23 September 2022

Feast of St Padre Pio

Today, St Padre Pio appeared to me in the church during the Holy Mass. He came dressed as a Capuchin monk, in a brown habit, but there was something white around his neck. Although he came very happy, he was sad for our Lord for all the offences committed against Him.

Speaking to me in Italian, St Padre Pio said, “Valentina, daughter of the Eternal Father, I have permission to come and talk to you.”

“I come to tell you that I always intercede for your petitions, whatever you ask, but, even with all that I am very close to our Lord Jesus, He does not always respond to all that I ask. I will explain why not.”

“Now in the world, there is too much sin, which greatly offends our Lord. Humanity does not want to repent from the mortal sins they carry in their souls. They don’t realise that one day they will have to give an account to our Lord for the terrible sins they committed during their life.”

“Even the churches are corrupted, in general, even in the Vatican, the cardinals, bishops and priests. This is how it is now everywhere in the world. No one is truthful and honest towards our Lord Jesus anymore. There is so much sacrilege, Valentina. Pray for the churches and for all those who serve our Lord because the evil spirit, that ugly malignant beast, is falsely guiding everyone astray, even the faithful ones. They all need a lot of prayers. Be courageous, tell people to come back to God and repent. Don’t be silent!”

He continued, “Many events are happening, including natural disasters, and they will become worse if people do not listen and change.”

Thank you, St Padre Pio. Pray for us.

22 September 2022

We Are Living In Dangerous Times

It was about quarter to three in the afternoon. As I still had fifteen minutes before I would pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I quickly stepped outside into my backyard to discard some apple peels and, as I did so, stopped to pull out a small patch of weeds in my garden.

Suddenly our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mary Most Holy came and said, “Valentina, our daughter, leave everything you are doing and go and pray. What you are doing is not necessary. We need your prayers. What you are doing is quickly passing by, and it’s all worthless.”

“We come to tell you that the danger of war is so close. The Russian President wants to start a dangerous nuclear war. He is determined to start the war and show the world how powerful he is. He is a very unreliable and evil person,” she said.

“All the nations from every country gather to try to resolve this and come to an agreement, but they achieve very little. We urge you, my children, to pray, and to tell all of our children to pray very much now for this intention.”

“Maybe God the Father will intercede and stop this, but it depends on you, my children, how you respond through your prayers. Now is not the time to ignore what is coming to you all.”

“You live in a very difficult and dangerous timeWarn our children as soon as you can, and please PRAY, my children, PRAY.”

Prayer is the only solution, and which can stop this.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus. Please help us and protect us.

21 September 2022

Priests and Nuns in Purgatory

In the morning, while I was praying, the angel appeared and took me to Purgatory.

In this place in Purgatory, I saw a large group of souls, all women, working and cleaning, but when they saw me, they stopped their work and approached me. They said, “We were nuns while we were on earth.”

Then a group of men came. These men were priests, some younger and some older. These souls, both men and women, were all very poorly dressed.

They started to speak to me, and they all said, “Valentina, it is so good to know you. Your name is very popular. Please help us. We did many wrong things while living on earth, so now we have to pay for it. We probably have to stay here a long time to be purified. Pray for us and intercede for us, and ask the good Lord to be merciful to us.”

“I will help you as much as I can,” I said to them.

I continued to chat with them for a while. They asked me, “Why do you people on earth wear masks in church? We heard there was a virus.”

I answered, “Yes, there was this very bad virus, and the government told us we must also wear masks in church. But I tell you, the first time I put the mask on my face when I went to church, our Lord told me, ‘Take off that ugly thing from your face,’ and that I embarrassed Him in front of all of Heaven.”

Then one of the younger priests turned around and said, “Really, our Lord said all of that?”

I replied, “Yes, really and truly He said that. Our Lord also told me that those who wear masks in church will spend a lot of time in Purgatory.”

The young priest said, “Oh, is that so?”

I could see this group of nuns and priests had a lot of suffering.

I asked them, “But what did you do to be here in Purgatory?”

“We disobeyed the Commandments from our Lord. We have been stripped of our garments as we did the wrong things. We offended our Lord,” they said.

Later, I offered them all in my prayers and at Holy Mass.

Lord, have mercy on these souls.

19 September 2022

A Little Message of Hope

This morning while I was praying, our Lord Jesus came smiling. He appeared cheerful.

He said, “Today, I come to embrace you and tell you how much I love you. I embrace all My children. I want you to tell them that I love you all, My children.”

Be at peace and patient a little longer. Soon I will open the gates and lead you all out of prison. I will give you freedom, joy and happiness, and you will all enjoy My Eternal Love. For this, I promise will come.”

Our Lord gives us hope to carry our daily struggles in this suffering world. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We love You too, and stay close to us and protect us.

18 September 2022

The Twelve Tribes of Judah

In the morning, I suffered severe pain in my leg for the Holy Souls when suddenly the angel appeared. Smiling, he said, “Come with me. I will show you and explain to you something that you do not know yet.”

As usual, I immediately thought we would be going to Purgatory, but no, we suddenly found ourselves in this beautiful garden, and I knew right away that we were in Heaven. We came upon a grand and beautiful building. While standing there, two objects suddenly appeared in front of the building. They were both of a very pure white, and one was much bigger than the other. The smaller object was in the shape of an egg, with a silvery spark of light shooting out from the top, just like a shooting star, while the larger one was of a more rounded shape with no sparks.

The angel was smiling and looking at me when he asked, “If you could choose, which one would you choose, the smaller object or, the bigger one?”

I immediately answered, “Well, I want to go for the bigger object!”

After a short pause, the angel smiled and said, “Are you sure you want to choose the bigger one?”

I thought about what the angel asked, and in my heart, I remembered the spark of light coming from the smaller object, and I also thought, ‘do not be greedy.’

I answered the angel, “No, I think I’ll change my mind, and I’ll go for the smaller one.”

The angel said, “You have made the right decision. Do you know what the bigger object represents? Today in the world, people are all for big things. The more they have, the more they want. The bigger the things they get, the greedier they become. You chose the right thing to become smaller and humble, and you are happy with that, and God is pleased.”

The angel then said, “Another thing I want to show you. Do you know what is behind this building?”

I said, “No. Can we go in?”

The angel replied, “No, we cannot go in, but I can explain to you what is behind the wall of this building. It is like when you go to a beautiful opera, and of course, the very important people go to the higher seating to get a better view. They go there because they are important and pay more for their ticket.”

“I want to explain that it is like that behind this wall. Do you know the twelve apostles that our Lord chose on earth are now behind this wall? They are in a higher place above all of Heaven because they were chosen. Our Lord Jesus chose them, and there is a reason and a meaning for everything He chose. The Apostles were His followers, and He taught them. They preached with our Lord, shared their faith, and they suffered with our Lord. The Apostles represent a great many things. They are the twelve tribes of Judah, and everything is selected; everything is represented through them. That is why our Lord put them there. Now in Heaven, they are on a high level above all the Saints because they were the Apostles on earth chosen by our Lord Jesus. Now they are in the high place just like in the opera.”

I said, “That is great, that is so beautiful, but still, I would like to go inside to see them.”

The angel said, “No, you cannot go inside. Nobody can go inside. This building is specially reserved and made for the Apostles.”

The building contained magnificent tall and narrow stained-glass windows. I could see twelve of these windows, which were high up, not on the lower level, but high up like in the opera. They were beautiful.

The angel and I were both admiring the exquisite stained-glass windows. Each window depicted a beautiful sunflower, yellow gold with seeds in the middle and long thick green stems and leaves; each flower slightly turned, facing the other. The colours were so vibrant that the flowers looked alive.

I said to the angel, “I like the stained glass. I would think it would be something different for the Apostles [not sunflowers]. I have never seen that before in Heaven.”

The angel said, “Even the sunflowers represent something.”

The Apostles were so privileged to be with our Lord while on earth. They did not understand that, at the time, but now look where they are, in this beautiful place.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your Holy Apostles.

9 September 2022

The Holy Rosary can Transform Us

Today during the Cenacle prayers, while we were praying the holy rosary, I noticed a tall gentleman come and sit in the pew behind me, to my left.

He was beautifully dressed in a black Naval Officer’s ceremonial uniform and white hat. He took off his naval hat and placed it on the pew, then kneeled and prayed the rosary with us. As soon as we finished reading Blessed Mother’s Message from the ‘Blue book’, the gentleman stood up, took his hat and walked out of the church.

In that instant, our Lord Jesus said to me, “See the gentleman behind you; he came into the church full of worry and problems. Then he joined you in prayer, and I tell you, he walked out a completely different person; completely happy and serene, full of an unexplainable feeling of joy in his heart. He felt really good.”

Our Lord smiled as he was telling me this.

After our Lord spoke to me, I turned around and watched as the gentleman walked out of the church.

I thought, ‘Wow, we don’t usually see people dressed like that in our church. Our Lord Jesus really touched him.’

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the graces we receive through the Cenacle Rosary prayers. Thank you for touching this man’s heart in such a beautiful way.


1 September 2022

Angels Measure the Land for Water and Dryness

In the morning, while I was praying, three angels appeared to me. They said, “We have come to check the land and to measure.”

I thought to myself, ‘What are they going to do?’

In a vision, they showed me a lot of water, high water like a tsunami, and then the water was receding, so I could see a little sand.

The three angels walked up and down and inspected the area after the water receded. Then, suddenly, a lot of sand appeared, becoming a desert.

I said to the angel, “It looks like a desert.”

One of the angels said, “First, there will be a lot of water, but then it will turn into a desert, all dryness.”

The angels did not explain where this would happen.

Holy Angels pray for us that our Lord will be merciful to the people wherever this event will happen.


1 September 2022

A Mysterious Sign will Happen Very Soon

This message was received on the 26 August 2022.

In the morning while I was praying, the angel said, “A mysterious sign will happen very soon and everyone will see and experience it.”

“Pray very much and tell people to repent and convert.”

21 August 2022

The Importance of Uniting Yourself with a Prayer Group

It was about six-thirty this morning when I was saying my morning prayers. I started by saying my morning offering prayers and then the Angelus. The angel came and said, “Our Lord has sent me to tell you that you must unite yourself with a group prayer. Do you know that the prayer group in Parramatta, our Lord has consecrated that prayer group to Himself.”

“It is very important to pray right now because the people in the world are so sinful. So sinfully and so shamefully, they offend God, especially by the clothing they wear in the world today. It offends Him so much that it affects His Kingship in Heaven. Now, as never before, is the world so sinful.”

“Valentina, do not be silent; speak the True Holy Word that the Lord Jesus gives you. If people do not repent and convert now, it will affect them later. It will affect their souls.”

“All of God’s Commandments are now broken. People make their own laws on earth, and there is no shame. That is how the world teaches them now; to be free of everything and free of God’s Commandments.”

“That is very wrong. Oh, how it affects His Kingship and His Majesty.”

Lord, have mercy on us. Encourage one another to pray for the world to convert. Pray that people will change their way of life and repent and come to love God’s Commandments.

Later in the day, during the Holy Mass, I asked our Lord Jesus to be merciful to the world. After Mass, I came before the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle to pray when our Lord asked me to make reparation.

He said, “Do reparation for the world that offends Me so much. I tell you, even if you are here praying for twenty-four hours without going away from here, it would not be enough to change everything, for that is how bad the world is now.”


14 August 2022

Our Lord Transforms our Sufferings into Graces

This morning when I was saying my prayers, the Angel of the Lord appeared and said, “Valentina, come with me. I have to show you something.”

I thought I would definitely be visiting Holy Souls, as the angel would usually take me to Purgatory.

Instead, we suddenly found ourselves in a most beautiful garden. I knew right away this was not Purgatory as it was so beautiful and light, and I thought to myself, ‘This is too beautiful to be Purgatory.’

The nature here is so alive and vibrant. The angel and I stood there admiring this magnificent and very colourful garden with its many different kinds of exquisite flowers, and in awe, I said to the angel, “Ohh, what a beautiful place!”

Suddenly, a young man appeared beside me. He was very tall and good-looking, about 18-20 years of age, with fair hair tied back in a ponytail. He was dressed in pants and a light-coloured shirt.

He came out of nowhere, and as I looked at Him, I thought he had also come to look at the garden. The next moment, he stepped a little further ahead of the angel and me. A pair of scissors appeared in his hand. He then grabbed one part of his ponytail and cut off his hair. It was quite a large amount of hair all in one piece. And then, in front of myself and the angel, he threw the cut hair all over this garden.

I turned to the angel and said, “Gee, that is not very nice manners, spreading hair all over this beautiful garden, polluting it like that.”

As I said this, the young man again put his hand behind his head and proceeded to cut another fairly large piece of his hair, and again he threw it all over the lovely garden. At that moment, a chair suddenly appeared in front of me, and the young man sat down.

I again said to the angel, “Gee, that is not very nice manners. He ought to be told that what he is doing is not right.”

I then went very close to the young gentleman and said to him, “You know, God sees everything, what we do in our lives. It is all written in the Book of Life. All that you just did, the way you threw your hair all over this beautiful garden, that is not good manners. You should put it in the bin.”

The young man did not say anything; He just sat there, very serious, listening to me. I told him, “All is written, so be very careful what you do. One day you will answer to God.”

The angel then came really close to me and whispered in my ear, “Do you know who you are talking to?”

I answered, “No, it is some person. He ought to be taught some manners.”

“That is our Lord Jesus,” the angel replied.

I was in shock and so embarrassed when the angel revealed this to me.

Our Lord Jesus knew everything. He turned around and said, “It is good that you remember My Commandments!”

Then the angel said to me, “You know, our Lord did all of that for you. To cheer you up. And today, He rewards you with many graces because you suffer a lot and you have been abused. Come closer, and have a look at the Hair that our Lord cut.”

As I looked at the garden, which went as far as the eye could see, I gasped as it was covered all in gold. I stood in amazement, looking at the thick strands of gold blanketing the whole garden.

I said, “Wow, look at His Hair, our Lord, how Holy He is, even His Hair is gold!”

The angel said, “See, how many graces you receive. Do not worry when people talk about you, abuse you, and then you suffer because you are highly rewarded. That is why you have been brought here today – to cheer you up.”

I felt so ashamed that I had scolded our Lord, but the angel smiled, and so did our Lord.

I said, “Lord, I am so sorry that I offended You. I didn’t know it was You because You disguised Yourself. Each time You look different.”

Our Lord responded, “Apology accepted.”

I came back to my room feeling happy and embarrassed at the same time.

Blessed Mother said, “You know my Son loves you because it is all simple, the way it comes out of you.

See how bad turns into beauty and how many graces we receive from our Lord through our suffering.

12 August 2022

Cenacle Rosary Produces Many Good Fruits

Today, in church, when I prayed the Angelus, the Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus came smiling. They said, “We come to you to tell you how happy we are for this day when you children all come together to pray the Cenacle Rosary. Me and my Son, we look forward to this day. My children, you have no idea how many graces and blessings you receive each time.”

“You offer us a great consolation because my Son Jesus is so much offended by the world. His Sacred Heart is deeply pierced by sin and by the corruption of humanity. My children, pray for the world, for conversion and repentance.”

“We are always present and love you very much.”

Later, when we were praying in the church, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “This Cenacle Rosary is very powerful, and it produces many good fruits that come out of your prayers.”

Our Lord then blessed us all.

9 August 2022

The Coming is our Lord Very Close

This morning while I was saying my prayers, the angel appeared and said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He has sent me to you to tell you the good news. Our Lord Jesus is coming very soon.”

“I will also tell you why you have been feeling very dizzy lately, and you have been wondering and worrying that it is something wrong with you. But our Lord sent me today to explain to you that you are part of His plan, and you are part of His Second Coming to earth. That is why it affects you very much.”

“Our Lord is now rotating and turning the earth, and everything is affected by this in a big way. Even nature is bowing down to God and trembling because it knows how Almighty and Holy God is. This disturbs everything, and everything is out of place, and it will get worse before His Coming.”

“There will be many disasters. For instance, disasters from fire, the earth moving, volcanic eruptions, droughts, with no water in some parts of the world, and too much water and floods in other parts. The earth now is shaking, and even Heaven is disturbed. Everything is erupting because the coming of our Lord is closer. The closer He comes, the more you will all be affected because you are all connected to nature and earth.”

“A lot of people will be sick from the effects of these tremendous changes and movements. His power will shake the world. Our Lord is almost halfway with His Coming. With His Almighty Power, He will descend on earth.”

The angel said, “Tell everyone to pray and to trust our Lord.”

The angel was happy when telling me all of this.

Smiling, the angel said, “Valentina, you are very privileged that I tell you of the Good News of our Lord’s Second Coming. You are part of His Plan. Be joyful! Announce and proclaim His Holy Word to people. Tell them not to be afraid but to be happy. They must repent of their sins and make a beautiful and clean road for our Lord to descend. He will put all things right.”

“Say, ‘Lord Jesus, we love You. Come, Lord Jesus. Come to Your Kingdom’

“For all this what is happening and what He has promised will be fulfilled, because the world, in this present time is very sinful.”

Later in the day, while in church, our Lord Jesus spoke to me. He was very happy and said, “Tell people not to be afraid of My Second Coming but to be joyful because of what will happen to the world; it will be totally renewed, and it will be paradise. You have no idea, My children, how beautiful it will be. You will live in peace and harmony.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your beautiful message of hope, which You give to the people of the world. They are looking forward to Your Second Coming. Let us keep praying, for the more we pray, the sooner our Lord will come.

7 August 2022

The Holy Spirit Manifests During the Holy Mass

During the Holy Mass today, our Lord said to me, “They are planning a lot of evil on earth. I do not want to put fear in you because you trust in Me but tell people, “I knock, and I knock, and I warn humanity to change and repent, but I do not achieve anything. But woe to those who turn away from Me, making their eyes blind and their ears deaf to My call, and they refuse My Grace. Severe justice will come upon them.”

He said, “Also tell people, each time they (the evil doers) plan evil on earth, My Coming is closer, so do not fear. Tell people not to fear. The more evil they are planning on earth, the closer is My Coming. My Coming is very near. I want you to proclaim My Word to people and tell them to repent so that it will be beautiful when I arrive because My Coming is very, very close to you. I will not sleep nor let go of My people to suffer so much.”

“They plan evil. I plan good and salvation. I love you all, My children.”

Then our Lord said, “Valentina, I want you to offer Me everyone you think of. This is a high Mass, and Father Chris is celebrating the Mass. He is a very special priest. Pray for him. Tell him that I love him.”

“Valentina, you know, all the souls that you save and you offer them to Me, would you believe Me when I say that your name is universal? The voices are calling you, ‘Valentina, Valentina, Valentina,’ all the time.”

I said, “Lord, you make me laugh, but I really truly hear these voices. I turn around to see who is calling me, I could be walking along the street or in the shops, and I could hear my name being called.”

Our Lord said, “Yes, because you are very united to the Holy Souls, and they all need help. I will tell you a little secret, no one, ever before, has saved so many souls as you did. You suffer, and you offer to Me, and many, many, many thousands of souls go to Heaven through your offering. How important it is to offer Me the Holy Souls. You should be very proud and happy.”

With a cheeky smile, our Lord said, “You are very popular, you know.”

Our Lord was joking with me as He always tries to cheer me up.

During the Holy Mass, when it was time to celebrate Holy Communion, Father Chris was preparing Holy Communion to distribute it, and I could see on the right side of the Altar the most beautiful saintly people. I could see at least three men wearing the most beautiful golden chasubles; these were special priestly garments. I think these men were Bishops as each wore a Mitre on their head. They were all seated in a row.

In the midst of these saintly men, the most brilliant Light exploded, and in the next moment, a huge white Dove appeared that instantly shot towards Father Chris, and as It did so, I could hear a loud ‘swoosh’. I usually see the Holy Spirit as a smaller Dove, but this was so huge. The Dove stood behind Father Chris with spread wings and then surrounded him with Its wings.

I was so in awe of the vision in front of me that I thought maybe Father Chris could see the Dove surrounding him. It was so powerful.

I said, “Lord Jesus, Father Chris’s homily today was so beautiful. He really spoke the truth about what is coming.”

Our Lord said, “Through the Holy Spirit, I guide him. I send the Holy Spirit to him because I love him, and he is very truthful to Me and very obedient to My Call. Pray for him.”

7 August 2022

Blessed Mother Constantly Prays and Intercedes for Us

Our Blessed Mother said, “I want to tell you, as a Sorrowful Mother, how sorrowful I was when I stood beneath the Cross and how I plead for all of you, my children, because my Son died for you, for the sins committed in the world.”

“From that day on, I continue to pray for you and to intercede for you in Heaven. I have never stopped, not one day, to intercede for all of you. It is for your salvation, my children.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother.

5 August 2022

Our Lord is Sacrileged

During the prayers, our Lord said, “I tell you, the prayers from this prayer group are very powerful. A lot of good things come from this prayer group. Tell people to continue to pray.”

Soon after our Lord said this to me, I watched as the Tabernacle opened. I could see the Blessed Sacrament and a white feather right next to it. Then a most beautiful angel, with pure white wings, descended from the Tabernacle and went towards the right side of the Chapel.

Whilst looking at me and, with his hand, directing my eyes towards the Tabernacle, then in an urgent tone, the angel said, “Sacrilege! Sacrilege! Our Lord is so sacrileged. Tell people they sacrilege our Lord in every church. They have to stop that; they need to repent! They need to repent, not offend Him! There is too much sacrilege in all the churches! Stop being silent. Speak the truth to people.”

The angel was so upset.

Then as I looked at the Tabernacle, the feather that was sitting there suddenly changed into the most beautiful colours of the rainbow; orange colours, some green, purple, and some red. Seeing the rainbow gave me such a good feeling that something nice or maybe some little miracle will happen here in this church.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, and have mercy on us.