10 March 2018



While I was praying our Lord Jesus spoke to me and said, “Pray for America, My child, because America will be hit by a terrible disaster. It will be hit by a huge hurricane. As a nation, America offends Me greatly.”


Lord, have mercy on America. People, pray for America. Pray for the people to repent.



9th March 2018

Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary


While I was praying the Angelus our Blessed Mother appeared. She was very sad. She said, “My loving daughter, once more I come to warn people, to turn away from evil sin, which leads many to Hell. Today, I choose to come to you at seven o’clock in the evening, which represents the Seven Dolors, the Seven Sorrows which I endured with my Divine Son Jesus, your Lord and God.”


While you live on this planet earth, my Son Jesus wants you to contemplate the Seven Sorrows and pray often to console my Immaculate Heart which grieves for the world. How sad I am to see that many of my children go astray every day and are led to the terrible sins of the flesh, through seeking pleasure and entertainment.”


“They are led astray because there are not many who can teach these young people to take the right road and to live decent lives. Look at me how I cry. Please help me. Tell others to convert and come back to my Son Jesus before it is too late.”


Blessed Mother departed looking very sad. She was begging and begging, but not many people take notice. We should all pray more for the young people of the world and encourage them to turn to God.



5th March 2018

Nature obeys the Lord


Today, I learned something beautiful from our Lord Jesus.

I went to rake some leaves in the garden and surprisingly there were only a few leaves on the ground. I said to myself, “Gee, that is strange, usually the ground is covered full of fallen leaves. It usually takes me an hour to rake them.”


Within ten minutes I had finished raking all the leaves and I thought to myself, “This is the quickest it has ever taken me to rake the leaves.”


I came back in the house just in time to watch the six thirty evening news. As I sat down, our Lord suddenly appeared to me and with a gentle smile, He said, “Did you notice that there weren’t many leaves on the ground?”


I said, “Yes, my Lord, there were only a very few.”


Our Lord Jesus smiled and said, “I told the tree not to drop the leaves so that you will not have to rake them for too long.” As He said this I started to laugh.


I said, “Lord, really, you told the tree not to drop the leaves?”


He said, “Yes!”


I said, “And the tree obeyed You? It did whatever You told it to do?”


He said, “Yes. Everything obeys Me except humans.”


It made me think how disobedient we are towards God. I was completely surprised when our Lord said this to me. I had such a beautiful feeling and a joy in my heart. It uplifted my spirits. When we are united with our Lord He reveals many things and He teaches us about His Creation. That our Lord would talk to the tree and the tree would obey Him is something I never understood before.


The way our Lord came with such beautiful gentleness and patience to teach me, touched my heart deeply. I felt such a joy. It is something new I had learned today. I knew that our Lord God created nature but I never knew He talked to nature.


The angel said, “Our Lord would prefer that more churches be built on earth, so that people can go into them to pray, instead of cutting down so many trees to make way for more and more buildings. Concrete buildings bring more heat to the environment. More concrete means that the ground heats up more and then the heat rises into the atmosphere causing more hot weather.”

Thank you, Lord for your beautiful teaching.


3rd March 2018

First comes Mercy and Conversion, then Chastisement


Today, in Sydney is the gay mardi gras parade. In the morning while I was getting ready to attend my prayer group for First Saturday devotions, God the Father appeared to me and said, “My child, many of My children are praying to Me, that today, I will chastise these people by sending them bad weather with rain and hail, for this filthy and sinful parade and for their sinful behaviour.”


He smiled and then said, “I do not do that.


He explained, “As I receive your prayers, I do not chastise them but rather, I turn your prayers into Mercy for them and wait for their conversion.”


Very gently and very lovingly God the Father continued, “There is plenty of time to chastise them. First is mercy and conversion. Leaders of this nation give encouragement to these people by attending these parades. This is not good. These people desecrate this city by parading and exposing their sinful deeds. Blessings cannot fall on this city because of this filth.”


“Tell the Bishops and priests to pray and consecrate this sinful city of Sydney that offends Me so much.”


At the same time as God the Father was speaking to me, I could see an image of Archbishop Anthony Fisher. I felt a joy in my heart, as I felt that God the Father will choose him to perform an Act of Reparation.


Lord, have mercy on us and on our cities.



14th February 2018

Ash Wednesday


Lord Jesus spoke to me during Mass. He said, “Today, when you commence Lent, you all receive the Holy Cross of Ashes on your forehead.”


“That is a sign for all of you that from dust you came and to dust you shall return. That represents that you shall all die, so then I can raise you into Eternal Life. Try, during this Lent to be repentant. Go often to Confession, so that the devil will have no power over you. Do some self-denial and good deeds. That will please Me very much and you will receive My special Blessing,” He said.


Thank you Lord Jesus. Have mercy on us.

3 February 2018

Attendance at Cenacle Rosary Prayer Group


Today, I was with my prayer group praying the Cenacle Rosary, for the First Saturday devotions. We first prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet, we then consecrated ourselves, our families and the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This was followed by the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

For the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary I remained on my knees while most the others present decided to say the Consecration prayer sitting down.

As we started to pray the Consecration prayer, immediately Blessed Mother appeared. She was smiling and said, “I am sorry my children, but I must remind you, and tell your friends this, that you must all kneel down, always, because I am present with my open Heart, and so is my Son.

Blessed Mother looked so beautiful, dressed in a white tunic and covered with a blue mantle. Our Lord Jesus was also standing there beside His Mother, and was dressed in a white robe with a beautiful red sash draped over His shoulder.

Blessed Mother said, “With an open heart we receive your Consecration. That means that you promise that you belong to Us. It is an act of humility that you kneel in the presence of my Son and me.”

As she was saying this, she opened her arms to reveal her Immaculate Heart and to accept and receive our Act of Consecration. Our Lord, standing beside His Mother, with open arms was revealing His Sacred Heart.

She said, “Your Act of Consecration goes through My Immaculate Heart and into the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. My Son receives you so beautifully and He is so overjoyed watching you promise yourselves to Him. He is very joyful and happy, and He blesses you all in a very special way.”

Blessed Mother desires that we always kneel during the act of Consecration prayers. I then told my friends at the prayer group, what Blessed Mother had just said to me.

I said, “I am sorry but Blessed Mother said that we must all kneel because she is truly present.”

Suddenly they all went down on their knees and were very joyful to hear this message from our Blessed Mother.


Below is the prayer of the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

Act of Consecration -To the Immaculate Heart of Mary – For Religious & Laity

Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Refuge of Sinners, we who belong to the Marian Movement consecrate ourselves in a very special way to your Immaculate Heart.

By this act of consecration we intend to live, with you and through you, all the obligations assumed by our baptismal consecration. We further pledge to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, a conversion that will free us of every attachment to ourselves and to easy compromises with the world so that, like you, we may be available only to do always the Will of the Father.

And as we resolve to entrust to you, O Mother most sweet and merciful, our life and vocation as Christians, that you may dispose of it according to your designs of salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, we pledge to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the works of the apostolate, the daily recitation of the holy rosary, and an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the observance of the Law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of purity.

We further promise you to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church.
Under your protection, we want moreover to be apostles of this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special protection. And lastly, insofar as is possible, we promise to lead those souls with whom we come in contact to a renewed devotion to you.

Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God, and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as to lift our eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and our merciful and powerful Mother, and we invoke again today and await from you the salvation of all your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
(with ecclesiastical approval)

28 January 2018

The Cenacle Rosary


Blessed Mother explained to me how important and powerful is the Cenacle Rosary. She has gathered all her priests together with the laity in a powerful Cenacle of prayer which is lead entirely by Her Immaculate Heart. I could see how, in the presence of the Cenacle prayer group, Blessed Mother reveals to us her Immaculate Heart, which opens up and completely envelops the cenacle prayer groups in the world and Her Immaculate Heart becomes one with them.

She said, “By attending the Cenacle Rosary, think of how many souls you could have saved and how many graces you could have received for the many different intentions, even for the conversion of sinners and for non-believers.”

Blessed Mother, pray for us. Jesus, have mercy on us.





28 January 2018

Blessed Mother with Baby Jesus

This morning while I was praying Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms.

She smiled and said, “I have brought you to my Son Jesus. I want to place Him in your arms. I know how much you love My Son. He wants to come to you to be loved.”

As she said this, she came towards me and gently placed Baby Jesus in my arms. As I held Him, I could see His beautiful Eyes. They were glowing from a beautiful light. As He gently moved His Holy Head I could see a golden glow radiating from His Eyes and encircling them. So much golden light was flowing from His Eyes. The glow also radiated from around His Holy Head. He was dressed in a little blue top, which itself was reflecting so much light. He was so peaceful and serene.

Suddenly a beautiful pillow appeared before me, burgundy in colour with golden tassels around the edges.

I gently placed Baby Jesus on this pillow. I was adoring Him and praising Him and telling Blessed Mother how beautiful He looks.

This heavenly experience was so uplifting and gave me much consolation.

She said, “When people read your messages, tell them that I want to place my Son Jesus in everyone’s arms. He loves to be nursed and to be told how much you love Him. That is why He comes to you as Baby Jesus, because you give Him tender love just like you would give to any baby.”

“Tell people, all they need to do is open their hearts to Him with sincerity, and talk to Him. He then comes to each one’s heart and each one’s arms, and each of you will feel peace and happiness in your hearts because Jesus gives you that peace. It is peace that the world cannot give you. It is peace that only God can give you.”

Blessed Mother then said, “I have to tell you that I am very saddened at the cancellation last week of the Cenacle Rosary that you attend each Friday. Because of the National Australia Day celebrations they cancelled the Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist, the Mass and then the Rosary prayers that follow. Just think my children, how many souls can be saved through all of that.”

She then said how relaxed the priests are because they do not understand the meaning and the power of the Holy Mass and the power of the Cenacle Rosary.

“The devil is really enjoying himself now, after the prayers and Holy Mass have been cancelled due to the National Day celebrations. Everybody is relaxed in prayer, but my children I try very hard to tell you, to pray and not to be relaxed.”

“Sadly, I have to tell you, that you are on the verge of many catastrophes and disasters. They are happening now and many will happen this year. Many people will die in these disasters.”

“By praying you can save souls. My Son Jesus is very offended by the world, the way it is now. It is so very sinful. Not enough prayer is reaching Heaven to obtain mercy from God for the world, the way it is now. People are too relaxed in prayer. Encourage people to pray and pray.”

Blessed Mother showed me how we are on the verge of disasters and catastrophes. I was shown a huge rocky cliff. From the top of the cliff, I could see a rope hanging down the ravine below. On the edge of the cliff  I could see a large rock. The rope was so thin that it was ready to snap. That is how close the world is to disaster now.

Too many people are looking for entertainment and enjoyment. This year alone there will be many disasters in the world.

To obtain mercy from God, our Blessed Mother needs our prayers.

21 January 2018

This morning while I was praying the Angelus, our Lord Jesus came to me.


I said to our Lord, “O Glory to You my Lord Jesus. How beautiful You look.”


He smiled and was so joyful as I said this to Him. He then moved up close to me and gently whispered, “I look beautiful to you, because you love Me very much.”


Our Lord said, “I come to tell you to keep praying and to tell all My elect children that sadly, the people of the world are very confused. People do not know if they are coming or going. They keep running in all directions, without knowing what it is all about. That is how confused they are. The governments of the world tell them all kinds of lies. World leaders would like to join all humanity into a One World so that they can control every person’s life. You are now in prison. You are not free anymore.”


He was looking at me and then He said, “Sadly, it will get worse before it gets better. But do not lose hope My children. I Am always with you, and that is why I urge you to stay close to Me, so that I can protect you. That is why it is so important to pray now, more than ever before, to overcome all this evil that is upon you. I promise you, soon I will change all the evil rulers of the world and will make all new for my elect people so that they will rejoice and be happy for what I have done for them.”


Our Lord wants us to really trust in Him and to pray more and to not lose hope.

Have hope in Him and trust in Him. He will never abandon us.

I could see how much He would like to set us free. He wants us to persevere in prayer.


After our Lord departed, the angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Come with me! Our Lord Jesus wants me to show you how offended He is today, by the sins of the world.”


Suddenly we found ourselves in a country side, somewhere in the world.  It was a very flat area, and I could see for miles and miles. The ground was densely covered in dry leaves that had fallen from the trees. I initially thought that all the leaves around me were souls that have died.


The angel said, “These leaves represent people living on earth.”


Then pointing to the leaves on the ground, the angel said, “This is what our Lord wants you to see.”


“Oh, so many leaves!” I said to the angel.


I could see miles and miles of leaves covering the ground. Looking more closely, I could see that many of the leaves were completely brown, and many were rotting away to the point where they had completely decayed. There were some that were mostly brown with just a little bit of green left around the edges.


I asked the angel, “What does all of this mean?”


He replied, “The leaves that you can see represent people who are living in the world today. They are alive but they are spiritually dead. Some barely believe in God. Some believe in nothing at all.”


“How sad,” I said


The angel continued, “You are the anointed one, and you have to walk across all of this and I will follow you. You must go in front of me and I will follow after you.”


As I started walking across this field of leaves I could hear the angel behind me shouting at the top of his voice, “Repentance! Repentance! Repentance!


At the same time, to my right, these words appeared in huge capital letters, suspended in the air:




I turned around and I saw the angel holding a large watering can. He was holding the can in the palm of his left hand whilst pouring water with his right hand. He was pouring the water over the dry leaves as we walked past them.


I asked the angel, “What are you doing?”


He said, “I am pouring the water over the dry leaves to keep them alive. They are barely alive.”


As we were coming towards the end of this field, we were approaching a long black line which was about thirty centimetres in width. I was about to continue walking across this black line when the angel said, “No, stop! You must not cross over the line.”


I obeyed the angel but no reason was given to me as to why I was not to cross the black line.


He said, “Tell people to pray for the conversion of sinners and for non-believers. Pray for people to convert and to repent. The world needs repentance.”


During Holy Mass later that day, our Lord once again spoke to me and said, “See, what the angel showed you this morning is all true. I confirm this to you. That is why I wanted you to be at the 11am Mass at Parramatta Cathedral. This is the High Mass even if the Bishop is not present. It is still a High Mass.”


Due to the hot weather I had planned to attend mass at my local church but our Lord asked me to attend the High Mass at the Cathedral.


During Mass our Lord said, “Offer Me all that you saw and experienced this morning, so that I can still be merciful and sanctify all the non-believers.”


Jesus wants us to offer all non-believers to Him at Holy Mass but He also wants us to continue to pray for them so that He can save them.


Lord, have mercy on us.


20 January 2018

I offered up a decade of the Rosary for the intentions of our Blessed Mother.


Suddenly, I could see a large Crucifix and standing in front of the Crucifix I could see our Blessed Mother. She appeared as our Lady of Fatima wearing a long white mantle with her hands held in grace.


Blessed Mother smiled at me and said, “Thank you for offering prayers for my intentions. We need so much prayer for the world. These days, people live in a very sinful state.”


All of a sudden I could see Blessed Mother move her right hand down and she opened up a large space. What I saw was so horrific. I knew it was Hell. I could see these ugly creatures. Some were pitch black, like monkeys, climbing charcoaled stumps and branches. They had the most frightening red eyes. They were staring at me.


I could see other creatures that transformed from human form into ugly creatures, all black and like charcoal. There was also a very putrid smell. The smell was like that of burning sulphur.


Blessed Mother said, “See my child, how sad I am, so many people are falling into this place because there is no one to pray for them. This place where they are now, there is no way out. It saddens me so much, to see so many souls here.”


Being the Mother of all human beings she would like to save all souls. She said, “My children, there is not enough prayer to reach those that die suddenly and unrepentant.”


Our Blessed Mother appeared under the Crucifix so that she would have the power to open and show us Hell without the demons having any power. Our Lord paid the price on the Cross.


She has the authority to show how horrific Hell is so that we can pray for those that die suddenly and unrepentant. If we offer souls that are unrepentant, then God can be merciful to them and save them.


16 January 2018

While I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, many faces started appearing to me. They were the faces of Holy Souls begging me to help them.


All of a sudden I found myself in front of St Margaret Mary’s Church in Merrylands. There was a bus parked right in front of the church and there was a young boy crying and crying.


The boy came near to me and said, “I want to go into the bus, but nobody wants me.”


He was so distressed and kept running up and down but could not get into the bus. The driver was in the bus but the doors remained shut. He couldn’t see the boy.


The boy lamented to me, “I am only thirteen years old.”


I smiled at him and said, “You do not need to go on the bus for a ride, you have a better place to go. Come with me and I will take you to meet Jesus.”


He agreed to come with me, and together we walked up to the main entrance of church. We walked through and stood in the middle of the church. He was amazed to be there. He stopped crying and became radiant and happier.


I noticed a brilliant shaft of light coming from the Tabernacle. The light was beaming across, towards the right side of the church.

I then offered the boy to the Lord and I asked our Lord to be merciful. I offered Him the boy’s soul. Suddenly the boy started swirling in front of me and very swiftly he was taken into the Light. He just vanished. I knew he was taken to Heaven.


I then turned around to walk out of the church and as I was leaving I said to myself, “What is happening here? Why do I have to do this to deliver the soul to the Lord? I feel like I am becoming like a Catherine of Siena!”


Many, many years ago St Catherine of Siena appeared to me and took me to see the Souls in Purgatory. I saw St Catherine consoling the poor souls in Purgatory.

She told me that if nobody prays for these souls sometimes they have to spend three to four hundred years in Purgatory. She helped many souls, especially those that died suddenly.


The next day I offered the soul of the boy to our Lord at the Mass. The boy did not tell me his name. He was very confused and did not know where to go. Then, during the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus appeared to me and thanked me for helping this soul. Our Lord smiled and said, “My child, I give you authority to do all of this.”


I thanked the Lord and I offer all the credit to Him and for His glory.


I said, “Thank you Lord for the Holy Souls. Please accept them and have mercy on all the souls.”

5 January 2018

First Friday Mass at Mary MacKillop Chapel


I walked up the stairs to enter the Chapel for Holy Mass. As I knelt down in the pew, Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms. She smiled and said, “We were waiting for you to come.”


I said, “Thank you Blessed Mother, I am so grateful that we are going to have Holy Mass.”


During the Mass our Blessed Mother appeared once again and said, “I come to tell you and to warn you, do not give up your Rosary prayers. It is essential my children that you pray now because the behaviour of the world is very bad. I also want to tell you, that you are ever so close to the Chastisement. It is not far away. Pray very hard this year, especially for atheists and non-believers, for their conversion before the Chastisement happens.”

5 January 2018

Most Precious Flower from Heaven


In the morning while I was praying the Angelus, our Blessed Mother appeared. She came with St Joseph and Baby Jesus as the Holy Family. Baby Jesus was sitting on Blessed Mother’s lap. He looked about six to seven months old. He had beautiful curly hair and in front of Him was the most beautiful pink rose.


Blessed Mother said, “My Baby Son is the Heavenly Flower Who has come down from Heaven for you my children, for He loves you so much. He is the most precious and the most beautiful flower. If you look closely into centre of the rose you will see His image.” Our Blessed Mother was smiling and was so joyous when she was telling me all this.


Suddenly the flower opened into full bloom and there, in the centre of the flower, I saw the most beautiful image of Baby Jesus.


Blessed Mother then said, “There is no other flower like it, neither on earth nor in Heaven. You must remember that He is the Creator. So honour Him and praise Him my children. He is worthy of all praises and love Him. He loves you unconditionally.”


I said, “All glory and praise to You my Lord Jesus. How beautiful You are. Have mercy on us sinners.”

1 January 2018

New Year’s Day


In the morning while I was praying, in my prayer I asked our Lord Jesus to bless the whole world. I offered Him the whole world.


I asked our Lord, “Lord Jesus, what is the key word for the New Year?”


He said, “To love one another and to pray for peace, which is so much lacking in the world, with all the turmoil and confusion that is going on in the world right now. Prayer is the key. It can change everything. Pray for non-believers and for the conversion of sinners.”


Our Lord wants people to repent and to confess their sins. He said that through repentance and frequent Confession, graces come much more quickly. Healing of the soul and healing of the body can all come through Confession.

24th December 2017

Christmas Eve


This morning while I was praying the Angelus, the Holy Family appeared to me. Blessed Mother was holding Baby Jesus. He looked so beautiful, dressed in a pure white garment. Blessed Mother looked radiant and beautiful, dressed all in white, with St Joseph next to her wearing a dusty pale purple tunic.


Blessed mother outstretched her arms towards me while holding Baby Jesus. She said, “Take Him. Help me to put Him in the manger.”


I then took Baby Jesus in my arms, and gently lowered Him down to place Him in the little straw manger, but then He started to cry.  Each time I tried to put Him in the manger, he would just cry and cry.


He said, “Don’t put Me down! Hold Me close to yourself and console Me. The people of the world reject Me and offend Me so much. I come to give you this message for the world. How much I would like for the people of the world to accept Me and love Me, the way I love them.”


“People of the world love material things. They do not care about God and Faith anymore. I come from Heaven to give you an abundance of Love and Peace, so you can share it with one another, so that you can live in tranquillity and peace with one another. The world has become so sinful and so evil. Life does not mean very much to one another. There is constant hate and killing. The hearts of people have become very cold. Their hearts have become ice cold!”

“You must pray very much for non-believers, so that they will come to recognise the Truth.”


“Tell people that the Life and the Truth only come through Jesus Christ. There is no other God, except for Jesus Christ, who came down from heaven to give you blessings and abundance in everything.”

“Adore and Love Me, for I love you and I bless you abundantly this Holy Christmas.”

“Be in peace My children.”


Thank you Lord Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world.