22 April 2023

A Grave Warning to the World

During my morning prayers, the angel came to take me to Purgatory. He said, “Come! We will visit some souls in Purgatory to help them, and to console them.”

We came to a place in Purgatory where there were many souls, and they gathered around me and said to me, “Valentina, we heard that you receive messages from our Lord Jesus.”

I said, “Yes! Our Lord Jesus is a beautiful Teacher. He gives me many beautiful messages, and He tells me many more things, but I don’t write everything down.”

After we finished with these Holy Souls, the angel said, “Valentina, come, I have to tell you not very happy news and show you what will take place in reality soon.”

Suddenly, the angel and I found ourselves amid a multitude of people in a public place. There were thousands of people around us. I asked the angel, “Are these souls in Purgatory?”

The angel answered, “No, what I will show you is reality. These are living people; that is what I want to show you.”

Suddenly, from this crowd of people, a lady of Asian appearance approached and came to a microphone which stood on a platform. She started to talk angrily. She said, “Do you know I am very important? I am the one to announce the war to start soon, and I am in charge of this.”

I turned to the angel and asked, “Who is this cranky lady? Is she Penny Wong?”

He answered, “No, she is not Penny Wong. She is one of them.”

Then the angel said, “I know that this is not good news so far to tell the world. Do you know our Lord is holding back these terrible people, but that is why He sent me to tell you to tell people to change and to repent of their sins? He can no longer hold back if people do not take notice of all that is coming. Our Lord will then permit this to happen.”

Lord, please have mercy on the whole world.

13 April 2023

How God Sees People

While making my prayer offerings this morning, I started praying the Holy Rosary when the Angel suddenly appeared. He was smiling and looking very happy. I recognise the Angel as St Michael the Archangel.

He said, “Valentina, I am the Angel of the Lord. He has sent me to you. Come with me.”

Singing in a melodic and cheerful voice, he said, “We are going on a tour. Guess where we are going? We are going to London!

“To London?” I said. I started to worry, thinking, why are we going to London? I wonder what happened there.

St Michael said, “Since you are very connected to the Royal Family, we will visit them before the Coronation takes place.”

Suddenly, the Angel and I found ourselves in a Palace. We were right inside, in the grand dining room, admiring its beauty with its huge and long dining table decorated most beautifully for the guests who will be attending the very soon Coronation of Charles. All the cutlery was gold, with neatly folded napkins and fine crystal glasses but no plates.

The Angel said, “Many guests will attend the Coronation soon.”

Then St Michael took me to another room, which was also very beautiful. To my surprise, sitting in this room was Camilla. She was alone and seated on an elegant chair, wearing a lovely pale blue dress.

The Angel said, “Many people don’t like Camilla. They criticise her very much, but they are wrong. Actually, she is a very nice person, kind and good-hearted.”

“Now, I will show you how God sees her.”

“Watch,” he said.

I watched as a beautiful glowing light appeared in front of Camilla on her lap. The light then expanded and exploded into the most beautiful colours.

“Wow!” I exclaimed to the Angel, “That is magnificent. I have never seen anything like this.”

The Angel said, “That shows you, that is the goodness that is within her.”

The Angel explained, “People don’t like what happened in the past and how she came into the Royal Family, but it is all designed by God, and it had to happen. Everything is designed by God, and it is all for a very good reason. You cannot change the course for what is destined for everyone.”

At that moment, it touched my soul so deeply, and I was very happy for Camilla, and I will pray for the Royal Queen and King and may God bless them so they can fulfil their duties for which God has put them there.

12 April 2023

Jesus’ Law Remains Forever

Today, I attended Holy Mass, and as I always do, I started to place my petitions before the start of the Mass, when suddenly our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary came.

Blessed Mother said, “We want you to be in the church today because we have things to reveal to you about this church.”

Our Lord Jesus said, “As you put in your petition, place this church at the foot of My Holy Altar, for this church is being crucified very much.”

Then Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, our daughter, it is meant for you to be here to attend the Holy Mass.”

Blessed Mother said, “My Son and I are very sad for this church, for it is very much wounded and is right down to the ground. It needs a lot of prayers to lift her up again. Ask the children of the Cenacle Prayer Group to pray earnestly for this church because the evil has entered into this church.”

“My Son Jesus is very sad. He asks why do they make changes because His Law remains forever?”

The Blessed Mother begs us to pray for this church.

9 April 2023

This is the Day the Lord Has Made

This morning, before going to church, while I was praying, The Angelus, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy, came rushing in. Dressed all in white, she was smiling and happy, full of excitement and exhilaration.

So full of joy, and with her hands raised, she exclaimed, “Jesus is Risen! Jesus is Risen!”

“Jesus, my Son is Risen!” she said again.

“After so much crucial suffering, He is Risen, and He is Alive!”

“Praise Him and give Him thanks for what He has done. Every year He repeats His Passion and Resurrection to give new hope to people.”

“Valentina! Tell Him that you love Him. In that way, you console Him for all who don’t believe in Him.”

I said, “Thank you, my beautiful Mother Mary Most Holy. Alleluia!”

4 April 2023

The Warning for what is coming to the World

During the night, I experienced much suffering from the pain in my leg; as much as I was suffering, I still tried to pray but could not.

Suddenly the angel came to me. He said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. Come with me.”

First, we visited some souls in different parts of Purgatory. We were talking to them, trying to console them. Then after we finished, the angel said, “Come, I have to show you something else.”

We came to an open space where we could see the sky. The angel pointed upwards and said, “Look up to the sky.”

While we were both looking at the sky, a big moon appeared. It was very bright and shimmering. Suddenly the moon changed, and huge flames of fire started in the moon. Then, next to this moon appeared another, much bigger moon, and it was in the flames of fire as well. The flames were fiercely blazing, with tongues of fire shooting out.

Next to this second moon came massive, thick pitch-black smoke. As I watched this, I could see many men on Earth climbing onto their rooftops with high ladders, trying to extinguish this fire, but the more they tried, the more they could not reach it. As the flames of fire were so high, I could see they could not succeed. I have not seen anything like this before.

The flames were getting bigger and bigger, and the more I watched, the more frightened I became. Suddenly the angel came up very close to me, and he said, “The scene that you see in the sky is reality, and it tells you, and it indicates that our Lord Jesus’ Coming is very near.”

As I was watching this very frightening vision, I started to pray. It looked like the fire was going to fall onto the earth. Men tried to climb higher with their ladders to put out the flames, but their efforts were in vain; they could do nothing.

As I continued praying, the angel again pointed towards the sky and said, “But there is something else that you have to witness.”

He said, “Turn your eyes again to the sky.”

I looked up towards the sky, which was now very cloudy, covered in dark clouds. Suddenly a beautiful bright golden light appeared in the sky, and it began to push apart the dark grey clouds to the left and to the right. The golden light started to expand in the sky, and in the middle of this golden light appeared God the Father. He appeared from the waist up in this beautiful aura of golden light. In front of Him was a flock of many doves.

The colour of the first flock of doves was a mixture of grey, as you would see on earth. Next to this flock appeared pure white doves. They were very beautiful. Then next to this white flock appeared orangey-red doves.

I was amazed to watch these beautiful doves and what God the Father was showing me, as I had never seen this before.

Then God the Father said, “My daughter Valentina, what I Am showing you, this is what I Am going to send to My children on earth. Tell them to be happy and to praise Me.”

God the Father explained that the white doves represent peace, which will descend upon earth. The orangey-red doves represent the Holy Spirit, which will descend upon earth, renewing the whole earth and humanity. The grey doves represent humanity on earth.

All three of the recent messages I have received are all connected; the New Era on earth, the two moons with the flames of fire in the sky will be the cleansing and the purification of earth, and the doves that God the Father will send to earth. The third vision of the doves that God the Father will send, the orangey-red doves, represents the Holy Spirit manifesting in each soul, the way God sees each one of us interiorly, to purify the souls. The white doves will bring peace to humanity.

In the morning, after I returned from experiencing these visions, I began to pray the Angelus when a beautiful Saint appeared to me.

He held a book in his hand. He was all aglow and shining. He smiled at me and said, “Valentina, I came to tell you that there is a most beautiful Church in the world, and it is seven hundred years old.”

I asked the Saint, “Where is this beautiful church?”

He answered, “In Czechoslovakia.”

He also told me the name of the church, but because I had experienced all the visions just before, I could not remember, as I was focusing more on the revelations I had received from God the Father.

I believe our Lord sent the Saint to cheer me up because our Lord knows I worry, especially after seeing the frightening vision of the two moons in fire.

The Saint was very happy, and he was smiling.

2 April 2023

Mediating on the Seven Sorrows of Blessed Mother

Yesterday during my prayer group, we were praying the Seven Sorrows of Blessed Mother.

Blessed Mother appeared, looking so sad.

She said, “My children, every insult my Son received during His life, it was the very reason that He suffered for you on earth, for your salvation and for teaching you the Way of Life. You should all meditate very often on His Passion because you received your salvation through His Passion—the salvation of your soul. For instance, when they placed the Crown of Thorns on my Son Jesus, and they mocked Him so badly, saying ‘Hail King of the Jews’, but in reality, He is a KingHe is the King of Kings.”

“But He remained so humble, so He did not react to their evil deeds, but rather He prayed for them.”

“Today on earth, people wear crowns, and they are very proud of them. They like to be above others. Not only royalty and important people in the world, but even ordinary people like to be above others; full of vanity, they praise themselves through material goods, education and intelligence. They believe all of this comes from themselves. But in reality, they should not forget that all of this comes from God. Nothing comes from themselves.”

“That is why my Son accepted the Crown of Thorns, which was so painful, and He bore it for the pride of humanity. He bore it with love; otherwise, no one would be redeemed.”

“So, my children, step into the Passion of my Son and console Him because He is so offended and rejected by humanity.”

Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your Passion and for suffering for us, and may You have mercy on the whole of humanity and the world because they do not understand.

Comment: May you have a very Blessed and Holy Easter. May the Risen Lord Jesus bless you all abundantly and give you peace.

Friday 24 March 2023

Lord Jesus shows me what Earth will be like after the Transformation 

At home, during the night at one-thirty in the morning, while I was thanking the Lord and praising Him for His goodness and kindness, in that instant, our Lord spoke.

In a strong and firm voice, Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, bring Me a sinner!”

I was thinking, “Where will I get a sinner at one-thirty in the morning?

He said, “Look around! There are many everywhere, all over the world. You will console Me, and I will bless you for it.”

I said to our Lord, “I might as well offer You everyone in the world because we are all sinners.”

Our Lord had a very sad expression on His face. He said with deep appreciation, “Thank You, My child.”

Our Lord Jesus then departed.

* * *

After a while, our Lord suddenly came again, accompanied by two angels. He looked much happier than a little earlier.

He said, “Come with Me because I want to reveal to you the Good News of My Coming.”

Suddenly I found myself in Heaven with our Lord and the two angels, in His Holy Presence.

Our Lord said, “The angel has already revealed to you the Good News of My Coming.” This was three days ago.

“But today, you will truly experience what it will be like on earth when all this transformation occurs.”

Smiling, He said, “Never before have I shown or revealed this to anyone, to experience what I will put into this New Era. You will experience what will happen.”

Our Lord was very excited. He came up close to me, gently brushing His beard against my cheek, and said, “Do you know you are very privileged? And I love you so much.”

I said, “And I love You too, Lord. But people will get jealous.”

Our Lord responded, “Valentina, when people come close to Me, I love them so deeply, and I Am intimate with them. I like to have an intimate relationship with My children. I would like each one to come to Me and to grow intimately with Me.”

He then showed me a very pale, sky-blue-coloured thin material with a delicate design lying on the lush, green grass. The fabric stretched across a large area, and our Lord invited me to join Him in the middle of the fabric. Our Lord practically sat on it, and I was kneeling beside Him. The two angels stood on the side of this material, watching. The material was flat and shaped, similar to the world, and I could see some of the edges reflecting the shape and outline of some of the world’s countries. The fabric represents the earth.

Then our Lord said to me, “Come closer to Me. Now I will show you. We will step into the transformation.”

I moved closer to our Lord, and before my very eyes, I witnessed the transformation that will happen on earth.

Suddenly graces of gold were pouring from Heaven onto our Lord and myself. It was breathtakingly beautiful. We were part of this transformation that was coming to the world.

Our Lord was showing me how He was already preparing the world for His Coming.

He said, “I Am already working on it.”

He was showing me some seeds that He was holding in His Hand. They were of different colours, some white, some red like peppercorns. Then He said, “I Am purifying the earth by planting these seeds.”

Our Lord went to the edge of the fabric, and going down on His knees, lifting the material, He placed His beautiful seeds under the edges of the material. He would then neatly fold the material under, like a single hem, so the seeds are hidden from the world. He continued to do this, gently going around the edges of the fabric, bit by bit, placing His beautiful seeds, being the goodness that will descend upon the earth. He will continue to do this until He takes over the world. Of course, with the help of our prayers.

He said, “These are the seeds I Am planting to purify the earth, which is so toxic and smelling of sins. So sinful is the world now.”

As He was planting these seeds, He showed them to me and said, “They are good and pure seeds, and you can eat them.” He took some and put them in His mouth.

I could see that some of these seeds had already sprouted and were growing.

At the same time, our Lord Jesus made this transformation happen. I was speechless; I cannot tell you how beautiful a feeling it was that you never want to leave—all the joy and graces pouring out in the atmosphere around us, pouring from all directions and descending upon the earth. I was so overwhelmed by what I was experiencing, and I watched our Lord smiling with immense joy and delight.

It will be a complete transformation of the world—a new Earth.

He said, “Valentina, not only will this take place, but another beautiful thing I want to tell you is that I will walk among My people and talk to them on earth, in person. I will really be present in person on earth again.”

Then He showed me groups of people standing around on a street. There were men, women and children here and there. He would walk from one group to the other, talking to them, conversing with them. And they were calling Him from everywhere to join them. They all wanted to be in His presence. Our Lord wanted to make everyone happy. It was beautiful, and our Lord was so joyous.

He showed me how peace and love will flow among mankind. There will be no more hate. It will be a simple life. Everybody will help one another and be kind to one another.

He said, “Valentina, you have no idea what it will be like. It will be paradise on earth; no more selfishness or greed. All evil will be defeated.”

Our Lord Jesus was smiling while He was telling me about the transformation of the earth.

I felt such an intimate union with our Lord Jesus. I wanted to stay in this extraordinary grace that He was showing me, but He said, “I want you to tell people that I Am closer and closer to coming back to earth, and I Am preparing for My Coming.”

Our Lord wants us to remain in a State of Grace and to call Him:

‘Jesus come, Jesus come to Your kingdom.’

He wants us to repeat this every day. Our Lord is in charge of the earth because, after all, it is all His Creation.

In the end, when our Lord showed me all the transformation, the angel brought a big square all-white container. Our Lord placed the container in the fabric’s centre, representing the earth’s centre. Beautifully placed in this box were white Hosts, being the Holy Eucharist.

Then our Lord took a beautiful bouquet of white flowers that the angel was holding. With interspersed greenery and a white ribbon tied around the stems, these were heavenly flowers not seen here on earth. Our Lord placed the white flowers upright in the centre of the white wooden box.

The gratitude of the people will be so great, and it will be transformed into a heavenly bouquet of flowers. In the New Era, people will truly appreciate and reverence the Holy Eucharist.

Lord Jesus, thank You for revealing this to me and giving hope to people because they wait for Your arrival. I love You very much.

* * * * *

Before the transformation, our Lord showed me how much danger is in the world and how He doesn’t abandon us. He showed me how many times we were in severe danger from rioting, from being controlled, and from the evil people wanting to start a war. However, each time, He would stop this evil.

Then our Lord showed me how close we are to the danger of the outbreak of war. As I was facing our Lord, an image appeared behind Him, all scribble lines on paper, all in different directions. This scribble represents all the evil being planned in the world. Then overlaying this image, I saw many pictures of our Lord, like holy pictures. This means that each time they planned to start some evil, our Lord interceded and stopped their plans because He knows how dangerous it is for the world.

He said, “You don’t know how close you have come to World War III, and each time I have stopped it. But how long can I keep doing that? Tell people to repent and to pray.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, thank You for stopping this war each time, but people are not grateful enough to You.”

Our Lord was talking about prayer. He said, “I need prayer. I need help from you.”

Our Lord is truly a beautiful God. You have to love Him. We should pray for people who don’t know Him, and who reject Him. Being in His Holy Presence makes you feel so good that you could not ask for anything better. You feel safe with our Lord. You feel complete.

Lord Jesus, we thank You for this beautiful message of hope for humanity.

21 March 2023

The Angel of the Lord announces the Good News

Today during the Holy Mass in Parramatta, suddenly, the Angel appeared. He looked very happy. He said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He has sent me to tell you the good news. Our Lord’s Coming is ever so near.”

“Announce the Good News to the people and tell them to repent, and to pray, and to be happy and not to despair.”

I felt my spirit lifted after hearing this good news.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, and thank you, holy angels.

17 March 2023

Feast of St Patrick

During the Holy Mass, our Lord appeared with St Patrick.

Our Lord Jesus said, “Today, you all celebrate the Feast of St Patrick in Heaven and in all the churches on earth. I want to tell you that he was a great saint while living on earth and a good teacher of the faith to all people, and everyone loved him.”

“He also loved Me very much and was always obedient and truthful to Me. For being so loyal to Me, I raised him in Heaven and made him a great Saint.”

St Patrick stood near our Lord Jesus, joyful and smiling as our Lord spoke about him. He was wearing a long white robe with a gold embroidered green vestment.

St Patrick said, “Valentina, pray very much for the churches on earth because they are very much persecuted all over the world.”

“Ask me to intercede for them because I am placed in Heaven to do that, especially the churches that offend our Lord Jesus very much. He is so sad about everything He sees—so much sacrilege, irreverence and abuses in His Church in His Holy Presence. Just think about how much He suffered and died for all of you and for His Holy Church because that is His Body. The devil thinks he will ruin everything, but he will not succeed.”

“The Holy Church will go down further, but it will never be destroyed completely. Our Lord will raise her again—even more beautiful. He will purify His church and His shepherds. They will be perfect and truthful. Honouring our Lord Jesus like never before. But this will not come that quickly. It will still take some time but do not give up hope.”

“Pray very much for the wounded Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. Have hope and trust in our Lord Jesus.”

Thank you, my Lord Jesus and St Patrick, for giving us encouragement.

After I wrote down this message, suddenly, Blessed Mother appeared, and she started to shed tears. Especially from her right eye, a huge tear poured down her cheek,

So sad at seeing our Blessed Mother crying, I said, “Oh, Blessed Mother, you are crying!”

Blessed Mother responded, “Valentina, you too would cry if you would see how my Son is so offended, and He sheds His Tears in Heaven. Humanity does not realise they offend the Majesty of My Son in Heaven.”

I made the Sign of the Cross and prayed in honour of the Tears of our Sorrowful and Holy Mother.

12 March 2023

Rotten Fruit is produced by Souls in the Mud of Sin

Today, while praying my morning prayers, the angel came and took me to meet the Lord Jesus in Heaven. The angel said, “Our Lord wants to see you.”

We came to a beautiful heavenly garden where there were saintly ladies. I found myself sitting beside one of the ladies. She was seated to my left. I was amazed at her glowing, luminous eyes. She was so beautiful.

Our Lord then came and sat next to me on my right. He looked sad and concerned. I was now sitting between the two of them.

I noticed the saintly lady lean forward, wanting to speak to our Lord. I looked from one to the other and said to our Lord, “Lord, my friend would like to talk to You.” Our Lord did not respond right away as He was in deep thought. Looking at our Lord, the saintly lady asked Him, “Lord, I thought you know me?”

He immediately came out of His deep thoughts and answered, “Of course, I know you. It is just that I Am concerned for the world.”

She asked our Lord, “Lord, how is the world these days since we are praying for it. Is it better? Is it improving?”

Our Lord was very worried when He answered, “Not better, but worse. It is not in a good state. It can be compared to rotten fruit, such as oranges, when they go off and become rotten, they become very smelly. Imagine a truck full of rotten oranges spilling onto the road, and people walking all over them, sinking into them, because they carry sin within them. They never confess their sins nor do they repent, but continue accumulating mud in their souls, and they live dangerously without God and without repentance.”

“Valentina, please warn people not to live carefreely but to think of their salvation and tell them not to be afraid to approach Me. I Am very gentle and kind, and I Am willing to help everyone when they come to Me.

“My child Valentina, do you see how concerned I Am for humanity? I want everyone to come to the Light. People like to live in the darkness. Many things are happening and unfolding, and you are all living dangerously. I continuously warn you of this danger.”

“It is better to always be in a state of grace, and then you have nothing to worry about but to trust Me.”

“Be at peace and spread My Holy Word,” said our Lord.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on this stubborn humanity.

10 March 2023

My Experiences with the Soul of the Late Queen Elizabeth II

The following messages are about my experiences with the soul of the late Queen Elizabeth, who died on 8 September 2022. Our Lord gave me the privilege to help the Queen on her journey and deliver her spirit to Him for her judgement.


Diana appears in a Vision

(Message Received 31 August 2022)

In the morning, I had a vision. I found myself in a church where there were a few people, and I could see they were waiting for a priest to come and celebrate Mass. Suddenly, the late Princess Diana walks in with two little boys walking on either side of her, holding each one by their hand. One boy was a little taller than the other.

Surprised, I thought, ‘Oh, Diana is here.’

She was wearing a beautiful long white dress falling to the ground. The two little boys were both dressed in a light colour.

She walked with the two boys towards a side door and opened it. I stood up and followed her. Looking through the door, to my surprise, I could see Prince William lying in a double bed by himself. He was covered and seemed to be sleeping. He appeared to be the same age as he is now.

Diana was very serious and not happy at all.

She said to her son, “William! What are you doing? Are you sleeping?”

“Mum, no, I’m not sleeping. I’m just resting,” he replied.

“Don’t sleep! There is no time to sleep. You have to wake up!” she said in an urgent tone.

I stood beside her, thinking, ‘But who are these little boys? Maybe they are her guardian angels.’

I only saw William and did not see Harry.

Our Lord sent Diana, and she came to warn her son William.

Today was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of Princess Diana.


Guiding the Queen

(Message Received 9 September 2022)

At night, just before I fell asleep, I prayed to our Lord Jesus and asked Him to help everybody and to bless them. Then, throughout the night, I experienced extreme pain in my leg. I was tossing and turning, tossing and turning. I could not sleep. Then at about six o’clock in the morning, I found myself in a garden, all green. The weather looked dull and dreary. I was standing on higher ground, and some distance below me, on the other side of this garden, I saw a lady walking on her own.

I said to myself, “I wonder who is that lady?

All of a sudden, I could see that she looked familiar, but I was not sure who she was. She wore a checked skirt and a cardigan that was darker in colour than the skirt and a scarf tied tightly under her chin. She seemed to be struggling to find her way in this garden, unable to find her way to the other side. I watched as she started walking in another direction to try to go around it.

The angel directed me to help her. I called out to her and said, “Excuse me, no need to go that far up because it’s a long way.”

I walked across the garden, and as I got closer, I again called out to her and said, “Wait a minute! Wait for me! I’ll open the gate for you, and you can go through there. Don’t go around because it’s a long way to go. It will be shorter this way. I know where to take you.”

She stopped, and she waited for me to come closer to her. I then realised the lady was Queen Elizabeth II. She looked like she was of mature age but not old. As I greeted her, I did not say Her Majesty; I just said, “Hello!”

“Come this way,” I said. “I will take you the short way. I will direct you.”

She was humble and sad, saying, “Oh, thank you. I don’t know where to go.”

She followed me as we walked through the garden towards a gate. I opened the gate, and we walked through, leaving the garden, and then continued along a very narrow passage of a road, which was clean, like a country lane. At the end of this passage stood a red brick house, a relatively large house. We walked towards it and entered.

As we stepped inside, we saw quite a few people. Amongst them, one lady stood out, wearing a beautiful all-white gown, and she was glowing. Immediately I knew she was a heavenly being, as were all the others present. This lady approached the Queen and cheerfully said to her, “Come in! Come in! We are waiting for you.”

Situated in this room were some chairs and a simple brown wooden table.

The lady asked the Queen to sit at the table. She did so, sitting near the corner edge of the table. I stood beside her. In a way, I had delivered the Queen to them.

The lady in the white gown was talking to the Queen, telling her many things, explaining where she would have to go, and assuring her that everything would be alright. The other heavenly beings were listening. The Queen was smiling and responding to what the lady was telling her. I stood back a little, not wanting to be too curious to hear everything they were saying.

Suddenly, the Queen stood up and followed the lady in white. Some of the other people followed them. The Queen looked quite cheerful and happy. They opened a door, and the Queen and those accompanying her walked through it. I did not see her anymore.

There were some people left behind. I said to them, “Wow, a queen was sitting on this chair. I would like to sit on her chair.”

However, as I looked down at the chair, I noticed some grey dust on the seat. It was very dry, like dirt.

I thought to myself, ‘Oh, it’s a little bit dirty, and she didn’t even know she was sitting on it, but maybe it wasn’t there before she sat on it, but now it is.’

When I looked again, I thought, ‘Uh oh! The dirt does not represent that she did not see what was there, but that she herself left the grey dirt behind.’

Beside the chair was a pit of water which I didn’t like the look of. It was in a reasonably large round container. The water was kind of dark and unclean. I looked at the water and thought, ‘Oh, that water doesn’t look too good. Maybe it represents a sickness and has to be purified.’

Again, I looked down at the chair and decided to sit on it anyway. The grey dirt must have represented the Queen’s sins, which need to be purified.

As soon as I sat on the chair, I immediately found myself back in my bedroom.

I did not know yet that the Queen had died. I thought maybe I was seeing her because she was not feeling well, and I had to pray for her.

Later in the morning, my grandson came to tell me, “Nan, they said Queen Elizabeth had just died.”

Stunned and confused, I exclaimed, “What? The Queen has died?”

It was like an hour before that I saw her spirit. It looks like I had to offer her, take her and direct her there, and then the heavenly people did the rest.

I went back to my room and reflected on my experience with the Queen. She was a humble, simple person. It was unbelievable; she was on her own. No one was with her. While praying my morning prayers, I thought, ‘No matter how famous you are, who you are, rich or poor, you are on your own. When you die, you are on your own.’

Later our Lord said to me, “I want you to offer Me Queen Elizabeth at the Mass. Pray for her.”

This morning, I asked, “Lord, is it possible that I had done that?”

He responded, “You have done that because I permitted you, and you delivered her spirit to Me. You opened the gate for her to walk through. So, you lead her. Every soul that dies is confused and does not know where to go.”

I asked our Lord, “Lord, is the Queen safe? Will she be alright?”

Our Lord answered, “She is safe, but she has to spend a little time in Purgatory because while living on earth, she had many duties, but she did not fulfil them all as a Queen. That will be for a short time, and then she will reunite with her family and rejoice with them. She will be ever so happy.”


There Will Be Peace During the Mourning Period for the Queen

(Message Received 11 September 2022)

Our Lord Jesus said, “Did you notice how peaceful it is during the Queen’s mourning period that I give special grace to the world, so there will not be too much crime, but after that, it will return to normal.”

He said, “While the Queen was alive, there weren’t too many problems nor trouble in the world, but from now on, it will be different. For the time being, I have suspended all the problems being planned by the devil, but this is just for the time being while people are mourning the Queen.”

Comment: Things will definitely be different once they bury the Queen and go back to normal. See, God can suspend anything.


Queen Elizabeth’s Face Appears During My Prayers

(Message Received 12 September 2022)

On another night, before the funeral, Queen Elizabeth’s spirit kept manifesting in front of me while I was reading the Bible. I could see her smiling, radiant face appearing, then disappearing and reappearing in front of me. This lasted for about a minute. I sensed she was seeking my prayers, as if she was saying, ‘Don’t leave me out. Pray for me.’ A reminder.


Queen Elizabeth with her children Charles and Anne

(Message Received 14 September 2022)

During my prayers in the early morning, our Lord said to me, “I will give you extra suffering to help Queen Elizabeth so that you can help her spiritually.”

He said, “I would like very much that you would offer her at the foot of the Altar during the Mass so that she will benefit greatly from the Holy Mass.”

Then our Lord added, “You should be very privileged that I choose you to do that.”

At night when I finished my prayers, I turned off the light. Suddenly an immense pain came over my leg. It was burning like fire. It was so unbearable. I asked our Lord, “Oh Lord, please make it better.” I repeated this request, but He did not respond.

Then around five o’clock in the morning, all of a sudden, the angel appeared and said, “Come with me. Our Lord has sent me to take you away with me.”

I did not know where we were going, as the angels would usually take me to Purgatory. We suddenly found ourselves in a forest. Walking through this forest, we came upon a large log and sitting on this log was Queen Elizabeth II. On her right side sat her son, Charles, while on her left sat her daughter Anne. I noticed they all looked happy as they were chatting with each other.

The Queen was embracing her two children with her arms around the two of them. All three of them seemed to be very happy.

I said to them, “Oh, hello.”

I asked them, “Where is the rest of the Royal Family?”

Queen Elizabeth answered, “No, it’s only the three of us, and we are very happy together.”

The moment the Queen said these words, it hit my heart, ‘These are her children’s spirits, and they are with the Queen, but they are still alive!’

The angel responded to my thoughts by saying, “Pray very much for the Royal Family for their protection. There will be an attempt on their lives since there is so much evil in the world.”

The Queen was so happy embracing her two children. She was wearing a beautiful dress, white with a combination of pale blue. She was already in a better place in Purgatory than when I first saw her.

Our Lord had previously told me, “She will spend a little time in Purgatory because not everything she did was according to the Will of God.”

Our Lord was very pleased with her life and how she performed her duty, which is why she had a long reign and a long life. She was devoted to her husband, her family and the people. She had to endure all the embarrassments in public, which was a lot of suffering for her.

When the angel brought me back to my room, I was still in so much pain. The angel said, “A surprise is waiting for you. Our Lord chose you to go through all of this suffering. He wishes you to experience all of that, to help the Queen to grow spiritually on her journey to eternity.”

Suddenly, a golden shower poured from Heaven into my room. My room was full of pure gold, which is the strength and graces given to me by God. While this was happening, the pain in my leg subsided a little. With awe and amazement, I watched as the whole ceiling flowed with gold, every corner. It was pure, pure gold. It kept pouring and pouring and lasted for quite a long time.

I said, “Lord, above all people in the world, I am nothing, and You choose me to help people who are so high in the world.”

“I thank You, Lord, and I praise You for Your Love and Your Mercy.”

Our Lord said, “Do not look at these enormous gatherings and publicity that is going on. Pray, My child, pray. That is more essential than anything else in the world.”



Whether you are a King, a Queen, the most important person or the simplest, you stand by yourself, all alone before God when you die. You take nothing material with you, only what is in your soul, the good and bad deeds you do during your life, they go with you.

When you die, you are confused because you don’t know where to go, and you need guidance and direction to go to our Lord. It is beautiful when our Lord is guiding me, helping me and directing me to help another soul.

The spiritual is the most important, which guides you to eternity forever. It is so important for the soul that prayers and Holy Masses are offered for them. Offering one extra decade of the Holy Rosary for the Holy Souls is also good.

At the same time, you have this good feeling in your heart that you are participating in obeying the Will of God. This is all hidden from the world.


Queen Elizabeth Learns how Catholics Pray the Holy Rosary

(Message Received 16 September 2022)

Today, our prayer group gathered to pray the Cenacle Rosary.

In my heart, I prayed, “Blessed Mother, I offer this Holy Rosary for your intentions, especially for the Late Queen Elizabeth. I am sure she needs prayer.”

Suddenly, as we were mid-way through the Rosary prayers, I caught a glimpse of the spirit of Queen Elizabeth. Accompanied by an angel, she stood a little to the side of the Statue of Blessed Mother Mary. She was truly present, smiling and happy.

In my heart, I understood it was meant for the Queen to see how devoted we are to our Blessed Mother through the Holy Rosary. I could see she was very impressed by how Catholics offer their prayers to our Lord and our Blessed Mother. She was especially surprised at the devotion we give to Blessed Mother Mary, as this was all new to her.

I sensed a beautiful atmosphere of peace surrounding the prayer group. There was so much serenity in the church.


Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

(Message Received 19 September 2022)

While watching the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II broadcast live on television, I lit a candle and offered a Holy Rosary for her soul. I put the television volume right down so I could pray.

I said, “Blessed Mother, I offer this holy rosary for Queen Elizabeth, for her soul’s journey. May she rest in eternal peace.” After praying the whole rosary, I prayed the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The next morning, while saying my prayers, Queen Elizabeth II again appeared in my room. She looked normal, beautiful, much younger, and so happy, wearing a light-coloured dress.

Joyfully, she said, “Valentina, I come to tell you something very beautiful I experienced. Thank you for your prayers.” I could see that she was really grateful.

She said, “Do you know, when the procession was moving through London, a flash of light suddenly came from Heaven, and it shook my coffin so powerfully. Would you believe it shook me, my body, and then suddenly, it’s like waking up, and at that moment, I found myself slowly walking with my children in the procession behind my coffin. It was such a beautiful feeling. I cannot explain to you how thrilled and happy I was walking with them. This was such a joy for me, and I am so grateful to my children for everything they organised and to the people, of course.”


Queen Elizabeth still attached to her Jewels

(Message Received 16 December 2022)

This morning while I was praying, the angel came and took me to a particular place in Purgatory.

As we descended to this place, suddenly, we saw the soul of the late Queen Elizabeth. The angel and I stood there watching her. She smiled at me as if she knew me.

She was sitting at a table, and I could see Kate, her grandson, William’s wife, opposite her. They were facing each other. Queen Elizabeth held some pieces of jewellery in her hands. I could see brooches, rings and necklaces all encrusted with fine jewels. While talking to Kate, she was giving her the jewels.

Kate would accept the jewels, and then I watched as the Queen pulled them back to herself, not letting go of them.

The angel said, “She gives the jewellery to Kate, but then she takes it back because she is still attached to it.”

I watched as she repeated this over and over again. I understood that this was her penance in Purgatory, and it will remain her penance until she can completely let go of her jewellery.


Late Queen Elizabeth among the Souls at Holy Mass

(Message Received 8 January 2023)


Today during the Holy Mass, near the Altar, I could see many souls waiting to be offered up to our Lord. Among them was the Late Queen Elizabeth. She was smiling. The souls were all focused on the Altar, desiring to go to Heaven.

I thought to myself, ‘Look at that! The Queen!’ The following messages are about my experiences with the soul of the late Queen Elizabeth, who died on 8 September 2022. Our Lord gave me the privilege to help the Queen on her journey and deliver her spirit to Him for her judgement.

I previously offered her at the Holy Mass.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Mercy for the Holy Souls.


When you pray for Holy Souls, such as the Queen or any other person, and offer them to our Lord Jesus, that soul becomes so close to you because they know they can benefit from you. They stick to you like glue, waiting for your help to deliver them to God. They have such a big desire for God. They cannot depend on anything else but rely on the person who willingly suffers for them or helps them, but they are so grateful once they are in Heaven. They thank you and appreciate your help because our Lord reveals to them the person who helped them.

Our Lord tells them, “That person helped you. That is why you are here.”

It is not that you feel you are worthy, but the souls cannot help themselves. It is up to you to help them.

Blessed Mother said, “It is your duty to help one another. You are very close to one another.”

Some people do not care about helping souls, but it is very essential to help them because there are millions of souls who want to go to Heaven, and whether you know them or not, you will be rewarded in Heaven one day.

You see, the Queen relies on me, and she trusts me that I will help her, but of course, with the help of God. She would progress every time I prayed and offered up a Holy Mass for her soul.

If you pray for and help a person who has died, the soul is happy, but if you criticise or speak ill of them, it disturbs their soul, and they do not rest in peace and are sad. Our Lord Jesus is also affected when a soul is criticised.

8 March 2023

Heaven Pleads for more Prayer

After a night of terrible suffering, I started saying my prayers early in the morning. I first made the Sign of the Cross, and then I would start with the Rosary. Suddenly the angel appeared, and he was wearing a blue uniform, pants, a jacket, and a lighter-shade striped top under his jacket.

The angel smiled, and he said, “Valentina, our Lord has sent me to take you with me.”

I didn’t know where he would take me, but at least I didn’t feel any pain at that moment.

Then the angel revealed, “We are going to visit the souls in Purgatory. The suffering you had was for them.”

Suddenly, the angel and I found ourselves with a little group of souls. They gathered around us, and they were so happy to see us.

Holy Michael said to the souls, “This is Valentina. She is suffering for you. She suffered for you a lot, and she prayed for you all.”

They were listening to Holy Michael.

The souls were happy and greatly appreciated that someone would help them.

Then all of a sudden, one of the souls started to tell me, “Do you know there is a bear that appeared in Medjugorje?”

Surprised, “A bear?” I said.

“What was a bear doing in Medjugorje?” I asked them, as I had never heard of this before.

The souls said, “This bear was repeating the words, from morning to night, ‘Hail Mary Full of Grace, Hail Mary Full of Grace’, over and over again, without ceasing. He was going around the villages and surrounding areas. He repeated this for six days, but on the seventh day, he disappeared and never came back.”

Then the angel said, “People do not take notice of what Blessed Mother is saying to them, to pray the Holy Rosary. She pleads with people in the world to pray the Rosary. That is their salvation. People no longer take notice of what Heaven is telling them, so now our Lord Jesus sent a bear, an animal, to tell people to pray.”

I said, “I have never heard of this before.”

The souls said, “Yes, the bear went from village to village for six days, but no one took any notice.”

While the souls were sharing this message with me, in a vision, I could see a big brown mountain bear. In Croatian, I heard him repeating unceasingly, “Zdravo Marija, milosti puna, Zdravo Marija, milosti puna.”

The bear was repeating this over and over, reminding people to pray to Blessed Mother. I watched the bear moving through the streets, from one street corner to the other, without stopping.

I watched this very tame bear going everywhere, begging for people to pray. He was trying to wake up people to tell them to pray. He did not eat for the whole time he was there. He came to fulfil his duty. He was not of this world. Our Lord sent him there since our Lord cannot get through to the people, so he sent a very strong animal, a spiritual symbol so that people might take notice of it. If the animal is pleading with the people, then something serious is in the world that only God knows. He is warning us of serious things that will happen if we do not pray.

Surprised, I thought, ‘I have never heard of anything like that before, especially in Medjugorje.’

The angel said, “Humans don’t obey, so the animal comes to proclaim and remind humanity that they must pray. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.”

When I returned to my room, I couldn’t get over what I had just experienced, seeing the bear. I didn’t expect to hear that there was a bear in Medjugorje. Medjugorje does not have any high mountains or forests. In my heart, our Lord revealed to me the bear represents a human being in disguise.

What amazed me was what the souls had said, “For six days, he was pleading, but on the seventh day, he completely disappeared and never came back.”

In my heart, I was immediately reminded of the Ten Commandments; we are to work for six days, and on the seventh day, Sunday, we do not work but go to church and worship God, which is what the bear had done. We are to keep holy thy Sabbath Day.

4 March 2023

First Saturday Prayer Group

Today, we gathered at my friend’s house to pray the First Saturday Devotions.

During the prayers, which included the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Litany of Loreto and the Consecration prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus, Blessed Mother appeared to me.

She said, “My children, you are gathering around my image (statue), and you are all very worried and unsettled due to the times that you are now living in. Do not worry, my children. You are in my care, and I protect you, and nothing can harm you. I protect all my children that pray the Holy Rosary. Be at peace and pray for others and tell them to convert and to repent.”

As Blessed Mother was telling me this message, she was embracing the whole prayer group with her outstretched arms. Our Blessed Mother always gives us hope.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your love and protection.

3 March 2023

Blessed Mother Seeks Consolation from Prayer Groups for her Son Jesus

Today, as our Prayer Group was praying the Cenacle Rosary, Blessed Mother appeared to me and said, “My children, I will take you all in the spirit, under the Holy Cross of my Son Jesus, to see how He suffered during His Crucifixion.”

“Let us console Him and tell Him how much we love Him because the world denies Him and rejects Him.”

In the vision, I saw how the whole Prayer Group was transported in spirit to our Lord’s Calvary, beneath His Holy Cross with our Blessed Mother, dressed all white, kneeling with us. Our Lord Jesus was alive on the Cross as we prayed the Holy Rosary, and meditated on His suffering and prayed for others.

Blessed Mother looks for consolation from prayer groups, meditating on the suffering of her Son, especially now for Lent.

Lord, have mercy on the whole world.

1 March 2023

Visiting the Holy Family in Heaven

Around seven o’clock this morning, as I was praying The Angelus, the angel came and said, “Come with me, and I will take you to Heaven.”

We arrived in Heaven, looking upon a beautiful garden. Blessed Mother, St Joseph and Little Boy Jesus stood in the garden. Jesus was about five years old. Blessed Mother wore a blue dress and did not wear a veil, her hair loosely falling around her shoulders, and she held Little Boy Jesus by the hand. St Joseph wore a light-coloured tunic and was very young looking and quite tall.

The Holy Family were waiting for me and came to welcome me.

St Joseph said, “Valentina, come and see for yourself our special Garden that I built myself. It belongs to the Holy Family.”

“Let us take you for a tour through our Garden.”

I noticed a fence about a metre and a half in height was built all around the extensive, winding, lush green garden. The fence posts were very unusual, made of lightly varnished timber and crafted by hand by St Joseph. I have never seen anything like it on earth, each post cap intricately designed by hand. I admired the wondrous and beautiful work of St Joseph, a true master of his craft.

The Holy Family and I walked through the gate and entered the garden, and they took me for a tour, mostly along the fence, to admire the beautiful craftsmanship of St Joseph. Little Boy Jesus was playing, behaving like a little boy. The Holy Family was very happy.

I asked St Joseph, “How long did it take you to put together this magnificent work?”

He smiled and answered, “It took me a long time to complete it.”

Then St Joseph said, “Tell people, those who venerate us and pray a special Devotion to the Holy Family are worthy to enter this special Garden, and they will receive a special grace and blessing, and they are united to the Holy Family, and the Holy Family will protect them forever.”

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you! Save souls!