26 February 2016

Our Lord said, “My children, I am very sorry that you all had to go through a lot of suffering through this heatwave that came. My children if you think that the heatwave was due to the scientific environment then you are all very wrong. You can see that signs are given to you all over the world, the changes are coming everywhere. The city of Sydney is no exception, it is a very, very sinful city.”

Regarding the upcoming Mardi Gras our Lord said, “The city that accepts filth and sin and promotes it, that city cannot receive blessings from Me.”

“By promoting all this filth and sin they deceive My little children and lead them to Hell, instead of teaching them to spiritually come to know God and the Ten Commandments which will be beneficial for their soul. These people that mislead children will be responsible for leading them to Hell.”

“It is so painful for My Sacred Heart to watch all this wrongdoing and My Church keeps silent. My children, have strong faith and hope in Me and continue to pray, as soon, things will change in this world. It has to change, the world cannot continue the way it is now.”

Our Lord showed me how much He suffers for us, and how He wants to save everyone. The world really offends Him.

Our Lord then raised His Hand and gave us a blessing and said, “Be strong in your faith because many today in the world are falling away from the true Faith.’

Thank You Lord, be with us, we love You.