that I would understand what they were singing the angels said aloud, “Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to people of goodwill.”


The Blessed Mother, most holy, was very joyful and smiling.


This scene took my breath away. I was praising the newly born King and the Holy Family of Bethlehem.


I said, “My little Jesus, may You be praised and loved by everyone in the world.”


2 December 2018

Special Gifts installed on newly Ordained Priests


This morning while I was praying, I was offering up people for today’s Holy Mass when all of a sudden I was surrounded by many souls.


They were begging me, “Valentina, please, please offer us to our Lord.”


They were begging me to take them to Church and offer them to our Lord today.


When I arrived at the Church for Holy Mass, there was another group of holy souls surrounding me. There was about twenty of them.


One of the souls, a woman, said to me, “Valentina, we are from this church. Nobody ever remembers to offer us up to our Lord or to pray for us. Please don’t exclude us. Please help us and offer us up to the Lord and ask Him to be merciful to us. He will listen to you.”


The souls were very polite. I did what they asked of me and offered them to our Lord. The souls then vanished. Even though I could not see them anymore, I still sensed their presence in the church.


Today I attended Holy Mass for the first Sunday of Advent, and I included the four newly ordained Priests in my prayers and offerings to the Lord.


As I made my offering, our Lord Jesus answered me immediately. He said, “Each one received a special gift from Me at the Ordination. The gift installed on them, I hope that they use it wisely.”


Our Lord did not say what kind of gifts they received, but I think they were beautiful, holy Gifts they will use to help people.


Our Lord said, “Pray for them as there is so much temptation in the world, especially around priests.”


I felt in my heart that one of the newly ordained priests received the gift of healing by praying over people.


I thank you, Lord, for all your special graces and blessings and gifts that You bestow upon people.

1 December 2018

First Saturday Prayer Group


Today I attended my prayer group.


We offered up the three Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries, for the intentions of our Blessed Mother.


During the prayers, our Blessed Mother appeared looking quite sad.


She said, “Thank you, my children, for your offerings for my intentions. What you offer to me, I offer for the coldness of all humanity in the world. Humanity is so cold that they reject God completely. He is rejected in every part of the world now. As the Christmas festivities are fast approaching, looking at humanity, all they think of is materialism. It is all about how they are going to enjoy themselves, what they are going to buy, what they are going to eat and drink and about having a good time.”


“They hardly think of my Divine Son, Who came to the world to save humanity and Who came for the salvation of their souls.”


“Even less, do they think about how much my Son suffered, during the Crucifixion. To save humanity, out of His Love, He did all of that because, my children, He wants to save all of you. But in return, He receives coldness, rebellion, and rejection from humanity.”


“Offer your sacrifices and prayers for the coldness of humanity in the world today.”


Blessed Mother was very sad while she was telling me all of this. I could see how her Immaculate Heart was suffering.

30 November 2018

Ordination to the Priesthood – St Patricks Cathedral, Parramatta


In the morning while I was praying our Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “I would like you today, to attend the High Mass for the Ordination of Priests, which is the highest Mass that you can attend.”


“I want you to offer Me, everyone, that you can think of so that they can benefit from the High Mass.”


I obeyed our Lord, and in the evening I attended this very special High Mass for the ordination of four priests.


I arrived early to the Church and watched how people were very restless, trying to secure seats and reserve seats for other people. One pew had about ten handbags so that no-one else could sit there.


Our Lord said, “Valentina, these people, surely they do not know what they are doing. The selfishness in them is uncontrollable, they try to possess everything and secure their seats for themselves and their friends, at all costs. But I tell you it will not be like that in Heaven. They will have to be happy and grateful for whatever place they get. There will be no reservation in Heaven for their family and friends. Each one will be in a different part depending on what they deserve. They have to accept whatever is given to them.”


Even in Holy Scripture where our Lord was preaching, a woman came up to our Lord and asked Him can her son sit at His Right Hand:


“What wilt thou? She saith to him: Say that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left, in thy kingdom. And Jesus answering, said: You know not what you ask. Can you drink the chalice that I shall drink? They say to him: We can. He saith to them: My chalice indeed you shall drink; but to sit on my right or left hand, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared by my Father” (Matthew 20:21-23, Douay Rheims Bible).


Holy Mass then started. During the distribution of Holy Communion, I was lead by our Lord to receive Communion from the hands of Archbishop Anthony Fisher. As I returned to the pew, I kneeled and thanked the Lord.


Our Lord said to me, “Now you have completed the mission that I have asked of you. By attending the Most High Mass of the Ordination to the Priesthood, and by offering Me everyone that I had asked you to offer Me, and receiving My Body from the holy hands of Bishop Anthony, you accomplished the mission that I asked of you.”


“You have no idea how much good fruits that you will produce, and I thank you for your obedience, to fulfill My Will.”


Our Lord was so joyful while He was telling me all of this.

26 November 2018

Visitation from Three Souls


During my morning prayers of the last three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the angel appeared to me, and each time he said, “Valentina, a very important person will come to visit you. Prepare yourself.”


I thought maybe a Priest would come to see me. I said to the angel, “Well, the only important person is Jesus Christ.”


This morning, during my prayers, suddenly I received a visitation of three souls. As they came up very close to me, I immediately recognised one of them. I do not know who the other two were.


I said, “Oh, Peter Ustinov, the movie actor!” He seemed annoyed and very burdened by the load that he was carrying.


He exclaimed to me, “Gosh lady, you live so far away! Do you know how long it took us to come to you? And do you know that we had to carry this burden with us? And how heavy it is?”


I could see that each of the three souls was carrying a bundle of what looked like a large, scrunched up, plastic canvas. Peter Ustinov and the grey-haired gentleman next to him were each carrying a military-coloured canvas. The third, younger man with brown hair, who was standing behind them, was carrying a deep green canvas. I understood that the military-coloured canvas, that is, a combination of yellow, green and brown, represents a different kind of sin as compared to the colour green, which represents a deeper state of sin.


All of a sudden, they dropped their heavy loads in front of me, and in a deeply annoyed tone of voice, Peter said, “Here lady, now it’s up to you to do what you are going to do to help us.”


I was astonished at their attitude, demanding that I help them. I thought, ‘But who asked you to come?’


I felt like they were blaming me for their life and their suffering, that it is my fault.

When they finished talking and telling me some things, they just vanished and left their loads behind. By leaving them behind it was a form of security so that I would help them.


I prayed, “May our Lord give you peace in the other world.”


I thought to myself, ‘Well, look at that. Now the souls were ordering me around and telling me what to do!’


Their attitude amused me that I said to our Lord, “Lord, so much for the important person, I thought you are the important person.”


Our Lord said, “But he was important on earth.”


I said, “Lord, he hated Catholics in the movie Quo Vadis, he burnt down Rome. He was feeding Christians to the lions.”


Our Lord was laughing. He said, “Valentina, that was only a play, it wasn’t in reality.”

I offered up the Holy Rosary for these three souls and later, offered them up at Holy Mass.


Lord have mercy on all three of them.

20 November 2018

There will be No Good Wishes for the World


I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta.


After Holy Communion, I prayed, “Lord Jesus, I offer You all of humanity, especially during this time, in preparation for Christmas, so that people will come to understand the true meaning of Christmas and not be caught up in the materialism that overtakes Christmas. I pray that we will all praise You and glorify You during this Holy Time.”


Soon after I offered this prayer, our Lord appeared from the Tabernacle and said, “My daughter, I heard your petition and good wishes for humanity,” and then in a very serious tone, He continued, “There will be no more good wishes for the world. Humanity is destroying itself by being so godless and materialistic, and they deny Me completely. They do not want Me amongst themselves. I constantly offer Myself to them, and I love them unconditionally, but they keep rejecting Me completely. This is very painful for My Sacred Heart.”

19 November 2018

The Lord will Purify the World


During my morning prayers, our Lord appeared.


He said, “Child, you better warn people to repent because I Am going to purify the world. I can no longer watch this sinful world. There is too much sin. Bit by bit I will purify each country according to their state of sin, according to the sins they are committing. There will be natural disasters, floods, and earthquakes that will affect each country. I really mean it.”


As our Lord was telling me this, a vision appeared. In the vision, I could see what looked like a city with many tall buildings. I did not recognise the city. In particular, I could see a white-coloured apartment building. Water was gushing through its second level. It was gushing with such force that it smashed through the windows on the other side of the building. The water was moving with such fury.


Our Lord said, “I don’t want to punish humanity, but I am being forced to do it because they are deaf and blind to My Call. The world has never been as bad as it is now since the time of Noah.”


I could feel the immense sadness of our Lord that people remain so defiant and continue to ignore His call.


Lord, have mercy on us. Please spare us and protect us, and I pray that people will change.

18 November 2018

Visit by Two Saintly Women


During my morning prayers, I had a vision of two beautiful saints, both of them women. Next to them stood another a holy person, dressed as a priest.


The women said, “Valentina, don’t be afraid, we have been sent to tell you, to prepare yourself, as priests and bishops will interview you. They will interrogate you by asking you all kinds of questions. It will be all about your experiences and the messages that you receive. You have to prepare yourself and be ready for them.”


I asked, “How can I prepare myself? I am ready.”


They answered, “You have to prepare yourself more spiritually. You have to pray more.”


I started to worry and wonder who will be this priest or priests and bishop that will interrogate me.


The priest standing next to the two women never spoke, he only listened. His demeanour was very serious.


Later that day I attended Holy Mass, and I offered up what the two saintly women told me that morning.


During Mass, our Lord appeared to me. Smiling, He said, “Don’t worry. Be peaceful and pray. When the time comes, I will empty you of yourself and fill you with the Holy Spirit, so that whatever you will say will by My Words. I will speak through you, to them, and they will know it is My Holy Word and not yours.”


I said, “Thank you, my Lord, I know I can trust You.”


A few weeks ago I was visited by these same two saintly women, and I received the same warning about being interrogated.


17 November 2018

California Fires


In the morning while I was praying our Lord appeared and said, “Valentina, did you see all of the disasters happening in the world?”


He said, “See the fires raging in California. People think this is a natural disaster. This is a catastrophic disaster. It is almost like being wiped off from the face of the earth. It is serious. People take it so lightly, saying it just happens everywhere. But what is most sad, is that they die unrepentant and not prepared for death. They are so attached to the material world and nothing spiritual.


“You must talk to people and tell people to repent. Many catastrophic events will happen and more and more will unfold.”


“Sadly, I will take a lot of people away before the bad events start to happen. Many will die in tragedies, many will die in accidents, and many will die as a result of natural disasters. They won’t be able to comprehend what is happening.”


“Try to warn people. Speak out the truth and don’t worry if anyone is against you because I watch over you and protect you all the time. But the most important thing is for people to repent.”


That is what our Lord desires because events will start to unfold and people will start to panic. But if they are close to our Lord, it will be much easier to bear all of this. Our Lord has repeated this warning to me for the past three days so it must be very urgent.

16 November 2018

Our Lady’s tears for the world


While I was travelling by train to the city, on my way to Holy Mass, it started to rain very gently. I could see little droplets of rain falling on the train window. The droplets were in the shape of tears, one after the other.


As I watched this, I thought to myself, ‘Oh, it is raining.’


At that moment our Blessed Mother appeared. She was wearing a white dress with a blue sash around her waist. A short white veil covered her head.


She said, “You’re watching the drops of rain as they fall. These are not raindrops, they are my tears that I shed for my children in the world. My children in the world are without God, and so sinful. They live in such horrible sin. No matter what I try, nothing seems to touch them and to convert them.”


“Try to console me. I smile to you, but deep in my heart there is a deep sorrow for the world.”


I said, “Blessed Mother, would it help if I offered you a decade of the Rosary for the shedding of your tears?”


Our Blessed Mother nodded her head, and then said, “Ask my children to offer me some consolation in prayer, that I grieve so much for the world that is so sinful. I will accept it with love.”


Blessed Mother, pray for us.


As I stepped off the train I made my way to the church to attend Holy Mass.


At the Holy Mass, after the distribution of Holy Communion, I was kneeling in prayer. As I raised my head, and looked towards the Altar, I watched how the remaining Holy Hosts were being placed back into the Ciborium.


The priest then sat down, and a lady took the Ciborium, placed it back in the Tabernacle, and walked away without genuflecting.


Our Lord then said to me, “The lady had no right to touch Me and carry Me back to the Tabernacle. That is not her job. So much pride is everywhere now in my churches, so much irreverence, and sacrilege. That offends Me greatly. Pray that things will change soon, for the better.” Our Lord was very sad as He lamented to me.