21 August 2022

The Importance of Uniting Yourself with a Prayer Group

It was about six-thirty this morning when I was saying my morning prayers. I started by saying my morning offering prayers and then the Angelus. The angel came and said, “Our Lord has sent me to tell you that you must unite yourself with a group prayer. Do you know that the prayer group in Parramatta, our Lord has consecrated that prayer group to Himself.”

“It is very important to pray right now because the people in the world are so sinful. So sinfully and so shamefully, they offend God, especially by the clothing they wear in the world today. It offends Him so much that it affects His Kingship in Heaven. Now, as never before, is the world so sinful.”

“Valentina, do not be silent; speak the True Holy Word that the Lord Jesus gives you. If people do not repent and convert now, it will affect them later. It will affect their souls.”

“All of God’s Commandments are now broken. People make their own laws on earth, and there is no shame. That is how the world teaches them now; to be free of everything and free of God’s Commandments.”

“That is very wrong. Oh, how it affects His Kingship and His Majesty.”

Lord, have mercy on us. Encourage one another to pray for the world to convert. Pray that people will change their way of life and repent and come to love God’s Commandments.

Later in the day, during the Holy Mass, I asked our Lord Jesus to be merciful to the world. After Mass, I came before the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle to pray when our Lord asked me to make reparation.

He said, “Do reparation for the world that offends Me so much. I tell you, even if you are here praying for twenty-four hours without going away from here, it would not be enough to change everything, for that is how bad the world is now.”


14 August 2022

Our Lord Transforms our Sufferings into Graces

This morning when I was saying my prayers, the Angel of the Lord appeared and said, “Valentina, come with me. I have to show you something.”

I thought I would definitely be visiting Holy Souls, as the angel would usually take me to Purgatory.

Instead, we suddenly found ourselves in a most beautiful garden. I knew right away this was not Purgatory as it was so beautiful and light, and I thought to myself, ‘This is too beautiful to be Purgatory.’

The nature here is so alive and vibrant. The angel and I stood there admiring this magnificent and very colourful garden with its many different kinds of exquisite flowers, and in awe, I said to the angel, “Ohh, what a beautiful place!”

Suddenly, a young man appeared beside me. He was very tall and good-looking, about 18-20 years of age, with fair hair tied back in a ponytail. He was dressed in pants and a light-coloured shirt.

He came out of nowhere, and as I looked at Him, I thought he had also come to look at the garden. The next moment, he stepped a little further ahead of the angel and me. A pair of scissors appeared in his hand. He then grabbed one part of his ponytail and cut off his hair. It was quite a large amount of hair all in one piece. And then, in front of myself and the angel, he threw the cut hair all over this garden.

I turned to the angel and said, “Gee, that is not very nice manners, spreading hair all over this beautiful garden, polluting it like that.”

As I said this, the young man again put his hand behind his head and proceeded to cut another fairly large piece of his hair, and again he threw it all over the lovely garden. At that moment, a chair suddenly appeared in front of me, and the young man sat down.

I again said to the angel, “Gee, that is not very nice manners. He ought to be told that what he is doing is not right.”

I then went very close to the young gentleman and said to him, “You know, God sees everything, what we do in our lives. It is all written in the Book of Life. All that you just did, the way you threw your hair all over this beautiful garden, that is not good manners. You should put it in the bin.”

The young man did not say anything; He just sat there, very serious, listening to me. I told him, “All is written, so be very careful what you do. One day you will answer to God.”

The angel then came really close to me and whispered in my ear, “Do you know who you are talking to?”

I answered, “No, it is some person. He ought to be taught some manners.”

“That is our Lord Jesus,” the angel replied.

I was in shock and so embarrassed when the angel revealed this to me.

Our Lord Jesus knew everything. He turned around and said, “It is good that you remember My Commandments!”

Then the angel said to me, “You know, our Lord did all of that for you. To cheer you up. And today, He rewards you with many graces because you suffer a lot and you have been abused. Come closer, and have a look at the Hair that our Lord cut.”

As I looked at the garden, which went as far as the eye could see, I gasped as it was covered all in gold. I stood in amazement, looking at the thick strands of gold blanketing the whole garden.

I said, “Wow, look at His Hair, our Lord, how Holy He is, even His Hair is gold!”

The angel said, “See, how many graces you receive. Do not worry when people talk about you, abuse you, and then you suffer because you are highly rewarded. That is why you have been brought here today – to cheer you up.”

I felt so ashamed that I had scolded our Lord, but the angel smiled, and so did our Lord.

I said, “Lord, I am so sorry that I offended You. I didn’t know it was You because You disguised Yourself. Each time You look different.”

Our Lord responded, “Apology accepted.”

I came back to my room feeling happy and embarrassed at the same time.

Blessed Mother said, “You know my Son loves you because it is all simple, the way it comes out of you.

See how bad turns into beauty and how many graces we receive from our Lord through our suffering.

12 August 2022

Cenacle Rosary Produces Many Good Fruits

Today, in church, when I prayed the Angelus, the Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus came smiling. They said, “We come to you to tell you how happy we are for this day when you children all come together to pray the Cenacle Rosary. Me and my Son, we look forward to this day. My children, you have no idea how many graces and blessings you receive each time.”

“You offer us a great consolation because my Son Jesus is so much offended by the world. His Sacred Heart is deeply pierced by sin and by the corruption of humanity. My children, pray for the world, for conversion and repentance.”

“We are always present and love you very much.”

Later, when we were praying in the church, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “This Cenacle Rosary is very powerful, and it produces many good fruits that come out of your prayers.”

Our Lord then blessed us all.

9 August 2022

The Coming is our Lord Very Close

This morning while I was saying my prayers, the angel appeared and said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He has sent me to you to tell you the good news. Our Lord Jesus is coming very soon.”

“I will also tell you why you have been feeling very dizzy lately, and you have been wondering and worrying that it is something wrong with you. But our Lord sent me today to explain to you that you are part of His plan, and you are part of His Second Coming to earth. That is why it affects you very much.”

“Our Lord is now rotating and turning the earth, and everything is affected by this in a big way. Even nature is bowing down to God and trembling because it knows how Almighty and Holy God is. This disturbs everything, and everything is out of place, and it will get worse before His Coming.”

“There will be many disasters. For instance, disasters from fire, the earth moving, volcanic eruptions, droughts, with no water in some parts of the world, and too much water and floods in other parts. The earth now is shaking, and even Heaven is disturbed. Everything is erupting because the coming of our Lord is closer. The closer He comes, the more you will all be affected because you are all connected to nature and earth.”

“A lot of people will be sick from the effects of these tremendous changes and movements. His power will shake the world. Our Lord is almost halfway with His Coming. With His Almighty Power, He will descend on earth.”

The angel said, “Tell everyone to pray and to trust our Lord.”

The angel was happy when telling me all of this.

Smiling, the angel said, “Valentina, you are very privileged that I tell you of the Good News of our Lord’s Second Coming. You are part of His Plan. Be joyful! Announce and proclaim His Holy Word to people. Tell them not to be afraid but to be happy. They must repent of their sins and make a beautiful and clean road for our Lord to descend. He will put all things right.”

“Say, ‘Lord Jesus, we love You. Come, Lord Jesus. Come to Your Kingdom’

“For all this what is happening and what He has promised will be fulfilled, because the world, in this present time is very sinful.”

Later in the day, while in church, our Lord Jesus spoke to me. He was very happy and said, “Tell people not to be afraid of My Second Coming but to be joyful because of what will happen to the world; it will be totally renewed, and it will be paradise. You have no idea, My children, how beautiful it will be. You will live in peace and harmony.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your beautiful message of hope, which You give to the people of the world. They are looking forward to Your Second Coming. Let us keep praying, for the more we pray, the sooner our Lord will come.

7 August 2022

The Holy Spirit Manifests During the Holy Mass

During the Holy Mass today, our Lord said to me, “They are planning a lot of evil on earth. I do not want to put fear in you because you trust in Me but tell people, “I knock, and I knock, and I warn humanity to change and repent, but I do not achieve anything. But woe to those who turn away from Me, making their eyes blind and their ears deaf to My call, and they refuse My Grace. Severe justice will come upon them.”

He said, “Also tell people, each time they (the evil doers) plan evil on earth, My Coming is closer, so do not fear. Tell people not to fear. The more evil they are planning on earth, the closer is My Coming. My Coming is very near. I want you to proclaim My Word to people and tell them to repent so that it will be beautiful when I arrive because My Coming is very, very close to you. I will not sleep nor let go of My people to suffer so much.”

“They plan evil. I plan good and salvation. I love you all, My children.”

Then our Lord said, “Valentina, I want you to offer Me everyone you think of. This is a high Mass, and Father Chris is celebrating the Mass. He is a very special priest. Pray for him. Tell him that I love him.”

“Valentina, you know, all the souls that you save and you offer them to Me, would you believe Me when I say that your name is universal? The voices are calling you, ‘Valentina, Valentina, Valentina,’ all the time.”

I said, “Lord, you make me laugh, but I really truly hear these voices. I turn around to see who is calling me, I could be walking along the street or in the shops, and I could hear my name being called.”

Our Lord said, “Yes, because you are very united to the Holy Souls, and they all need help. I will tell you a little secret, no one, ever before, has saved so many souls as you did. You suffer, and you offer to Me, and many, many, many thousands of souls go to Heaven through your offering. How important it is to offer Me the Holy Souls. You should be very proud and happy.”

With a cheeky smile, our Lord said, “You are very popular, you know.”

Our Lord was joking with me as He always tries to cheer me up.

During the Holy Mass, when it was time to celebrate Holy Communion, Father Chris was preparing Holy Communion to distribute it, and I could see on the right side of the Altar the most beautiful saintly people. I could see at least three men wearing the most beautiful golden chasubles; these were special priestly garments. I think these men were Bishops as each wore a Mitre on their head. They were all seated in a row.

In the midst of these saintly men, the most brilliant Light exploded, and in the next moment, a huge white Dove appeared that instantly shot towards Father Chris, and as It did so, I could hear a loud ‘swoosh’. I usually see the Holy Spirit as a smaller Dove, but this was so huge. The Dove stood behind Father Chris with spread wings and then surrounded him with Its wings.

I was so in awe of the vision in front of me that I thought maybe Father Chris could see the Dove surrounding him. It was so powerful.

I said, “Lord Jesus, Father Chris’s homily today was so beautiful. He really spoke the truth about what is coming.”

Our Lord said, “Through the Holy Spirit, I guide him. I send the Holy Spirit to him because I love him, and he is very truthful to Me and very obedient to My Call. Pray for him.”

7 August 2022

Blessed Mother Constantly Prays and Intercedes for Us

Our Blessed Mother said, “I want to tell you, as a Sorrowful Mother, how sorrowful I was when I stood beneath the Cross and how I plead for all of you, my children, because my Son died for you, for the sins committed in the world.”

“From that day on, I continue to pray for you and to intercede for you in Heaven. I have never stopped, not one day, to intercede for all of you. It is for your salvation, my children.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother.

5 August 2022

Our Lord is Sacrileged

During the prayers, our Lord said, “I tell you, the prayers from this prayer group are very powerful. A lot of good things come from this prayer group. Tell people to continue to pray.”

Soon after our Lord said this to me, I watched as the Tabernacle opened. I could see the Blessed Sacrament and a white feather right next to it. Then a most beautiful angel, with pure white wings, descended from the Tabernacle and went towards the right side of the Chapel.

Whilst looking at me and, with his hand, directing my eyes towards the Tabernacle, then in an urgent tone, the angel said, “Sacrilege! Sacrilege! Our Lord is so sacrileged. Tell people they sacrilege our Lord in every church. They have to stop that; they need to repent! They need to repent, not offend Him! There is too much sacrilege in all the churches! Stop being silent. Speak the truth to people.”

The angel was so upset.

Then as I looked at the Tabernacle, the feather that was sitting there suddenly changed into the most beautiful colours of the rainbow; orange colours, some green, purple, and some red. Seeing the rainbow gave me such a good feeling that something nice or maybe some little miracle will happen here in this church.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, and have mercy on us.

1 August 2022

Ask Me to Bless you on your Birthday

Our Lord Jesus said, “Ask Me to bless you on your birthday. Thank Me for creating you and giving you life, and thank your parents for looking after you and raising you.”

I said, “Lord and Blessed Mother, how do you know everyone’s birthday? There are so many millions and millions of us on earth.”

He said, “It is very hard for you to understand. I Am the Creator, and I know each one of you.”

“Always thank Me for your life, your ups and downs, that you experience through your lives because I love you so much. I Am your Creator and your Father. How I love you when you are close to Me and how sad I Am when you drift away from Me.”

I said, “Thank You, Lord, that you remember my birthday.”

“How can I forget when You keep reminding Me, ‘Lord, it’s my birthday!’” our Lord said with a smile.

We should be grateful because life is a gift from God. We are part of God. He created us, and we belong to Him.

So many people are in despair about their lives. You should turn to God; He will make you feel better, and He will change your way of life only if you allow Him.

24 July 2022

Be Courageous and have Hope in Me

Today, as soon as I stepped into the church for Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus spoke to me. He said, “If only these people knew that you are a prophet and are seated amongst them. Be courageous because together, you and Me, we will achieve a lot of things.”

I thought to myself, “What is going on?”

During the Communion Rite, the priest would usually stand in front of the Altar to distribute Holy Communion, but today he directed a lady to stand there, and he went to the back of the Altar.

With sadness in my heart, I said, “Lord, I have no choice but to go to the lady to receive You and let it be from Your Holy Hands.”

Our Lord Jesus was very upset when He said, “See how they sacrilege Me! The priests should never go to the back (of the Altar). They should always come and stand in front of the Altar facing the people to distribute Holy Communion, but some priests don’t do this.”

“Pray for My priests.”

“I would like you to tell them that I am not happy with them when they do this. Tell them they are not doing the right thing; they are not doing what I want them to do. They have to change.”

Lord Jesus lamented, “I Am crucified most of the time, and put back on the Cross. They are crucifying Me so badly, and My Heart is so painfully wounded.”

“In most of the churches today, they sacrilege Me, they put Me down, they push Me away, they destroy My churches. The priests and the bishops are one against another.”

“This should not be,” He said.

“My Church is My Body. They don’t stand united in My Body; instead, they are divided. The good priests, who are serving Me rightly and truthfully, they are pushed out.”

“But I tell you, My Church will triumph very soon! I was not thinking of doing this sooner, but the way My Churches are leading, I will have to intervene soon. There will be no more Communion served in the hand. All will be done properly, the way it should be. There will be no more sacrilege.”

“Not everybody, but only consecrated hands, will handle Me, and they will not distribute Me to people who are without repentance and confession. They will no longer handle Me and serve Me out like I Am some kind of sweet or biscuit. They will know how holy I Am.”

“Now they sacrilege Me so much.”

“Pray for them. Pray that this will come very soon. My Church will triumph sooner than you think.”

Our Lord can no longer watch all this sacrilege, irreverence and indifference happening in churches everywhere. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the hope and good news you give us.

17 July 2022

Blessed Mother Weeps for Her Children

Today, in the Cathedral, when I came to pray in front of the statue of our Blessed Mother, Mary Help of Christians, I said, “Glory be to You Baby Jesus and to You Blessed Mother.”

Immediately, our Blessed Mother shed a huge tear that rolled down her right cheek. I said, “Oh, Blessed Mother, you are upset! Why are you crying?”

She answered, “I am crying for my children because they are disobedient and stubborn. They do not turn to my Son Jesus and repent. Sadly, I have to tell you so many of my children are dying, and they are losing their souls. They go to perdition, from which there is no way out. Right now, in the world, the devil is so powerful. He spreads his evil all over the world, telling people lies. With his cunning lies, he deceives so many of them, and they are blind to all of this. Tell my children to turn to God and to change their way of life.”

“You have to pray very hard for the conversion of sinners.”

“Day by day, the war in Ukraine is getting worse. In many churches around the world, they do not pray for this war to stop. They do not offer prayers, nor do they offer the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.”

“Look around you. The whole world is suffering economically because of this war. Hunger is increasing; in some places, people have nothing to eat. That is why I cry when I see my children in such suffering. Many world leaders and many of the rich just permit this to happen. They do not want to know. The world is becoming very selfish.”

“In Heaven, my Son is so upset. He cries when He sees the suffering and misery of so many, and such little attention is given to that. Very little prayer is offered up to Him.”

I said, “Blessed Mother, but our Lord Jesus promised that He would come soon and bring justice and peace to the world. When is He coming? Many people are waiting for Him.”

Blessed Mother answered, “He will come in good time but not yet. My children, after all, you have to make a pure white road for Him to descend upon.”

She said, “Encourage one another to go to Confession and to pray. Jesus loves you all very much, but He waits for you all to come to Him and to convert. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Never give up.”

Blessed Mother always says, “Renew your Consecration daily to My Immaculate Heart and through My Immaculate Heart, it goes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. That is the salvation of the soul.”

She said, “Pray, pray, pray the Holy Rosary, which is so powerful against the evil. The greatest prayer is the Rosary which blinds the devil then he has no power over you. Help me to save souls in the world.”

While Blessed Mother was telling me this message, in a vision, I could see a beautiful straight white road descending from Heaven to Earth, ready for Jesus to walk upon. The pure white represents repentance and prayer. The tears that Blessed Mother was shedding were for her children, who were falling straight into hell.

Thank you, Blessed Mother. Pray for us.


17 July 2022

Blessed Mother Needs our Prayers

This morning while praying the Angelus, I suddenly saw a beautiful white light coming toward me. In the light was Blessed Mother. The next minute, I could see a black, black mist coming towards her, trying to cover her up, but she kept pushing it back.

The black mist, however, persistently kept pushing toward Blessed Mother, but she fought back against it. She permitted me to see how strong the darkness is in the world now and how incessantly persistent it is in its attack. We must help her with our daily prayers to help push the darkness back, which is trying to diminish the light.

16 July 2022

Demons Attack Me at Night

Last night I prayed to our Lord and said, “Lord, they are trying to scare us with the Coronavirus again. Please don’t let it happen again. Protect us.”

After I finished my evening prayers, I also prayed the Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus and the Litany of Loreto. It was past midnight when I finished all my prayers and went to sleep.

The minute I switched off the lights, I heard the sounds of grunting coming closer and closer, and then all of a sudden, demons were surrounding my bed. There was a lady demon, who was quite large, along with six male demons of whom she was in charge. Each one of them held injection needles.

They said, “You thought you could get rid of us, but you interfered with our plans. That is why we have come to give you the needles, and you can’t run away from us. You will belong to us!”

The lady demon said, “You should respect us!’

I said, “Oh yeah! I’ll give you respect; I’ll push you off! Go away in the Name of our Lord Jesus.”

The lady demon said, “See, we will walk around amongst the public, and we will push the needle into people from the back, right through their clothing.”

I said, “Only if our Lord permits otherwise, you will do nothing, and you are nothing! Lord Jesus will not allow that.”

The lady demon responded, “Humans are dumb. They would believe anything.”

I would spray holy water at the demons, and then they would leave, but after a while, they would return. I would call upon our Lord Jesus, St Joseph and Blessed Mother, but it was not until about six-thirty in the morning when the demons left permanently.

When our Lord Jesus came, I asked, “Lord, where were you when I called you when I was attacked by the demons?”

Our Lord smiled and said, “They tried to scare you, they tried to convince you, but I will not permit anything to happen to you because I Am always with you to protect you.”

Our Lord wanted me to see how powerful the devil is right now. We must trust in our Lord to protect us.

After the demons left, the angel came and took me to console some souls in Purgatory.

There I saw an Australian lady who was familiar to me. I knew her while she was alive.

She was lying in what looked like a hospital bed, covered with terrible sores that looked like scales.

The room was all open like a warehouse, in very poor condition, and was full of beds with sickly people lying in them. There was no partitioning. The beds represent that the souls here are very sick. Each one has to suffer here and make reparation for the sins committed during their lives.

They need our help; otherwise, they will not be able to get out of those beds.

I asked the lady, “What happened to you? This is the second time I have seen you here. I thought you would be better.”

“No! I am so sick,” she replied.

Feeling pity for her, I said. “I have to pray even harder for you.”

Lord, have mercy on this poor lady and on all the poor souls in Purgatory.

10 July 2022

Pray for the Former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe

Yesterday, when I heard the news about the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, I felt very sad and hurt because I knew he was a nice person.

I was saying my prayers when our Lord Jesus appeared, and He said, “I want you to pray for Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan.”

I immediately did as our Lord asked and included him in my prayers.

This morning, during the Holy Mass, our Lord again reminded me when He said, “Because you attend the High Mass, I want you to offer Me the former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. He was a very good person, very highly respected, a good human being, and he had done a lot of good for his people. His life was cut short in a horrible way by a horrible assassination.”

“Pray for other leaders because none of them are safe. There is so much evil now in the world.”

“I tell you, all that society tells people to receive the vaccine again, it is not that they need the Coronavirus vaccine, but they are doing it to put fear into people to control them. There is hardly any virus around, but they make people believe that it is circulating.”

“It is all lies!”

“There is so much evil in the world that you have no idea, My children. I can only tell you that the road, from now on, will be very hard, rough and stormy. I want you to persevere, and I want you to stay very close to Me. I Am always very close to you to protect you from all evil.”

I said, “Thank You, my Lord Jesus, have mercy on us and protect us.”

Today, as I was lighting a candle before the statue of our Lady, Help of Christians, I said, “Blessed Mother, it is so cold today and look at the rain.”

Blessed Mother responded, “My Son permits the cold weather and rain to happen because He wants people to change and to convert. Just as the weather you experience is very cold, so are the human hearts of the people very cold. People are very slow to change and recognise the signs they are being given through the weather.”

“Pray for the world. The world is in darkness, and many things will happen. Only through prayer things can change and be stopped from happening. With all the things that are happening, trust my Son.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother.

6 July 2022

The Famine is Reaching a High Peak Now

While I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I was also meditating on the message our Lord Jesus gave me about the Universal Cross. In my prayers, I offered up all the people in the world, from East to West and from North to South, as our Lord requested of me; for all the non-believers and for the conversion of sinners who offend God very much.

Suddenly, our Lord appeared and said, “Over and over, I have been reminding you, and repeating to you, about My children in the world who are dying from starvation. That upsets Me so much. I want to tell you that the famine in the world is now reaching a high peak. It is the selfishness of humanity which turns a blind eye to this. They pretend not to know as they don’t want to know. Every minute, people are dying of starvation, especially little children. That should never happen, as there is enough food for everyone, and so many rich people in the world don’t want to know about the people in the poor countries and how they suffer.”

“The day of My Justice is nearer and nearer when I will put things in the right order, and I will defeat all the evil circulating the world.”

“When I do all this, these people who are now suffering will live in harmony and peace.”

“I want you to have faith and trust Me that this will happen soon.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus. Please bless all the starving people in the world, especially the little children.

21 June 2022

War in Ukraine

Early this morning, about five o’clock, while I was suffering for the Holy Souls, Lord Jesus came.

He said, “My child Valentina, today I want you to come with Me so that I can show you, and reveal to you, things about the war in Ukraine.”

Suddenly our Lord Jesus and I found ourselves on the ground in a most distressed and ruined area of Ukraine. Everywhere we looked as we walked was very depressing, with the complete destruction of buildings and landscape. Our Lord Jesus was so sad. As we were walking, He was pointing in different directions. Then as He moved His Hands, an underground area opened up. I could see many people hiding in underground shelters and living in enormous fear of being killed. I saw many older people and some children and younger mothers. All huddled together, living in fear.

Our Lord lamented, “So many died unnecessarily! You know, I didn’t permit this war. I know many people still blame Me for it.”

Turning to me, He repeated, “I didn’t permit this war. It was all the evil-doing of one evil person. He wants to possess everything because he is greedy for things that do not belong to him. Brutally he is killing innocent people and little children.”

As we continued to walk, we could see fresh pools of blood on the ground everywhere around us. Stains of blood covered the earth, and in some places, it was seeping into the dirt, combining with it.

Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, I want you to be here with Me so that you can console My Sacred Heart which grieves so much for what I can see here, and your suffering, that I permit, a part of this is to help the Holy Souls who die in this war.”

Please pray for the people here and ask everyone to pray. If they participate and listen to My plea, I can still stop this. The Russian leader has plans to invade surrounding countries too. He wants to be victorious. But prayer from all of you can stop this. Prayer is the most powerful weapon against all evil. Spread My message across and be courageous. I Am always with You to protect You.”

Thank You, My Lord Jesus, have mercy on the people of Ukraine.

He said, “Not many people pray for the people of Ukraine.”