19 January 2017

Lord Jesus said, “Today, don’t look at the world. Seek only the One and the Truth.

There will be many disasters in the world this year. America will be in great turmoil and there will be restlessness among the people.”


Later that day, I thanked the Lord Jesus for the Graces he bestowed upon us. After I had just returned home from prayer of the Holy Rosary, and had talked about the messages to a group of people including my friends, the Blessed Mother appeared to me.


Many times, when Blessed Mother would appear and I would greet her, ‘Blessed Mother my Mother’,  she would always smile back gently saying, “You should always greet me, ‘Blessed Mother and My Queen’.”


She would like us to always address her as our Mother and Queen.


She said, “My child, how quickly people panic when something goes wrong in their lives. I come to tell you the devil confuses everybody, and stirs them up. He puts negative thoughts in their mind. He divides people, even the leaders of the world, and he destroys marriages, he destroys families, and puts fear in everyone.”


“My children, you have a very shallow faith. You have to trust my Son more, that He will help you, and not believe the devil. To overcome all these worries and problems you must rebuke the devil, and pray and call upon the Name of My Son Jesus, several times, so that He will come to your aid. The devil will flee away and have no power over you.”


‘My Children, you now live in such confusing times, you don’t know what is right and what is wrong. He confuses you so badly.”


Blessed Mother said, ‘Pray and protect yourself my children.”

5th January 2017

At a meeting a father and two of his sons came all the way from a country town to Sydney. When I met them we were with a large group of people that it was difficult to speak privately to them. However, the man did ask me to pray for him and his family.

Soon after I came home I offered them to the Lord and asked our Lord to help them. I offered the whole family. I asked our Lord for graces and blessings for them, that the Lord would give them graces for whatever they needed in life.

Our Lord responded, “tell the father and the boys that there is a blockage between them and Me. what I would love them to do is to repent from their hearts, to make a good confession and not to dwell on the pain and suffering that they carry in their hearts. They should not dwell on the past but always surrender to Me and trust in Me. Healing will slowly progress through Confession.”

18 December

Fourth Sunday of Advent


This morning while I was praying at home, an Angel appeared to me and took me to Purgatory.

I saw many, many souls. I could see millions and millions of them coming towards us. It was so overwhelming. It looked like the whole of Iraq and the whole of Syria was here and the Angel told me that there were even souls here from Singapore. I could see many  Muslim women. I said to the angel, “I better be careful of what I am saying.”

The angel said, “That is why they are approaching you. They need you to help them so that they can go to Heaven for Christmas.”

These Holy Souls are blessed to be saved, because many of them did not get a chance to repent. There was a multitude of them. I found myself in a huge open space, like a field in the countryside, as far as the eye can see.

I did not see them going into the darkness. They were all anxiously moving in the same direction, they were all coming towards me.

Later that morning, during Holy Mass I offered at the Foot of the Cross each of the groups of Souls that I encountered this morning.

At the Foot of the Cross is the Holy Altar, where Jesus sacrificed Himself for the atonement of our sins.

I said, “Lord, there are so many of them. I am so grateful that you have saved them.”


17 December

While I was praying, our Lord Jesus spoke to me and said, “Valentina, next year there will be a many disasters that will unfold, and many changes will happen in the world. But do not fear. I shall look after My own faithful who love Me.”

Jesus said, “Continue to pray and trust in Me. You will be informed before events unfold and guess who will come to inform you? Your son, Frank. He will come and tell you.”

Full of emotion and surprise I exclaimed, “My son Frank?”

Our Lord said, “Yes, your son Frank. You and your son are spiritually more connected together now, than when he was alive on earth.”

Lord, let it be your Holy Will, not mine.

12 December

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Patroness of all the Americas


This morning while I was praying, Blessed and Holy Mary appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms. He was very small.

Blessed Mary said, “I come to bring you my Son, as I know how much you love Him.”

Holding baby Jesus, She then gently and lovingly outstretched her arms towards me, and placed Baby Jesus in my arms, and once again said, “My Son can hardly wait for you to hold Him and nurse Him.”

Blessed Mary was so joyful. She was dressed in a red tunic and Baby Jesus was all in white. Her tunic was of a red shade because today was the Feast Day of our Lady of Guadalupe.

She said, “My child, do you realise that you hold the Creator in your arms? He who created the Universe and everyone and everything that exists.”

She asked, “Are you happy to hold Baby Jesus in your arms?”

“Blessed Mother, I am more than happy, He is so beautiful and I adore Him,” I said. In me there was such an awesome feeling, as if an electric current was passing through every cell in my body.

Blessed Mother Mary said, “Do you know that He created Himself?”

As Blessed Mother Mary was telling me all about Baby Jesus, and as I was gazing at Him and adoring Him, suddenly before my very eyes, His facial Features began to change and evolve, becoming even more beautiful.

Blessed Mother said, “How sad it is today for people of this generation. Most of them do not believe in God and the Creator anymore. It is so sad, they deny Him and they abuse Him. If they do not change, the world is on the brink of destruction.”

“My child encourage people to convert and repent. You all need to pray more for non-believers.”

While Blessed Mary our Mother was revealing to me all this sad news, Baby Jesus relaxed in my arms and fell asleep, so peacefully.

She said, “How happy and content He is in your arms.”

Blessed Mother then smiled at me and said, “Remember, when you meet people and they hug you, they are also hugging the Creator who is in your arms. He is always with you. Thank Him and love Him.”

I said, “Blessed Mother, I am not worthy of such a grace to hold Baby Jesus.”

With a very serious expression on her face and gently nodding her head, Blessed Mother said, “Yes you are!”

She repeated this several times.

For three consecutive days, our Blessed Mother was coming to me with little Baby Jesus, to talk to me. Each day she was dressed differently. She was preparing me for Christmas, for the Coming of our Saviour Jesus.

Thank you Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus for loving us so much.

2 December

First Friday

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Prayer Group in the Chapel


During the Rosary and prayers in the Chapel, Blessed Mother appeared to me and said, “My children, how happy you make me and my Son, when you gather together as a group. Today, I invite you all to gather around the cradle to adore my Son, as a fragile little Baby, who was just born for all of you, the Saviour and Redeemer.”

“Praise Him and adore Him, and love Him above all, for He is very sad because He is denied by this world. How much He loves you all. If you only knew you would cry tears of joy.”

“Console Him above everything. He needs you to tell Him that you love Him. Do not look at this world, with all its false promises that it offers you. Promises which do not last. Everything passes quickly, but God remains forever.”

“Be faithful to Jesus, He loves you so much, He chooses you all, my children. Be faithful and pray together here in this Church and everywhere.”

When our Lord appeared to me He dictated to me these words, “I come to tell you how much I love Jerusalem. I came from Heaven and I chose to come to Jerusalem, but you turned your back on Me.”

He then repeated twice, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the Eternal City that God chose for Himself. People, thank God and praise Him for the Eternal City.”

30 November 2016

Today Our Lord gave me a message. He came to me with a gentle smile and then He said. “Peace be with you Valentina. Proclaim my peace to all the people wherever you go and to whom you meet. Pray for peace in these critical times you live in. I give you an extraordinary sign in the weather that you experience all over the world. Here in this country of Australia you will have all sorts of weather and it will be catastrophical. I wish that people would open their eyes to all these changes and to recognise that God exists. They must change their lives and so stop offending God.
Instead they must beg Him for forgiveness and mercy.”

“My children I am very sorry that you must all suffer through all this- But do not give up and do not despair I am always with you and I love you all. Tell everyone to trust in Me your Lord Jesus.” Our Lord continued with the message. “Valentina will you do something for Me?” “Yes my Lord I will.”

“I wish you to talk to people about my Holy Mama, The Holy Virgin Mary, so that people will give her honour praise and thanks and get to know her better. She is constantly interceding for all of you. I wish you also to speak to priests. I want them to talk more about My beloved Mother in the Churches. I beg you Valentina even in this church (St Raphael’s Merrylands) speak to your priest. Up until now none of my requests were granted. All were rejected. This upsets Me very much. Ask them at least that this petition be granted. Beg your priest Father Valerijan that I wish that at the end of each Mass this prayer be said to My beloved Mother.

We come to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities; but deliver us from all evil, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

This will please my Mother very much. Both of Us will be present in the church when this prayer is recited. My children give glory and honour to my Mother. I want the world to recognise my Mother, after all it will be through Her that the world will be saved. She constantly intercedes for all of you because She loves you so much.”

I said, “Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ for giving us your beloved and beautiful Mother. Thank you my beautiful Mother for loving us so much. Pray for us your children who love you very much.” Our Lord Jesus always gives us hope and assures us not to be afraid but to trust in Him because He is always with us. Have mercy on us O Lord Jesus.

27 November 2016

Feast of the Holy Trinity

While I was saying my morning prayers, a young saintly person appeared to me, accompanied by two Angels.

He took my hand in both of his hands and spoke very seriously, “The most is Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. After the Blessed Sacrament, is written your name appears.”

I was listening to what he was saying, then I asked, “Why should I be important? After all, I offer every day, everything to my Lord Jesus and to Mary most Holy. They are the ones who are the most important and not little me. I am nothing.”

The saintly young person was listening to me.

Later that day, during Mass my guardian angel said to me, “Valentina, are you happy for the news you received today? Give thanks and Glory to God for all the graces you receive from Him.”

I said, “Thank you my Lord Jesus a million times. I love You.”

27 November 2016

I was reciting the Apostles Creed to start praying the Rosary.

A vision appeared in front of me. I saw a great flame coming from Heaven.

“Not the fire that will burn and consume,” the Angel told me. “This is the fire that will purify each soul in the world. Each person will be affected by the flame of the Holy Spirit. This will be a chance for every soul, that God will give knowledge to each soul that He exists. This is the opportunity for all to see the Truth. Tell people to pray and come back to God instead of waiting until the last minute.”

While I was in church, the Lord Jesus said to me, “Next year, things will move in a much slower pace, instead of the rushing and anxiety that people are experiencing now.”

This rapid pace comes from the devil.

Jesus then said, “Tell people to repent and reconcile their sins, that way they will have peace in themselves and will not be affected so badly when the Examination of Conscience comes.” (This is the mini-judgement.)

Jesus said, “This was prophesised a long time ago, when the world was coming to the point of no return. I had to intervene to save their souls.”

“Be at peace. Proclaim the Word. Tell my people to convert and repent. My children it is still My Love and My Mercy that I want to give to you.”

15 October 2017


The Garden of the Immaculate Conception,



While we were visiting the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and re-arranging the flowers and removing the old ones that were sitting in vases surrounding the statue of Blessed Mother, I could hear her speak.


Blessed Mother said, “It is so nice to see you here my children, and to see that you care for your Mother, by making everything beautiful and clean, because you love me.”

“My children, you were drawn to me. I was calling you to come to me. I need your consolation. Here I feel very lonely” She said.


“I also want to tell you that people come and touch me. They touch my hands, my feet, the whole statue, and they leave behind all their dirty marks. These marks represent the sins that they carry within themselves. They think that if they touch me, that I will fulfil their requests and their wishes. I still love you my children without you having to touch me.” she said.


“I would prefer that you go often to confession, my children. In that way, you purify yourselves of all the stains that you carry within you.”

‘My children, come and ask me without touching me!  I will still fulfil your requests and needs.”


Blessed Mother then showed me all the stained floor tiles within the shrine. She said, “As you can see, around my statue, there are many dirty marks. They also represent horrible sins, which you carry within yourselves, my children.”


“These days, I am very much offended in the world and this makes me very sad. My Son Jesus is also very offended. In many parts of the world, people do not honour my Immaculate Conception. They do not believe that I was immaculately conceived. They ridicule this title. My children, pray that the non-believers will convert and that those who ridicule my title will also convert. Our Lord is offended, but He also desires that I am recognised and honoured throughout the world as the Immaculate Conception.”


Blessed Mother said, “It is so bad in the world now. The world is so sinful. But do not lose hope My children, because My Son Jesus will soon establish a new reign of peace in the world. His Kingdom will reign and be established on earth and people will convert and they will be very joyful and happy. It will be such a joy that has never been before. A joy that has never before been experienced on earth.”


“Courageously carry on and pray My children. I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Go in peace and announce what we tell you. We are always with you” she said.


29th September 2016

Jesus came to me in the church during Mass. He said, “Did you notice that this year you experience different weather in this country with a lot of hurricanes, unsettled weather. The whole world experiences extreme weather and this will persistently be coming to tell people to change their way of life and turn to God to stop offending Him.

Another thing I have to warn you about is that you will all experience an ice age. I confirm what you heard this morning by the archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael is true. Everything will be frozen and very cold but because of My love and Mercy this time will be a short duration otherwise none of you would survive”. He continued, “Men’s hearts are turning very cold towards God and man, for this reason this will be experienced by the whole world.

Let us all open our hearts to God and ask for mercy and pray, pray, pray.

29th September 2016

In the morning while saying my morning prayers suddenly three archangels appeared to me. St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael said to me, “Valentina, Our Lord sent us to tell you that you people of the world soon will experience an ice age it is written in Heaven what is going to happen, it can happen any time.

People have to change and not offend God then it could be mitigated. Tell people to pray, offer sacrifices and pray for others not only foe their own families.

23rd September 2016

In the morning while saying my morning prayers two angels of the Lord appeared to me each one with a newspaper in their hands. They held the newspaper out towards me. One had details about Russia and the other details about China. They said, “This is already written in Heaven. We have come to tell you that Russia and China are the two nations that are very dangerous to the world”.

“Tell people to pray because they could enter into conflict with other nations”.

“Tell people to pray”.

17th September 2016

As I was getting ready to go to Mass Frank appeared with a person standing next to him but did not say anything but smiled.

Frank said, “Mum I come to tell you don’t be sad I tell you I am very very happy now. You know Mum when I was alive I always feared death, I was afraid to die. I was wrong, I have to tell you there is an another world and it is so beautiful I cannot describe it to you. I feel so happy. I did feel happy at times on earth but there it is a different happiness.

Mum you have to adjust your way of life the best way you can but above all your mission is to bring people to God. Talk to them about God, that is your job and the people are waiting for you”.

I said, “Frank what about your son Christopher, he misses you so much. I worry about him”. He answered, “Don’t worry, Jesus will help him, Jesus will help everyone. He loves everyone”.

September 2016

I am sorry for communicating any messages for a while. I have had a most sad time, for I have lost my only child my son. I miss him terribly but I know that he no longer suffers.

He passed on 17th July 2016 from suffering most intensely of a heart condition for 4years then he developed a very progressive cancer in the liver but unfortunately doctors told us he could not be treaded because of his weak heart.

The moment I heard the news from the hospital that my son had passed away. My grandson and I went to Sunday mass when we arrived we both knelt down and cried before mass the Lord Jesus appeared to me, He said, “I know you are very sad for the death of your son but be at peace I tell you never will sickness touch him or evil will never harm him because he is with Me now. I chose this day Sunday for Frank to come to Me”.

Then the Blessed Mother appeared to me. She was sad looking sorrowful. She said to me, “Now My daughter you know the pain I felt when first I lost my husband St, Joseph who was a great support to Me. Then I lost My Son whom I loved so much. My son Jesus was so cruelly treated and taken from Me. As a mother I suffered tremendously. Now you know the pain I went through but trust in My Son Jesus, He will give you strength.

After the funeral our lord Jesus came to me and said, “Thank your friends for all the prayers offered for Frank.

I thank you very much, my dear friends for all your prayers and support.